Proceedings of the Workshop on
Tools and Algorithms for the
Construction and Analysis of Systems
(Aarhus, Denmark, 19--20 May, 1995)
May 1995
This document is also available as
- MN
Olaf Müller and Tobias Nipkow.
Combining model checking and deduction for I/O-automata.
pages 1--12.
Abstract: We propose a combination of model checking and
interactive theorem proving where the theorem prover is used to represent
finite and infinite state systems, reason about them compositionally and
reduce them to small finite systems by verified abstractions. As an example
we verify a version of the Alternating Bit Protocol with unbounded lossy and
duplicating channels: the channels are abstracted by interactive proof and
the resulting finite state system is model checked.
Comments: T.U. Munich, Germany.
Kim G. Larsen, Bernhard Steffen, and
Carsten Weise.
A constraint oriented proof methodology based on modal transition
pages 13--28.
Abstract: We present a constraint-oriented state-based proof
methodology for concurrent software systems which exploits compositionality
and abstraction for the reduction of the verification problem under
investigation. Formal basis for this methodology are Modal Transition Systems
allowing loose state-based specifications, which can be refined by
successively adding constraints. Key concepts of our method are
projective views, separation of proof obligations, Skolemization
and abstraction. Central to the method is the use of Parametrized
Modal Transition Systems. The method easily transfers to real-time systems,
where the main problem are parameters in timing constraints.
Comments: Aalborg, Denmark and Passau/Aachen, Germany. Email:
- HH
Tom Henzinger and Pei-Hsin Ho.
HYTECH: The Cornell Hybrid Technology Tool.
pages 29--43.
Abstract: HyTech, the Cornell Hybrid Technology Tool, is an
automatic tool for analyzing hybrid systems. We review some of the formal
technologies that have been incorporated into HyTech, and we illustrate the
use of HyTech with two nontrivial case studies.
Comments: Cornell, USA.
- Mad
Angelika Mader.
The modal
-calculus, model checking, equation systems and
Gauß elimination.
pages 44--57.
Abstract: The paper presents a novel approach for solving
Boolean equation systems. It does not use approximation techniques and
backtracking. The method works similar to Gauß elimination for linear
equation systems. Homogeneous, hierarchical and alternating fixpoints are
treated uniformly. In contrast to other techniques Gauß elimination leads
to both a global and a local model checking algorithm within one framework.
Comments: Technical University, Munich, Germany.
- GJJ+
Jesper G. Henriksen, Ole J. L. Jensen,
Michael E. Jørgensen, Nils Klarlund, Robert Paige, Theis Rauhe, and
Anders B. Sandholm.
MONA: Monadic second-order logic in practice.
pages 58--73.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to introduce Monadic
Second-order Logic as a practical means of specifying regularity. The logic
is a highly succinct alternative to the use of regular expressions. We have
built a tool Mona, which acts as a decision procedure and as a translator to
finite-state automata. The tool is based on new algorithms for minimizing
finite-state automata that use binary decision diagrams (BDDs) to represent
transition functions in compressed form. A byproduct of this work is an
algorithm that matches the time but improves the space of Sieling and
Wegener's algorithm to reduce OBDDs in linear time.
The potential
applications are numerous. We discuss text processing, Boolean circuits, and
distributed systems. Our main example is an automatic proof of properties for
the ``Dining Philosophers with Encyclopedia'' example by Kurshan and
MacMillan. We establish these properties for the parameterized case
without the use of induction.
Our results show that, contrary to
common beliefs, high computational complexity may be a desired feature of a
specification formalism.
Comments: Aarhus University, Denmark and New York University,
- MP
Oliver Matz and Andreas Potthoff.
Computing small nondeterministic finite automata.
pages 74--88.
Abstract: The minimization problem for nondeterministic finite
automata is studied. Two approaches are discussed, based on the construction
of two versions of ``canonical'' automata (for a given regular language), in
which minimal automata occur as subautomata. A heuristic for this search is
introduced, which has been implemented in the program AMoRE.
Comments: University of Kiel, Germany.
- EL
Uffe H. Engberg and Kim S. Larsen.
Efficient simplification of bisimulation formulas.
pages 89--103.
