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- DS-05-9
Henning Korsholm Rohde.
Formal Aspects of Partial Evaluation.
December 2005.
PhD thesis. xii+188.
Comments: Defence: December 19, 2005.
- DS-05-8
Dariusz Biernacki.
The Theory and Practice of Programming Languages with Delimited
December 2005.
PhD thesis.
Comments: Defence: December 15, 2005.
- DS-05-7
Kasper Dupont.
Disk Encryption, Group Identification, Byzantine Agreement, and
Threshold RSA.
December 2005.
PhD thesis.
Comments: Defence: December 12, 2005.
- DS-05-6
Saurabh Agarwal.
GCD Algorithms for Quadratic Number Rings.
October 2005.
PhD thesis.
Comments: Defence: October 10, 2005.
- DS-05-5
Jesus Fernando Almansa Guerra.
A Study for Cryptologic Protocols.
September 2005.
PhD thesis.
Comments: Defence: September 12, 2005.
- DS-05-4
Bolette Ammitzbøll Madsen.
Exact Algorithms and Exact Satisfiability.
September 2005.
PhD thesis.
Comments: Defence: September 9, 2005.
- DS-05-3
Marco Carbone.
Trust and Mobility.
June 2005.
PhD thesis.
Comments: Defence: June 20, 2005.
- DS-05-2
Jørgen Iversen.
Formalisms and tools supporting Constructive Action Semantics.
May 2005.
PhD thesis. xii+189 pp.
Abstract: This dissertation deals with the problem of writing
formal semantic descriptions of programming languages, that can easily be
extended and partly reused in other descriptions. Constructive Action
Semantics is a new version of the original Action Semantics framework that
solves the problem by requiring that a description consists of independent
modules describing single language constructs. We present a formalism and
various tools for writing and using constructive action semantic descriptions
of programming languages.
In part I we present formalisms for
describing programming languages. The Action Semantics framework was
developed by Mosses and Watt and is a framework for describing the semantics
of real programming languages. The ASF+SDF formalism can among other things
be used to describe the concrete syntax of a programming language and a
mapping to abstract syntax, as we illustrate in a description of a subset of
the Standard ML language. We also introduce a novel formalism, ASDF, for
writing action semantic descriptions of single language constructs.
Part II of the dissertation is about tools that supports writing constructive
action semantic descriptions and generating compilers from them. The Action
Environment is an interactive development environment for writing action
semantic descriptions using ASF+SDF and ASDF. A type checker available in the
environment can be used to check the semantic functions in the ASDF modules.
Actions can be evaluated using an action interpreter we have developed, and
this is useful when prototyping a language description. Finally we present an
action compiler that can be used in compiler generation. The action compiler
consists of a type inference algorithm and a code generator.
Comments: Defence: May 12, 2005.
- DS-05-1
Kirill Morozov.
On Cryptographic Primitives Based on Noisy Channels.
March 2005.
PhD thesis. xii+102 pp.
Abstract: The primitives of Oblivious Transfer (OT) and Bit
Commitment (BC) are fundamental in the cryptographic protocol design. OT is a
complete primitive for secure two-party computation, while zero-knowledge
proofs are based on BC. In this work, the implementations of OT and BC with
unconditional security for both parties are considered. The security of these
protocols does not depend on unproven intractability assumptions. Instead, we
assume that the players are connected by noisy channels. This is a very
natural assumption since noise is inherently present in the real
communication channels.
We present and prove secure a protocol for OT
based on a Discrete Memoryless Channel (DMC) with probability transition
matrix of a general form. The protocol is secure for any non-trivial DMC.
Some generalisations to this protocol for the particular case of Binary
Symmetric Channel (BSC) are presented and their asymptotic behaviour is
The security of OT and BC based on BSC is also analysed in
the non-asymptotic case. We derive relations for the failure probabilities
depending on the number of channel uses establishing trade-offs between their
communication complexity on the one hand and the security on the other
We consider a modification to the Universally Composable (UC)
framework for the case of unconditional two-party protocols. We argue that
this modification is valid hereby preparing a ground for our results
concerning OT based on Unfair Noisy Channels (UNC).
In contrast to the
noise models mentioned above, a corrupted party is given a partial control
over the randomness introduced by UNC. We introduce a generic ``compiler''
which transforms any protocol implementing OT from a passive version of UNC
and secure against passive cheating into a protocol that uses UNC for
communications and builds an OT secure against active cheating. We exploit
this result and a new technique for transforming between the weaker versions
of OT in order to obtain new possibility results for OT based on UNC.
Comments: Defence: March 11, 2005.
- DS-04-6
Pawe Sobocinski.
Deriving Process Congruences from Reaction Rules.
December 2004.
PhD thesis. xii+216 pp.
Abstract: This thesis is concerned with the development of a
theory which, given a formalism with a reduction semantics, allows the
derivation of a canonical labelled transition system on which bisimilarity as
well as other other equivalences are congruences; provided that the contexts
of the formalism form a category which has certain colimits.
We shall
begin by extending Leifer and Milner's theory of reactive systems to a
2-categorical setting. This development is motivated by the common situation
in which the contexts of a reactive system contain non-trivial algebraic
structure with an associated notion of context isomorphism. Forgetting this
structure often leads to problems and we shall show that the theory can be
extended smoothly, retaining this useful information as well as the
congruence theorems.
Technically, the generalisation includes defining
the central notion of groupoidal-relative-pushout (GRPO) (categorically: a
bipushout in a pseudoslice category), which turns out to provide a suitable
generalisation of Leifer and Milner's relative pushout (RPO). The congruence
theorems are then reproved in this more general setting. We shall also show
how previously introduced alternative solutions to the problem of forgetting
the two-dimensional structure can be reduced to the 2-categorical
Secondly, we shall construct GRPOs in settings which are
general enough to allow the theory to be applied to useful, previously
studied examples. We shall begin by constructing GRPOs in a category whose
arrows correspond closely to the contexts a simple process calculus, and
extend this construction further to cover the category of bunch contexts,
studied previously by Leifer and Milner. The constructions use the structure
of extensive categories.
We shall argue that cospans provide an
interesting notion of ``generalised contexts''. In an effort to find a
natural class of categories which allows the construction of GRPOs in the
corresponding cospan bicategory, we shall introduce the class of adhesive
categories. As extensive categories have well-behaved coproducts, so adhesive
categories have well-behaved pushouts along monomorphisms. Adhesive
categories also turn out to be a useful tool in the study and generalisation
of the theory of double-pushout graph transformation systems, indeed, such
systems have a rich rewriting theory when defined over adhesive
Armed with the theory of adhesive categories, we shall
present a construction of GRPOs in input-linear cospan bicategories. As an
immediate application, we shall shed light on as well as extend the theory of
rewriting via borrowed contexts, due to Ehrig and König. Secondly, we
shall examine the implications of the construction for Milner's bigraphs.
Comments: Defence: December 3, 2004.
- DS-04-5
Bjarke Skjernaa.
Exact Algorithms for Variants of Satisfiability and Colouring
November 2004.
PhD thesis. x+112 pp.
Abstract: This dissertation studies exact algorithms for
various hard problems and give an overview of not only results but also the
techniques used.
In the first part we focus on Satisfiability and
several variants of Satisfiability. We present some historical techniques and
results. Our main focus in the first part is on a particular variant of
Satisfiability, Exact Satisfiability. Exact Satisfiability is the variant of
Satisfiability where a clause is satisfied if it contains exactly one
true literal. We present an algorithm solving Exact Satisfiability
in time
, and an algorithm solving Exact 3-Satisfiability,
the variant of Exact Satisfiability where each clause contains at most three
literals, in time
. In these algorithms we use a new concept
of -sparse formulas, and we present a new technique called
splitting loosely connected formulas, although we do not use the
technique in the algorithms.
We present a new program which generates
algorithms and corresponding upper bound proofs for variants of
Satisfiability, and in particular Exact Satisfiability. The program uses
several new techniques which we describe and compare to the techniques used
in three other programs generating algorithms and upper bound proofs.
In the second part we focus on another class of NP-complete problems,
colouring problems. We present several algorithms for 3-Colouring, and
discuss -Colouring in general. We also look at the problem of determining
the chromatic number of a graph, which is the minimum number, , such that
the graph is -colourable. We present a technique using maximal bipartite
subgraphs to solve -Colouring, and prove two bounds on the maximum
possible number of maximal bipartite subgraphs of a graph with vertices:
a lower bound of
and an upper bound of . We
also present a recent improvement of the upper bound by Byskov and Eppstein,
and show a number of applications of this in colouring problems.
the last part of this dissertation we look at a class of problems unrelated
to the above, Graph Distinguishability problems. DIST is the problem of
determining if a graph can be coloured with colours, such that no
non-trivial automorphism of the graph preserves the colouring. We present
some results on determining the distinguishing number of a graph, which is
the minimum , such that the graph is in DIST . We finish by proving a
new result which shows that DIST can be reduced to DIST for various
values of and .
Comments: Defence: November 11, 2004.
- DS-04-4
Jesper Makholm Byskov.
Exact Algorithms for Graph Colouring and Exact Satisfiability.
November 2004.
PhD thesis.
Abstract: This dissertation contains results within the field
of exact algorithms for NP-hard problems. We give an overview of the major
results within the field as well as the main techniques used. Then we present
new exact algorithms for various graph colouring problems and for two
In graph
colouring, we first look at the problem of enumerating all maximal
independent sets of a graph. This is not an NP-hard problem, but algorithms
for this problem are useful for solving other graph colouring problems. Moon
and Moser (1965) have given tight upper bounds on the number of maximal
independent sets in a graph, and there exists a number of algorithms for
enumerating them all. We look at the extended problems of enumerating all
maximal independent sets of size equal to , of size at most and of
size at least for . We give tight upper bounds on the
number of such sets and give algorithms for enumerating them all in time
within a polynomial factor of these upper bounds, thereby extending earlier
work of Eppstein (2003a). Then we look at algorithms for enumerating all
maximal bipartite subgraphs of a graph. We give upper and lower bounds on the
number of maximal bipartite subgraphs and an algorithm for enumerating all
such subgraphs, but the bounds are not tight. The work on maximal bipartite
subgraphs is from two different papers, one with B. A. Madsen and B. Skjernaa
and the other with D. Eppstein. Finally, we give algorithms for enumerating
all maximal -colourable subgraphs of a graph for . These
algorithms all run in time and we have no upper bound
on the number of maximal -colourable subgraphs for . The
algorithm for is from joint work with D. Eppstein. We use all the
above-mentioned algorithms in new algorithms for 4-COLOURING,
5-COLOURING and 6-COLOURING using ideas of Lawler (1976).
Some of these algorithms are also joint work with D. Eppstein. We also
improve an algorithm of Eppstein (2003a) for the CHROMATIC NUMBER
We also give new, improved algorithms for XSAT as
well as X3SAT, the variant where each clause contains at most three
literals. Our improvements come from three sources. First, we discover new
reduction rules which allow us to get rid of more formulas by replacing them
by simpler formulas. Next, we extend the case analyses of previous algorithms
to distinguish between more cases. Finally, we introduce a new concept called
sparse formulas. XSAT can be solved in polynomial time if no
variable occurs more than twice in the formula. We call a formula sparse, if
the number of variables occurring more than twice is small. Such formulas we
solve by trying all possible truth assignments to the variables occurring
more than twice. Then the remaining parts of the formulas contain only
variables occurring at most twice, so they can be solved in polynomial time.
Both algorithms are joint work with B. A. Madsen and B. Skjernaa.
Comments: Defence: November 11, 2004.
- DS-04-3
Jens Groth.
Honest Verifier Zero-knowledge Arguments Applied.
October 2004.
PhD thesis. xii+119 pp.
Abstract: We apply honest verifier zero-knowledge arguments to
cryptographic protocols for non-malleable commitment, voting, anonymization
and group signatures. For the latter three the random oracle model can be
used to make them non-interactive. Unfortunately, the random oracle model is
in some ways unreasonable, we present techniques to reduce the dependence on
Several voting schemes have been suggested in the literature,
among them a class of efficient protocols based on homomorphic threshold
encryption. Voters encrypt their votes, and using the homomorphic property of
the cryptosystem we can get an encryption of the result. A group of
authorities now makes a threshold decryption of this ciphertext to get the
result. We have to protect against voters that cheat by encrypting something
that is not a valid vote. We therefore require that they make a
non-interactive zero-knowledge argument of correctness of the encrypted vote.
Using integer-commitments, we suggest efficient honest verifier
zero-knowledge arguments for correctness of a vote, which can be made
non-interactive using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic. We suggest arguments for
single-voting, multi-way voting, approval voting and shareholder voting,
going from the case where the voter has a single vote to the case where a
voter may cast millions of votes at once.
For anonymization purposes,
one can use a mix-net. One way to construct a mix-net is to let a set of
mixers take turns in permuting and reencrypting or decrypting the inputs. If
at least one of the mixers is honest, the input data and the output data can
no longer be linked. For this anonymization guarantee to hold we do need to
ensure that all mixers act according to the protocol. For use in reencrypting
mix-nets we suggest an honest verifier zero-knowledge argument of a correct
reencrypting shuffle that can be used with a large class of homomorphic
cryptosystems. For use in decrypting mix-nets, we offer an honest verifier
zero-knowledge argument for a decrypting shuffle.
For any NP-language
there exists, based on one-way functions, a 3-move honest verifier
zero-knowledge argument. If we pick a suitable hard statement and a suitable
3-move argument for this statement, we can use the protocol as a commitment
scheme. A commitment to a message is created by using a special honest
verifier zero-knowledge property to simulate an argument with the message as
challenge. We suggest picking the statement to be proved in a particular way
related to a signature scheme, which is secure against known message attack.
This way we can create many commitments that can be trapdoor opened, yet
other commitments chosen by an adversary remain binding. This property is
known as simulation soundness. Simulation soundness implies non-malleability,
so we obtain a non-malleable commitment scheme based on any one-way function.
We also obtain efficient non-malleable commitment schemes based on the strong
RSA assumption.
We investigate the use of honest verifier
zero-knowledge arguments in signature schemes. By carefully selecting the
statement to be proven and finding an efficient protocol, we obtain a group
signature scheme that is very efficient and has only weak set-up assumptions.
Security is proved in the random oracle model. The group signature scheme can
be extended to allow for dynamic join of members, revocation of members and
can easily be transformed into a traceable signature scheme. We observe that
traceable signatures can be built from one-way functions and non-interactive
zero-knowledge arguments, which seems to be weaker than the assumptions
needed to build group signatures.
Comments: Defence: October 15, 2004.
- DS-04-2
Alex Rune Berg.
Rigidity of Frameworks and Connectivity of Graphs.
July 2004.
PhD thesis. xii+173 pp.
Abstract: This dissertation contains results on three different
but connected areas. The first area is on rigidity of frameworks. A framework
consists of rigid bars and rotatable joints. A framework is rigid if it has
no deformation. A graph is generically rigid if every framework obtained as a
'generic embedding' of the graph in the plane is rigid. A graph is
redundantly rigid if it is generically rigid after removing an arbitrary
edge. A graph is called a generic circuit if and
is redundantly rigid. The operation extension subdivides an edge
of a graph by a new vertex and adds a new edge for some vertex
. R. Connelly conjectured that every -connected generic
circuit can be obtained from by a sequence of extensions. We prove this
conjecture. All new results presented in this dissertation is joint work with
T. Jordán. A new and simple algorithm for finding the maximal generically
rigid subgraphs of a graph has also been developed. The running time matches
that of previous algorithms, namely . Furthermore a polynomial
algorithm has been found for computing maximal generically uniquely
realizable graphs in dimension two (also called globally rigid graphs). The
algorithm relies heavily on a result of Jackson and Jordán.
on detachments in -edge-connected directed graphs and splitting off in
directed hypergraphs have been obtained. The work described in this paragraph
is also joint with B. Jackson. The splitting off operation in a directed
graph replaces an arc
and arcs
by one directed
hyperedge having tail vertices
and one head vertex . We
present a theorem detaching hyperedges preserving -edge-connectivity of
the resulting directed hypergraph (for an appropriate definition of
-edge-connectivity). The detachment operation in a directed graph
'detaches' a vertex into several vertices ('pieces')
then distributes the arcs of among the vertices
finally deletes . We present a theorem stating when it is possible to
detach a vertex into pieces preserving -edge-connectivity of the
resulting graph. This detachment theorem correspond to a theorem by
Nash-Williams on undirected graphs.
Orientation results preserving
-edge-connectivity have been developed by Nash-Williams. Frank conjectured
that a graph , , has a -vertex-connected
orientation if and only if is -edge-connected for all
with . Gerards verified Frank's conjecture graphs
where every vertex has degree four and with . In this dissertation
Frank's conjecture is verified for the Eulerian graphs and still with .
