@string{brics =	"{BRICS}"}
@string{daimi =	"Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus"}
@string{iesd  =	"Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Aalborg University"}
@string{rs    =	"Research Series"}
@string{ns    =	"Notes Series"}
@string{ls    =	"Lecture Series"}
@string{ds    =	"Dissertation Series"}

  author = 	 "Jan Chomicki and David Toman",
  title = 	 "Temporal Logic in Information Systems",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1997,
  type = 	 ls,
  number = 	 "LS-97-1",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 nov,
  note =	 "viii+42~pp. Full version to appear in: Logics for
		  Database and Information Systems, Chomicki and Saake
		  (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.",
  abstract =	 "Temporal logic is obtained by adding temporal connectives
		  to a logic language. Explicit references to time are
		  hidden inside the temporal connectives.  Different
		  variants of temporal logic use different sets of such
		  connectives.  In this chapter, we survey the fundamental
		  varieties of temporal logic and describe their
		  applications in information systems.\bibpar
		  Several features of temporal logic make it especially
		  attractive as a query and integrity constraint language
		  for temporal databases.  First, because the references to
		  time are hidden, queries and integrity constraints are
		  formulated in an abstract, representation-independent
		  way. Second, temporal logic is amenable to efficient
		  implementation. Temporal logic queries can be translated
		  to an algebraic language. Temporal logic constraints can
		  be efficiently enforced using auxiliary stored
		  information. More general languages, with explicit
		  references to time, do not share these properties.\bibpar
		  Recent research has proposed various implementation
		  techniques to make temporal logic practically useful in
		  database applications. Also, the relationships between
		  different varieties of temporal logic and between
		  temporal logic and other temporal languages have been
		  clarified.  We report on these developments and outline
		  some of the remaining open research problems.
	     	  \item[1] Introduction
	     	  \item[2] Temporal Databases
	     	    \item[2.1] Abstract Temporal Databases
	     	    \item[2.2] Relational Database Histories
	     	  \item[3] Temporal Queries
	     	    \item[3.1] Abstract Temporal Query Languages
	     	    \item[3.2] Expressive Power
	     	    \item[3.3] Space-efficient Encoding of Temporal Databases
	     	    \item[3.4] Concrete Temporal Query Languages
	     	    \item[3.5] Evaluation of Abstract Query Languages using
	     	    \item[3.6] SQL and Derived Temporal Query Languages
	     	  \item[4] Temporal Integrity Constraints
	     	    \item[4.1] Notions of constraint satisfaction
	     	    \item[4.2] Temporal Integrity Maintenance
	     	    \item[4.3] Temporal Constraint Checking
	     	  \item[5] Multidimensional Time
	     	    \item[5.1] Why Multiple Temporal Dimensions?
	     	    \item[5.2] Abstract Query Languages for
		               Multi-dimensional Time
	     	    \item[5.3] Encoding of Multi-dimensional Temporal Databases
	     	  \item[6] Beyond First-order Temporal Logic
	     	  \item[7] Conclusion
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