Abstract: The problem of checking or optimally simplifying
bisimulation formulas is likely to be computationally very hard. We take a
different view at the problem: we set out to define a very fast algorithm,
and then see what we can obtain. Sometimes our algorithm can simplify a
formula perfectly, sometimes it cannot. However, the algorithm is extremely
fast and can, therefore, be added to formula-based bisimulation model
checkers at practically no cost. When the formula can be simplified by our
algorithm, this can have a dramatic positive effect on the better, but also
more time consuming, theorem provers which will finish the job.
Comments: Univ. of Aarhus and Odense, Denmark.
- Lin
Huimin Lin.
On implementing unique fixpoint induction for value-passing
pages 104--118.
Abstract: We examine the possible pitfalls in formulating the
unique fixpoint induction proof rule in the setting of value-passing process
calculi and describe how this rule is implemented in the verification tool
VPAM. An argument is also given to justify the implementation.
Comments: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
- BP
Doeko J.B. Bosscher and Alban Ponse.
Translating a process algebra with symbolic data values to linear
pages 119--130.
Abstract: In the paper ``Translating a Valued Process Algebra
with Symnbolic Data Values to Linear Format'' the authors Bosscher and Ponse
describe a general method to translate a process algebra with symbolic data
values to a linear format. The translation is described using the
specification language
CRL, which is a language based on the process
algebra ACP and algebraic data type theory. The translation is described in
two phases. First a translation of core fragment to linear format. Second a
larger part of the language. The motivation for this study is oeriented to
builing tools which can do model checking for process algebras. It is
believed by some that linear formats offer better possibilities for checking
logical properties. Also linear formats conform to what is sometimes called a
data oriented view, instead of a process oriented. Several authors translate
specifications to this format before a further analysis.
Comments: CWI/PRG, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Michel Charpentier, Gérard Padiou, and
Abdellah El Hadri.
A UNITY-based algorithm design assistant.
pages 131--145.
Abstract: We address the problem of the automatic verification
of reactive systems. For such algorithms, parallelism, non-determinism and
distribution, lead to frequent design flaws and make debugging difficult.
Proving programs with respect to their specification may solve both these
problems. In this framework, we describe the implementation of an algorithm
design assistant based upon the UNITY formalism. A theorem prover and a
Presburger formulas calculator are used to perform the underlying proofs. We
illustrate the main difficulties encountered with representative examples.
Comments: ENSSEEIHT-IRIT, Toulouse, France and EMI, Rabat,
- Mat
Seán Matthews.
in Isabelle: adding structure at the
pages 146--158.
Abstract: We show how a generic theorem prover like Isabelle
can be used to provide structuring facilties to a theory that lacks them,
without our having to modify the theory itself in any way.
Comments: Max-Planck-Inst., Saarbrucken, Germany.
- BF
J.P. Bodeveix and M. Filali.
A framework for parallel program refinement.
pages 159--173.
Abstract: This paper presents a formal framework for developing
provably correct parallel programs through refinements. We formalize
rigorously, with respect to typing, some imperative programming constructs
and propose refinements of them. Moreover, we try to make the semantics
denotation as close as possible to the usual programming notation; the aim
being to make easy the reasoning at the semantics level. This formalization
is embedded within the HOL interactive theorem prover and consequently
reusable as a framework for general programming by refinement.
Comments: IRIT, Toulouse, France.
- Che
Boutheina Chetali.
Formal verification of concurrent program using the Larch Prover.
pages 174--186.
Abstract: This paper describes, by means of an example, how one
may mechanically verify concurrent programs on the theorem prover LP.
The chosen specification environment is UNITY, a subset of ordinary
temporal logic for specifying and verifying programs. We present the proof of
a lift-control program, we explain how we can use the theorem proving
methodology to prove safety and liveness, and to get semi-automated proofs.
Comments: CRIN-CNRS and INRIA-Lorraine, Nancy, France.
- RGG+
Andrew W. Roscoe, Poul H.B. Gardiner,
Michael H. Goldsmith, Jason R. Hulance, David M. Jackson, and J. Bryan
Hierarchical compression for model-checking CSP or how to
dining philosophers for deadlock.
pages 187--200.
