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jwig analyze fileswhere files is a collection of class files from the compiled program. This collection is called the application classes. For efficiency reasons, the application classes can be just the few classes that actually constitute the JWIG service, not including all the standard Java classes that the program uses. Exactly one of the application classes must be a subclass of Service. As an example, if we try analyzing a buggy version of the guessing game example from the JWIG distribution, the following errors are reported (abbreviated with "..."):
Gap `holder' does not exist on line 67 Field `name' is not always available exactly once on line 70 *** Invalid XHTML at line 69 --- element 'html' in XML template at line 10: illegal content: <sequence> <element xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" name="h:head" /> <element xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" name="h:body" /> </sequence> 'body' <- XML template at line 14 in class BuggyGuess in template plug into `body' at line 49 in class BuggyGuess$Play ... |
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