This specification may be distributed publicly provided that the document is reproduced in whole, including all copyright and ownership information.
It is also important to us
Syntax for attribute values Attribute values in XML documents are generally constrained, often in ways that cannot be expressed by enumeration types. Examples include data types like designations of time and font size, but also more sophisticated ones like lists of pairs of numbers, etc. Thus, the syntax (a.k.a. data domains) of attribute values must be expressible in a more general manner, namely with regular expressions. Regular expressions can be translated to deterministic finite-state automata; this representation is naturally efficient in most practical circumstances, at least for 7-bit alphabets. For example, dictionaries (large collection of words) become trees in the automaton representation. Work on the use of automata on large alphabets, such as in the MONA tool [12], indicates that the automaton representation may generalize well to Unicode.
Attribute dependencies Often attributes within an element are ordered in importance. In HTML, for example, the maxlength attribute of an INPUT element is relevant only when the type attribute has the value "text" or "password". Thus, a concept of an attribute dependency must be explicitly provided. They are also essential to the insertion of defaults in the right order.
Boolean logic Frequently, as in the maxlength example, dependencies are boolean and involve the attribute values themselves. Therefore, boolean logic about attributes and their values must be part of the description of attribute dependencies. Also, conditionally required attributes should be expressible. For example, one might want to enforce the HTML 4.0 recommendation that for an OBJECT element a type attribute should be provided when the data attribute is used.
Content dependent on attribute values Content, the sequence of child elements of an element, sometimes depends on attributes or their values. For example, it may be required that the content of an element is empty when a SRC attribute is present. Such content dependencies must be expressible through content expressions that are linked to boolean logic.
Nonterminals DTDs and XML Schema suffer from the absence of nonterminals. If element descriptions are based on nonterminals, then multiple uses of the same element name can be described; also, the use of nonterminals is a natural glue for binding together several descriptions. For example, the mechanism for gluing modules together in the XHTML modularization note [1] is too simple: if a content model is to be extended, the original definition has to be literally included in the new one. In this way, it is impossible to extend a concept without knowing its full definition. Naturally, this problem severely restricts the composition of modules. Module composition based on the use of nonterminals solves this problem. Our use of nonterminals also allows DSDs to mimic the processing modes of XSLT [9].
Ordered content Ordered content must be described by regular expressions as in DTDs. However, since elements in the DSD framework are described by nonterminals, DSD content expressions are akin to extended BNF, that is, regular expressions over nonterminals.
Unordered content Element content often consists of several separate kinds of subcontent, where the ordering between kinds have no significance. For example, in the case of prompts in an XML-based dialog language, an element may require a help prompt and an error prompt, but their order is insignificant. Description of unordered content is required. Also, the mechanism must be efficient, that is, it must not entail product constructions of automata as in SGML.
Attribute defaults A simple CSS-like default mechanism must be provided that inserts attribute values according to attribute dependencies and context. It must be available in both DSDs and in application documents. It is not as simple as it appears to use a CSS-like formalism for XML documents in general. The problem is that CSS assumes a formatting model where properties, not attributes, carry the rendering details that are the outcome of running a CSS processor on a document. Thus, the outcome of a CSS style sheet applied to a document is not specified as an XML tree. The CSS model may entail that properties that are not appropriate for a particular node are in fact assigned, for example by the inheritance mechanism. (Certain properties are inherited, like font-size, even though that not all HTML elements make sense out of this property.) If attributes are identified with properties, then two problems must be addressed: (a) an order must be specified among attributes, as mentioned under "Attribute dependencies" above; (b) and attributes must be filled in only when they are actually allowed. Thus, in order to make a general CSS-like notation for XML, it is necessary to define it relative to an XML grammar description that determines an attribute order.
Element defaults Often, it is natural to specify element defaults. Example: in a markup language for voice dialogues, prompts are often left unspecified. They are best regarded as elements since they contain text augmented with text-to-speech markup. Thus, the default mechanism must also be able to insert element defaults. The element defaults may depend on attributes of the containing element, for example, if the available prompts depend on an attribute specifying the dialog structure. Also, as for attribute defaults, the element default insertion mechanism must be combined with the XML grammar.
Context dependencies Often, elements are allowed only in certain syntactic situations. For example, an input element in HTML with type "submit" is allowed only if it is contained in a form element. Such context dependencies must be expressible. The ability to express contexts should be similar to that of XSLT.
Extensibility of language description Frequently, platform variations or device differences are reflected at the level of the markup language. For example, some voice browsers may provide advanced controls of speech synthesis that are reflected in attributes like SpeechRate, but a language should not provide such attributes. Thus, a language extension mechanism must be available so that modifications to a language description can be precisely described.
Self-describability The notation must be self-describable: all static requirements to DSDs should be expressible in a DSD, called a meta-DSD.
Extension of DTD descriptive power The notation must extend the descriptive power of DTDs.
Documentability DSD elements for documentation purposes must be a part of the notation.
Easy collapse to elementary descriptions The addition of concepts, such as boolean logic, to the DSD notation when compared to other XML grammar proposals, must not complicate the presentation of a DSD to casual programmers. More concretely, it must be possible to create XSLT style sheets that extract the underlying context-free grammar behind a DSD while ignoring all boolean constraints.
