This paper establishes explicit quantitative bounds on the
computation of approximate fixed points of asymptotically (quasi-)
nonexpansive mappings

by means of iterative processes. Here

a selfmapping of a convex subset

of a uniformly convex normed

. We consider general Krasnoselski-Mann iterations with and without
error terms. As a consequence of our quantitative analysis we also get new
qualitative results which show that the assumption on the existence of fixed
points of

can be replaced by the existence of approximate fixed points
only. We explain how the existence of effective uniform bounds in this
context can be inferred already a-priorily by a logical metatheorem recently
proved by the first author. Our bounds were in fact found with the help of
the general logical machinery behind the proof of this metatheorem. The
proofs we present here are, however, completely selfcontained and do not
require any tools from logic.