An algorithm is presented for finding -vertex-connected orientations of
Eulerian graphs satisfying Frank's conjecture for .
Comments: Defence: July 7, 2004.
- DS-04-1
Bartosz Klin.
An Abstract Coalgebraic Approach to Process Equivalence for
Well-Behaved Operational Semantics.
May 2004.
PhD thesis. x+152 pp.
Abstract: This thesis is part of the programme aimed at finding
a mathematical theory of well-behaved structural operational semantics.
General and basic results shown in 1997 in a seminal paper by Turi and
Plotkin are extended in two directions, aiming at greater expressivity of the
The so-called bialgebraic framework of Turi and Plotkin is
an abstract generalization of the well-known structural operational semantics
format GSOS, and provides a theory of operational semantic rules for which
bisimulation equivalence is a congruence.
The first part of this
thesis aims at extending that framework to cover other operational
equivalences and preorders (e.g. trace equivalence), known collectively as
the van Glabbeek spectrum. To do this, a novel coalgebraic approach to
relations on processes is desirable, since the usual approach to coalgebraic
bisimulations as spans of coalgebras does not extend easily to other known
equivalences on processes. Such an approach, based on fibrations of test
suites, is presented. Based on this, an abstract characterization of
congruence formats is given, parametrized by the relation on processes that
is expected to be compositional. This abstract characterization is then
specialized to the case of trace equivalence, completed trace equivalence and
failures equivalence. In the two latter cases, novel congruence formats are
obtained, extending the current state of the art in this area of research.
The second part of the thesis aims at extending the bialgebraic
framework to cover a general class of recursive language constructs, defined
by (possibly unguarded) recursive equations. Since unguarded equations may be
a source of divergence, the entire framework is interpreted in a suitable
domain category, instead of the category of sets and functions. It is shown
that a class of recursive equations called regular equations can be merged
seamlessly with GSOS operational rules, yielding well-behaved operational
semantics for languages extended with recursive constructs.
Comments: Defence: May 28, 2004.
- DS-03-14
Daniele Varacca.
Probability, Nondeterminism and Concurrency: Two Denotational
Models for Probabilistic Computation.
November 2003.
PhD thesis. xii+163 pp.
Abstract: Nondeterminism is modelled in domain theory by the
notion of a powerdomain, while probability is modelled by that of the
probabilistic powerdomain. Some problems arise when we want to combine them
in order to model computation in which both nondeterminism and probability
are present. In particular there is no categorical distributive law
between them. We introduce the powerdomain of indexed valuations which
modifies the usual probabilistic powerdomain to take more detailed account of
where probabilistic choices are made. We show the existence of a distributive
law between the powerdomain of indexed valuations and the nondeterministic
powerdomain. By means of an equational theory we give an alternative
characterisation of indexed valuations and the distributive law. We study the
relation between valuations and indexed valuations. Finally we use indexed
valuations to give a semantics to a programming language. This semantics
reveals the computational intuition lying behind the mathematics.
the second part of the thesis we provide an operational reading of continuous
valuations on certain domains (the distributive concrete domains of Kahn and
Plotkin) through the model of probabilistic event structures. Event
structures are a model for concurrent computation that account for causal
relations between events. We propose a way of adding probabilities to
confusion free event structures, defining the notion of probabilistic event
structure. This leads to various ideas of a run for probabilistic event
structures. We show a confluence theorem for such runs. Configurations of a
confusion free event structure form a distributive concrete domain. We give a
representation theorem which characterises completely the powerdomain of
valuations of such concrete domains in terms of probabilistic event
Comments: Defence: November 24, 2003.
- DS-03-13
Mikkel Nygaard.
Domain Theory for Concurrency.
November 2003.
PhD thesis. xiii+161 pp.
Abstract: Concurrent computation can be given an abstract
mathematical treatment very similar to that provided for sequential
computation by domain theory and denotational semantics of Scott and
A simple domain theory for concurrency is presented. Based
on a categorical model of linear logic and associated comonads, it highlights
the role of linearity in concurrent computation. Two choices of comonad yield
two expressive metalanguages for higher-order processes, both arising from
canonical constructions in the model. Their denotational semantics are fully
abstract with respect to contextual equivalence.
One language, called
HOPLA for Higher-Order Process LAnguage, derives from an exponential of
linear logic. It can be viewed as an extension of the simply-typed lambda
calculus with CCS-like nondeterministic sum and prefix operations, in which
types express the form of computation path of which a process is capable.
HOPLA can directly encode calculi like CCS, CCS with process passing, and
mobile ambients with public names, and it can be given a straightforward
operational semantics supporting a standard bisimulation congruence. The
denotational and operational semantics are related with simple proofs of
soundness and adequacy. Full abstraction implies that contextual equivalence
coincides with logical equivalence for a fragment of Hennessy-Milner logic,
linking up with simulation equivalence.
The other language is called
Affine HOPLA and is based on a weakening comonad that yields a model of
affine-linear logic. This language adds to HOPLA an interesting tensor
operation at the price of linearity constraints on the occurrences of
variables. The tensor can be understood as a juxtaposition of independent
processes, and allows Affine HOPLA to encode processes of the kind found in
treatments of nondeterministic dataflow.
The domain theory can be
generalised to presheaf models, providing a more refined treatment of
nondeterministic branching and supporting notions of bisimulation. The
operational semantics for HOPLA is guided by the idea that derivations of
transitions in the operational semantics should correspond to elements of the
presheaf denotations. Similar guidelines lead to an operational semantics for
the first-order fragment of Affine HOPLA. An extension of the operational
semantics to the full language is based on a stable denotational semantics
which associates to each computation the minimal input necessary for it. Such
a semantics is provided, based on event structures; it agrees with the
presheaf semantics at first order and exposes the tensor operation as a
simple parallel composition of event structures.
The categorical
model obtained from presheaves is very rich in structure and points towards
more expressive languages than HOPLA and Affine HOPLA--in particular
concerning extensions to cover independence models. The thesis concludes with
a discussion of related work towards a fully fledged domain theory for
Comments: Defence: November 21, 2003.
- DS-03-12
Paulo B. Oliva.
Proof Mining in Subsystems of Analysis.
September 2003.
PhD thesis. xii+198 pp.
Abstract: This dissertation studies the use of methods of proof
theory in extracting new information from proofs in subsystems of classical
analysis. We focus mainly on ineffective proofs, i.e. proofs which make use
of ineffective principles ranging from weak König's lemma to full
comprehension. The main contributions of the dissertation can be divided into
four parts:
- A discussion of how monotone functional
interpretation provides the right notion of ``numerical implication'' in
analysis. We show among other things that monotone functional interpretation
naturally creates well-studied moduli when applied to various classes of
statements (e.g. uniqueness, convexity, contractivity, continuity and
monotonicity) and that the interpretation of implications between those
statements corresponds to translations between the different moduli.
- A
case study in
-approximation, in which we analyze Cheney's proof of
Jackson's theorem, concerning uniqueness of the best approximation, w.r.t. -norm, of continuous functions by polynomials of bounded
degree. The result of our analysis provides the first effective modulus of
uniqueness for -approximation. Moreover, using this modulus we give the
first complexity analysis of the sequence of best -approximations for
polynomial-time computable functions .
- A comparison
between three different forms of bar recursion, in which we show among other
things that the type structure of strongly majorizable functionals is a model
of modified bar recursion, that modified bar recursion is not S1-S9
computable over the type structure of total continuous functions and that
modified bar recursion de nes (primitive recursively, in the sense of Kleene)
Spector's bar recursion.
- An adaptation of functional interpretation to
handle ine ective proofs in feasible analysis, which provides the first
modular procedure for extracting polynomial-time realizers from ineffective
proofs (i.e. proofs involving weak König's lemma) of
-theorems in feasible analysis.
Comments: Defence: September 26, 2003.
- DS-03-11
Maciej Koprowski.
Cryptographic Protocols Based on Root Extracting.
August 2003.
PhD thesis. xii+138 pp.
Abstract: In this thesis we design new cryptographic protocols,
whose security is based on the hardness of root extracting or more speci
cally the RSA problem.
First we study the problem of root extraction
in nite Abelian groups, where the group order is unknown. This is a natural
generalization of the, heavily employed in modern cryptography, RSA problem
of decrypting RSA ciphertexts. We examine the complexity of this problem for
generic algorithms, that is, algorithms that work for any group and do not
use any special properties of the group at hand. We prove an exponential
lower bound on the generic complexity of root extraction, even if the
algorithm can choose the ``public exponent'' itself. In other words, both the
standard and the strong RSA assumption are provably true w.r.t. generic
algorithms. The results hold for arbitrary groups, so security w.r.t. generic attacks follows for any cryptographic construction based on root
As an example of this, we modify Cramer-Shoup signature
scheme such that it becomes a generic algorithm. We discuss then implementing
it in RSA groups without the original restriction that the modulus must be a
product of safe primes. It can also be implemented in class groups. In all
cases, security follows from a well de ned complexity assumption (the strong
root assumption), without relying on random oracles.
A smooth
natural number has no big prime factors. The probability, that a random
natural number not greater than has all prime factors smaller than
with , is asymptotically close to the Dickman function
. By careful analysis of Hildebrand's asymptotic smoothness results
and applying new techniques, we derive concrete bounds on the smoothness
probabilities assuming the Riemann hypothesis. We show how our results can be
applied in order to suggest realistic values of security parameters in
Gennaro-Halevi-Rabin signature scheme.
We introduce a modi ed version
of Fischlin's signature scheme where we substitute prime exponents with
random numbers. Equipped with our exact smoothness bounds, we can compute
concrete sizes of security parameters, providing a currently acceptable level
of security.
This allows us to propose the rst practical blind
signature scheme provably secure, without relying on heuristics called random
oracle model (ROM). We obtain the protocol for issuing blind signatures by
implementing our modi ed Fischlin's signing algorithm as a secure two-party
computation. The security of our scheme assumes the hardness of the strong
RSA problem and decisional composite residuosity.
We discuss a
security aw in the e cient statefull variant of Fischlin's signature scheme.
Next, we introduce a threshold RSA scheme which is almost as e cient
as the fastest previous threshold RSA scheme (by Shoup), but where two
assumptions needed in Shoup's and in previous schemes can be dropped, namely
that the modulus must be a product of safe primes and that a trusted dealer
generates the keys. The robustness (but not the unforgeability) of our scheme
depends on a new intractability assumption, in addition to security of the
underlying standard RSA scheme.
Finally, we propose the concept of
ne-grained forward secure signature schemes, which not only provides
non-repudiation w.r.t. past time periods the way ordinary forward secure
signature schemes do, but in addition allows the signer to specify which
signatures of the current time period remain valid in case the public key
needs to be revoked. This is an important advantage if the signer processes
many signatures per time period as otherwise the signer would have to
re-issue those signatures (and possibly re-negotiate the respective messages)
with a new key. Apart from a formal model we present practical instantiations
and prove them secure under the strong RSA assumption only, i.e., we do not
resort to the random oracle model to prove security. As a sideresult, we
provide an ordinary forward-secure scheme whose key-update time is signi
cantly smaller than for other known schemes that do not assume random oracle
model (ROM).
Comments: Defence: August 8, 2003.
- DS-03-10
Serge Fehr.
Secure Multi-Player Protocols: Fundamentals, Generality, and
August 2003.
PhD thesis. xii+125 pp.
Abstract: While classically cryptography is concerned with the
problem of private communication among two entities, say players, in
modern cryptography multi-player protocols play an important role. And
among these, it is probably fair to say that secret sharing, and its
stronger version verifiable secret sharing (VSS), as well as multi-party computation (MPC) belong to the most appealing and/or useful
ones. The former two are basic tools to achieve better robustness of
cryptographic schemes against malfunction or misuse by ``decentralizing'' the
security from one single to a whole group of individuals (captured by the
term threshold cryptography). The latter allows--at least in
principle--to execute any collaboration among a group of players in a
secure way that guarantees the correctness of the outcome but
simultaneously respects the privacy of the participants.
In this work,
we study three aspects of secret sharing, VSS and MPC, which we denote by
fundamentals, generality, and efficiency. By fundamentals
we mean the quest for understanding why a protocol works and is secure
in abstract (and hopefully simple) mathematical terms. By generality we mean
generality with respect to the underlying mathematical structure, in other
words, minimizing the mathematical axioms required to do some task. And
efficiency of course deals with the improvement of protocols with respect to
some meaningful complexity measure.
We briefly summarize our main
results. (1) We give a complete characterization of black-box secret
sharing in terms of simple algebraic conditions on the integer sharing
coefficients, and we propose a black-box secret sharing scheme with minimal
expansion factor. Note that, in contrast to the classical field-based secret
sharing schemes, a black-box secret sharing scheme allows to share a secret
sampled from an arbitrary Abelian group and requires only black-box access to
the group operations and to random group elements. Such a scheme may be very
useful in the construction of threshold cryptosystems based on groups with
secret order (like RSA). (2) We show that without loss of efficiency, MPC can
be based on arbitrary finite rings. This is in sharp contrast to the
literature where essentially all MPC protocols require a much stronger
mathematical structure, namely a field. Apart from its theoretical value,
this can lead to efficiency improvements since it allows a greater freedom in
the (mathematical) representation of the task that needs to be securely
executed. (3) We propose a unified treatment of perfectly secure linear VSS
and distributed commitments (a weaker version of the former), and we show
that the security of such a scheme can be reduced to a linear algebra
condition. The security of all known schemes follows as corollaries whose
proofs are pure linear algebra arguments, in contrast to some hybrid
arguments used in the literature. (4) We construct a new unconditionally
secure VSS scheme with minimized reconstruction complexity in the setting of
a dishonest minority. This improves on the reconstruction complexity of the
previously best known scheme without affecting the (asymptotic) complexity of
the sharing phase. In the context of MPC with pre-processing, our
scheme allows to improve the computation phase of earlier protocols without
increasing the complexity of the pre-processing. (5) Finally, we consider
commitment multiplication proofs, which allow to prove a multiplicative
relation among three commitments, and which play a crucial role in
computationally secure MPC. We study a non-interactive solution which
works in a distributed-verifier setting and essentially consists of a
few executions of Pedersen's VSS. We simplify and improve the protocol, and
we point out a (previously overlooked) property which helps to construct
non-interactive proofs of partial knowledge in this setting. This
allows for instance to prove the knowledge of out of given
secrets, without revealing which ones. We also construct a non-interactive
distributed-verifier proof of circuit satisfiability, which--in
principle--allows to prove anything that can be proven without giving
away the proof.
Comments: Defence: August 8, 2003.
- DS-03-9
Mads J. Jurik.
Extensions to the Paillier Cryptosystem with Applications to
Cryptological Protocols.
August 2003.
PhD thesis. xii+117 pp.
Abstract: The main contribution of this thesis is a
simplification, a generalization and some modifications of the homomorphic
cryptosystem proposed by Paillier in 1999, and several cryptological
protocols that follow from these changes.
The Paillier cryptosystem
is an additive homomorphic cryptosystem, meaning that one can combine
ciphertexts into a new ciphertext that is the encryption of the sum of the
messages of the original ciphertexts. The cryptosystem uses arithmetic over
the group
and the cryptosystem can encrypt messages from
the group . In this thesis the cryptosystem is generalized to work
over the group
for any integer with plaintexts
from the group . This has the advantage that the ciphertext is
only a factor of longer than the plaintext, which is an
improvement to the factor of 2 in the Paillier cryptosystem. The generalized
cryptosystem is also simplified in some ways, which results in a threshold
decryption that is conceptually simpler than other proposals. Another
cryptosystem is also proposed that is length-flexible, i.e. given a fixed
public key, the sender can choose the when the message is encrypted and
use the message space of . This new system is modified using
some El Gamal elements to create a cryptosystem that is both length-flexible
and has an efficient threshold decryption. This new system has the added
feature, that with a globally setup RSA modulus , provers can efficiently
prove various relations on plaintexts inside ciphertexts made using different
public keys. Using these cryptosystems several multi-party protocols are
- A mix-net, which is a tool for making an
unknown random permutation of a list of ciphertext. This makes it a useful
tool for achieving anonymity.
- Several voting systems:
- An efficient large scale election system capable of handling large
elections with many candidates.
- Client/server trade-offs: 1) a system
where vote size is within a constant of the minimal size, and 2) a system
where a voter is protected even when voting from a hostile environment (i.e.
a Trojan infested computer). Both of these improvements are achieved at the
cost of some extra computations at the server side.
- A small scale
election with perfect ballot secrecy (i.e. any group of persons only learns
what follows directly from their votes and the final result) usable e.g. for
board room election.
- A key escrow system, which allows an
observer to decrypt any message sent using any public key set up in the
defined way. This is achieved even though the servers only store a constant
amount of key material.
