Translating a Process Algebra with Symbolic Data Values to Linear
Doeko J.B. Bosscher
Alban Ponse
In TACAS, pages
In the paper ``Translating a Valued Process Algebra with
Symnbolic Data Values to Linear Format'' the authors Bosscher and Ponse
describe a general method to translate a process algebra with symbolic data
values to a linear format. The translation is described using the
specification language
CRL, which is a language based on the process
algebra ACP and algebraic data type theory. The translation is described in
two phases. First a translation of core fragment to linear format. Second a
larger part of the language. The motivation for this study is oeriented to
builing tools which can do model checking for process algebras. It is
believed by some that linear formats offer better possibilities for checking
logical properties. Also linear formats conform to what is sometimes called a
data oriented view, instead of a process oriented. Several authors translate
specifications to this format before a further analysis.
CWI/PRG, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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