Document Structure Description 2.0

Anders Møller, BRICS <>

December 2002. Minor updates March and September 2005.

Copyright © 2002-2005 BRICS. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

Terminology and Data Model
The DSD2 Language
3.1  Schemas
3.1.1  Normalization and Validation
3.1.2  Referring to Schemas in Instance Documents
3.1.3  Import
3.1.4  Prefixed Names in Attribute Values
3.2  Rules
3.2.1  Applicable Rules
3.2.2  Declared Attributes and Contents
3.2.3  Satisfying Requirements
3.3  Boolean Expressions
3.3.1  Evaluation of Boolean Expressions
3.3.2  Mentioned Elements
3.4  Regular Expressions
3.4.1  Mentioned Contents
3.4.2  Languages of Regular Expressions
3.4.3  Regular Expression Matching
3.5  Definitions
3.5.1  Resolving References to Definitions
3.6  Normalization
3.6.1  Whitespace and Case Normalization
3.6.2  Normalization of an Element
3.7  Uniqueness and Pointers
3.7.1  Evaluating Fields
3.7.2  Checking Uniqueness
3.7.3  Checking Pointers
Meta-Schema (Non-Normative)

1.  Introduction

A schema language for XML provides a notation for defining classes of XML documents by describing syntactic requirements for their structure and contents. This document contains the specification of the Document Structure Description 2.0 (DSD2) schema language for XML. The specification describes the syntax and semantics of DSD2 and the relation between DSD2 schemas and instance documents.

A prototype implementation of a DSD2 processor and a number of example DSD2 schemas are available at

2.  Terminology and Data Model

All XML documents mentioned in this specification are implicitly assumed to be well-formed according to the XML 1.0 specification [XML] and to conform to XML Namespaces [XMLNS].

An XML document may be represented as an ordered tree structure. We use the terminology from [XML], with the following modifications: A node in an XML tree is either an element, a character, a comment, or a processing instruction. We assume that entity references have been expanded and hence do not occur explicitly in the trees. Also, attribute values and line breaks are normalized, as required by any XML processor according to [XML]. DTD information is not represented in the tree. Namespace declarations are not regarded as attributes. We use the term element name instead of element type. The terms parent, ancestor, child, and descendant have the expected meaning in the tree structure. The ordering of the tree nodes is defined by a preorder left-to-right traversal. The contents of an element consist of the sequence of its child elements and characters (ignoring comments and processing instructions). A string is a sequence of Unicode characters. A whitespace character is a Unicode character whose code point is either #x9, #xA, #xD, or #x20. To avoid confusion between attributes in the instance document and in the schema document, we use the term property to refer to a schema document attribute.

A DSD2 schema is an XML document satisfying the syntactic requirements specified in the following section. Such a schema defines a family of XML documents, which are said to be valid relative to that schema. Additionally, a schema may define certain normalization features, such as default insertion. An instance document is an XML document that is intended to be valid relative to a given schema. A schema processor is a tool that given a schema and an instance document checks whether or not the instance document is valid relative to the schema, and, if it is valid, normalizes the instance document according to the schema description.

The syntax of DSD2 is defined below using an extended form of BNF, essentially as described in Section 6 of [XML]. For simplicity, the syntax of empty elements is shown only in the single tag form, the order of attributes is implicitly insignificant, and single quotes may be used instead of double quotes around attribute values, as usual in XML documents. Additional syntactic restrictions are specified in notes after the grammar fragments.

3.  The DSD2 Language

A DSD2 schema is a document derivable from SCHEMA in the following grammar. The semantics of a schema defines the associated family of valid documents and their normalization.

Schema elements are recognized by the DSD2 namespace named The choice of namespace prefix is insignificant, although the grammar shown here uses the default namespace (that is, the elements names have no prefix). Namespace declarations are not shown in the grammar. Implicitly, all schema elements are allowed to contain additional attributes and child elements having the namespace named; such attributes and elements and their contents are ignored by the schema processor.