The last contribution of this
thesis is a petition system based on the modified Weil pairing. This system
greatly improves the naive implementations using normal signatures from using
an order of group operations to using only
where is the number of signatures checked, and is the security
Comments: Defence: August 7, 2003.
- DS-03-8
Jesper Buus Nielsen.
On Protocol Security in the Cryptographic Model.
August 2003.
PhD thesis. xiv+341 pp.
Abstract: It seems to be a generally acknowledged fact that you
should never trust a computer and that you should trust the person operating
the computer even less. This in particular becomes a problem when the party
that you do not trust is one which is separated from you and is one on which
you depend, e.g. because that party is the holder of some data or some
capability that you need in order to operate correctly. How do you perform a
given task involving interaction with other parties while allowing these
parties a minimal influence on you and, if privacy is an issue, allowing them
to learn as little about you as possible. This is the general problem of
secure multiparty computation. The usual way of formalizing the problem
is to say that a number of parties who do not trust each other wish to
compute some function of their local inputs, while keeping their inputs as
secret as possible and guaranteeing the correctness of the output. Both goals
should be obtained even if some parties stop participating or some malevolent
coalition of the parties start deviating arbitrarily from the agreed
protocol. The task is further complicated by the fact that besides their
mutual distrust, nor do the parties trust the channels by which they
communicate. A general solution to the secure multiparty computation problem
is a compiler which given any feasible function describes an efficient
protocol which allows the parties to compute the function securely on their
local inputs over an open network.
Over the past twenty years the
secure multiparty computation problem has been the subject of a large body of
research, both research into the models of multiparty computation and
research aimed at realizing general secure multiparty computation. The main
approach to realizing secure multiparty computation has been based on
verifiable secret sharing as computation, where each party holds a secret
share of each input and during the execution computes secret shares of all
intermediate values. This approach allows the parties to keep all inputs and
intermediate values secret and to pool the shares of the output values to
learn exactly these values.
More recently an approach based on joint
homomorphic encryption was introduced, allowing for an efficient realization
of general multiparty computation secure against an eavesdropper. A joint
encryption scheme is an encryption scheme where all parties can encrypt, but
where it takes the participation of all parties to open an encryption. The
computation then starts by all parties broadcasting encryptions of their
inputs and progresses through computing encryptions of the intermediary
values using the homomorphic properties of the encryption scheme. The
encryptions of the outputs can then be jointly decrypted.
In this
dissertation we extend this approach by using threshold homomorphic
encryption to provide full-fledged security against an active attacker which
might control some of the parties and which might take over parties during
the course of the protocol execution. As opposed to a joint encryption scheme
a threshold encryption scheme only requires that a given number of the
parties are operating correctly for decryption to be possible. In this
dissertation we show that threshold homomorphic encryption allows to solve
the secure general multiparty computation problem more efficiently than
previous approaches to the problem.
Starting from an open
point-to-point network there is a long way to general secure multiparty
computation. The dissertation contains contributions at several points along
the way. In particular we investigate how to realize secure channels.
We also show how threshold signature schemes can be used to efficiently
realize a broadcast channel and how threshold cryptography can be used
to provide the parties of the network with a source of shared
randomness. All three tools are well-known to be extremely powerful
resources in a network, and our principle contribution is to provide
efficient realizations.
The dissertation also contains contributions
to the definitional part of the field of multiparty computation. Most
significantly we augment the recent model of universally composable
security with a formal notion of what it means for a protocol to only
realize a given problem under a given restricted input-output behavior
of the environment. This e.g. allows us to give the first specification of a
universally composable zero-knowledge proof of membership which does
not at the same time require the proof system to be a proof of knowledge.
Comments: Defence: August 7, 2003.
- DS-03-7
Mario José Cáccamo.
A Formal Calculus for Categories.
June 2003.
PhD thesis. xiv+151.
Abstract: This dissertation studies the logic underlying
category theory. In particular we present a formal calculus for reasoning
about universal properties. The aim is to systematise judgements about functoriality and naturality central to categorical reasoning. The
calculus is based on a language which extends the typed lambda calculus with
new binders to represent universal constructions. The types of the languages
are interpreted as locally small categories and the expressions represent
The logic supports a syntactic treatment of universality
and duality. Contravariance requires a definition of universality generous
enough to deal with functors of mixed variance. Ends generalise limits
to cover these kinds of functors and moreover provide the basis for a very
convenient algebraic manipulation of expressions.
The equational
theory of the lambda calculus is extended with new rules for the definitions
of universal properties. These judgements express the existence of natural
isomorphisms between functors. The isomorphisms allow us to formalise in the
calculus results like the Yoneda lemma and Fubini theorem for ends. The
definitions of limits and ends are given as representations for special
Set-valued functors where Set is the category of sets and
functions. This establishes the basis for a more calculational presentation
of category theory rather than the traditional diagrammatic one.
presence of structural rules as primitive in the calculus together with the
rule for duality give rise to issues concerning the coherence of the
system. As for every well-typed expression-in-context there are several
possible derivations it is sensible to ask whether they result in the same
interpretation. For the functoriality judgements the system is coherent up to
natural isomorphism. In the case of naturality judgements a simple example
shows its incoherence. However in many situations to know there exists a
natural isomorphism is enough. As one of the contributions in this
dissertation, the calculus provides a useful tool to verify that a functor is
continuous by just establishing the existence of a certain natural
Finally, we investigate how to generalise the calculus
to enriched categories. Here we lose the ability to manipulate contexts
through weakening and contraction and conical limits are not longer adequate.
Comments: Defence: June 23, 2003.
- DS-03-6
Rasmus K. Ursem.
Models for Evolutionary Algorithms and Their Applications in
System Identification and Control Optimization.
June 2003.
PhD thesis. xiv+183 pp.
Abstract: In recent years, optimization algorithms have
received increasing attention by the research community as well as the
industry. In the area of evolutionary computation (EC), inspiration for
optimization algorithms originates in Darwin's ideas of evolution and
survival of the fittest. Such algorithms simulate an evolutionary process
where the goal is to evolve solutions by means of crossover, mutation, and
selection based on their quality (fitness) with respect to the optimization
problem at hand. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are highly relevant for
industrial applications, because they are capable of handling problems with
non-linear constraints, multiple objectives, and dynamic components --
properties that frequently appear in real-world problems.
This thesis
presents research in three fundamental areas of EC; fitness function design,
methods for parameter control, and techniques for multimodal optimization. In
addition to general investigations in these areas, I introduce a number of
algorithms and demonstrate their potential on real-world problems in system
identification and control. Furthermore, I investigate dynamic optimization
problems in the context of the three fundamental areas as well as control,
which is a field where real-world dynamic problems appear.
fitness function design, smoothness of the fitness landscape is of primary
concern, because a too rugged landscape may disrupt the search and lead to
premature convergence at local optima. Rugged fitness landscapes typically
arise from imprecisions in the fitness calculation or low relatedness between
neighboring solutions in the search space. The imprecision problem was
investigated on the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg numerical integrator in the context
of non-linear differential equations. Regarding the relatedness problem for
the search space of arithmetic functions, Thiemo Krink and I suggested the
smooth operator genetic programming algorithm. This approach improves the
smoothness of fitness function by allowing a gradual change between
traditional operators such as multiplication and division.
In the
area of parameter control, I investigated the so-called self-adaptation
technique on dynamic problems. In self-adaptation, the genome of the
individual contains the parameters that are used to modify the individual.
Self-adaptation was developed for static problems; however, the parameter
control approach requires a significant number of generations before superior
parameters are evolved. In my study, I experimented with two artificial
dynamic problems and showed that the technique fails on even rather simple
time-varying problems. In a different study on static problems, Thiemo Krink
and I suggested the terrain-based patchwork model, which is a fundamentally
new approach to parameter control based on agents moving in a spatial grid
For multimodal optimization problems, algorithms are typically
designed with two objectives in mind. First, the algorithm shall find the
global optimum and avoid stagnation at local optima. Additionally, the
algorithm shall preferably find several candidate solutions, and thereby
allow a final human decision among the found solutions. For this objective, I
created the multinational EA that employs a self-organizing population
structure grouping the individuals into a number of subpopulations located in
different parts of the search space. In a related study, I investigated the
robustness of the widely used sharing technique. Surprisingly, I found that
this algorithm is extremely sensitive to the range of fitness values. In a
third investigation, I introduced the diversity-guided EA, which uses a
population diversity measure to guide the search. The potential of this
algorithm was demonstrated on parameter identification of two induction motor
models, which are used in the pumps produced by the Danish pump manufacturer
The field of dynamic optimization has received significant
attention since 1990. However, most research performed in an EC-context has
focused on artificial dynamic problems. In a fundamental study, Thiemo Krink,
Mikkel T. Jensen, Zbigniew Michalewicz, and I investigated artificial dynamic
problems and found no clear connection (if any) to real-world dynamic
problems. In conclusion, a large part of this research field's foundation,
i.e., the test problems, is highly questionable. In continuation of this,
Thiemo Krink, Bogdan Filipic, and I investigated online control
problems, which have the special property that the search changes the
problem. In this context, we examined how to utilize the available
computation time in the best way between updates of the control signals. For
an EA, the available time can be a trade-off between population size and
number of generations. From our experiments, we concluded that the best
approach was to have a small population and many generations, which
essentially turns the problem into a series of related static problems. To
our surprise, the control problem could easily be solved when optimized like
this. To further examine this, we compared the EA with a particle swarm and a
local search approach, which we developed for dynamic optimization in
general. The three algorithms had matching performance when properly tuned.
An interesting result from this investigation was that different step-sizes
in the local search algorithm induced different control strategies, i.e., the
search strategy lead to the emergence of alternative paths of the moving
optima in the dynamic landscape. This observation is captured in the novel
concept of optima in time, which we introduced as a temporal version of
the usual optima the in search space.
Comments: Defence: June 20, 2003.
- DS-03-5
Giuseppe Milicia.
Applying Formal Methods to Programming Language Design and
June 2003.
PhD thesis. xvi+211.
Abstract: This thesis concerns the design and evolution of two
programming languages. The two contributions, unrelated with each other, are
treated separately. The underlying theme of this work is the application of
formal methods to the task of programming language design and
We introduce Jeeg, a dialect of Java
based on a declarative replacement of the synchronization mechanisms of Java
that results in a complete decoupling of the ``business'' and the
``synchronization'' code of classes. Synchronization constraints in Jeeg are
expressed in a linear temporal logic which allows to effectively limit the
occurrence of the inheritance anomaly that commonly affects concurrent object
oriented languages. Jeeg is inspired by the current trend in aspect oriented
languages. In a Jeeg program the sequential and concurrent aspects of object
behaviors are decoupled: specified separately by the programmer these are
then weaved together by the Jeeg compiler.
It is of paramount importance that a security protocol effectively enforces
the desired security requirements. The apparent simplicity of informal
protocol descriptions hides the complex interactions of a security protocol
which often invalidate informal correctness arguments and justify the effort
of formal protocol verification. Verification, however, is usually carried
out on an abstract model not at all related with a protocol's implementation.
Experience shows that security breaches introduced in implementations of
successfully verified models are rather common. The -Spaces framework
is a tool meant to support every step of the protocol's life-cycle in a
uniform manner. The core of the framework is a domain specific programming
language based on SPL (Security Protocol Language) a formal model for
studying security protocols. This simple, yet powerful, language allows the
implementation of security protocols in a concise an precise manner. Its
underlying formal model, based on SPL, gives the power to prove interesting
properties of the actual protocol implementation. Simulation, benchmarking
and testing of the protocols is immediate using the -Sim tool.
Comments: Defence: June 16, 2003.
- DS-03-4
Federico Crazzolara.
Language, Semantics, and Methods for Security Protocols.
May 2003.
PhD thesis. xii+160.
Abstract: Security protocols help in establishing secure
channels between communicating systems. Great care needs therefore to be
taken in developing and implementing robust protocols. The complexity of
security-protocol interactions can hide, however, security weaknesses that
only a formal analysis can reveal. The last few years have seen the emergence
of successful intensional, event-based, formal approaches to reasoning about
security protocols. The methods are concerned with reasoning about the events
that a security protocol can perform, and make use of a causal dependency
that exists between events. Methods like strand spaces and the inductive
method of Paulson have been designed to support an intensional, event-based,
style of reasoning. These methods have successfully tackled a number of
protocols though in an ad hoc fashion. They make an informal spring
from a protocol to its representation and do not address how to build up
protocol representations in a compositional fashion.
dissertation presents a new, event-based approach to reasoning about security
protocols. We seek a broader class of models to show how event-based models
can be structured in a compositional way and so used to give a formal
semantics to security protocols which supports proofs of their correctness.
More precisely, we give a compositional event-based semantics to an
economical, but expressive, language for describing security protocols (SPL);
so the events and dependency of a wide range of protocols are determined once
and for all. The net semantics allows the derivation of general properties
and proof principles the use of which is demonstrated in establishing
security properties for a number of protocols. The NSL public-key protocol,
the ISO 5-pass authentication and the key-translation protocols are
analysed for their level of secrecy and authentication and for their
robustness in runs where some session-keys are compromised. Particularly
useful in the analysis are general results that show which events of a
protocol run can not be those of a spy.
The net semantics of SPL is
formally related to a transition semantics which can easily be implemented.
(An existing SPL implementation bridges the gap that often exists between
abstract protocol models on which verification of security properties is
carried out and the implemented protocol.) SPL-nets are a particular kind of
contextual Petri-nets. They have persistent conditions and as we show in this
thesis, unfold under reasonable assumptions to a more basic kind of nets. We
relate SPL-nets to strand spaces and inductive rules, as well as trace
languages and event structures so unifying a range of approaches, as well as
providing conditions under which particular, more limited, models are
adequate for the analysis of protocols. The relations that are described in
this thesis help integrate process calculi and algebraic reasoning with
event-based methods to obtain a more accurate analysis of security properties
of protocols.
Comments: Defence: May 15, 2003.
- DS-03-3
Jirí Srba.
Decidability and Complexity Issues for Infinite-State
PhD thesis. xii+171 pp.
Abstract: This thesis studies decidability and complexity
border-lines for algorithmic verification of infinite-state systems.
Verification techniques for finite-state processes are a successful approach
for the validation of reactive programs operating over finite domains. When
infinite data domains are introduced, most of the verification problems
become in general undecidable. By imposing certain restrictions on the
considered models (while still including infinite-state spaces), it is
possible to provide algorithmic decision procedures for a variety of
properties. Hence the models of infinite-state systems can be classified
according to which verification problems are decidable, and in the positive
case according to complexity considerations.
This thesis aims to
contribute to the problems mentioned above by studying decidability and
complexity questions of equivalence checking problems, i.e., the problems
whether two infinite-state processes are equivalent with regard to some
suitable notion of behavioural equivalence. In particular, our interest is
focused on strong and weak bisimilarity checking within classical models of
infinite-state processes.
Throughout the thesis, processes are
modelled by the formalism of process rewrite systems which provides a uniform
classification of all the considered classes of infinite-state
We begin our exposition of infinite-state systems by having
a closer look at the very basic model of labelled transition systems. We
demonstrate a simple geometrical encoding of the labelled systems into
unlabelled ones by transforming labels into linear paths of different
lengths. The encoding preserves the answers to the strong bisimilarity
checking and is shown to be effective e.g. for the classes of pushdown
processes and Petri nets. This gives several decidability and complexity
corollaries about unlabelled variants of the models.
We continue by
developing a general decidability theorem for commutative process algebras
like deadlock-sensitive BPP (basic parallel processes), lossy BPP, interrupt
BPP and timed-arc BPP nets. The introduced technique relies on the
tableau-based proof of decidability of strong bisimilarity for BPP and we
extend it in several ways to provide a wider applicability range of the
technique. This, in particular, implies that all the mentioned classes of
commutative process algebras allow for algorithmic checking of strong
Another topic studied in the thesis deals with finding
tight complexity estimates for strong and weak bisimilarity checking. A novel
technique called existential quantification is explicitly described and used
to show that the strong bisimilarity and regularity problems for basic
process algebra and basic parallel processes are PSPACE-hard. In case of weak
bisimilarity checking of basic parallel processes the problems are shown to
be again PSPACE-hard -- this time, however, also for the normed subclass.
Finally we consider the problems of weak bisimilarity checking for
the classes of pushdown processes and PA-processes. Negative answers to the
problems are given -- both problems are proven to be undecidable. The proof
techniques moreover solve some other open problems. For example the
undecidability proof for pushdown processes implies also undecidability of
strong bisimilarity for prefix-recognizable graphs.
The thesis is
concluded with an overview of the state-of-the-art for strong and weak
bisimilarity problems within the classes from the hierarchy of process
rewrite systems.
