This document is also available as
- RS-04-41
Olivier Danvy.
Sur un Exemple de Patrick Greussay.
December 2004.
14 pp.
Abstract: This note was written at the occasion of the
retirement of Jean-Francois Perrot at the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
(Paris VI). In an attempt to emulate his academic spirit, we revisit an
example proposed by Patrick Greussay in his doctoral thesis: how to verify in
sublinear time whether a Calder mobile is well balanced. Rather than divining
one solution or another, we derive a spectrum of solutions, starting from the
original specification of the problem. We also prove their correctness.
- RS-04-40
Mads Sig Ager, Olivier Danvy, and
Henning Korsholm Rohde.
Fast Partial Evaluation of Pattern Matching in Strings.
December 2004.
22 pp. To appear in TOPLAS. Supersedes BRICS report RS-03-20.
Abstract: We show how to obtain all of Knuth, Morris, and
Pratt's linear-time string matcher by specializing a quadratic-time string
matcher with respect to a pattern string. Although it has been known for 15
years how to obtain this linear matcher by partial evaluation of a quadratic
one, how to obtain it in linear time has remained an open problem.
Obtaining a linear matcher by partial evaluation of a quadratic one is
achieved by performing its backtracking at specialization time and memoizing
its results. We show (1) how to rewrite the source matcher such that its
static intermediate computations can be shared at specialization time and (2)
how to extend the memoization capabilities of a partial evaluator to static
functions. Such an extended partial evaluator, if its memoization is
implemented efficiently, specializes the rewritten source matcher in linear
Finally, we show that the method also applies to a variant of
Boyer and Moore's string matcher.
- RS-04-39
Olivier Danvy and Lasse R. Nielsen.
CPS Transformation of Beta-Redexes.
December 2004.
ii+11 pp. Extended version of an article appearing in Information Processing Letters, 94(5):217-224, 2005. Also superseedes BRICS
report RS-00-35.
Abstract: The extra compaction of the most compacting CPS
transformation in existence, which is due to Sabry and Felleisen, is
generally attributed to (1) making continuations occur first in CPS terms and
(2) classifying more redexes as administrative. We show that this extra
compaction is actually independent of the relative positions of values and
continuations and furthermore that it is solely due to a context-sensitive
transformation of beta-redexes. We stage the more compact CPS transformation
into a first-order uncurrying phase and a context-insensitive CPS
transformation. We also define a context-insensitive CPS transformation that
provides the extra compaction. This CPS transformation operates in one pass
and is dependently typed.
- RS-04-38
Olin Shivers and Mitchell Wand.
Bottom-Up -Substitution: Uplinks and -DAGs.
December 2004.
iv+32 pp.
Abstract: Terms of the lambda-calculus are one of the most
important data structures we have in computer science. Among their uses are
representing program terms, advanced type systems, and proofs in theorem
provers. Unfortunately, heavy use of this data structure can become
intractable in time and space; the typical culprit is the fundamental
operation of beta reduction.
If we represent a lambda-calculus term as
a DAG rather than a tree, we can efficiently represent the sharing that
arises from beta reduction, thus avoiding combinatorial explosion in space.
By adding uplinks from a child to its parents, we can efficiently implement
beta reduction in a bottom-up manner, thus avoiding combinatorial explosion
in time required to search the term in a top-down fashion.
We present
an algorithm for performing beta reduction on lambda terms represented as
uplinked DAGs; describe its proof of correctness; discuss its relation to
alternate techniques such as Lamping graphs, the suspension lambda-calculus
(SLC) and director strings; and present some timings of an
Besides being both fast and parsimonious of space, the
algorithm is particularly suited to applications such as compilers, theorem
provers, and type-manipulation systems that may need to examine terms
in-between reductions - i.e., the ``readback'' problem for our
representation is trivial.
Like Lamping graphs, and unlike director
strings or the suspension lambda-calculus, the algorithm functions by
side-effecting the term containing the redex; the representation is not a
``persistent'' one.
The algorithm additionally has the charm of being
quite simple; a complete implementation of the core data structures and
algorithms is 180 lines of fairly straightforward SML.
- RS-04-37
Jørgen Iversen and Peter D. Mosses.
Constructive Action Semantics for Core ML.
December 2004.
68 pp. To appear in a special Language Definitions and Tool
Generation issue of the journal IEE Proceedings Software.
Abstract: Usually, the majority of language constructs found in
a programming language can also be found in many other languages, because
language design is based on reuse. This should be reflected in the way we
give semantics to programming languages. It can be achieved by making a
language description consist of a collection of modules, each defining a
single language construct. The description of a single language construct
should be language independent, so that it can be reused in other
descriptions without any changes. We call a language description framework
``constructive'' when it supports independent description of individual
We present a case study in constructive semantic
description. The case study is a description of Core ML, consisting of a
mapping from it to BAS (Basic Abstract Syntax) and action semantic
descriptions of the individual BAS constructs. The latter are written in ASDF
(Action Semantics Definition Formalism), a formalism specially designed for
writing action semantic descriptions of single language constructs. Tool
support is provided by the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment and by the Action
Environment, which is a new extension of the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment.
- RS-04-36
Mark van den Brand, Jørgen Iversen, and
Peter D. Mosses.
An Action Environment.
December 2004.
27 pp. Appears in Hedin and Van Wyk, editors, Fourth ACM SIGPLAN
Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, LDTA '04, 2004,
pages 149-168.