We would like to avoid using the elaborate vocabulary outlined in the XML Information Set specification draft [11]. We think that a grammar notation should be explainable in elementary terms.
We are not concerned with verbosity of DSDs; at least not to the extent it's caused by the inherent volume of parenthesized notations in XML.
The assertion grammars outlined in [13] elevate certain DTD parameter entities to a first-order status that allow content models to be extended piecemeal; in essence, this mechanism can be seen as a specialized way of redefining content expressions in DSDs. Assertion grammars, like DSDs, offer context sensitive ways of specifying content and attributes. They also provide an inheritance mechanism, which we believe could be adapted to our framework.
XML namespaces [7] will not be addressed here, but we are working on a solution along the lines of [2].
We are also considering whether DSDs should be allowed to determine that certain attributes are inherited (in the sense of an inherited property of CSS). In addition, we are awaiting the final XSLT 1.0 specification, since it may be desirable to include the node set expression language, XPath, in DSDs.
Each element has a name and contains a set of attributes, which are pairs of names and values. Attributes are not regarded as nodes.
A path is a sequence, possibly empty, of nodes v1,...,vn such that vi is a parent of vi+1. We say that an element v occurs before element v' if the start tag of v occurs before the start tag of v' in the XML document. In particular, element occurs before its descendants. The last element of some set of elements is defined using the same ordering of nodes.
The content of an element is the sequence of its child nodes. The context of a node is the path of nodes starting at the root of the document tree to the node itself. Attribute values and chardata nodes are strings of characters.
Processing instructions with target dsd or include are assumed to contain information relevant to the DSD processing of the document. All other processing instructions, comments, and chardata nodes consisting of white-space only, are ignored during processing but kept in the document.
Elements and attributes whose name has namespace prefix [7] DSD and namespace name as well as declarations of this namespace occuring in the application document are removed before the actual processing. Elements named DSD:Default, however, are considered a part of the DSD and are recorded before being removed.
We often abuse language by not distinguishing between an XML concept and its tree representation; for example, an "element" often means a node representing the element. To avoid confusing the DSD and the application document, we usually refer to attributes of DSD elements as properties.
See [8] for a further explanation of XML concepts.
A DSD is valid if all validity requirements in Section 2 hold. All DSDs are assumed valid, unless otherwise indicated. An application document is an XML document that is intended to be conforming to a DSD (as defined below). Application document processing is the process, carried out by a DSD processor, of checking the conformance of an application document to a DSD. The meta-DSD in Appendix A is constructed so that a DSD is valid if and only if it conforms to the meta-DSD.
Element IDs and descriptions A DSD defines a set of element IDs, which play a role similar to nonterminals in the parsing of context-free languages. During application document processing, each element in the document is assigned an element ID. The element IDs are assigned in a top-down manner starting with the root element ID determined by the DSD. Elements with the same name may be assigned different IDs during this processing. Each element ID determines an element description, which is a pair consisting of an element name and a constraint.
Note that many nodes in the application document may be assigned the same element ID. Thus, assigned element IDs do not identify individual nodes in the application document; they only do so in the DSD.
Constraints A constraint defines the attribute structure of the element, including the syntax of attribute values and dependencies among attributes and their values; a constraint also determines the structure of the content, which may depend on attribute values and context. During document processing, several constraints may be evaluated for a given element. During evaluation of a constraint, attributes and content are gradually declared.
Boolean logic and context patterns Boolean expressions describe properties about the context, the presence or absence of declared attributes, and their values. Context properties are described by context patterns, which are a kind of regular expressions over element names. Boolean expressions are true or false; they have no side effects.
Content expressions The content of an element is described by regular expressions, called content expressions, over element IDs. A string derived from the content expression determines, through the pairs determined by element IDs, a string of element names, where each name occurrence is associated with a constraint. The DSD language prescribes an operational way of deriving such a string for the content of an element.
String types String types are regular expressions over characters. They are used to characterize both attribute values and chardata nodes.
Evaluation An application document is processed by evaluating the element description denoted by the root element ID on the XML tree in what is essentially a single top-down pass. As a side-effect, the evaluation transforms the tree by inserting new attributes and nodes where required by defaults. For each element, the assigned element description is evaluated. The evaluation either succeeds, and the element satisfies the element description, or it fails. The evaluation of an element description on an element, called the current element, proceeds as follows:
Default insertions Default element attributes and content are associated a boolean expression. Defaults are only applicable when their boolean expression is true.
The insertion of default attributes depends on the structure of attribute declarations: the evaluation of the current element gradually declares attributes and only defaults that mention declared attributes are considered. In this way, priorities among attributes of an element can be expressed, and it is guaranteed that values are inserted only for allowed attributes.
Defaults can be specified both in the DSD document and in the application document. A notion of specificity takes care of assigning priorities to defaults whenever more than one is applicable. For instance, application document defaults always have higher priority than DSD document defaults.