Comments: Defence: April 14, 2003.
- DS-03-2
Frank D. Valencia.
Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming.
February 2003.
PhD thesis. xvii+174.
Abstract: Concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a
formalism for concurrency in which agents interact with one another by
telling (adding) and asking (reading) information in a shared medium.
Temporal ccp extends ccp by allowing agents to be constrained by time
conditions. This dissertation studies temporal ccp as a model of concurrency
for discrete-timed systems. The study is conducted by developing a process
calculus called ntcc.
The ntcc calculus generalizes the
tcc model, the latter being a temporal ccp model for deterministic and
synchronous timed reactive systems. The calculus is built upon few
basic ideas but it captures several aspects of timed systems. As tcc, ntcc can model unit delays, time-outs, pre-emption and synchrony.
Additionally, it can model unbounded but finite delays, bounded
eventuality, asynchrony and nondeterminism. The applicability of the
calculus is illustrated with several interesting examples of discrete-time
systems involving mutable data structures, robotic devices, multi-agent
systems and music applications.
The calculus is provided with a denotational semantics that captures the reactive computations of processes
in the presence of arbitrary environments. The denotation is proven to be
fully-abstract for a substantial fragment of the calculus. This
dissertation identifies the exact technical problems (arising mainly from
allowing nondeterminism, locality and time-outs in the calculus) that makes
it impossible to obtain a fully abstract result for the full language of ntcc.
Also, the calculus is provided with a process logic for
expressing temporal specifications of ntcc processes. This
dissertation introduces a (relatively) complete inference system
to prove that a given ntccprocess satisfies a given formula in this
logic. The denotation, process logic and inference system presented in this
dissertation significantly extend and strengthen similar developments for tcc
and (untimed) ccp.
This dissertation addresses the decidability
of various behavioral equivalences for the calculus and characterizes
their corresponding induced congruences. The equivalences (and their
associated congruences) are proven to be decidable for a significant fragment
of the calculus. The decidability results involve a systematic translation of
processes into finite state Büchi automata. To the author's best
knowledge the study of decidability for ccp equivalences is original to this
Furthermore, this dissertation deepens the understanding of
previous ccp work by establishing an expressive power hierarchy of
several temporal ccp languages which were proposed in the literature by other
authors. These languages, represented in this dissertation as variants
of ntcc , differ in their way of defining infinite behavior (i.e., replication or recursion) and the scope of variables (i.e., static or dynamic scope). In particular, it is shown that (1)
recursive procedures with parameters can be encoded into parameterless
recursive procedures with dynamic scoping, and vice-versa; (2) replication
can be encoded into parameterless recursive procedures with static scoping,
and vice-versa; (3) the languages from (1) are strictly more expressive
than the languages from (2). (Thus, in this family of languages recursion is
more expressive than replication and dynamic scope is more expressive than
static scope.) Moreover, it is shown that behavioral equivalence is undecidable for the languages from (l), but decidable for the
languages from (2). Interestingly, the undecidability result holds even if
the process variables take values from a fixed finite domain whilst the
decidability holds for arbitrary domains.
Both the expressive
power hierarchy and decidability/undecidability results give a clear
distinction among the various temporal ccp languages. Also, the distinction
between static and dynamic scoping helps to clarify the situation in the
(untimed) ccp family of languages. Moreover, the methods used in the
decidability results may provide a framework to perform further systematic
investigations of temporal ccp languages.
Comments: Defence: February 5, 2003.
- DS-03-1
Claus Brabrand.
Domain Specific Languages for Interactive Web Services.
January 2003.
PhD thesis. xiv+214 pp.
Abstract: This dissertation shows how domain specific languages
may be applied to the domain of interactive Web services to obtain flexible,
safe, and efficient solutions.
We show how each of four key aspects of
interactive Web services involving sessions, dynamic creation of HTML/XML
documents, form field input validation, and concurrency control, may benefit
from the design of a dedicated language.
Also, we show how a notion of
metamorphic syntax macros facilitates integration of these individual domain
specific languages into a complete language.
The result is a domain
specific language, !<bigwig>!, that supports virtually all aspects of
the development of interactive Web services and provides flexible, safe, and
efficient solutions.
- DS-02-5
Rasmus Pagh.
Hashing, Randomness and Dictionaries.
October 2002.
PhD thesis. x+167 pp.
Abstract: This thesis is centered around one of the most basic
information retrieval problems, namely that of storing and accessing the
elements of a set. Each element in the set has some associated information
that is returned along with it. The problem is referred to as the dictionary problem, due to the similarity to a bookshelf dictionary, which
contains a set of words and has an explanation associated with each word. In
the static version of the problem the set is fixed, whereas in the
dynamic version, insertions and deletions of elements are
The approach taken is that of the theoretical algorithms
community. We work (almost) exclusively with a model, a mathematical
object that is meant to capture essential aspects of a real computer. The
main model considered here (and in most of the literature on dictionaries) is
a unit cost RAM with a word size that allows a set element to be stored in
one word.
We consider several variants of the dictionary problem, as
well as some related problems. The problems are studied mainly from an upper
bound perspective, i.e., we try to come up with algorithms that are as
efficient as possible with respect to various computing resources, mainly
computation time and memory space. To some extent we also consider lower
bounds, i.e., we attempt to show limitations on how efficient algorithms are
possible. A central theme in the thesis is randomness. Randomized
algorithms play an important role, in particular through the key technique of
hashing. Additionally, probabilistic methods are used in several
Comments: Defence: October 11, 2002.
- DS-02-4
Anders Møller.
Program Verification with Monadic Second-Order Logic &
Languages for Web Service Development.
September 2002.
PhD thesis. xvi+337 pp.
Abstract: Domain-specific formal languages are an essential
part of computer science, combining theory and practice. Such languages are
characterized by being tailor-made for specific application domains and
thereby providing expressiveness on high abstraction levels and allowing
specialized analysis and verification techniques. This dissertation describes
two projects, each exploring one particular instance of such languages:
monadic second-order logic and its application to program verification, and
programming languages for construction of interactive Web services. Both
program verification and Web service development are areas of programming
language research that have received increased attention during the last
We first show how the logic Weak monadic Second-order Logic on
Strings and Trees can be implemented efficiently despite an intractable
theoretical worst-case complexity. Among several other applications, this
implementation forms the basis of a verification technique for imperative
programs that perform data-type operations using pointers. To achieve this,
the basic logic is extended with layers of language abstractions. Also, a
language for expressing data structures and operations along with correctness
specifications is designed. Using Hoare logic, programs are split into
loop-free fragments which can be encoded in the logic. The technique is
described for recursive data types and later extended to the whole class of
graph types. As an example application, we verify correctness properties of
an implementation of the insert procedure for red-black search trees.
We then show how Web service development can benefit from high-level language
support. Existing programming languages for Web services are typically
general-purpose languages that provide only low-level primitives for common
problems, such as maintaining session state and dynamically producing HTML or
XML documents. By introducing explicit language-based mechanisms for those
issues, we liberate the Web service programmer from the tedious and
error-prone alternatives. Specialized program analyses aid the programmer by
verifying at compile time that only valid HTML documents are ever shown to
the clients at runtime and that the documents are constructed consistently.
In addition, the language design provides support for declarative form-field
validation, caching of dynamic documents, concurrency control based on
temporal-logic specifications, and syntax-level macros for making additional
language extensions. In its newest version, the programming language is
designed as an extension of Java. To describe classes of XML documents, we
introduce a novel XML schema language aiming to both simplify and generalize
existing proposals. All parts are implemented and tested in practice.
Both projects involve design of high-level languages and specialized analysis
and verification techniques, supporting the thesis that the domain-specific
paradigm can provide a versatile and productive approach to development of
formal languages.
Comments: Defence: September 9, 2002.
- DS-02-3
Riko Jacob.
Dynamic Planar Convex hull.
May 2002.
PhD thesis. xiv+112 pp.
Abstract: We determine the computational complexity of the
dynamic convex hull problem in the planar case. We present a data structure
that maintains a finite set of points in the plane under insertion and
deletion of points in amortized time. Here n denotes the number
of points in the set. The data structure supports the reporting of the
extreme point of the set in some direction in worst-case and amortized
time. The space usage of the data structure is . We give a
lower bound on the amortized asymptotic time complexity that matches the
performance of this data structure.
Comments: Defence: May 31, 2002.
- DS-02-2
Stefan Dantchev.
On Resolution Complexity of Matching Principles.
May 2002.
PhD thesis. xii+68 pp.
Abstract: Studying the complexity of mathematical proofs is
important not only for automated theorem proving, but also for Mathematics as
a whole. Each significant result in this direction would potentially have a
great impact on Foundations of mathematics.
Surprisingly enough, the
general Proof Complexity is closely related to Propositional Proof
Complexity. The latter area was founded by Cook and Reckhow in 1979, and
enjoyed quite a fast development since then. One of the main research
directions is finding the precise complexity of some natural combinatorial
principle within a relatively weak propositional proof system. The results in
the thesis fall in this category. We study the Resolution complexity of some
Matching Principles. The three major contributions of the thesis are as
Firstly, we develop a general technique of proving resolution
lower bounds for the perfect matchingprinciples based on regular planar
graphs. No lower bounds for these were known prior to our work. As a matter
of fact, one such problem, the Mutilated Chessboard, was suggested as hard to
automated theorem provers in 1964, and remained open since then. Our
technique proves a tight resolution lower bound for the Mutilated Chessboard
as well as for Tseitin tautologies based on rectangular grid graph. We reduce
these problems to Tiling games, a concept introduced by us, which may be of
interest on its own.
Secondly, we find the exact Tree-Resolution
complexity of the Weak Pigeon-Hole Principle. It is the most studied
combinatorial principle, but even its Tree-Resolution complexity was unknown
prior to our work. We develop a new, more general method for proving
Tree-Resolution lower bounds. We also define and prove non-trivial upper
bounds on worst-case proofs of the Weak Pigeon-Hole Principle. The worst-case
proofs are first introduced by us, as a concept opposite to the optimal
Thirdly, we prove Resolution width-size trade-offs for the
Pigeon-Hole Principle. Proving the size lower bounds via the width lower
bounds was known since the seminal paper of Haken, who first proved an
exponential lower bound for the ordinary Pigeon-Hole Principle. The
width-size trade-offs however were not studied at all prior to our work. Our
result gives an optimal width-size trade-off for resolution in general.
Comments: Defence: May 10, 2002.
- DS-02-1
M. Oliver Möller.
Structure and Hierarchy in Real-Time Systems.
April 2002.
PhD thesis. xvi+228 pp.
Abstract: The development of digital systems is particularly
challenging, if their correctness depends on the right timing of operations.
One approach to enhance the reliability of such systems is model-based
development. This allows for a formal analysis throughout all stages of
Model-based development is hindered mainly by the lack of
adequate modeling languages and the high computational cost of the analysis.
In this thesis we improve the situation along both axes.
First, we
bring the mathematical model closer to the human designer. This we achieve by
casting hierarchical structures--as known from statechart-like
formalisms--into a formal timed model. This shapes a high-level language,
which allows for fully automated verification.
Second, we use sound
approximations to achieve more efficient automation in the verification of
timed properties. We present two novel state-based techniques that have the
potential to reduce time and memory consumption drastically.
The first
technique makes use of structural information, in particular loops, to
exploit regularities in the reachable state space. Via shortcut-like
additions to the model we avoid repetition of similar states during an
exhaustive state space exploration.
The second technique applies the
abstract interpretation framework to a real-time setting. We preserve the
control structure and approximate only the more expensive time component of a
state. The verification of infinite behavior, also known as liveness
properties, requires an assumption on the progress of time. We incorporate
this assumption by means of limiting the behavior of the model with respect
to delay steps. For a next-free temporal logic, this modification does not
change the set of valid properties.
We supplement our research with
experimental run-time data. This data is gathered via prototype
implementations on top of the model checking tools UPPAAL and MOCHA.
- DS-01-10
Mikkel T. Jensen.
Robust and Flexible Scheduling with Evolutionary Computation.
November 2001.
PhD thesis. xii+299 pp.
Abstract: Over the last ten years, there have been numerous
applications of evolutionary algorithms to a variety of scheduling problems.
Like most other research on heuristic scheduling, the primary aim of the
research has been on deterministic formulations of the problems. This is in
contrast to real world scheduling problems which are usually not
deterministic. Usually at the time the schedule is made some information
about the problem and processing environment is available, but this
information is uncertain and likely to change during schedule execution.
Changes frequently encountered in scheduling environments include machine
breakdowns, uncertain processing times, workers getting sick, materials being
delayed and the appearance of new jobs. These possible environmental changes
mean that a schedule which was optimal for the information available at the
time of scheduling can end up being highly suboptimal when it is implemented
and subjected to the uncertainty of the real world. For this reason it is
very important to find methods capable of creating robust schedules
(schedules expected to perform well after a minimal amount of modification
when the environment changes) or flexible schedules (schedules
expected to perform well after some degree of modification when the
environment changes).
This thesis presents two fundamentally different
approaches for scheduling job shops facing machine breakdowns. The first
method is called neighbourhood based robustness and is based on an
idea of minimising the cost of a neighbourhood of schedules. The scheduling
algorithm attempts to find a small set of schedules with an acceptable level
of performance. The approach is demonstrated to significantly improve the
robustness and flexibility of the schedules while at the same time producing
schedules with a low implementation cost if no breakdown occurs. The method
is compared to a state of the art method for stochastic scheduling and
concluded to have the same level of performance, but a wider area of
applicability. The current implementation of the method is based on an
evolutionary algorithm, but since the real contribution of the method is a
new performance measure, other implementations could be based on tabu search,
simulated annealing or other powerful ``blind'' optimisation
The other method for stochastic scheduling uses the idea
of coevolution to create schedules with a guaranteed worst case performance
for a known set of scenarios. The method is demonstrated to improve worst
case performance of the schedules when compared to ordinary scheduling; it
substantially reduces program running times when compared to a more standard
approach explicitly considering all scenarios. Schedules based on worst case
performance measures often have suboptimal performance if no disruption
happens, so the coevolutionary algorithm is combined with a multi-objective
algorithm which optimises worst case performance as well as performance
without disruptions.
The coevolutionary worst case algorithm is also
combined with another algorithm to create schedules with a guaranteed level
of worst deviation performance. In worst deviation performance the
objective is to minimise the highest possible performance difference from the
schedule optimal for the scenario that actually takes place. Minimising this
kind of performance measure involves solving a large number of related
scheduling problems in one run, so a new evolutionary algorithm for this kind
of problem is suggested.
Other contributions of the thesis include a
new coevolutionary algorithm for minimax problems. The new algorithm is
capable of solving problems with an asymmetric property that causes
previously published algorithms to fail. Also, a new algorithm to solve the
economic lot and delivery scheduling problem is presented. The new algorithm
is guaranteed to solve the problem to optimality in polynomial time,
something previously published algorithms have not been able to do.
- DS-01-9
Flemming Friche Rodler.
Compression with Fast Random Access.
November 2001.
PhD thesis. xiv+124 pp.
Abstract: The main topic of this dissertation is the
development and use of methods for space efficient storage of data combined
with fast retrieval. By fast retrieval we mean that a single data element can
be randomly selected and decoded efficiently. In particular, the focus will
be on compression of volumetric data with fast random access to individual
voxels, decoded from the compressed data.
Volumetric data is finding
widespread use in areas such as medical imaging, scientific visualization,
simulations and fluid dynamics. Because of the size of modern volumes, using
such data sets in uncompressed form is often only possible on computers with
extensive amounts of memory. By designing compression methods for volumetric
data that support fast random access this problem might be overcome. Since
lossless compression of three-dimensional data only provides relatively small
compression ratios, lossy techniques must be used. When designing compression
methods with fast random access there is a choice between designing general
schemes that will work for a wide range of applications or to tailor the
compression algorithm to a specific application at hand. This dissertation we
be concerned with designing general methods and we present two methods for
volumetric compression with fast random access. The methods are compared to
other existing schemes showing them to be quite competitive.
The first
compression method that we present is suited for online compression. That is,
the data can be compressed as it is downloaded utilizing only a small buffer.
Inspired by video coding the volume is considered as a stack of slices. To
remove redundancies between slices a simple ``motion estimation'' technique
is used. Redundancies are further reduced by wavelet transforming each slice
using a two-dimensional wavelet transform. Finally, the wavelet data is
thresholded and the resulting sparse representation is quantized and encoded
using a nested block indexing scheme, which allows for efficient retrieval of
coefficients. While being only slightly slower than other existing schemes
the method improves the compression ratio by about 50%.