The grammar uses the following terminals:

VALUEas the symbol AttValue in [XML], excluding the enclosing quotes
ANYCONTENTSas the symbol content in [XML]
PENAMEa string matching (Prefix ':')? LocalPart | Prefix ':' where Prefix and LocalPart are as in [XMLNS]
PANAMEmatches same strings as PENAME
PREFIXeither the empty string or a string matching the symbol NCName in [XMLNS] different from the string xmlns
NUMERALa nonempty string of digits (Unicode code points #x30 to #x39)
CHARa single Unicode character

3.1  Schemas

A schema contains a number of rules, definitions, and sub-schemas:

SCHEMA ::=  <dsd ( root="PENAME" )? >

(Sub-schemas usually result from document inclusion using import.)

Example 1:

The following schema describes a simple "business card markup language":
<dsd xmlns=""

  <m:doc> A DSD2 schema for Business Card Markup Language. </m:doc>

  <import href=""/>

  <stringtype id="bc:numeral">
    <repeat min="1"><char min="0" max="9"/></repeat>

  <if><element name="bc:collection"/>
        <repeat><element name="bc:card"/></repeat>

  <if><element name="bc:card"/>
      <attribute name="id">
        <stringtype ref="bc:numeral"/>
        <normalize whitespace="trim"/>
        <element name="bc:name"/>
        <optional><element name="bc:email"/></optional>

  <if><element name="bc:name"/>
        <normalize whitespace="trim"/>
  <if><element name="bc:email"/>
      <contents><stringtype ref="c:email"/></contents>
The namespace of the described language is The stringtype numeral is defined a sequences of one or more digits. A collection element contains card elements. A card element may have an id attribute that matches numeral, and its contents contains one name element and optionally, also one email element. This schema assumes that a definition of email with namespace is defined by the imported schema (whose contents are not shown here).

In all following examples of schema fragments, the default namespace is implicitly assumed to be unless otherwise stated. Also, the prefix x is assumed to be declared elsewhere.

3.1.1  Normalization and Validation

Given a schema and an instance document, the instance document is processed in seven phases as follows:
  1. Parsing:  The schema document and the instance document are parsed. Import instructions are processed (as defined in §3.1.3). If the documents are not well-formed XML, if import processing fails, or if the schema document is not a syntactically correct DSD2 document, then this phase fails.

  2. Normalization:  Each element in the instance document is normalized (as defined in §3.6.2). The following phases operate on the normalized document.

  3. Checking root:  If the outermost dsd schema element contains a root property, then its value matches the prefixed name of the root element in the document (as defined in §3.1.4).

  4. Checking declarations:  For each element in the instance document, it is checked that all attributes and contents of that element are declared by the set of applicable declare rules of the schema (as defined in §3.2.1 and §3.2.2).

  5. Checking requirements:  For each element in the instance document, it is checked that the element satisfies the set of applicable declare and require rules of the schema (as defined in §3.2.1 and §3.2.3).

  6. Checking uniqueness:  For each element in the instance document, each applicable unique rule of the schema is checked (as defined in §3.7.2). If successful, this produces a key set, which is used in the next phase.

  7. Checking pointers:  For each element in the instance document, each applicable pointer rule of the schema is checked (as defined in §3.7.3) relative to the key set generated in the previous phase.
The outcome of the processing is either

A tool that performs all the processing phases described above is called a fully validating DSD2 processor. A tool that only performs the phases 1 through 5 is called a weakly validating DSD2 processor.

Example 2:

The following instance document is valid relative to the schema shown in Example 1:
<collection xmlns="">
  <card id="1">
    <name>John Doe</name>
    <name>Joe Smith</name>

3.1.2  Referring to Schemas in Instance Documents

An instance document may refer to a DSD2 document by containing a processing instruction of the following form in the document prolog:

  <?dsd href="URI" ?>

where URI is a URI referring to the DSD2 document. (All other processing instructions, including dsd processing instructions outside the prolog, are ignored by the schema processor.)

This means that the author of the instance document has intended it to be valid relative to the designated schema (not that the instance document necessarily is valid, nor that the URI necessarily refers to a DSD2 document).

Example 3:

To refer to the schema in Example 1, which is assumed to be located at, a schema reference processing instruction can be inserted into the instance document from Example 2:
<?dsd href=""?>
<collection xmlns="">

3.1.3  Import

Import instructions have the following form:

  <import href="URI" />

where URI is a URI referring to a document to be imported.