Abstract: We discuss the integration of hierarchical,
semantic-based compression techniques for state machines into FDR, the
CSP-based refinement checker. These include normalisation, bisimulation,
factorisation by semantic equivalence and a new technique we term diamond
elimination. The resulting system, FDR 2, is thus able to check and debug
systems which, dependent on the characteristics of the example under
consideration, may be exponentially larger than those within the scope of the
original tool.
Comments: Oxfor University and Formal Systems Europe, Oxford,
Rance Cleaveland, Eric Madelaine, and
Steve Sims.
A front-end generator for verification tools.
pages 201--215.
Abstract: This paper describes the Process Algebra Compiler
(PAC), a front-end generator for process-algebra-based verification tools.
Given descriptions of a process algebra's concrete and abstract syntax and
semantics as structural operational rules, the PAC produces syntactic
routines and functions for computing the semantics of programs in the
algebra. Using this tool greatly simplifies the task of adapting verification
tools to the analysis of systems described in different languages; it may
therefore be used to achieve source-level compatibility between different
verification tools. Although the initial verification tools targeted by the
PAC are MAUTO and the Concurrency Workbench, the structure of the PAC caters
for the support of other tools as well.
Comments: N.C. State University, U.S.A., INRIA, Antibes, Franc.
- GR
Pascal Gribomont and Didier Rossetto.
CAVEAT: technique and tool for computer aided verification and
pages 216--229.
Abstract: We describe CAVEAT, a technique and a tool
(under development) for the stepwise design and verification of nearly
finite-state concurrent systems, whose most variables are boolean. The heart
of CAVEAT is a tool for verifying (inductive) invariants. The
underlying method is classical: formula I is an invariant for
if and only if some formula
is valid. CAVEAT
uses the connection method to extract from
a (small)
of paths (some kind of assertions) about the non-boolean
is valid if and only if all paths contain
connections, i.e., are inconsistent. For typical systems given with a
correct invariant, the formula
is rather large but
is quite
small. The second part of CAVEAT (not implemented yet) supports an
incremental development method that is fairly systematic, but has proved to
be flexible enough in practice.
Comments: University of Liège, Belgium.
Werner Damm, Hardi Hungar, and Orne
What if model checking must be truly symbolic?
pages 230--244.
Abstract: There are many methodologies whose main concern it is
to reduce the complexity of a verification problem to be ultimately able to
apply model checking. Here we propose to use a model checking like procedure
which operates on a small, truly symbolic description of the model. We do so
by exploiting systematically the separation between the (small) control part
and the (large) data part of systems which often occurs in practice. By
expanding the control part, we get an intermediate description of the system
which already allows our symbolic model checking procedure to produce
meaningful results but which is still small enough to allow model checking to
be performed.
Comments: Oldenburg, Germany and Haifa, Israel.
- Tof
Chris Tofts.
Analytic and locally approximate solutions to properties of
probabilistic processes.
pages 245--259.
Abstract: The aim of the workshop on Tools and Algorithms
for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS, is to bring together
researchers and practitioners interested in the development and application
of tools and algorithms for specification, verification, analysis and
construction of distributed systems. The overall goal of the workshop is to
compare the various methods and the degree to which they are supported by
interacting or fully automatic tools.
The 23 papers of the proceedings
cover the following topics: refinement-based verification and construction
techniques; compositional verification methodologies; analysis and
verification via theorem-proving; decision procedures for verification and
analysis; specification formalisms, including process algebras and temporal
and modal logics; analysis techniques for real-time and/or probabilistic
systems; approaches for value-passing systems, tool sets for verification and
analysis case studies. There were special sessions for demonstration of
verification tools.
Comments: Manchester University.
Nicoletta De Francesco, Alessandro
Fantechi, Stefania Gnesi, and Paola Inverardi.
Model checking of non-finite state processes by finite approximation.
pages 260--274.
Abstract: In this paper we present a verification methodology,
using an action-based logic, able to check properties for full CCS terms,
allowing also verification on infinite state systems. Obviously, for some
properties we are only able to give a semidecision procedure. The idea is to
use (a sequence of) finite state transition systems which approximate the,
possibly infinite state, transition system corresponding to a term. To this
end we define a particular notion of approximation, which is stronger than
simulation, suitable to define and prove liveness and safety properties of
the process terms.