As a tool for
constructing fast and efficient compression methods that support fast random
access we introduce the concept of lossy dictionaries and show how to use it
to achieve significant improvements in compressing volumetric data. The
dictionary data structure is widely used in computer science as a tool for
space efficient storage of sparse sets. The main performance parameters of
dictionaries are space, lookup time and update time. In this dissertation we
present a new and efficient dictionary scheme, based on hashing, called CUCKOO HASHING. CUCKOO HASHING achieves worst case constant lookup
time, expected amortized constant update time and space usage of three words
per element stored in the dictionary, i.e., the space usage is similar to
that of binary search trees. Running extensive experiments we show CUCKOO HASHING to be very competitive to the most commonly used dictionary
methods. Since these methods have nontrivial worst case lookup time CUCKOO HASHING is useful in time critical systems where such a guarantee is
Even though, time efficient dictionaries with a reasonable
space usage exist, the space usage of these are still too large to be of use
in lossy compression. However, if the dictionary is allowed to store a
slightly different set than intended, new and interesting possibilities
originate. Very space efficient and fast data structures can be constructed
by allowing the dictionary to discard some elements of the set (false
negatives) and also allowing it to include elements not in the set (false
positives). The lossy dictionary we present in this dissertation is a variant
of CUCKOO HASHING which results in fast lookup time. We show that our
data structure is nearly optimal with respect to space usage. Experimentally,
we find that the data structure has very good behavior with respect to
keeping the most important elements of the set which is partially explained
by theoretical considerations. Besides working well in compression our lossy
dictionary data structure might find use in applications such as web cache
sharing and differential files.
. In the second volumetric compression
method with fast random access that we present in this dissertation, we look
at a completely different and rather unexploited way of encoding wavelet
coefficients. In wavelet based compression it is common to store the
coefficients of largest magnitude, letting all other coefficients be zero.
However, the new method presented allows a slightly different set of
coefficients to be stored. The foundation of the method is a
three-dimensional wavelet transform of the volume and the lossy dictionary
data structure that we introduce. Comparison to other previously suggested
schemes in the literature, including the two-dimensional scheme mentioned
above, shows an improvement of up to 80% in compression ratio while the time
for accessing a random voxel is considerably reduced compared to the first
- DS-01-8
Niels Damgaard.
Using Theory to Make Better Tools.
October 2001.
PhD thesis.
Abstract: In this dissertation four tools based on theory will
be presented. The tools fall in four quite different areas.
The first
tool is an extension of parser generators, enabling them to handle side
constraints along with grammars. The side constraints are specified in a
first-order logic on parse trees. The constraints are compiled into
equivalent tree automata, which result in good runtime performance of the
generated checkers. The tool is based on language theory, automata theory and
The second tool is a static checker of assembly code for
interrupt-based microcontrollers. The tool gives lower and upper bounds on
the stack height, checks an implicit type-system and calculates the
worst-case delay from an interrupt fires until it is handled. The tool is
based on the theory of data-flow analysis.
The third 'tool' is a
security extension of a system (<bigwig>) for making interactive
web-services. The extension provides confidentiality, integrity and
authenticity in the communication between the client and the server.
Furthermore, some primitives are introduced to ease the programming of
cryptological protocols, like digital voting and e-cash, in the <bigwig>
language. The extension uses the theory of cryptography.
The fourth
tool is a black-box system for finding neural networks good at solving a
given classification problem. Back-propagation is used to train the neural
network, but the rest of the parameters are found by a distributed
genetic-algorithm. The tool uses the theory of neural networks and genetic
- DS-01-7
Lasse R. Nielsen.
A Study of Defunctionalization and Continuation-Passing Style.
August 2001.
PhD thesis. iv+280 pp.
Abstract: We show that defunctionalization and continuations
unify a variety of independently developed concepts in programming
Defunctionalization was introduced by Reynolds to solve a
specific need--representing higher-order functions in a first-order
definitional interpreter--but it is a general method for transforming
programs from higher-order programs to first-order. We formalize this method
and give it a partial proof of correctness. We use defunctionalization to
connect independent first-order and higher-order specifications and proofs
by, e.g., defunctionalizing continuations.
The canonical specification
of a continuation-passing style (CPS) transformation introduces many
administrative redexes. To show a simulation theorem, Plotkin used a
so-called colon-translation to bypass administrative reductions and relate
the reductions common to the transformed and the un-transformed program. This
allowed him to make a proof by structural induction on the source program. We
extend the colon-translation and Plotkin's proof to show simulation theorems
for a higher-order CPS transformation, written in a two-level language, and
for a selective CPS transformation, keeping parts of the source program in
direct style.
Using, e.g., Plotkin's CPS transformation and then
performing all possible administrative reductions gives a so-called two-pass
CPS transformation. A one-pass CPS transformation gives the same result but
without traversing the output. Several different one-pass CPS transformations
exist, and we describe, evaluate, and compare three of these: (1) A
higher-order CPS transformation à la Danvy and Filinski, (2) a
syntactic-theory based CPS transformation derived from Sabry and Felleisen's
CPS transformation, and (3) a look-ahead based CPS transformation which
extends the colon-translation to a full one-pass CPS transformation and is
new. This look-ahead based CPS transformation is not compositional, but it
allows reasoning by structural induction, which we use to prove the
correctness of a direct-style transformation.
Syntactic theories are a
framework for specifying operational semantics that uses evaluation contexts
to define a reduction relation. The two primary operations needed to
implement syntactic theories are decomposing an expression into an evaluation
context and a redex, and plugging an expression into an evaluation context to
generate an expression. If implemented separately, these operations each take
time proportional to the size of the evaluation context, which can cause a
quadratic overhead on the processing of programs. However, in actual use of
syntactic theories, the two operations mostly occur consecutively. We define
a single function, `refocus', that combines these operations and that avoids
unnecessary overhead, thereby deforesting the composition of plugging and
decomposition. We prove the correctness of refocusing and we show how to
automatically generate refocus functions from a syntactic theory with unique
We connect defunctionalization and Church encoding.
Church encoding represents data-structures as functions and
defunctionalization represents functions as data-structures, and we show to
which extent they are inverses of each other.
We use
defunctionalization to connect a higher-order CPS transformation and a
syntactic-theory based CPS transformation. Defunctionalizing the static
continuations of the higher-order transformation gives exactly the evaluation
contexts of the syntactic theory.
We combine CPS transformation and
defunctionalization to automatically generate data structures implementing
evaluation contexts.Defunctionalizing the continuations of a CPS-transformed
reduction function yields the evaluation contexts and their plug
function--corresponding to the traditional view of continuations as a
representation of the context. Defunctionalizing the continuations of a
CPS-transformed evaluation function yields the evaluation contexts and the
refocus functions--corresponding to the traditional view of continuations as
a representation of the remainder of the computation.
- DS-01-6
Bernd Grobauer.
Topics in Semantics-based Program Manipulation.
August 2001.
PhD thesis. ii+x+186 pp.
Abstract: Programming is at least as much about manipulating
existing code as it is about writing new code. Existing code is modified, for example to make inefficient code run faster, or to accommodate
for new features when reusing code; existing code is analyzed, for
example to verify certain program properties, or to use the analysis
information for code modifications. Semantics-based program manipulation
addresses methods for program modifications and program analyses that are
formally defined and therefore can be verified with respect to the
programming-language semantics. This dissertation comprises four articles in
the field of semantics-based techniques for program manipulation: three
articles are about partial evaluation, a method for program
specialization; the fourth article treats an approach to automatic cost
Partial evaluation optimizes programs by specializing them
with respect to parts of their input that are already known: Computations
that depend only on known input are carried out during partial evaluation,
whereas computations that depend on unknown input give rise to residual code.
For example, partially evaluating an interpreter with respect to a program
written in the interpreted language yields code that carries out the
computations described by that program; partial evaluation is used to remove
interpretive overhead. In effect, the partial evaluator serves as a compiler
from the interpreted language into the implementation language of the
interpreter. Compilation by partial evaluation is known as the first Futamura projection. The second and third Futamura projection describe the
use of partial evaluation for compiler generation and compiler-generator
generation, respectively; both require the partial evaluator that is employed
to be self applicable.
The first article in this dissertation
describes how the second Futamura projection can be achieved for
type-directed partial evaluation (TDPE), a relatively recent approach to
partial evaluation: We derive an ML implementation of the second Futamura
projection for TDPE. Due to the differences between `traditional',
syntax-directed partial evaluation and TDPE, this derivation involves several
conceptual and technical steps. These include a suitable formulation of the
second Futamura projection and techniques for making TDPE amenable to
In the second article, compilation by partial
evaluation plays a central role for giving a unified approach to
goal-directed evaluation, a programming-language paradigm that is built on
the notions of backtracking and of generating successive results. Formulating
the semantics of a small goal-directed language as a monadic
semantics--a generic approach to structuring denotational semantics--allows
us to relate various possible semantics to each other both conceptually and
formally. We thus are able to explain goal-directed evaluation using an
intuitive list-based semantics, while using a continuation semantics for
semantics-based compilation through partial evaluation. The resulting code is
comparable to that produced by an optimized compiler described in the
The third article revisits one of the success stories of
partial evaluation, the generation of efficient string matchers from
intuitive but inefficient implementations. The basic idea is that
specializing a naive string matcher with respect to a pattern string should
result in a matcher that searches a text for this pattern with running time
independent of the pattern and linear in the length of the text. In order to
succeed with basic partial-evaluation techniques, the naive matcher has to be
modified in a non-trivial way, carrying out so-called binding-time
improvements. We present a step-by-step derivation of a binding-time
improved matcher consisting of one problem-dependent step followed by
standard binding-time improvements. We also consider several variants of
matchers that specialize well, amongst them the first such matcher presented
in the literature, and we demonstrate how variants can be derived from each
other systematically.
The fourth article is concerned with program
analysis rather than program transformation. A challenging goal for program
analysis is to extract information about time or space complexity from a
program. In complexity analysis, one often establishes cost recurrences
as an intermediate step, and this step requires an abstraction from data to
data size. We use information contained in dependent types to achieve such an
abstraction: Dependent ML (DML), a conservative extension of ML, provides
dependent types that can be used to associate data with size information,
thus describing a possible abstraction. We automatically extract cost
recurrences from first-order DML programs, guiding the abstraction from data
to data size with information contained in DML type derivations.
- DS-01-5
Daniel Damian.
On Static and Dynamic Control-Flow Information in Program
Analysis and Transformation.
August 2001.
PhD thesis. xii+111 pp.
Abstract: This thesis addresses several aspects of static and
dynamic control-flow information in programming languages, by investigating
its interaction with program transformation and program sanalysis.
Control-flow information indicates for each point in a program the possible
program points to be executed next. Control-flow information in a program may
be static, as when the syntax of the program directly determines which parts
of the program may be executed next. Control-flow information may be dynamic,
as when run-time values and inputs of the program are required to determine
which parts of the program may be executed next. A control-flow analysis
approximates the dynamic control-flow information with conservative static
control-flow information.
We explore the impact of a
continuation-passing-style (CPS) transformation on the result of a
constraint-based control-flow analysis over Moggi's computational
metalanguage. A CPS transformation makes control-flow explicitly available to
the program by abstracting the remainder of the computation into a
continuation. Moggi's computational metalanguage supports reasoning about
higher-order programs in the presence of computational effects. We show that
a non-duplicating CPS transformation does not alter the result of a
monovariant constraint-based control-flow analysis.
Building on
control-flow analysis, we show that traditional constraint-based binding-time
analysis and traditional partial evaluation benefit from the effects of a CPS
transformation, while the same CPS transformation does not affect
continuation-based partial evaluation and its corresponding binding-time
analysis. As an intermediate result, we show that reducing a program in the
computational metalanguage to monadic normal form also improves binding times
for traditional partial evaluation while it does not affect
continuation-based partial evaluation.
In addition, we show that
linear -reductions have no effect on control-flow analysis. As a
corollary, we solve a problem left open in Palsberg and Wand's CPS
transformation of flow information. Furthermore, using Danvy and Nielsen's
first-order, one-pass CPS transformation, we present a simpler CPS
transformation of flow information with a simpler correctness proof.
We continue by exploring Shivers's time-stamps-based technique for
approximating program analyses over programs with dynamic control flow. We
formalize a time-stamps-based algorithm for approximating the least fixed
point of a generic program analysis over higher-order programs, and we prove
its correctness.
We conclude by investigating the translation of
first-order structured programs into first-order unstructured programs. We
present a one-pass translation that integrates static control-flow
information and that produces programs containing no chains of jumps, no
unused labels, and no redundant labels.
- DS-01-4
Morten Rhiger.
Higher-Order Program Generation.
August 2001.
PhD thesis. xiv+144 pp.
Abstract: This dissertation addresses the challenges of
embedding programming languages, specializing generic programs to specific
parameters, and generating specialized instances of programs directly as
executable code. Our main tools are higher-order programming techniques and
automatic program generation. It is our thesis that they synergize well in
the development of customizable software.
Recent research on
domain-specific languages propose to embed them into existing general-purpose
languages. Typed higher-order languages have proven especially useful as meta
languages because they provide a rich infrastructure of higher-order
functions, types, and modules. Furthermore, it has been observed that
embedded programs can be restricted to those having simple types using a
technique called ``phantom types''. We prove, using an idealized higher-order
language, that such an embedding is sound (i.e., when all object-language
terms that can be embedded into the meta language are simply typed) and that
it is complete (i.e., when all simply typed object-language terms can be
embedded into the meta language). The soundness proof is shown by induction
over meta-language terms using a Kripke logical relation. The completeness
proof is shown by induction over object-language terms. Furthermore, we
address the use of Haskell and Standard ML as meta-languages.
Normalization functions, as embodied in type-directed partial evaluation, map
a simply-typed higher-order value into a representation of its long beta-eta
normal form. However, being dynamically typed, the original Scheme
implementation of type-directed partial evaluation does not restrict input
values to be typed at all. Furthermore, neither the original Scheme
implementation nor the original Haskell implementation guarantee that
type-directed partial evaluation preserves types. We present three
implementations of type-directed partial evaluation in Haskell culminating
with a version that restricts the input to typed values and for which the
proofs of type-preservation and normalization are automated.
evaluation provides a solution to the disproportion between general programs
that can be executed in several contexts and their specialized counterparts
that can be executed efficiently. However, stand-alone partial evaluation is
usually too costly when a program must be specialized at run time. We
introduce a collection of byte-code combinators for OCaml, a dialect of ML,
that provides run-time code generation for OCaml programs. We apply these
byte-code combinators in semantics-directed compilation for an imperative
language and in run-time specialization using type-directed partial
Finally, we present an approach to compiling goal-directed
programs, i.e., programs that backtrack and generate successive results: We
first specify the semantics of a goal-directed language using a monadic
semantics and a spectrum of monads. We then compile goal-directed programs by
specializing their interpreter (i.e., by using the first Futamura
projection), using type-directed partial evaluation. Through various back
ends, including a run-time code generator, we generate ML code, C code, and
OCaml byte code.
- DS-01-3
Thomas S. Hune.
Analyzing Real-Time Systems: Theory and Tools.
March 2001.
PhD thesis. xii+265 pp.
Abstract: The main topic of this dissertation is the
development and use of methods for formal reasoning about the correctness of
real-time systems, in particular methods and tools to handle new classes of
problems. In real-time systems the correctness of the system does not only
depend on the order in which actions take place, but also the timing of the
actions. The formal reasoning presented here is based on (extensions of) the
model of timed automata and tools supporting this model, mainly UPPAAL.
Real-time systems are often part of safety critical systems e.g. control
systems for planes, trains, or factories, though also everyday electronics as
audio/video equipment and (mobile) phones are considered real-time systems.
Often these systems are concurrent systems with a number of components
interacting, and reasoning about such systems is notoriously difficult.
However, since most of the systems are either safety critical or errors in
the systems are costly, ensuring correctness is very important, and hence
formal reasoning can play a role in increasing the reliability of real-time
- DS-01-2
Jakob Pagter.
Time-Space Trade-Offs.
March 2001.
PhD thesis. xii+83 pp.
Abstract: In this dissertation we investigate the complexity of
the time-space trade-off for sorting, element distinctness, and similar
problems. We contribute new results, techniques, tools, and definitions
pertaining to time-space trade-offs for the RAM (Random Access Machine),
including new tight upper bounds on the time-space trade-off for Sorting in a
variety of RAM models and a strong time-space trade-off lower bound for a
decision problem in the RAM (in fact the branching program) model. We thus
contribute to the general understanding of a number of fundamental
combinatorial problems.