ID types A DSD may declare that application document attributes are of type ID or IDRef. These characterizations are equivalent to DTD types ID and IDREF. Thus, an element possessing an attribute of type ID with value id is set to be a definition of id. A DSD may allow an attribute to redefine id through an element containing an attribute of type RenewID with value id. A reference of type IDRef with value id denotes the last definition in the document with value id. Similarly, a reference of type CurrID refers to the current definition, that is, the last definition occurring before the reference. The DSD may impose a boolean expression, called the points-to requirement, on the element denoted by a reference.
DSD concepts and definitions All main concepts of DSDs--except element descriptions--may be separately defined and redefined. The internal reference mechanism of DSDs themselves is based on the four ID types.
Document inclusion A simple document inclusion mechanism allows both DSDs and application documents to be created as extensions of other documents. During parsing, include declarations are replaced by the documents they refer to.
Conformance The application document is conforming if the evaluation of the root element of the application document succeeds, and each attribute that is a reference denotes a definition that satisfies the points-to requirement of the attribute. For a conforming document, the result of the application document processing is an XML document that is a textual representation of the transformed tree. The result may also include various information calculated during the processing.
The structure of a DSD is defined in this section by a traditional context-free grammar, since it is easier to read than a DTD. We use a form of Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) notation in this note. (It is essentially the same as the one defined in Section 6 of the XML 1.0 specification [8].) For the sake of clarity, the syntax for empty elements is shown in the single tag form; also, attributes do not need to it appear in the order indicated, and single quotes may be used instead of double quotes. A DSD is a string that is derivable from maindsd according to the syntax in Sections 2.4 to 2.13 and that is a well-formed XML document.
appearing in the prolog (as defined in Section 2.8 of the XML 1.0 specification [8]) of the document. (Processing instructions with target dsd occuring after the prolog are ignored.) The reference indicates that the application document is intended to conform to the main DSD specified by the URI AttValue.
The URI property contains the URI of the included document. An include replacement consists of replacing the include processing instruction with the root element of the XML document designated by the URI. Any document can be, directly or indirectly, included only once into a given document. Include instructions with a URI that has already been included are replaced by the empty string. Document inclusion takes place before the actual processing in the order of occurence.
When a DSD element is of the form <SDef ID="id"/>, where S is Element, Constraint, AttributeDecl, Content, Bool, Context, or StringType, we say that it is an internal definition of id. Similarly, a DSD element of the form <SDef RenewID="id"/> is called an internal redefinition.
A DSD element of the form <S IDRef="id"/> is an internal, final reference to id. Similarly, a DSD element of the form <S CurrIDRef="id"/> is called an internal, current reference.
The target element of a final reference to some id is the last definition or redefinition of id. The target element of a current reference to some id is the last definition or redefinition of id that occurs before, but does not contain, the internal current reference. An internal redefinition is both considered a definition and a reference. The target of an internal renewing definition is defined as for an internal current reference.
Validity requirements For every reference <S IDRef="id"/> or <S CurrIDRef="id"/>, the target must exist and be a structural definition of the appropriate form, that is either of the form <SDef ID="id"...>... </SDef> or of the form <SDef RenewID= "id"...>... </SDef>. There may be at most one definition of a given id in a DSD. Before each redefinition, there must occur a definition of the same id that does not contain the redefinition.
The IDRef property of the maindsd, called the root element ID, denotes the root element description that an application document must satisfy. The DSDVersion must be specified. To comply to the present specification, it must have the value "1.0". The elements Title, Version, and Author may be used to specify meta-information about the DSD; they may contain arbitrary well-formed XML, but a simple HTML subset like [10] is recommended.
<!-- --> <DSD IDRef="Hello" DSDVersion="1.0"> <Title>HelloML</Title> <ElementDef ID="Hello"> <StringType/> </ElementDef> <Default> <Context><Element Name="Hello"/></Context> <DefaultContent> Hello world! </DefaultContent> </Default> </DSD> |
The DSD also defines the default value of character data inside Hello elements to be the string "Hello world!". So, the application document
<?dsd URI=""?> <Hello/> |
conforms to the DSD, and the document resulting from the DSD processing is
<?dsd URI=""?> <Hello> Hello world! </Hello> |
The form Label can be used to assign a label to the syntactic construct. The BriefDoc may be used for brief descriptions (such as those used to display a message when the mouse cursor is placed over a hyperlink). The Doc can be used for a longer explanation (such as for an interactive manual). A documentation element may contain arbitrary well-formed XML elements and chardata, but using XMLized HTML is recommended.
A DefaultAttribute defines a default value for attributes of the given name. A DefaultContent defines a default element or chardata node. If it contains an element, this element is a default for elements with the same name. CharData is regarded as a default for the chardata pseudo-element, see Section 2.10.
A default is applicable for an attribute name (or element name) if
Default attributes and content are inserted according to Section 2.8 and Section 2.10, respectively.
The namespace DSD must be declared with the name According to the explanation below, a default defined in the application document is applicable only to the parent of the DSD:Default node and to the content of the parent. Internal current references occuring within a DSD:Default are treated as internal final references.