In the parsing phase, all occurrences of import elements of the DSD2 namespace in both the instance document and the schema document are processed. Processing an import instruction is done in the same way XInclude include instructions are processed [XINCLUDE] with two exceptions: 1) URI references in import instructions cannot contain fragment identifiers (only inclusion of whole documents is allowed). 2) If multiple documents are imported, they are processed in a top-down depth-first manner. Repeated imports with the same URI are ignored, that is, import instructions with a URL that already has been imported are removed.

3.1.4  Prefixed Names in Attribute Values

A prefixed element name is an occurrence of PENAME. A prefixed attribute name is an occurrence of PANAME. Together these are called prefixed names.

Every prefixed name that contains a Prefix part must be in scope of a namespace declaration that declares that prefix. The namespace name bound to such a prefixed name is defined as the namespace name of that declaration. For prefixed element names without a Prefix part, the associated namespace name is defined as the default namespace name in scope. Prefixed attribute names without a Prefix part are not associated to any namespace name. (These definitions extend the standard namespace mechanism to schema attributes whose values are prefixed names.)

The name of a given element or attribute matches a prefixed name if the following conditions are satisfied:

3.2  Rules

Rules describe validity restrictions for a given element:

RULE ::=  <declare> DECLARATION* </declare>
| <require> BOOLEXP* </require>
| <if> BOOLEXP RULE* </if>
| <rule ref="PENAME"/>

| <required> ATTRIBUTEDECL* </required>
| <contents> ( REGEXP  |  NORMALIZE  |  CONTENTSDEFAULT )* </contents>

ATTRIBUTEDECL ::=  <attribute ( name="PANAME" )? ( type="ATTRTYPE" )? >

ATTRTYPE ::=  string  |  qname  |  qaname

Additional syntactic restrictions:

(UNIQUE and POINTER are described in §3.7; rule is described in §3.5.)

Example 4:

The schema in Example 1 could be extended with the following rule:
<if><element name="bc:card"/>
    <attribute name="kind">
      <union><string value="simple"/></string value="complex"/></union>
      <default value="simple"/>
  <if><attribute name="kind"><string value="complex"/></attribute>
        <optional><element name="bc:title"/></optional>
        <optional><element name="bc:homepage"/></optional>
The above rule could be placed in a new schema document, which imports the one from Example 1. In this way, new schemas can be derived from existing schemas, both through extension with new declaration rules and restriction with new requirement rules. This rule extends the description of card elements. They may now also have a kind attribute with value simple or complex, where simple is a default. If the kind is complex for a concrete card element, it may also have title and homepage elements in its contents.

Note that attribute declarations describe optional attributes unless explicitly declared required, whereas contents declarations describe required contents unless explicitly declared optional. This behavior reflects the most common usage of attributes and contents.

The following example illustrates that conditionals in if rules may use full boolean logic:

    <element name="bc:title"/>
    <parent><element name="bc:card"/></parent>
The condition makes the sub-rules (which are shown as "...") applicable only to title elements whose parent is a card element.

3.2.1  Applicable Rules

A rule in a schema is applicable to a given element if for every enclosing if rule, the associated BOOLEXP evaluates to true relative to the element (as defined in §3.3.1).

3.2.2  Declared Attributes and Contents

A declaration is an attribute or contents schema element that is derived as DECLARATION or ATTRIBUTEDECL.

A given attribute is declared by an attribute declaration if the following conditions are satisfied:

Given the contents sequence of an element, a regular expression associated to a contents declaration declares those characters and elements in the sequence that are mentioned by the regular expression (as defined in §3.4.1).

All attributes and contents of a given element are declared by a set of declare rules if

Example 5:

As an example, the declarations in the second if rule in the schema in Example 1 declare all attributes and contents of the each card element in the instance document in Example 2. Note that for contents that only contain elements and whitespace character data, the character data does not need to be declared.

3.2.3  Satisfying Requirements

Given an element and a set of declare and require rules, the element satisfies the rules if

Example 6:

Requirements can be described with full boolean logic. For example, the following rule states that there cannot be both a number attribute and min or max attributes:
    <attribute name="number"/>
    <or><attribute name="min"/><attribute name="max"/></or>
Such a rule could typically occur in a conditional rule that probes the name of the current element and declares both number, min, and max attributes. Note that require rules do not declare anything by themselves but only restrict what has been declared elsewhere.