Time and space are the two most fundamental
resources studied in the areas of algorithms and computational complexity
theory and it is clearly important to study how they are related. In 1966
Cobham founded the area of time-space trade-offs by formally proving the
first time-space trade-off--for the language of palindromes, i.e., a
formulae that relate time and space in the form of either an upper or a lower
bound--in this case
. Over the last thirty
five years the area of time-space trade-offs has developed significantly and
now constitutes its own branch of algorithms and computational
The area of time-space trade-offs deals with both upper
and lower bounds and both are interesting, theoretically as well as
practically. The viewpoint of this dissertation is theoretical, but we
believe that some of our results can find applications in practice as
The last four years has witnessed a number of significant
breakthroughs on proving lower bounds for decision problems, including the
first non-trivial lower bound on the unit-cost RAM. We generalize work of
Ajtai and prove the quantitatively best known lower bound in this model,
namely a
bound on time for any RAM deciding the
so-called Hamming distance problem in space
non-decision problems, i.e., problems with multiple outputs, much stronger
results are known. For Sorting, a fundamental problem in computer science,
Beame proved that for any RAM the time-space product satisfies
. We prove that this bound is in fact tight (for most
time functions), i.e., we show a
upper bound for
time between
and (roughly) . If we allow
randomization in the Las Vegas fashion the lower bound still holds, and in
this case we can meet it down to .
From a practical
perspective hierarchical memory layout models are the most interesting. Such
models are called external memory models, in contrast to the internal memory
models discussed above. Despite the fact that space might be of great
relevance when solving practical problems on real computers, no theoretical
model capturing space (and time simultaneously) has been defined. We
introduce such a model and use it to prove so-called IO-space trade-offs for
Sorting. Building on the abovementioned techniques for time-space efficient
internal memory Sorting, we develop the first IO-space efficient external
memory Sorting algorithms. Further, we prove that these algorithms are
optimal using a transformation result which allows us to deduce external
memory lower bounds (on IO-space trade-offs) from already known internal
memory lower bounds (such as that of Beame).
- DS-01-1
Stefan Dziembowski.
Multiparty Computations -- Information-Theoretically Secure
Against an Adaptive Adversary.
January 2001.
PhD thesis. 109 pp.
Abstract: In this thesis we study a problem of doing Verifiable
Secret Sharing (VSS) and Multiparty Computations in a model where private
channels between the players and a broadcast channel is available. The
adversary is active, adaptive and has an unbounded computing power. The
thesis is based on two papers [1,2].
In [1] we assume that the
adversary can corrupt any set from a given adversary structure. In this
setting we study a problem of doing efficient VSS and MPC given an access to
a secret sharing scheme (SS). For all adversary structures where VSS is
possible at all, we show that, up to a polynomial time black-box reduction,
the complexity of adaptively secure VSS is the same as that of ordinary
secret sharing (SS), where security is only required against a passive,
static adversary. Previously, such a connection was only known for linear
secret sharing and VSS schemes.
We then show an impossibility result
indicating that a similar equivalence does not hold for Multiparty
Computation (MPC): we show that even if protocols are given black-box access
for free to an idealized secret sharing scheme secure for the access
structure in question, it is not possible to handle all relevant access
structures efficiently, not even if the adversary is passive and static. In
other words, general MPC can only be black-box reduced efficiently to secret
sharing if extra properties of the secret sharing scheme used (such as
linearity) are assumed.
The protocols of [2] assume that we work
against a threshold adversary structure. We propose new VSS and MPC
protocols that are substantially more efficient than the ones previously
Another contribution of [2] is an attack against a Weak Secret
Sharing Protocol (WSS) of [3]. The attack exploits the fact that the
adversary is adaptive. We present this attack here and discuss other problems
caused by the adaptiveness.
All protocols in the thesis are formally
specified and the proofs of their security are given.
- [1]
- Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgård, Stefan Dziembowski, Martin
Hirt, and Tal Rabin. Efficient multiparty computations with dishonest
minority. In Advances in Cryptology -- Eurocrypt '99, volume 1592 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 311-326, 1999.
- [2]
- Ronald
Cramer, Ivan Damgård, and Stefan Dziembowski. On the complexity of
verifiable secret sharing and multiparty computation. In Proceedings of the
Thirty-Second Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pages 25-334, May
- [3]
- Tal Rabin and Michael Ben-Or. Verifiable secret
sharing and multiparty protocols with honest majority (extended abstract). In
Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,
pages 73-85, Seattle, Washington, 15-17 May 1989.
- DS-00-7
Marcin Jurdzinski.
Games for Verification: Algorithmic Issues.
December 2000.
PhD thesis. ii+112 pp.
Abstract: This dissertation deals with a number of algorithmic
problems motivated by computer aided formal verification of finite state
systems. The goal of formal verification is to enhance the design and
development of complex systems by providing methods and tools for specifying
and verifying correctness of designs. The success of formal methods in
practice depends heavily on the degree of automation of development and
verification process. This motivates development of efficient algorithms for
problems underlying many verification tasks.
Two paradigmatic
algorithmic problems motivated by formal verification that are in the focus
of this thesis are model checking and bisimilarity checking. In the thesis
game theoretic formulations of the problems are used to abstract away from
syntactic and semantic peculiarities of formal models and specification
formalisms studied. This facilitates a detailed algorithmic analysis, leading
to two novel model checking algorithms with better theoretical or practical
performance, and to an undecidability result for a notion of
The original technical contributions of this thesis are
collected in three research articles whose revised and extended versions are
included in the dissertation.
In the first two papers the
computational complexity of deciding the winner in parity games is studied.
The problem of solving parity games is polynomial time equivalent to the
modal mu-calculus model checking. The modal mu-calculus plays a central role
in the study of logics for specification and verification of programs. The
model checking problem is extensively studied in literature on computer aided
verification. The question whether there is a polynomial time algorithm for
the modal mu-calculus model checking is one of the most challenging and
fascinating open questions in the area.
In the first paper a new
algorithm is developed for solving parity games, and hence for the modal
mu-calculus model checking. The design and analysis of the algorithm are
based on a semantic notion of a progress measure. The worst-case running time
of the resulting algorithm matches the best worst-case running time bounds
known so far for the problem, achieved by the algorithms due to Browne at
al., and Seidl. Our algorithm has better space complexity: it works in small
polynomial space; the other two algorithms have exponential worst-case space
In the second paper a novel approach to model checking is
pursued, based on a link between parity games and discounted payoff and
stochastic games, established and advocated by Puri. A discrete strategy
improvement algorithm is given for solving parity games, thereby proving a
new procedure for the modal mu-calculus model checking. Known strategy
improvement algorithms, as proposed for stochastic games by Hoffman and Karp,
and for discounted payoff games and parity games by Puri, work with real
numbers and require solving linear programming instances involving high
precision arithmetic. The present algorithm for parity games avoids these
difficulties by efficient manipulation of carefully designed discrete
valuations. A fast implementation is given for a strategy improvement step.
Another advantage of the approach is that it provides a better conceptual
understanding of the underlying discrete structure and gives hope for easier
analysis of strategy improvement algorithms for parity games. However, so far
it is not known whether the algorithm works in polynomial time. The long
standing problem whether parity games can be solved in polynomial time
remains open.
In the study of concurrent systems it is common to model
concurrency by non-determinism. There are, however, some models of
computation in which concurrency is represented explicitly; elementary net
systems and asynchronous transition systems are well-known examples. History
preserving and hereditary history preserving bisimilarities are behavioural
equivalence notions taking into account causal relationships between events
of concurrent systems. Checking history preserving bisimilarity is known to
be decidable for finite labelled elementary nets systems and asynchronous
transition systems. Its hereditary version appears to be only a slight
strengthening and it was conjectured to be decidable too. In the third paper
it is proved that checking hereditary history preserving bisimilarity is
undecidable for finite labelled asynchronous transition systems and
elementary net systems. This solves a problem open for several years. The
proof is done in two steps. First an intermediate problem of deciding the
winner in domino bisimulation games for origin constrained tiling systems is
introduced and its undecidability is shown by a reduction from the halting
problem for 2-counter machines. Then undecidability of hereditary history
preserving bisimilarity is shown by a reduction from the problem of domino
bisimulation games.
- DS-00-6
Jesper G. Henriksen.
Logics and Automata for Verification: Expressiveness and
Decidability Issues.
May 2000.
PhD thesis. xiv+229 pp.
Abstract: This dissertation investigates and extends the
mathematical foundations of logics and automata for the interleaving and
synchronous noninterleaving view of system computations with an emphasis on
decision procedures and relative expressive powers, and introduces extensions
of these foundations to the emerging domain of noninterleaving asynchronous
computations. System computations are described as occurrences of system
actions, and tractable collections of such computations can be naturally
represented by finite automata upon which one can do formal analysis.
Specifications of system properties are usually described in formal logics,
and the question whether the system at hand satisfies its specification is
then solved by means of automata-theoretic constructions.
Our focus
here is on the linear time behaviour of systems, where executions are modeled
as sequence-like objects, neither reflecting nondeterminism nor branching
choices. We consider a variety of linear time paradigms, such as the
classical interleaving view, the synchronous noninterleaving view, and
conclude by considering an emerging paradigm of asynchronous noninterleaving
computation. Our contributions are mainly theoretical though there is one
piece of practical implementation work involving a verification tool. The
theoretical work is concerned with a range of logics and automata and the
results involve the various associated decision procedures motivated by
verification problems, as well as the relative expressive powers of many of
the logics that we consider.
Our research contributions, as presented
in this dissertation, are as follows. We describe the practical
implementation of the verification tool Mona. This tool is basically
driven by an engine which translates formulas of monadic second-order logic
for finite strings to deterministic finite automata. This translation is
known to have a daunting complexity-theoretic lower bound, but surprisingly
enough, it turns out to be possible to implement a translation algorithm
which often works efficiently in practice; one of the major reasons being
that the internal representation of the constituent automata can be
maintained symbolically in terms of binary decision diagrams. In effect, our
implementation can be used to verify the so-called safety properties because
collections of finite strings suffice to capture such properties.
reactive systems, one must resort to infinite computations to capture the
so-called liveness properties. In this setting, the predominant specification
mechanism is Pnueli's LTL which turns out to be computationally tractable
and, moreover, equal in expressive power to the first-order fragment of
monadic second-order logic. We define an extension of LTL based on the
regular programs of PDL to obtain a temporal logic, DLTL, which remains
computationally feasible and is yet expressively equivalent to the full
monadic second-order logic.
An important class of distributed systems
consists of networks of sequential agents that synchronize by performing
common actions together. We exhibit a distributed version of DLTL and show
that it captures exactly all linear time properties of such systems, while
the verification problem, once again, remains tractable.
These systems
constitute a subclass of a more general class of systems with a static notion
of independence. For such systems the set of computations constitute
interleavings of occurrences of causally independent actions. These can be
grouped in a natural manner into equivalence classes corresponding to the
same partially-ordered behaviour. The equivalence classes of computations of
such systems can be canonically represented by restricted labelled partial
orders known as (Mazurkiewicz) traces. It has been noted that many properties
expressed as LTL-formulas have the ``all-or-none'' flavour, i.e. either all
computations of an equivalence class satisfy the formula or none do. For such
properties (e.g. ``reaching a deadlocked state'') it is possible to take
advantage of the noninterleaving nature of computations and apply the
so-called partial-order methods for verification to substantially reduce the
computational resources needed for the verification task. This leads to the
study of linear time temporal logics interpreted directly over traces, as
specifications in such logics are guaranteed to have the ``all-or-none''
property. We provide an elaborate survey of the various distributed linear
time temporal logics interpreted over traces.
One such logic is TLC,
through which one can directly formulate causality properties of concurrent
systems. We strengthen TLC to obtain a natural extended logic TLC and
show that the extension adds nontrivially to the expressive power. In fact,
very little is known about the relative expressive power of the various
logics for traces. The game-theoretic proof technique that we introduce may
lead to new separation results concerning such logics.
In application
domains such as telecommunication software, the synchronous communication
mechanism that traces are based on is not appropriate. Rather, one would like
message-passing to be the basic underlying communication mechanism. Message
Sequence Charts (MSCs) are ideally suited for the description of such
scenarios, where system executions constitute partially ordered exchanges of
messages. This raises the question of what constitutes reasonable collections
of MSCs upon which one can hope to do formal analysis. We propose a notion of
regularity for collections of MSCs and tie it up with a class of finite-state
devices characterizing such regular collections. Furthermore, we identify a
monadic second-order logic which also defines exactly these regular
The standard method for the description of multiple
scenarios in this setting has been to employ MSC-labelled finite graphs,
which might or might not describe collections of MSCs regular in our sense.
One common feature is that these collections are finitely generated, and we
conclude by exhibiting a subclass of such graphs which describes precisely
the collections of MSCs that are both finitely generated and regular.
- DS-00-5
Rune B. Lyngsø.
Computational Biology.
March 2000.
PhD thesis. xii+173 pp.
Abstract: All living organisms are based on genetic material,
genetic material that is specific for the organism. This material - that
inexplicably can be regarded as sequences - can thus be a valuable source of
information, both concerning the basic processes of life and the
relationships among different species. During the last twenty years the
ability to `read' this genetic material has increased tremendously. This
development has led to an explosion in available data.
But all this
data is of little use if methods are not available for deducing information
from it. Simply by the sheer amount of data, it is of vital importance that
these methods are automated to a very large degree. This demand has spawned
the field of computational biology, a field that from a computer
science point of view offers novel problems as well as variants over known
In this dissertation we focus on problems directly related
to the biological sequences. That is, problems concerned with
- detecting patterns in one sequence,
- comparing two or more
- inferring structural information about the biomolecule
represented by a given sequence.
We discuss the modelling
aspects involved when solving real world problems, and look at several models
from various areas of computational biology. This includes examining
the complexity of and developing efficient algorithms for some selected
problems in these models.
The dissertation includes five articles,
four of which have been previously published, on
- finding repetitions in a sequence with restrictions on the distance between
the repetitions in the sequence;
- comparing two coding DNA sequences,
that is, a comparison of DNA sequences where the encoded protein is taken
into account;
- comparing two hidden Markov models. Hidden Markov models
are often used as representatives of families of evolutionary or functionally
related sequences;
- inferring the secondary structure of an RNA
sequence, that is, the set of base pairs in the three dimensional structure,
based on a widely accepted energy model;
- an approximation algorithm for
predicting protein structure in a simple lattice model.
articles contain the technical details of the algorithms discussed in the
first part of the dissertation.
- DS-00-4
Christian N. S. Pedersen.
Algorithms in Computational Biology.
March 2000.
PhD thesis. xii+210 pp.
Abstract: In this thesis we are concerned with constructing
algorithms that address problems with biological relevance. This activity is
part of a broader interdisciplinary area called computational biology, or
bioinformatics, that focus on utilizing the capacities of computers to gain
knowledge from biological data. The majority of problems in computational
biology relate to molecular or evolutionary biology, and focus on analyzing
and comparing the genetic material of organisms. A deciding factor in shaping
the area of computational biology is that biomolecules that DNA, RNA and
proteins that are responsible for storing and utilizing the genetic material
in an organism, can be described as strings over finite alphabets. The string
representation of biomolecules allows for a wide range of algorithmic
techniques concerned with strings to be applied for analyzing and comparing
biological data. We contribute to the field of computational biology by
constructing and analyzing algorithms that address problems with relevance to
biological sequence analysis and structure prediction.
The genetic
material of organisms evolve by discrete mutations, most prominently
substitutions, insertions and deletions of nucleotides. Since the genetic
material is stored in DNA sequences and reflected in RNA and protein
sequences, it makes sense to compare two or more biological sequences in
order to look for similarities and differences that can be used to infer the
relatedness of the sequences. In the thesis we consider the problem of
comparing two sequences of coding DNA when the relationship between DNA and
proteins is taken into account. We do this by using a model that penalizes an
event on the DNA by the change it induces on the encoded protein. We analyze
the model in details and construct an alignment algorithm that improves on
the existing best alignment algorithm in the model by reducing its running
time with a quadratic factor. This makes the running time of our alignment
algorithm equal to the running time of alignment algorithms based on much
simpler models.