<DSD:Default> <Context><Element Name="select"/></Context> <DefaultAttribute Name="ATT:speech-engine" Value="watson.2039"/> </DSD:Default> <DSD:Default> <Context> <Element Name="select"> <Attribute Name="interaction_class" Value="myown"/> <Attribute Name="ATT:speech-engine" Value="watson.2039"/> </Element> </Context> <DefaultAttribute Name="ATT:speech-engine-timeout" Value="2s"/> </DSD:Default> |
This stylesheet instructs the DSD processor to augment select elements with an ATT:speechengine attribute designating the watson.2039 speech engine. Moreover, it tells the DSD processor to augment all select elements whose interaction_class attribute is myown and whose ATT:speech-engine attribute is watson.2039 with an attribute ATT:speech-enginetimeout whose value is 2s.
Note that a programmer would expect the ATT:speech-engine attribute to be inserted before the ATT:speech-engine-timeout attribute; see the example in Section 2.8 for how such priorities are specified.
The DSD default syntax is nothing but an XMLized adaptation of Cascading Style Sheets. A more familiar concrete syntax would be:
select {'ATT:speech-engine': watson.2039} select [interaction_class='myown'] [ATT:speech-engine='watson.2039'] {'ATT:speech-engine-timeout': 2s} |
An element description of the first form (with an IDRef) is called indirect and of the second form (with a Name) direct. Every direct element description is assigned an implicit element ID, different from all other IDs, such that all element descriptions have an ID. The Name property defines the name of the description. If omitted, the name defined is the value of the ID.
An element description is evaluated on the current element as follows:
<!-- --> <DSD IDRef="phoneml" DSDVersion="1.0"> <Title>PhoneML DSD</Title> <ElementDef ID="phoneml"> <OneOrMore> <Element IDRef="select"/> </OneOrMore> </ElementDef> ... </DSD> |
This DSD, which is not yet complete, defines the markup language to consist of a root element identified by the element definition phoneml. This element description defines the element name to be phoneml (since no explicit name is provided in the element definition). It also defines the content to be a non-empty sequence of elements provided by the select element definition, which is:
<ElementDef ID="select"> <AttributeDecl Name="class" Optional="yes"/> <OneOrMore> <Element IDRef="option_element"/> </OneOrMore> <Element Name="help" Defaultable="yes"> <Content IDRef="audio_content"/> </Element> <Element Name="prompt" Defaultable="yes"> <Content IDRef="audio_content"/> </Element> </ElementDef> |
The constraint of this definition declares an optional class attribute; it also introduces three kinds of content, which can be arbitrarily interspersed: one or more elements defined by option_element, a help element with content audio_content, and a prompt element, also with content audio_content. The option_element element definition is:
<ElementDef ID="option_element" Name="option"> <AttributeDecl Name="value"/> <Content IDRef="audio_content"/> </ElementDef> |
which defines elements with ID option_element to have the tag name option and content audio_content. So, if we assume that the elements option, help, and prompt may contain character data, then a conforming document might be
<?dsd URI=""?> <phoneml> <select> <option value="blue">blue widget</option> <option value="red">red widget</option> <prompt>Please select red or blue widget!</prompt> <help>Say red or blue</help> </select> </phoneml> |
The order of appearance of the help and prompt elements within the select element is inconsequential. Here is another conforming way of writing the select element:
<select> <help>Say red or blue</help> <option value="blue">blue widget</option> <prompt>Please select red or blue widget!</prompt> <option value="red">red widget</option> </select> |
A constraint that is a reference is evaluated according to Section 2.3. Evaluation of a constraint that is not a reference consists of evaluating its constraint expression. The evaluation of a constraint expression consists of evaluating its constraint terms in their order of occurrence. If any such evaluation fails, then the evaluation of the constraint fails.
Constraint terms are evaluated as follows:
<!-- --> <DSD IDRef="phoneml" DSDVersion="1.0"> <Title>PhoneML DSD</Title> ... <ElementDef ID="select"> <Constraint IDRef="select_constraint"/> </ElementDef> <ConstraintDef ID="select_constraint"> <AttributeDecl Name="class" Optional="yes"/> <OneOrMore> <Element IDRef="option_element"/> </OneOrMore> <Element Name="help" Defaultable="yes"> <Content IDRef="audio_content"/> </Element> <Element Name="prompt" Defaultable="yes"> <Content IDRef="audio_content"/> </Element> </ConstraintDef> ... </DSD> |
An attribute declaration that is a reference is evaluated according to Section 2.3. If it is not a reference, then it is evaluated as follows on the current element. If its name is already in the current set of declared attributes, then the evaluation fails. Otherwise, if the attribute (as named in the declaration) is not present in the current element, and there are applicable defaults then the selected default is inserted. The evaluation is successful if either,
If an IDType has been specified there are some additional requirements in order for evaluation to be successful:
The semantics of PointsTo is explained in Section 2.15.
Validity requirements A PointsTo may be present only if the attribute declaration has the IDRef, RenewID, or CurrIDRef type. An attribute declaration may have the Optional property only if it is not an IDType.