The following rule states that a elements cannot be nested:

<if><element name="x:a"/>
    <not><ancestor><element name="x:a"/></ancestor></not>

3.3  Boolean Expressions

A boolean expression describes elements in the instance document:

BOOLEXP ::=  <and> BOOLEXP* </and>
| <or> BOOLEXP* </or>
| <not> BOOLEXP </not>
| <imply> BOOLEXP BOOLEXP </imply>
| <equiv> BOOLEXP* </equiv>
| <one> BOOLEXP* </one>
| <parent> BOOLEXP </parent>
| <ancestor> BOOLEXP </ancestor>
| <child> BOOLEXP </child>
| <descendant> BOOLEXP </descendant>
| <this/>
| <element ( name="PENAME" )? />
| <attribute ( name="PANAME" )? > REGEXP? </attribute>
| <contents> REGEXP* </contents>
| <boolexp ref="PENAME"/>

Additional syntactic restrictions:

(boolexp is described in §3.5. this is used in §3.7.)

3.3.1  Evaluation of Boolean Expressions

A this-binding is either an element in the instance document or the special value null.

Given an element, called the current element, and a this-binding, a boolean expression evaluates to either true or false according to the following definition:

Unless otherwise specified, boolean expressions are evaluated with the null this-binding. (See §3.7.)

Example 7:

The DSD2 meta-schema (see §4) contains the following rule:
<if><or><element name="normalize"/><element name="default"/></or>
      <element name="if"/>
            <element name="parent"/>
            <element name="ancestor"/>
            <element name="child"/>
            <element name="descendant"/>
            <element name="contents"/>
            <element name="boolexp"/>
              <element name="declare"/>
              <element name="require"/>
              <element name="unique"/>
              <element name="pointer"/>
This rule corresponds to the second additional syntactic restriction defined in §3.6. The expression uses an ancestor operation nested inside a descendant operation to find the boolean expression parts of the if elements in the instance document.

3.3.2  Mentioned Elements

An alphabet is a set of elements. Relative to an alphabet, a boolean expression mentions a set of elements:

(This definition is used in §3.4.1.)

3.4  Regular Expressions

Regular expressions describe sets of strings or contents sequences:

REGEXP ::=  <sequence> REGEXP* </sequence>
| <optional> REGEXP </optional>
| <complement> REGEXP </complement>
| <union> REGEXP* </union>
| <intersection> REGEXP* </intersection>
| <minus> REGEXP REGEXP </minus>
| <repeat ( ( number="NUMERAL" )?  |  ( min="NUMERAL" )? ( max="NUMERAL" )? ) > REGEXP </repeat>
| <string ( value="VALUE" )? />
| <char ( ( set="VALUE" )?  |  min="CHAR" max="CHAR" ) />
| <stringtype ref="PENAME"/>
| <contenttype ref="PENAME"/>

Additional syntactic restrictions: BOOLEXP and contenttype cannot be used inside a stringtype or in the REGEXP part of an attribute.

(stringtype and contenttype are described in §3.5.)

Example 8:

Regular expressions are a well-known and powerful formalism for describing sets of sequences, like attribute values and contents sequences. The following regular expression could be used in a contents declaration to describe the valid contents of some element as sequences of elements matching elements mixed with digits and whitespace:
    <boolexp ref="x:elements"/>
    <char min="0" max="9"/>
    <char set="&#x9;&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;"/>
There are no restrictions on the use of the regular expression operators; for example, repeat, union, and sequence can be mixed freely. Note that the available operators include some non-standard ones, such as complement and intersection.

The following stringtype definition describes a format for valid date strings:

<stringtype id="x:date">
      <string value="jan"/>
      <string value="feb"/>
      <string value="dec"/>
    <string value="-"/>
    <repeat number="2"><stringtype ref="x:digit"/></repeat>
    <string value="-"/>
    <repeat number="4"><stringtype ref="x:digit"/></repeat>
Most common formats, such as URIs, email addresses, etc. can be defined concisely by regular expressions. With the definition and inclusion mechanisms (see §3.1.1 and §3.5) libraries of often used regular expressions can be constructed and reused.

3.4.1  Mentioned Contents

Relative to an alphabet of elements, a regular expression mentions a set of characters and elements according to the following definition:

(This definition is used in §3.4.3.)