If a family of related biological sequences are
available it is natural to derive a compact characterization of the sequence
family. Among other things, such a characterization can be used to search for
unknown members of the sequence family. A widely used way to describe the
characteristics of a sequence family is to construct a hidden Markov model
that generates members of the sequence family with high probability and
non-members with low probability. In this thesis we consider the general
problem of comparing hidden Markov models. We define novel measures between
hidden Markov models and show how to compute them efficiently using dynamic
programming. Since hidden Markov models are widely used to characterize
biological sequence families, our measures and methods for comparing hidden
Markov models immediate apply to comparison of entire biological sequence
Besides comparing sequences and sequence families, we also
consider problems of finding regularities in a single sequence. Looking for
regularities in a single biological sequence can be used to reconstruct part
of the evolutionary history of the sequence or to identify the sequence among
other sequences. In this thesis we focus on general string problems motivated
by biological applications because biological sequences are strings. We
construct an algorithm that finds all maximal pairs of equal substrings in a
string, where each pair of equal substrings adheres to restrictions on the
number of characters between the occurrences of the two substrings in the
string. This is a generalization of finding tandem repeats and the running
time of the algorithm is comparable to the running time of existing
algorithms for finding tandem repeats. The algorithm is based on a general
technique that combines a traversal of a suffix tree with efficient merging
of search trees. We use the same general technique to construct an algorithm
that finds all maximal quasiperiodic substrings in a string. A quasiperiodic
substring is a substring that can be described as concatenations and
superpositions of a shorter substring. Our algorithm for finding maximal
quasiperiodic substrings has a running time that is a logarithmic factor
better than the running time of the existing best algorithm for the
Analyzing and comparing the string representations of
biomolecules can reveal a lot of useful information about the biomolecules,
but knowing the three-dimensional structures of the biomolecules often reveal
additional information that is not immediately visible from their string
representations. Unfortunately it is difficult and time consuming to
determine the three-dimensional structure of a biomolecule experimentally, so
computational methods for structure prediction are in demand. Constructing
such methods is also difficult and often results in the formulation of
intractable computational problems. In this thesis we construct an algorithm
that improves on the widely used mfold algorithm for RNA secondary structure
prediction by allowing a less restrictive model of structure formation
without an increase in the running time. We also analyze the protein folding
problem in the two-dimensional hydrophobic-hydrophilic lattice model. Our
analysis shows that several complicated folding algorithms do not produce
better foldings in the worst case, in terms of free energy, than an existing
much simpler folding algorithm.
- DS-00-3
Theis Rauhe.
Complexity of Data Structures (Unrevised).
March 2000.
PhD thesis. xii+115 pp.
Abstract: This thesis consists of a number of results providing
various complexity results for a number of dynamic data structures and
problems. A large part of the result is devoted techniques for proving lower
bounds in Yao's cell probe model. In addition we also provide upper bound
results for a number of data structure problems.
First we study the
signed prefix sum problem: given a string of length of s and signed
s compute the sum of its th prefix during updates. We show a lower
bound of
time per operation, even if the prefix
sums are bounded by
during all updates. We show how
these results allow us to prove lower bounds for a variety of dynamic
problems. We give a lower bound for the dynamic planar point location in
monotone subdivisions of
per operation. We give
a lower bound for dynamic transitive closure on upward planar graphs with one
source and one sink of
per operation. We
give a lower bound of
for the dynamic
membership problem of any Dyck language with two or more letters.
we introduce new models for dynamic computation based on the cell probe
model. We give these models access to nondeterministic queries or the right
answer as an oracle. We prove that for the dynamic partial sum
problem, these new powers do not help, the problem retains its lower bound of
. From these results we obtain stronger lower
bounds of order
for the conventional Random
Access Machine and cell probe model of the above problems for upward planar
graphs and dynamic membership for Dyck languages. In addition we also
characterise the complexity of the dynamic problem of maintaining a symmetric
function for prefixes of a string of bits. Common to these lower bounds are
their use of the chronogram method introduced in a seminal paper of Fredman
and Saks.
Next we introduce a new lower bound technique that differs
from the mentioned chronogram method. This method enable us to provide lower
bounds for another fundamental dynamic problem we call the marked ancestor
problem; consider a rooted tree whose nodes can be in two states: marked or
unmarked. The marked ancestor problem is to maintain a data structure with
the following operations:
marks node ;
removes any marks from node ;
returns the first marked node on the path from
to the root. We show tight upper and lower bounds for the marked ancestor
problem. The upper bounds hold on the unit-cost Random Access Machine, and
the lower bounds in cell probe model. As corollaries to the lower bound we
prove (often optimal) lower bounds on a number of problems. These include
planar range searching, including the existential or emptiness problem,
priority search trees, static tree union-find, and several problems from
dynamic computational geometry, including segment intersection, interval
maintenance, and ray shooting in the plane. Our upper bounds improve
algorithms from various fields, including dynamic dictionary matching,
coloured ancestor problems, and maintenance of balanced parentheses.
We study the fundamental problem of sorting in a sequential model of
computation and in particular consider the time-space trade-off (product of
time and space) for this problem. Beame has shown a lower bound of
for this product leaving a gap of a logarithmic factor up to
the previously best known upper bound of due to Frederickson.
We present a comparison based sorting algorithm which closes this gap. The
time-space product upper bound holds for the full range of space
bounds between and .
The last problem we consider
is dynamic pattern matching. Pattern matching is the problem of finding all
occurrences of a pattern in a text. In a dynamic setting the problem is to
support pattern matching in a text which can be manipulated on-line,
i.e., the usual situation in text editing. Previous solutions
support moving a block from one place to another in the text in time linear
to the block size where efficient pattern matching is supported too. We
present a data structure that supports insertions and deletions of characters
and movements of arbitrary large blocks within a text in
time per operation. Furthermore a search for a pattern
in the text is supported in time
, where is the number of occurrences to be reported. An
ingredient in our solution to the above main result is a data structure for
the dynamic string equality problem due to Mehlhorn, Sundar and
Uhrig. As a secondary result we give almost quadratic better time bounds for
this problem which in addition to keeping polylogarithmic factors low for our
main result, also improves the complexity for several other problems.
- DS-00-2
Anders B. Sandholm.
Programming Languages: Design, Analysis, and Semantics.
February 2000.
PhD thesis. xiv+233 pp.
Abstract: This thesis contains three parts. The first part
presents contributions in the fields of domain-specific language design,
runtime system design, and static program analysis, the second part presents
contributions in the field of control synthesis, and finally the third part
presents contributions in the field of denotational semantics.
Domain-specific language design is an emerging trend in software engineering.
The idea is to express the analysis of a particular problem domain through
the design of a programming language tailored to solving problems within that
domain. There are many established examples of domain-specific languages,
such as LaTeX, flex, and yacc. The novelty is to use such techniques for
solving traditional software engineering task, where one would previously
construct some collection of libraries within a general-purpose language. In
Part I, we start by presenting the design of a domain-specific language for
programming Web services. The various domain-specific aspects of Web service
programming, such as, Web server runtime system design, document handling,
and concurrency control, are treated.
Having treated many of the Web
related topics in some detail, we turn to the particular ideas and central
design issues involved in the development of our server-side runtime system.
We build a runtime system that not only shares the advantage of traditional
CGI-based services, namely that of portability, we also overcome many of the
known disadvantages, such as intricate and tedious programming and poor
We then turn to the use of dynamic Web documents, which
in our language relies heavily on the use of static program analysis. Static
program analysis allows one to offer static compile-time techniques for
predicting safe and computable approximations to the set of values or
behavior arising dynamically at runtime when executing a program on a
computer. Some of the traditional applications of program analysis are
avoidance of redundant and superfluous computations. Another aspect is that
of program validation, where one provides guarantees that the analyzed code
can safely be executed. We present an example of such an analysis as
explained in the following. Many interactive Web services use the CGI
interface for communication with clients. They will dynamically create HTML
documents that are presented to the client who then resumes the interaction
by submitting data through incorporated form fields. This protocol is
difficult to statically type-check if the dynamic document are created by
arbitrary script code using ``printf'' statements. Previous proposals have
suggested using static document templates which trades flexibility for
safety. We propose a notion of typed, higher-order templates that
simultaneously achieve flexibility and safety. Our type system is based on a
flow analysis of which we prove soundness. We also present an efficient
runtime implementation that respects the semantics of only well-typed
Having dealt with dynamic Web documents, we turn to the
topic of control synthesis. In the design of safety critical systems it is of
great importance that certain guarantees can be made about the system. We
describe in Part II of this thesis a method for synthesizing controllers from
logical specifications. First, we consider the development of the BDD-based
tool Mona for translating logical formulae into automata and give examples of
its use in small applications. Then we consider the use of Mona for control
synthesis, that is, we turn to the use of Mona as a controller generator.
First, in the context of our domain specific language for generating Web
services, where concurrency control aspects are treated using our control
synthesis technique. Second, in the context of LEGO robots, where we show how
controllers for autonomous LEGO robots are generated using our technique and
actually implemented on the physical LEGO brick.
Finally, in Part III
we consider the problem of sequentiality and full abstraction in denotational
semantics. The problem of finding an abstract description of sequential
functional computation has been one of the most enduring problems of
semantics. The problem dates from a seminal paper of Plotkin, who pointed out
that certain elements in Scott models are not defineable. In Plotkin's
example, the ``parallel or'' function cannot be programmed in PCF, a purely
functional, sequential, call-by-name language. Moreover, the function causes
two terms to be distinct denotationaly even though the terms cannot be
distinguished by any program. The problem of modeling sequentiality is
enduring because it is robust. For instance, changing the reduction strategy
from call-by-name to call-by-value makes no difference. When examples like
parallel or do not exist, the denotational model is said to be fully
abstract. More precisely, full abstraction requires an operational definition
of equivalence (interchangeability in all programs) to match operational
equivalence. It has been proved that there is exactly one fully abstract
model of PCF. Until recently, all descriptions of this fully abstract model
have used operational semantics. New constructions using logical relations
have yielded a more abstract understanding of Milner's model.
consider in Part III how to adapt and extend the logical relations model for
PCF to a call-by-value setting. More precisely, we construct a fully abstract
model for the call-by-value, purely functional, sequential language FPC.
- DS-00-1
Thomas Troels Hildebrandt.
Categorical Models for Concurrency: Independence, Fairness and
February 2000.
PhD thesis. x+141 pp.
Abstract: This thesis is concerned with formal semantics and
models for concurrent computational systems, that is, systems
consisting of a number of parallel computing sequential systems, interacting
with each other and the environment. A formal semantics gives meaning to
computational systems by describing their behaviour in a mathematical model. For concurrent systems the interesting aspect of their
computation is often how they interact with the environment during a
computation and not in which state they terminate, indeed they may not be
intended to terminate at all. For this reason they are often referred to as
reactive systems, to distinguish them from traditional calculational systems, as e.g. a program calculating your income tax, for
which the interesting behaviour is the answer it gives when (or if) it
terminates, in other words the (possibly partial) function it computes
between input and output. Church's thesis tells us that regardless of
whether we choose the lambda calculus, Turing machines, or almost
any modern programming language such as C or Java to describe
calculational systems, we are able to describe exactly the same class of
functions. However, there is no agreement on observable behaviour for
concurrent reactive systems, and consequently there is no correspondent to
Church's thesis. A result of this fact is that an overwhelming number of
different and often competing notions of observable behaviours, primitive
operations, languages and mathematical models for describing their semantics,
have been proposed in the litterature on concurrency.
The work
presented in this thesis contributes to a categorical approach to semantics
for concurrency which have been developed through the last 15 years, aiming
at a more coherent theory. The initial stage of this approach is reported on
in the chapter on models for concurrency by Winskel and Nielsen in the
Handbook of Logic in Computer Science, and focuses on relating the already
existing models and techniques for reasoning about them. This work was
followed by a uniform characterisation of behavioural equivalences from the
notion of bisimulation from open maps proposed by Joyal, Winskel and
Nielsen, which was applicable to any of the categorical models and shown to
capture a large number of existing variations on bisimulation. At the same
time, a class of abstract models for concurrency was proposed, the presheaf models for concurrency, which have been developed over the last 5
years, culminating in the recent thesis of Cattani.
This thesis treats
three main topics in concurrency theory: independence, fairness
and non-deterministic dataflow.
Our work on independence,
concerned with explicitly representing that actions result from independent
parts of a system, falls in two parts. The first contributes to the initial
work on describing formal relationships between existing models. The second
contributes to the study of concrete instances of the abstract notion of
bisimulation from open maps. In more detail, the first part gives a complete
formal characterisation of the relationship between two models, transition systems with independence and labelled asynchronous
transition systems respectively, which somehow escaped previous treatments.
The second part studies the borderline between two well known notions of
bisimulation for independence models such as 1-safe Petri nets and the two
models mentioned above. The first is known as the history-preserving
bisimulation (HPB), the second is the bisimulation obtained from the open
maps approach, originally introduced under the name hereditary
history-preserving bisimulation (HHPB) as a strengthening of HPB obtained by
adding backtracking. Remarkably, HHPB has recently been shown to be
undecidable for finite state systems, as opposed to HPB which is known
to be decidable. We consider history-preserving bisimulation with bounded backtracking, and show that it gives rise to an infinite, strict hierarchy of decidable history-preserving bisimulations
seperating HPB and HHPB.
The work on fairness and non-deterministic
dataflow takes its starting point in the work on presheaf models for
concurrency in which these two aspects have not been treated
Fairness is concerned with ruling out some completed,
possibly infinite, computations as unfair. Our approach is to give a
presheaf model for the observation of infinite as well as finite
computations. This includes a novel use of a Grothendieck topology to
capture unique completions of infinite computations. The presheaf model is
given a concrete representation as a category of generalised
synchronisation trees, which we formally relate to the general transition
systems proposed by Hennessy and Stirling for the study of fairness. In
particular the bisimulation obtained from open maps is shown to coincide with
their notion of extended bisimulation. Benefitting from the general
results on presheaf models we give the first denotational semantics of
Milners SCCS with finite delay that coincides with his operational semantics
up to extended bisimulation.
The work on non-deterministic dataflow,
i.e. systems communicating assynchronously via buffered channels, recasts
dataflow in a modern categorical light using profunctors as a
generalisation of relations. The well known causal anomalies associated with
relational semantics of indeterminate dataflow are avoided, but still we
preserve much of the intuitions of a relational model. The model extends the
traditional presheaf models usually applied to semantics for synchronous communicating processes described by CCS-like calculi, and thus
opens up for the possibility of combining these two paradigms. We give a
concrete representation of our model as a category of (unfolded) monotone port automata, previously studied by Panangaden and Stark. We show
that the notion of bisimulation obtained from open maps is a congruence with
respect to the operations of dataflow. Finally, we use the categorical
formulation of feedback using traced monoidal categories. A pay off is
that we get a semantics of higher-order networks almost for free, using the
geometry of interaction construction.
- DS-99-1
Gian Luca Cattani.
Presheaf Models for Concurrency (Unrevised).
April 1999.
PhD thesis. xiv+255 pp.
Abstract: In this dissertation we investigate presheaf models
for concurrent computation. Our aim is to provide a systematic treatment of
bisimulation for a wide range of concurrent process calculi. Bisimilarity is
defined abstractly in terms of open maps as in the work of Joyal, Nielsen and
Winskel. Their work inspired this thesis by suggesting that presheaf
categories could provide abstract models for concurrency with a built-in
notion of bisimulation.
We show how presheaf categories, in which
traditional models of concurrency are embedded, can be used to deduce
congruence properties of bisimulation for the traditional models. A key
result is given here; it is shown that the homomorphisms between presheaf
categories, i.e., colimit preserving functors, preserve open map
bisimulation. We follow up by observing that presheaf categories and colimit
preserving functors organise in what can be considered as a category of
non-deterministic domains. Presheaf models can be obtained as solutions to
recursive domain equations. We investigate properties of models given for a
range of concurrent process calculi, including CCS, CCS with
value-passing, -calculus and a form of CCS with linear process
passing. Open map bisimilarity is shown to be a congruence for each calculus.
These are consequences of general mathematical results like the preservation
of open map bisimulation by colimit preserving functors. In all but the case
of the higher order calculus, open map bisimulation is proved to coincide
with traditional notions of bisimulation for the process terms. In the case
of higher order processes, we obtain a ner equivalence than the one one would
normally expect, but this helps reveal interesting aspects of the
relationship between the presheaf and the operational semantics. For a
fragment of the language, corresponding to a form of -calculus, open
map bisimulation coincides with applicative bisimulation.
developing a suitable general theory of domains, we extend results and
notions, such as the limit-colimit coincidence theorem of Smyth and Plotkin,
from the order-enriched case to a ``fully'' 2-categorical situation. Moreover
we provide a domain theoretical analysis of (open map) bisimulation in
presheaf categories. We present, in fact, induction and coinduction
principles for recursive domains as in the works of Pitts and of Hermida and
Jacobs and use them to derive a coinduction property based on bisimulation.
- DS-98-3
Kim Sunesen.
Reasoning about Reactive Systems.
December 1998.
PhD thesis. xvi+204 pp.
Abstract: The main concern of this thesis is the formal
reasoning about reactive systems.