<AttributeDecl Name="publication_ref" IDType="IDRef"> <Stringtype IDRef="Name"/> <PointsTo> <Or> <Context><Element Name="Book"/></Context> <Context><Element Name="Article"/></Context> </Or> </PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> |
<!-- --> <DSD IDRef="phoneml" DSDVersion="1.0"> <Title>PhoneML DSD (with AT&T engine and "interaction_class") </Title> <?include URI= ""?> <ConstraintDef RenewID="select_constraint"> <Constraint CurrIDRef="select_constraint"/> <AttributeDecl Name="interaction_class" Optional="yes"/> <AttributeDecl Name="ATT:speech-engine" Optional="yes"/> <AttributeDecl Name="ATT:speech-engine-timeout" Optional="yes"/> </ContentDef> <Default> <Context><Element Name="select"/></Context> <DefaultAttribute Name="interaction_class" Value="myown"/> </Default> </DSD> |
Note that the interaction_class attribute is introduced before the ATT:speech-engine attribute, which in turn is before the ATT:speech-engine-timeout attribute. This order in the DSD also specifies the order in which defaults are inserted; refer to the example in Section 2.5 to see why this is important.
An attribute description is meaningful only for a declared presence of an attribute. The description is true if an attribute with the name denoted by Name is present and the attribute value either is the same as the name denoted by Value or satisfies the stringtypeexp. If neither a Value nor a stringtypeexp is specified, then every attribute value satisfies the description.
<OneOf><Attribute Name="ID"/><Attribute Name="RenewID"/></OneOf> |
A content description that is a reference is evaluated according to Section 2.3. Evaluation of a content description that is not a reference is defined as follows.
The element names of a content expression is the set of element names of element declarations in the content expression. An occurrence of stringtype, which represents chardata, is treated as a pseudo-element declaration, that is, as a declaration of an element with a name different from all other names in the DSD (but one that the same for all occurrences of stringtype). Additionally, if the content expression contains an <AnyElement/> or an <Empty/>, then every possible element is considered declared (except the chardata pseudo-element, which can only be declared by an occurrence of stringtype).
With stringtype regarded as a chardata pseudo-element descriptor, we identify content with an element sequence. A content expression induces for any content a subsequence, called the projected content, that consists of the element occurrences whose names are declared by the expression.
Content expression evaluation is carried out by a process of tentative evaluation. A successful tentative evaluation defines a consumed prefix of the content, along with a remaining suffix.
A content expression is evaluated from left to right on the projected original content. The evaluation succeeds if the tentative evaluation succeeds and consumes all of the projected content. In that case, the content expression is said to have been declared. Since tentative evaluation is carried out on a subsequence of the children of the original content, it is possible to associate a current child node to tentative evaluation on non-empty content: it is the node that corresponds to the first element of the remaining suffix of the content. During tentative evaluation, element defaults are sometimes inserted in front of the remaining suffix. If tentative evaluation of a content expression fails, then all defaults inserted during the tentative evaluation of the expression are removed.
Adjacent chardata nodes (including chardata nodes only separated by comments or processing instructions) are here considered as one node with their content being concatenated.
Tentative evaluation of a content expression on content takes place as follows:
Note that tentative evaluation of an elementdescr does not include the evaluation defined in Section 2.6--tentative evaluation only assigns an ID to the node.
<!-- --> <DSD IDRef="prices" DSDVersion="1.0"> <Title>Price tables</Title> <ElementDef ID="prices"> <OneOrMore> <Sequence> <Element Name="name"/> <StringType IDRef="Name"/> <Element Name="no"/> <StringType IDRef="ProductNumber"/> <Element Name="price"/> <StringType IDRef="DollarAmount"/> </Sequence> </OneOrMore> </ElementDef> ... </DSD> |
where Name, ProductNumber, DollarAmount are appropriate string types. A conforming application document may look like
<?dsd URI=""?> <prices> <name/>Elbow Joint <no/>a9382 <price/>23.04 <name/>Straight Joint <no/>c383 <price/>14.55 </prices> |
<ContentDef ID="audio_content"> <ZeroOrMore><Content IDRef="audio_item"/></ZeroOrMore> </ContentDef> <ContentDef ID="audio_item"> <Union> <StringType/> <Element Name="em"><Content IDRef="audio_content"/></Element> </Union> </ContentDef> |
A boolean formula that is a reference is explained in Section 2.3; if not a reference, the formula is explained in terms of its boolean expression.
A boolexp is meaningful (at a point during evaluation of the current element) if all contained attribute descriptions are meaningful (see Section 2.9). A meaningful boolean expression is true according to the following conditions:
A context pattern that is a reference is explained in Section 2.3; if not a reference, the context pattern is explained in terms of its context expression.
Context expressions and terms match paths of elements. Each such element is the current element or is above it.
<Default> <Context> <Element><Attribute Name="font-size" Value="8pt"/></Element> </Context> <DefaultAttribute Name="font-family" Value="Terminal8"/> </Default> |
To specify that all h1 headers are rendered in blue, we write
<Default> <Context><Element Name="h1"/><SomeElements/></Context> <DefaultAttribute Name="font-color" Value="blue"/> </Default> |
Note that we specify that not only the h1 elements receive the default value blue, but also all their descendants. In this way, we explicitly express that the font color property of the CSS formatting model is inherited.