Example 9:

Relative to the alphabet consisting of the child elements, name and email, of the first card element in the instance document in Example 2, the simple regular expression <optional><element name="bc:email"/></optional>, which occurs in a contents declaration in Example 1, mentions only the email element. As explained in §3.4.3, this means that when checking that the contents of the card element matches this contents declaration, only the email element is considered. With this mechanism of matching against only the mentioned contents, it is simple to describe mixed ordered and unordered content models. Also, it is straightforward to inherit from existing schemas and extend existing content models with new declarations without modifying the original ones.

3.4.2  Languages of Regular Expressions

Relative to an alphabet of elements, every regular expression has an associated language, which is a set of contents sequences:

3.4.3  Regular Expression Matching

Given a regular expression and a contents sequence, the following steps are performed to check whether or not the sequence matches the expression:
  1. Select the alphabet consisting of all elements that occur in the contents sequence.
  2. Find the set of characters and elements that are mentioned by the expression relative to the alphabet (as defined in §3.4.1).
  3. Find the sub-sequence of the contents sequence consisting of the characters and elements that occur in the mentioned set.
  4. Check whether the sub-sequence is in the language of the expression relative to the alphabet (as defined in §3.4.2). If and only if this check succeeds, the contents sequence matches the regular expression.

(Note that Unicode strings, for instance attribute values, are a special case of contents sequences, so this definition of matching also applies to such values.)

Example 10:

The string "jan-16-1976" matches the definition of date from Example 8.

The following contents sequence matches both regular expressions in the contents declaration for card elements in Example 1:

<name>Nils Klarlund</name>
<title>Principal Technical Staff Member</title>
<address>Florham Park</address>
The sequence also matches the extensions in Example 4. However, none of those, in total four, regular expressions mention the address element, which is therefore not declared.

3.5  Definitions

Definitions allow rules and regular expressions to be named for grouping and reuse:

DEFINITION ::=  <rule id="PENAME"> RULE* </rule>
| <contenttype id="PENAME"> REGEXP </contenttype>
| <stringtype id="PENAME"> REGEXP </stringtype>
| <boolexp id="PENAME"> BOOLEXP </boolexp>

A definition is a rule, contenttype, stringtype, or a boolexp schema element that has an id property. A reference is a rule, contenttype, stringtype, or a boolexp schema element that has a ref property. (References are described in §3.2, §3.3 and §3.4.)

Additional syntactic restrictions:

Example 11:

In Example 1, the stringtype definition of numeral is used to describe the valid values of the id attributes of card elements.

The boolexp reference to elements in Example 8 could be defined by:

<boolexp id="x:elements">
    <element name="x:a"/>
    <element name="x:b"/>

3.5.1  Resolving References to Definitions

By the syntactic restrictions given above, a reference always uniquely identifies a definition of the same type. The semantics of a reference is defined as the semantics of the contents of the corresponding definition, with the following exception: If a definition directly or indirectly refers to itself (that is, if the subtree of the definition contains a reference to the same definition or to a definition that in some number of indirections refers to it) and the cycle does not include a child, descendant, or contents expression, then its semantics is that of the empty set of rules for a rule definition, the empty language for a stringtype or contenttype definition, and the constant true for a boolexp. (A schema processor may issue a warning if such a cyclic definition is detected.)

3.6  Normalization

Normalization declarations define how schema processors will modify whitespace and character cases and insert default attributes and contents:

NORMALIZE ::=  <normalize ( whitespace="WHITESPACE" )? ( case="CASE" )? />

WHITESPACE ::=  preserve  |  compress  |  trim

CASE ::=  preserve  |  upper  |  lower

ATTRIBUTEDEFAULT ::=  <default value="VALUE" />

CONTENTSDEFAULT ::=  <default> ANYCONTENTS </default>

Additional syntactic restrictions:

3.6.1  Whitespace and Case Normalization

A string or a contents sequence is whitespace compressed by replacing all sequences of two or more consecutive whitespace characters by a single space character (#x20).

A string or a contents sequence is whitespace trimmed by performing whitespace compression and removing all leading and trailing whitespace characters. (A leading whitespace character is a whitespace character that is not preceeded by any element or non-whitespace character. Similarly, a trailing whitespace character is a whitespace character that is not followed by any element or non-whitespace character.)

A string or a contents sequence is upper-cased by replacing each lower case character by the corresponding upper case character (according to the Unicode definition).