We first consider the automated
verification of safety properties of finite systems. We propose a practical
framework for integrating the behavioural reasoning about distributed
reactive systems with model-checking methods. We devise a small
self-contained theory of distributed reactive systems including standard
concepts like implementation, abstraction, and proof methods for
compositional reasoning. The proof methods are based on trace abstractions
that relate the behaviours of the program with the specification. We show
that trace abstractions and the proof methods can be expressed in a decidable
Monadic Second-Order Logic (M2L) on words. To demonstrate the practical
pertinence of the approach, we give a self-contained, introductory account of
the method applied to an RPC-memory specification problem proposed by Broy
and Lamport. The purely behavioural descriptions which we formulate from the
informal specifications are written in the high-level symbolic language FIDO,
a syntactic extension of M2L. Our solution involves FIDO-formulas more than
10 pages long. They are translated into M2L-formulas of length more than 100
pages which are decided automatically within minutes. Hence, our work shows
that complex behaviours of reactive systems can be formulated and reasoned
about without explicit state-based programming, and moreover that temporal
properties can be stated succinctly while enjoying automated analysis and
Next, we consider the theoretical borderline of
decidability of behavioural equivalences for infinite-state systems. We
provide a systematic study of the decidability of non-interleaving
linear-time behavioural equivalences for infinite-state systems defined by
CCS and TCSP style process description languages. We compare standard
language equivalence with two generalisations based on the predominant
approaches for capturing non-interleaving behaviour: pomsets representing
global causal dependency, and locality representing spatial distribution of
events. Beginning with the process calculus of Basic Parallel Processes (BPP)
obtained as a minimal concurrent extension of finite processes, we
systematically investigate extensions towards full CCS and TCSP. Our results
show that whether a non-interleaving equivalence is based on global causal
dependency between events or whether it is based on spatial distribution of
events can have an impact on decidability. Furthermore, we investigate
tau-forgetting versions of the two non-interleaving equivalences, and show
that for BPP they are decidable.
Finally, we address the issue of
synthesising distributed systems - modelled as elementary net systems -
from purely sequential behaviours represented by synchronisation trees. Based
on the notion of regions, Ehrenfeucht and Rozenberg have characterised the
transition systems that correspond to the behaviour of elementary net
systems. Building upon their results, we characterise the synchronisation
trees that correspond to the behaviour of active elementary net systems, that
is, those in which each condition can always cease to hold. The identified
class of synchronisation trees is definable in a monadic second order logic
over infinite trees. Hence, our work provides a theoretical foundation for
smoothly combining techniques for the synthesis of nets from transition
systems with the synthesis of synchronisation trees from logical
- DS-98-2
Søren B. Lassen.
Relational Reasoning about Functions and Nondeterminism.
December 1998.
PhD thesis. x+126 pp.
Abstract: This dissertation explores a uniform, relational
proof style for operational arguments about program equivalences. It improves
and facilitates many previously given proofs, and it is used to establish new
proof rules for reasoning about term contexts, recursion, and nondeterminism
in higher-order programming languages.
Part I develops an algebra of
relations on terms and exploits these relations in operational arguments
about contextual equivalence for a typed deterministic functional language.
Novel proofs of the basic laws, sequentiality and continuity properties,
induction rules, and the CIU Theorem are presented together with new
relational proof rules akin to Sangiorgi's ``bisimulation up to context'' for
process calculi.
Part II extends the results from the first part to
nondeterministic functional programs. May and must operational semantics and
contextual equivalences are defined and their properties are explored by
means of relational techniques. For must contextual equivalence, the failure
of ordinary syntactic -continuity in the presence of countable
nondeterminism is addressed by a novel transfinite syntactic continuity
principle. The relational techniques are also applied to the study of lower
and upper applicative simulation relations, yielding new results about their
properties in the presence of countable and fair nondeterminism, and about
their relationship with the contextual equivalences.
- DS-98-1
Ole I. Hougaard.
The CLP(OIH) Language.
February 1998.
PhD thesis. xii+187 pp.
Abstract: Many type inference problems are different instances
of the same constraint satisfaction problem. That is, there is a class of
constraints so that these type inference problems can be reduced to the
problem of finding a solution to a set of constraints. Furthermore, there is
an efficient constraint solving algorithm which can find this solution in
polynomial time.
We have shown this by defining the appropriate
constraint domain, devising an efficient constraint satisfaction algorithm,
and designing a constraint logic programming language over the constraint
domain. We have implemented an interpreter for the language and have thus
produced a tool which is well-suited for type inference problems of different
Among the problems that can be reduced to our constraint domain
are the following:
- The simply typed
- The
-calculus with subtyping.
- Arbadi and Cardelli's
Object calculus.
- Effect systems for control flow analysis.
- Turbo Pascal.
With the added power of the constraint logic
programming language, certain type systems with no known efficient algorithm
can also be implemented -- e.g. the object calculus with selftype.
The programming language thus provides a very easy way of
implementing a vast array of different type inference problems.
- DS-97-3
Thore Husfeldt.
Dynamic Computation.
December 1997.
PhD thesis. 90 pp.
Abstract: Chapter 1 contains a brief introduction and
motivation of dynamic computations, and illustrates the main computational
models used throughout the thesis, the random access machine and the cell probe model introduced by Fredman.
Chapter 2 paves the road to
proving lower bounds for several dynamic problems. In particular, the chapter
identifies a number of key problems which are hard for dynamic computations,
and to which many other dynamic problems can be reduced. The main
contribution of this chapter can be summarised in two results. The first
shows that the signed prefix sum problem, which has already been heavily
exploited for proving lower bounds on dynamic algorithms and data structures,
remains hard even when we provide some amount of nondeterminism to the query
algorithms. The second result studies the amount of extra information that
can be provided to the query algorithm without affecting the lower bound.
Some applications of these results are contained in this chapter; in
addition, they are heavily developed for the lower bound proofs in the
remainder of the thesis.
Chapter 3 investigates the dynamic complexity
of the symmetric Boolean functions, and provides upper and lower bounds.
These results establish links between parallel complexity (namely, Boolean
circuit complexity) and dynamic complexity. In particular, it is shown that
the circuit depth of any symmetric function and the dynamic prefix problem
for the same function depend on the same combinatorial properties. The
connection between these two different modes and models of computation is
shown to be very strong in that the trade-off between circuit size and
circuit depth is similar to the trade-off between update and query
Chapter 4 considers dynamic graph problems. In particular, it
presents the fastest known algorithm for dynamic reachability on planar
acyclic digraphs with one source and one sink (known as planar st-graphs). Previous partial solutions to this problem were known. In the
second part of the chapter, the techniques for lower bound from chapter 2 are
further exploited to yield new hardness results for a number of graph
problems, including reachability problems in planar graphs and grid graphs,
dynamic upward planarity testing and monotone point location.
Chapter 5 turns to strings, and focuses on the problem of maintaining a
string of parentheses, known as the dynamic membership problem for the Dyck
languages. Parentheses are inserted and removed dynamically, while the
algorithm has to check whether the string is properly balanced. It is shown
that this problem can be solved in polylogarithmic time per operation. The
lower bound techniques from the thesis are again used to prove the hardness
of this problem.
- DS-97-2
Peter Ørbæk.
Trust and Dependence Analysis.
July 1997.
PhD thesis. x+175 pp.
Abstract: The two pillars of trust analysis and dependence algebra form the foundation of this thesis. Trust analysis is a
static analysis of the run-time trustworthiness of data. Dependence algebra
is a rich abstract model of data dependences in programming languages,
applicable to several kinds of analyses.
We have developed trust
analyses for imperative languages with pointers as well as for higher order
functional languages, utilizing both abstract interpretation, constraint
generation and type inference.
The mathematical theory of dependence
algebra has been developed and investigated. Two applications of dependence
algebra have been given: a practical implementation of a trust analysis for
the C programming language, and a soft type inference system for action
semantic specifications. Soundness results for the two analyses have been
- DS-97-1
Gerth Stølting Brodal.
Worst Case Efficient Data Structures.
January 1997.
PhD thesis. x+121 pp.
Abstract: We study the design of efficient data structures
where each operation has a worst case efficient implementations. The concrete
problems we consider are partial persistence, implementation of priority queues, and implementation of dictionaries.
The node copying technique of Driscoll et al. to make bounded in-degree
and out-degree data structures partially persistent, supports update steps in
amortized constant time and access steps in worst case constant time. We show
how to extend the technique such that update steps can be performed in worst
case constant time on the pointer machine model.
We present two
comparison based priority queue implementations. The first implementation
supports FINDMIN, INSERT and MELD in worst case constant
time and DELETE and DELETEMIN in worst case time . The
second implementation achieves the same performance, but furthermore supports
DECREASEKEY in worst case constant time. We show that these time bounds
are optimal for all implementations supporting MELD in worst case time
. We show that any randomized implementation with expected amortized
cost comparisons per INSERT and DELETE operation has expected
cost at least comparisons for FINDMIN.
For the
CREW PRAM we present time and work optimal priority queues, supporting FINDMIN, INSERT, MELD, DELETEMIN, DELETE and DECREASEKEY in constant time with processors. To be able to
speed up Dijkstra's algorithm for the single-source shortest path problem we
present a different parallel priority data structure yielding an
implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm which runs in time and performs
work on a CREW PRAM.
On a unit cost RAM model with word
size bits we consider the maintenance of a set of integers from
PRED (predecessor query). The RAM operations used are addition, left
and right bit shifts, and bit-wise boolean operations. For any function
, we support FINDMIN and FINDMAX in constant time, INSERT and DELETE in
time, and PRED in
The last
problem we consider is given a set of binary strings of length each,
to answer -queries, i.e., given a binary string of length to
report if there exists a string in the set within Hamming distance of the
string. We present a data structure of size supporting 1-queries in
time and the reporting of all strings within Hamming distance 1 of the
query string in time . The data structure can be constructed in time
and supports the insertion of new strings in amortized time .
- DS-96-4
Torben Braüner.
An Axiomatic Approach to Adequacy.
November 1996.
Ph.D. thesis. 168 pp.
Abstract: This thesis studies adequacy for PCF-like languages
in a general categorical framework. An adequacy result relates the
denotational semantics of a program to its operational semantics; it
typically states that a program terminates whenever the interpretation is
non-bottom. The main concern is to generalise to a linear version of PCF the
adequacy results known for standard PCF, keeping in mind that there exists a
Girard translation from PCF to linear PCF with respect to which the new
constructs should be sound. General adequacy results have usually been
obtained in order-enriched categories, that is, categories where all hom-sets
are typically cpos, maps are assumed to be continuous and fixpoints are
interpreted using least upper bounds. One of the main contributions of the
thesis is to propose a completely different approach to the problem of
axiomatising those categories which yield adequate semantics for PCF and
linear PCF. The starting point is that the only unavoidable assumption for
dealing with adequacy is the existence, in any object, of a particular
``undefined'' point denoting the non-terminating computation of the
corresponding type; hom-sets are pointed sets, and this is the only required
structure. In such a category of pointed objects, there is a way of
axiomatising fixpoint operators: They are maps satisfying certain equational
axioms, and furthermore, satisfying a very natural non-equational axiom
called rational openness. It is shown that this axiom is sufficient, and in a
precise sense necessary, for adequacy. The idea is developed in the
intuitionistic case (standard PCF) as well as in the linear case (linear
PCF), which is obtained by augmenting a Curry-Howard interpretation of
Intuitionistic Linear Logic with numerals and fixpoint constants, appropriate
for the linear context. Using instantiations to concrete models of the
general adequacy results, various purely syntactic properties of linear PCF
are proved to hold.
- DS-96-3
Lars Arge.
Efficient External-Memory Data Structures and Applications.
August 1996.
Ph.D. thesis. xii+169 pp.
Abstract: In this thesis we study the
Input/Output (I/O) complexity of large-scale problems arising e.g. in the
areas of database systems, geographic information systems, VLSI design
systems and computer graphics, and design I/O-efficient algorithms for them.
A general theme in our work is to design I/O-efficient algorithms through the
design of I/O-efficient data structures. One of our philosophies is to try to
design I/O algorithms from internal memory algorithms by exchanging the data structures
used in internal memory with their external memory counterparts. The results
in the thesis include a technique for transforming an internal memory tree
data structure into an external data structure which can be used in a batched dynamic setting, that is, a setting where we for example do not
require that the result of a search operation is returned immediately. Using
this technique we develop batched dynamic external versions of the
(one-dimensional) range-tree and the segment-tree and we develop an external
priority queue. These structures can be used in standard internal memory
sorting algorithms and algorithms for problems involving geometric objects. The latter
has applications to VLSI design. Using the priority queue we improve upon
known I/O algorithms for fundamental graph problems, and develop new efficient algorithms
for the graph-related problem of ordered binary-decision diagram
manipulation. Ordered binary-decision diagrams are the state-of-the-art data
structure for boolean function manipulation and they are extensively used in
large-scale applications like logic circuit verification.
our batched dynamic segment tree with the novel technique of external-memory
fractional cascading we develop I/O-efficient algorithms for a large number of
geometric problems involving line segments in the plane, with applications to
geographic informations systems. Such systems frequently handle huge amounts
of spatial data and thus they require good use of external-memory
We also manage to use the ideas in the batched dynamic
segment tree to develop ``on-line'' external data structures for a special
case of two-dimensional range searching with applications to databases and
constraint logic programming. We develop an on-line external version of the
segment tree, which improves upon the previously best known such structure,
and an optimal on-line external version of the interval tree. The last result
settles an important open problem in databases and I/O algorithms. In order to
develop these structure we use a novel balancing technique for search trees
which can be regarded as weight-balancing of B-trees.
Finally, we
develop a technique for transforming internal memory lower bounds to lower
bounds in the I/O model, and we prove that our new ordered binary-decision
diagram manipulation algorithms are asymptotically optimal among a class of algorithms
that include all know manipulation algorithms.
- DS-96-2
Allan Cheng.
Reasoning About Concurrent Computational Systems.
August 1996.
Ph.D. thesis. xiv+229 pp.
Abstract: This thesis consists of three parts. The first
presents contributions in the field of verification of finite state
concurrent systems, the second presents contributions in the field of
behavioural reasoning about concurrent systems based on the notions of
behavioural preorders and behavioural equivalences, and, finally, the third
presents contributions in the field of set constraints.
In the first
part, we study the computational complexity of several standard verification
problems for 1-safe Petri nets and some of its subclasses. Our results
provide the first systematic study of the computational complexity of these
We then investigate the computational complexity of a more
general verification problem, model-checking, when an instance of the problem
consists of a formula and a description of a system whose state space is at
most exponentially larger than the description.
We continue by
considering the problem of performing model-checking relative to a partial
order semantics of concurrent systems, in which not all possible sequences of
actions are considered relevant. We provide the first, to the best of our
knowledge, set of sound and complete tableau rules for a CTL-like logic
interpreted under progress fairness assumptions.
In the second part,
we investigate Joyal, Nielsen, and Winskel's proposal of spans of open maps
as an abstract category-theoretic way of adjoining a bisimulation
equivalence, -bisimilarity, to a category of models of computation
. We show that a representative selection of well-known
bisimulations and behavioural equivalences can be captured in the setting of
spans of open maps.
We then define the notion of functors being -factorisable and show how this ensures that -bisimilarity is a
congruence with respect to such functors.
In the last part we
investigate set constraints. Set constraints are inclusion relations between
expressions denoting sets of ground terms over a ranked alphabet. They are
typically derived from the syntax of a program and solutions to them can
yield useful information for, e.g., type inference, implementations, and
We provide a complete Gentzen-style axiomatisation for
, where and are finite sets of set
constraints, based on the axioms of termset algebra. We show that the
deductive system is complete for the restricted sequents
over standard models, incomplete for general sequents
standard models, but complete for general sequents over set-theoretic termset
We then continue by investigating Kozen's rational spaces.
We give several interesting results, among others a Myhill-Nerode like
characterisation of rational points.
- DS-96-1
Urban Engberg.
Reasoning in the Temporal Logic of Actions -- The design and
implementation of an interactive computer system.
August 1996.
Ph.D. thesis. xvi+222 pp.
Abstract: Reasoning about algorithms stands out as an essential
challenge of computer science. Much work has been put into the development of
formal methods, within recent years focusing especially on concurrent
algorithms. The Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA) is one of the formal
frameworks that has been the result of such research. In TLA a system and its
properties may be specified as logical formulas, allowing the application of
reasoning without any intermediate translation. Being a linear-time temporal
logic, it easily expresses liveness as well as safety properties.
the TLA Prover, is a system developed by the author for doing mechanical
reasoning in TLA. TLP is a complex system that combines different reasoning
techniques to be able to handle verification of real systems. It uses the
Larch Prover as its main verification back-end, but as well makes it possible
to utilize results provided by other back-ends, such as an automatic
linear-time temporal logic checker for finite-state systems. Specifications
to be verified within the TLP system are written in a dedicated language, an
extension of pure TLA. The language as well contains syntactical constructs
for representing natural deduction proofs, and a separate language for
defining methods to be applied during verification. With the TLP translators
and interactive front-end, it is possible to write specifications and
incrementally develop mechanically verifiable proofs in a fashion that has
not been seen before.