A string type or a string type expression defines a regular language over a Unicode alphabet. The alphabet is determined as the declared encoding of the DSD document.
A string type that is a reference is explained in Section 2.3. If it is not a reference and no string type expression is provided, the language defined is the set of all strings. If it is not a reference but a string type expression is provided then the language defined is that of the expression.
The languages of string type expressions are defined as follows:
A string satisfies a string type if it belongs to the language defined by the type.
<StringTypeDef ID="ProductNumber"> <Sequence> <CharRange Start="a" End="c"/> <OneOrMore> <CharRange Start="0" End="9"/> </OneOrMore> </Sequence> </StringTypeDef> |
This regular expression would usually be written something like [a-c][0-9]+.
The result may also include various information calculated during the processing. This information is specified using a namespace with prefix DSD and name As an example, the element ID assigned to a node in the application document may be added as the value of an attribute DSD:IDRef. This parsing information can be useful in subsequent processing by other tools. Similarly, when a DSD processor determines that an application document is not conformant, error messages may be placed inside DSD:Error elements added to the tree.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <?dsd URI=""?> <DSD IDRef="maindsd" DSDVersion="1.0"> <Title>DSD for DSDs</Title> <Version>1.0</Version> <Author>Nils Klarlund, Anders Moeller, and Michael I. Schwartzbach</Author> <Doc> This document is a valid DSD that describes DSD validity. For more information about DSD, see the DSD home page at <a href=""></a>. </Doc> <!-- GENERAL CONCEPTS --> <ElementDef ID="maindsd" Name="DSD"> <AttributeDecl Name="IDRef" IDType="IDRef" Optional="no"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ElementDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <AttributeDecl Name="DSDVersion"><String Value="1.0"/></AttributeDecl> <Content IDRef="dsdcontent"/> </ElementDef> <ElementDef ID="subdsd" Name="DSD"> <AttributeDecl Name="IDRef" IDType="IDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ElementDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <AttributeDecl Name="DSDVersion"><String Value="1.0"/></AttributeDecl> <Content IDRef="dsdcontent"/> </ElementDef> <ContentDef ID="dsdcontent"> <Sequence> <Optional><Element Name="Title"><Content IDRef="content"/></Element></Optional> <Optional><Element Name="Version"><Content IDRef="content"/></Element></Optional> <Optional><Element Name="Author"><Content IDRef="content"/></Element></Optional> <ZeroOrMore> <Sequence> <Content IDRef="doc"/> <Union> <Element IDRef="subdsd"/><Element IDRef="default"/><Content IDRef="structdef"/> </Union> </Sequence> </ZeroOrMore> </Sequence> </ContentDef> <ContentDef ID="structdef"> <Union> <Element IDRef="elementdef"/> <Element IDRef="constraintdef"/> <Element IDRef="attributedecldef"/> <Element IDRef="contentdef"/> <Element IDRef="booldef"/> <Element IDRef="contextdef"/> <Element IDRef="stringtypedef"/> </Union> </ContentDef> <ContentDef ID="doc"> <Sequence> <Optional><Element Name="Label"><Content IDRef="content"/></Element></Optional> <Optional><Element Name="BriefDoc"><Content IDRef="content"/></Element></Optional> <Optional><Element Name="Doc"><Content IDRef="content"/></Element></Optional> </Sequence> </ContentDef> <!-- DEFAULTS --> <ElementDef ID="default" Name="Default"> <Optional><Content IDRef="boolexp"/></Optional> <ZeroOrMore> <Union><Element IDRef="defattribute"/><Element IDRef="defcontent"/></Union> </ZeroOrMore> </ElementDef> <ElementDef ID="defattribute" Name="DefaultAttribute"> <AttributeDecl Name="Name"/> <AttributeDecl Name="Value"/> </ElementDef> <ElementDef ID="defcontent" Name="DefaultContent"> <Union><Content IDRef="element"/><StringType/></Union> </ElementDef> <!-- ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONS --> <ElementDef ID="elementdescr" Name="Element"> <AttributeDecl Name="IDRef" IDType="IDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ElementDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <AttributeDecl Name="Name" Optional="yes"/> <AttributeDecl Name="Defaultable" Optional="yes"> <StringType IDRef="YesOrNo"/> </AttributeDecl> <OneOf><Attribute Name="IDRef"/><Attribute Name="Name"/></OneOf> <If><Attribute Name="Name"/><Then><Content IDRef="constraintexp"/></Then></If> </ElementDef> <ElementDef ID="elementdef" Name="ElementDef"> <AttributeDecl Name="ID" IDType="ID"/> <AttributeDecl Name="Name" Optional="yes"/> <AttributeDecl Name="Defaultable" Optional="yes"> <StringType IDRef="YesOrNo"/> </AttributeDecl> <Content IDRef="constraintexp"/> </ElementDef> <!