A string or a contents sequence is lower-cased by replacing each upper case character by the corresponding lower case character (according to the Unicode definition).

3.6.2  Normalization of an Element

An attribute name matches an attribute declaration that contains a whitespace or a default if the value of the name property of the declaration matches the prefixed name of the given attribute (as defined in §3.1.4).

An element is normalized in eight steps:

  1. Find the set of declarations that are applicable to the given element (as defined in §3.2.1).
  2. Perform default attribute insertion as follows: Consider in turn each default declaration occurring in an attribute declaration found in Step 1, in reverse order of occurrence in the schema. If the given element does not contain an attribute whose name matches the attribute declaration that encloses the default, then insert the following new attribute in the given element, according to the attribute declaration:
  3. Perform attribute whitespace normalization as follows: Consider in turn each attribute in the element.
  4. Perform attribute case normalization as follows: Consider in turn each attribute in the element.
  5. Find the set of declarations that are applicable to the given element (as defined in §3.2.1). (Note that this set may have changed since Step 1 due to the attribute normalization in Step 2-4.)
  6. If the contents of the element contain no non-whitespace characters and no elements, then perform default contents insertion as follows:
  7. Perform contents whitespace normalization as follows:
  8. Perform contents case normalization as follows:
(Note that normalization declarations may be overridden by ones occurring later in the schema.)

Each element in the instance document, including the ones inserted as default contents, is normalized exactly once. (Since the default elements are also normalized, normalization may not terminate. A schema processor may issue a warning if such an infinite default insertion is detected.)

Example 12:

The result of upper-casing the string "-Dark--Blue-" (space characters are here written as "-") is "-DARK--BLUE-", and the result of whitespace trimming that string is "DARK-BLUE".

The schema in Example 1 declares that whitespace should be trimmed in id attributes of card elements and in contents of name elements. The instance document

<collection xmlns="">
  <card id=" 1 ">
      John Doe
would be normalized to
<collection xmlns="">
  <card id="1">
    <name>John Doe</name>
Describing normalization features in the schema has two advantages compared to other approaches: It can be used to show the instance document authors where whitespace is significant, and tools that process the instance documents may assume that insignificant whitespace has been removed, defaults have been inserted, etc., which can simplify the processing.

3.7  Uniqueness and Pointers

Uniqueness and pointer rules specify that certain combinations of values in the instance document must be unique or must uniquely identify other parts of the document:

UNIQUE ::=  <unique ( key="VALUE" )? >
  ( BOOLEXP FIELD* | ( <select> BOOLEXP FIELD* </select> )* )

POINTER ::=  <pointer ( key="VALUE" )? > BOOLEXP? FIELD* </pointer>

FIELD ::=  <attributefield name="PANAME" ( type="ATTRTYPE" )? > BOOLEXP? </attributefield>
| <chardatafield ( type="ATTRTYPE" )? > BOOLEXP? </chardatafield>

Additional syntactic restrictions: each unique, pointer, and select must have at least one FIELD descendant.

3.7.1  Evaluating Fields

Given an element, called a base element, a FIELD is evaluated as follows resulting in either a string or an evaluation failure:
  1. If a BOOLEXP is present in the FIELD, then check that there is exactly one element, called the selected element, in the instance document where the BOOLEXP evaluates to true with the this-binding set to the base element. If there is not exactly one such element, the evaluation fails (so the following steps are skipped). If BOOLEXP is absent, then the selected element is the same as the base element.
  2. If the FIELD is an attributefield, the string is chosen as the value of that attribute in the selected element whose name matches the name property (as defined in §3.1.4). If no such attribute exists, the evaluation fails.
  3. If the FIELD is a chardatafield, the string is chosen as the concatenation of the characters that occur in the contents of the selected element.
  4. The string is subsequently normalized by trimming whitespace as described in §3.6.1. (This normalization does not change the instance document.)
  5. If the FIELD has a type property with value qname or qaname, then perform the following extra steps: The resulting string constitutes the result of the evaluation.