Comments: IEI-CNR, PISA, Italy.
- BR
Jürgen Bohn and Stephan Rössig.
On automatic and interactive design of communicating systems.
pages 275--289.
Abstract: The design of provable correct software requires
formal methods whose usage should be assisted by suitable tools. Following a
transformational approach the design needs interactive user help when
important design decisions have to be made. Nevertheless simple parts should
be automated as far as possible. Ideally the user only guides the design
process by indicating the design ideas which are then carried out
automatically. Typically sequential implementations are more appropriate for
automation while parallelization needs interaction to determine the intended
program architecture.
This paper presents a transformational approach
to the design of distributed systems where environment and concurrently
running components communicate via synchronous message passing along directed
channels. System specifications that combine trace-based with state-based
reasoning are gradually modified by application of transfromation rules until
Occam-like programs are achieved finally. We consider interactive and
automatic aspects of such a design process and illustrate our approach by
sketching the development of a shared register implementation.
Comments: C.v.O University Oldenburg, Germany.
- MK
Arnulf Mester and Heiko Krumm.
Composition and refinement mapping based construction of distributed
pages 290--303.
Abstract: Major steps of the design of distributed applications
correspond to the integration of predefined patterns. To support such design
steps, a concept for refinement by pattern composition is introduced which
applies formal process composition and provides functions for the tool
assisted construction and modification of specifications. The approach is
based on L. Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions TLA and the related theory of
refinement mappings and system composition.
Comments: Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Informatik,
D-44221 Dortmund, Germany; Phone +49 231 755-4662, Fax -4730,
- Jan
Wil Janssen.
Layers as knowledge transitions in the design of distributed systems.
pages 304--318.
Abstract: Knowledge based logics allow to give generic
specifications of classes of network protocols. This genericity is combined
with methods to derive sequentially structured or layered implementations of
distributed algorithms. Knowledge based logic is used to specify layers in
such algorithms as knowledge transitions. The resulting layered
implementations are transformed to distributed algorithms by means a
transformation rule based on the principle of communication closed layers. In
this way a class of solutions to a problem for different architectures can be
derived along the simultaneously. This design technique for distributed
algorithms is applied to a class of Two-Phase Commit protocols.
Comments: Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands.
Jens Knoop, Bernhard Steffen, and
Jürgen Vollmer.
Parallelism for free: Efficient and optimal bitvector analyses for
parallel programs.
pages 319--333.
Abstract: In this paper we show how to construct optimal
bitvector analysis algorithms for parallel programs with shared memory that
are as efficient as their purely sequential counterparts, and which can
easily be implemented. Whereas the complexity result is rather obvious, our
optimality result is a consequence of a new Kam/Ullman-style Coincidence
Theorem. Thus using our method, the standard algorithms for sequential
programs computing liveness, availability, very business, reaching
definitions, definition-use chains, or performing partially redundant
expression and assignment elimination, partial dead code elimination or
strength reduction, can straightforward be transferred to the parallel
setting at almost no cost.
Comments: University of Passau, Germany.
- NS-95-2
Uffe H. Engberg, Kim G. Larsen, and Arne Skou, editors.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Tools and Algorithms for The
Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS (Aarhus, Denmark, 19--20
May, 1995), May 1995.
Abstract: The aim of the workshop on Tools and Algorithms
for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS, is to bring together
researchers and practitioners interested in the development and application
of tools and algorithms for specification, verification, analysis and
construction of distributed systems. The overall goal of the workshop is to
compare the various methods and the degree to which they are supported by
interacting or fully automatic tools.
The 23 papers of the proceedings
cover the following topics: refinement-based verification and construction
techniques; compositional verification methodologies; analysis and
verification via theorem-proving; decision procedures for verification and
analysis; specification formalisms, including process algebras and temporal
and modal logics; analysis techniques for real-time and/or probabilistic
systems; approaches for value-passing systems, tool sets for verification and
analysis case studies. There were special sessions for demonstration of
verification tools.
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