-- CONSTRAINTS --> <ElementDef ID="constraint" Name="Constraint"> <AttributeDecl Name="IDRef" IDType="IDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ConstraintDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <AttributeDecl Name="CurrIDRef" IDType="CurrIDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ConstraintDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <Not><And><Attribute Name="IDRef"/><Attribute Name="CurrIDRef"/></And></Not> <If> <Not><Or><Attribute Name="IDRef"/><Attribute Name="CurrIDRef"/></Or></Not> <Then><Content IDRef="constraintexp"/></Then> </If> </ElementDef> <ElementDef ID="constraintdef" Name="ConstraintDef"> <AttributeDecl Name="ID" IDType="ID" Optional="yes"/> <AttributeDecl Name="RenewID" IDType="RenewID" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ConstraintDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <OneOf><Attribute Name="ID"/><Attribute Name="RenewID"/></OneOf> <Content IDRef="constraintexp"/> 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IDRef="YesOrNo"/> </AttributeDecl> <AttributeDecl Name="IDType" Optional="yes"> <StringType IDRef="IDType"/> </AttributeDecl> </ConstraintDef> <ContentDef ID="attrdeclcontent"> <Sequence> <Optional><Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/></Optional> <If> <Attribute Name="IDType"> <Union> <String Value="IDRef"/><String Value="CurrIDRef"/><String Value="RenewID"/> </Union> </Attribute> <Then> <Optional> <Sequence><Content IDRef="doc"/><Element IDRef="pointsto"/></Sequence> </Optional> </Then> </If> </Sequence> </ContentDef> <StringTypeDef ID="IDType"> <Union> <String Value="ID"/><String Value="IDRef"/> <String Value="RenewID"/><String Value="CurrIDRef"/> </Union> </StringTypeDef> <ElementDef ID="pointsto" Name="PointsTo"> <Content IDRef="boolexp"/> </ElementDef> <!-- ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS --> <ElementDef ID="attributedescr" Name="Attribute"> <AttributeDecl Name="Name"/> <AttributeDecl Name="Value" Optional="yes"/> <If> <Not><Attribute Name="Value"/></Not> <Then><Optional><Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/></Optional></Then> </If> </ElementDef> <!-- CONTENT DESCRIPTIONS --> <ElementDef ID="contentdescr" Name="Content"> <AttributeDecl Name="IDRef" IDType="IDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ContentDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <AttributeDecl Name="CurrIDRef" IDType="CurrIDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ContentDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <Not><And><Attribute Name="IDRef"/><Attribute Name="CurrIDRef"/></And></Not> <If> <Not><Or><Attribute Name="IDRef"/><Attribute Name="CurrIDRef"/></Or></Not> <Then><Content IDRef="contentexp"/></Then> </If> </ElementDef> <ElementDef ID="contentdef" Name="ContentDef"> <AttributeDecl Name="ID" IDType="ID" Optional="yes"/> <AttributeDecl Name="RenewID" IDType="RenewID" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ContentDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <OneOf><Attribute Name="ID"/><Attribute Name="RenewID"/></OneOf> <Content IDRef="contentexp"/> </ElementDef> <ContentDef ID="contentexp"> <Sequence> <Content IDRef="doc"/> <Union> <Element Name="Sequence"> <ZeroOrMore><Content IDRef="contentexp"/></ZeroOrMore> </Element> <Element Name="Optional"><Content IDRef="contentexp"/></Element> <Element Name="ZeroOrMore"><Content IDRef="contentexp"/></Element> <Element Name="OneOrMore"><Content IDRef="contentexp"/></Element> <Element Name="Union"> <ZeroOrMore><Content IDRef="contentexp"/></ZeroOrMore> </Element> <Element Name="AnyElement"/> <Element Name="Empty"/> <Element Name="If"> <Sequence> <Content IDRef="boolexp"/> <Element Name="Then"><Content IDRef="contentexp"/></Element> <Optional> <Element Name="Else"><Content IDRef="contentexp"/></Element> </Optional> </Sequence> </Element> <Element IDRef="stringtype"/> <Element IDRef="elementdescr"/> <Element IDRef="contentdescr"/> </Union> </Sequence> </ContentDef> <!-- BOOLEAN FORMULAS --> <ElementDef ID="boolformula" Name="Bool"> <AttributeDecl Name="IDRef" IDType="IDRef" Optional="yes"> 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IDRef="boolexp"/></ZeroOrMore></Element> <Element Name="OneOf"><ZeroOrMore><Content IDRef="boolexp"/></ZeroOrMore></Element> <Element Name="Not"><ZeroOrMore><Content IDRef="boolexp"/></ZeroOrMore></Element> <Element Name="Imply"> <Sequence><Content IDRef="boolexp"/><Content IDRef="boolexp"/></Sequence> </Element> <Element Name="Equiv"><ZeroOrMore><Content IDRef="boolexp"/></ZeroOrMore></Element> <Element IDRef="attributedescr"/> <Element IDRef="contextpattern"/> <Element IDRef="boolformula"/> </Union> </Sequence> </ContentDef> <!