3.7.2  Checking Uniqueness

A unique rule is checked as follows, relative to a given element:
  1. For each select part, perform the following steps using the boolean expression and FIELD list from the select part. If no select part is present, use the single boolean expression and FIELD list from the unique rule instead.
    1. Find the set of elements in the instance document where the boolean expression evaluates to true with the this-binding set to the given element (as defined in §3.3.1).
    2. For each of those elements, called the base element, perform the following steps:
      • Relative to the base element, construct a list of strings with one string for each FIELD (in the order of occurrence) as defined in §3.7.1. If that fails, the uniqueness check fails (so the following steps are skipped).
      • Construct a key triple consisting of
        • the base element,
        • the value of the key property (or the empty string if the key property is absent), and
        • the string list (called the key value).
  2. Check that each of the string lists constructed in the previous step (for this particular unique rule and given element) is unique. If not, the uniqueness check fails.

When all unique rules have been checked for all elements in the instance document, a set of key triples, called the key set, has been produced. (This key set is used in §3.7.3 when checking pointer rules.)

Example 13:

The following rule could be added to the schema in Example 1:
  <and><element name="bc:card"/><attribute name="id"/></and>
  <attributefield name="id"/>
This means that the id attributes in card elements in the instance document must have unique values.

With the following example, all id1 and id2 attributes must have unique values and all id3 attributes must have unique values, but it is acceptable to have, for instance, the same value of an id1 and an id3 attribute:

    <attribute name="id1"/>
    <attributefield name="id1"/>
    <attribute name="id2"/>
    <attributefield name="id2"/>

  <attribute name="id3"/>
  <attributefield name="id3"/>

A more complex example:

<if><element name="x:inventory"/>
      <element name="x:category"/>
        <element name="x:product"/>
        <element name="x:manufacturer"/>
This means: For each inventory element, the combination of the character data in the product and manufacturer elements that appear in category elements in the inventory element must be unique. Note that category elements that occur in different inventory elements may have the same values of product and manufacturer without violating this rule. It is assumed that another rule requires each category element to have exactly one product and one manufacturer descendant element.

3.7.3  Checking Pointers

A pointer rule is checked as follows, relative to a given element and a key set:
  1. Find the set of elements, called the candidate elements, in the instance document where the boolean expression associated to the pointer evaluates to true with the this-binding set to the given element (as defined in §3.3.1). If no boolean expression is specified, all elements in the instance document are candidate elements.
  2. Relative to the given element, construct a list of strings with one string for each FIELD occurring in the pointer rule (in the order of occurrence) as defined in §3.7.1. If that fails, the pointer check fails (so the following steps are skipped).
  3. Check that the key set contains exactly one key triple consisting of If the check succeeds, the given element is said to point to the candidate element. (Schema processors may conveniently convey this information to tools that subsequently process the normalized document; however, such a mechanism is left unspecified here.) If the key triple is not found, the pointer check fails.

Example 14:

Assume that the schema in Example 1 also described cardref elements with idref attributes. Continuing Example 13, we could then add the following rule:
<if><element name="bc:cardref"/>
    <element name="bc:card"/>
    <attributefield name="idref"/>
This means that the idref attribute of every cardref element must match the key value of a card element.

The following rule describes how categoryref elements refer to category elements (see Example 13):

<if><element name="x:categoryref"/>
      <element name="x:category"/>
          <element name="x:inventory"/>
    <attributefield name="x:product"/>
    <attributefield name="x:manufacturer"/>
Each categoryref element is assumed to contain a product and a manufacturer attribute (these are declared elsewhere). The pointer rule states that the values of these attributes must match a category element occurring in the same inventory element.

Example 15:

The key property can be used to further restrict pointers:
<unique key="section_id">
  <element name="x:section"/>
  <attributefield name="id"/>

<unique key="section_name">
  <element name="x:section"/>
  <attributefield name="name"/>

<if><element name="x:nameref"/>
  <pointer key="section_name">
    <element name="x:section"/>
    <attributefield name="ref"/>
Here, the ref attribute in nameref elements must match the name attribute of a section element, ignoring the id attribute.

4.  Meta-Schema (Non-Normative)

The URL refers to a DSD2 description of the DSD2 language itself. (The document includes containing some commonly used character classes.) This schema is sound and complete in the sense that an XML document is valid relative to this schema if and only if it is a syntactically correct DSD2 document.

5.  References

"Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Specification (Second Edition)", T. Bray, J. Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, E. Maler, 6 October 2000.
"Namespaces in XML", T. Bray, D. Hollander, A. Layman, 14 January 1999.
"XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0", J. Marsh, D. Orchard, 21 February 2002.