-- CONTEXT PATTERNS --> <ElementDef ID="contextpattern" Name="Context"> <AttributeDecl Name="IDRef" IDType="IDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ContextDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <AttributeDecl Name="CurrIDRef" IDType="CurrIDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ContextDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <Not><And><Attribute Name="IDRef"/><Attribute Name="CurrIDRef"/></And></Not> <If> <Not><Or><Attribute Name="IDRef"/><Attribute Name="CurrIDRef"/></Or></Not> <Then><Content IDRef="contextexp"/></Then> </If> </ElementDef> <ElementDef ID="contextdef" Name="ContextDef"> <AttributeDecl Name="ID" IDType="ID" Optional="yes"/> <AttributeDecl Name="RenewID" IDType="RenewID" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ContextDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <OneOf><Attribute Name="ID"/><Attribute Name="RenewID"/></OneOf> <Content IDRef="contextexp"/> </ElementDef> <ContentDef ID="contextexp"> <ZeroOrMore> <Sequence> <Content IDRef="doc"/><Content IDRef="contextterm"/> </Sequence> </ZeroOrMore> </ContentDef> <ContentDef ID="contextterm"> <Union> <Element IDRef="elementpattern"/> <Element Name="SomeElements"/> <Element IDRef="contextpattern"/> </Union> </ContentDef> <ElementDef ID="elementpattern" Name="Element"> <AttributeDecl Name="IDRef" IDType="IDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="ElementDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <AttributeDecl Name="Name" Optional="yes"/> <Not><And><Attribute Name="IDRef"/><Attribute Name="Name"/></And></Not> <ZeroOrMore> <Sequence><Content IDRef="doc"/><Element IDRef="attributedescr"/></Sequence> </ZeroOrMore> </ElementDef> <!-- STRING TYPES --> <ElementDef ID="stringtype" Name="StringType"> <AttributeDecl Name="IDRef" IDType="IDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="StringTypeDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <AttributeDecl Name="CurrIDRef" IDType="CurrIDRef" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="StringTypeDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <Not><And><Attribute Name="IDRef"/><Attribute Name="CurrIDRef"/></And></Not> <If> <Not><Or><Attribute Name="IDRef"/><Attribute Name="CurrIDRef"/></Or></Not> <Then><Optional><Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/></Optional></Then> </If> </ElementDef> <ElementDef ID="stringtypedef" Name="StringTypeDef"> <AttributeDecl Name="ID" IDType="ID" Optional="yes"/> <AttributeDecl Name="RenewID" IDType="RenewID" Optional="yes"> <PointsTo><Context><Element Name="StringTypeDef"/></Context></PointsTo> </AttributeDecl> <OneOf><Attribute Name="ID"/><Attribute Name="RenewID"/></OneOf> <Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/> </ElementDef> <ContentDef ID="stringtypeexp"> <Sequence> <Content IDRef="doc"/> <Union> <Element Name="Sequence"> <ZeroOrMore><Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/></ZeroOrMore> </Element> <Element Name="Optional"><Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/></Element> <Element Name="ZeroOrMore"><Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/></Element> <Element Name="OneOrMore"><Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/></Element> <Element Name="Union"> <ZeroOrMore><Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/></ZeroOrMore> </Element> <Element Name="Intersection"> <ZeroOrMore><Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/></ZeroOrMore> </Element> <Element Name="Complement"><Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/></Element> <Element Name="Repeat"> <AttributeDecl Name="Value"><StringType IDRef="Numeral"/></AttributeDecl> <Content IDRef="stringtypeexp"/> </Element> <Element Name="AnyChar"/> <Element Name="Empty"/> <Element Name="String"><AttributeDecl Name="Value"/></Element> <Element Name="CharSet"><AttributeDecl Name="Value"/></Element> <Element Name="CharRange"> <AttributeDecl Name="Start"><StringType IDRef="Char"/></AttributeDecl> <AttributeDecl Name="End"> <StringType IDRef="Char"/></AttributeDecl> </Element> <Element IDRef="stringtype"/> </Union> </Sequence> </ContentDef> <!-- COMMON SYNTACTIC CONSTRUCTS --> <StringTypeDef ID="Char"> <AnyChar/> </StringTypeDef> <StringTypeDef ID="YesOrNo"> <Union> <String Value="yes"/><String Value="Yes"/><String Value="no"/><String Value="No"/> </Union> </StringTypeDef> <StringTypeDef ID="Numeral"> <OneOrMore><CharRange Start="0" End="9"/></OneOrMore> </StringTypeDef> <ContentDef ID="element"> <AnyElement/> </ContentDef> <ContentDef ID="content"> <ZeroOrMore><Union><AnyElement/><StringType/></Union></ZeroOrMore> </ContentDef> </DSD> |
<DSD:Default> <Context><Element/></Context> <DefaultAttribute Name="font-weight" Value="bold"/> </DSD:Default> <DSD:Default> <Context> <Element Name="menu"> <Attribute Name="class" Value="myown"> </Element> </Context> <DefaultContent> <prompt> please enter your <em>selection</em>! </prompt> </DefaultContent> </DSD:Default> |
could be written more concisely as
<DSD:Defaults> * {font-weight: bold} menu.myown {<prompt>please enter your <em>selection</em>!</prompt>} </DSD:Defaults> |
This home page also contains DSD examples and an XSL stylesheet for rendering DSD documents in browsers.