Abstract: Some basic programming constructs (e.g., conditional
statements) are found in many different programming languages, and can often
be included without change when a new language is designed. When writing a
semantic description of a language, however, it is usually not possible to
reuse parts of previous descriptions without change.
This paper
introduces a new formalism, ASDF, which has been designed specifically for
giving reusable action semantic descriptions of individual language
constructs. An initial case study in the use of ASDF has already provided
reusable descriptions of all the basic constructs underlying Core ML.
The paper also describes the Action Environment, a new environment supporting
use and validation of ASDF descriptions. The Action Environment has been
implemented on top of the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment, exploiting recent
advances in techniques for integration of different formalisms, and
inheriting all the main features of the Meta-Environment.
- RS-04-35
Jørgen Iversen.
Type Checking Semantic Functions in ASDF.
December 2004.
29 pp.
Abstract: When writing semantic descriptions of programming
languages, it is convenient to have tools for checking the descriptions. With
frameworks that use inductively defined semantic functions to map programs to
their denotations, we would like to check that the semantic functions result
in denotations with certain properties. In this paper we present a type
system for a modular style of the action semantic framework that, given
signatures of all the semantic functions used in a semantic equation defining
a semantic function, performs a soft type check on the action in the semantic
We introduce types for actions that describe different
properties of the actions, like the type of data they expect and produce,
whether they can fail or have side effects, etc. A type system for actions
which uses these new action types is presented. Using the new action types in
the signatures of semantic functions, the language describer can assert
properties of semantic functions and have the assertions checked by an
implementation of the type system.
The type system has been
implemented for use in connection with the recently developed formalism ASDF.
The formalism supports writing language definitions by combining modules that
describe single language constructs. This is possible due to the inherent
modularity in ASDF. We show how we manage to preserve the modularity and
still perform specialised type checks for each module.
- RS-04-34
Anders Møller and Michael I.
The Design Space of Type Checkers for XML Transformation
December 2004.
21 pp. Appears in Eiter and Libkin, editors, Database Theory:
10th International Conference, ICDT '05 Proceedings, LNCS 3363, 2005,
pages 17-36.
Abstract: We survey work on statically type checking XML
transformations, covering a wide range of notations and ambitions. The
concept of type may vary from idealizations of DTD to full-blown XML
Schema or even more expressive formalisms. The notion of transformation
may vary from clean and simple transductions to domain-specific languages or
integration of XML in general-purpose programming languages. Type annotations
can be either explicit or implicit, and type checking ranges from exact
decidability to pragmatic approximations.
We characterize and evaluate
existing tools in this design space, including a recent result of the authors
providing practical type checking of full unannotated XSLT 1.0 stylesheets
given general DTDs that describe the input and output languages.
- RS-04-33
Aske Simon Christensen, Christian
Kirkegaard, and Anders Møller.
A Runtime System for XML Transformations in Java.
December 2004.
15 pp. Appears in Bellahsene, Milo, Rys, Suciu and Unland, editors,
Database and XML Technologies: Second International XML Database
Symposium, XSym '04 Proceedings, LNCS 3186, 2004, pages 143-157.
Supersedes the earlier BRICS report RS-03-29.
Abstract: We show that it is possible to extend a
general-purpose programming language with a convenient high-level data-type
for manipulating XML documents while permitting (1) precise static analysis
for guaranteeing validity of the constructed XML documents relative to the
given DTD schemas, and (2) a runtime system where the operations can be
performed efficiently. The system, named Xact, is based on a notion of
immutable XML templates and uses XPath for deconstructing documents. A
companion paper presents the program analysis; this paper focuses on the
efficient runtime representation.
- RS-04-32
Philipp Gerhardy.
A Quantitative Version of Kirk's Fixed Point Theorem for
Asymptotic Contractions.
December 2004.
9 pp.
Abstract: In [J.Math.Anal.App.277(2003) 645-650], W.A.Kirk
introduced the notion of asymptotic contractions and proved a fixed point
theorem for such mappings. Using techniques from proof mining, we develop a
variant of the notion of asymptotic contractions and prove a quantitative
version of the corresponding fixed point theorem.
- RS-04-31
Philipp Gerhardy and Ulrich Kohlenbach.
Strongly Uniform Bounds from Semi-Constructive Proofs.
December 2004.
31 pp.
Abstract: In 2003, the second author obtained metatheorems for
the extraction of effective (uniform) bounds from classical, prima facie
non-constructive proofs in functional analysis. These metatheorems for the
first time cover general classes of structures like arbitrary metric,
hyperbolic, CAT(0) and normed linear spaces and guarantee the independence of
the bounds from parameters raging over metrically bounded (not necessarily
compact!) spaces. The use of classical logic imposes some severe restrictions
on the formulas and proofs for which the extraction can be carried out. In
this paper we consider similar metatheorems for semi-intuitionistic proofs,
i.e. proofs in an intuitionistic setting enriched with certain
non-constructive principles. Contrary to the classical case, there are
practically no restrictions on the logical complexity of theorems for which
bounds can be extracted. Again, our metatheorems guarantee very general
uniformities, even in cases where the existence of uniform bounds is not
obtainable by (ineffective) straightforward functional analytic means.
Already in the purely intuitionistic case, where the existence of effective
bounds is implicit, the metatheorems allow one to derive uniformities that
may not be obvious at all from a given constructive proofs. Finally, we
illustrate our main metatheorem by an example from metric fixed point theory.
- RS-04-30
Olivier Danvy.
From Reduction-Based to Reduction-Free Normalization.
December 2004.
27 pp. Invited talk at the 4th International Workshop on
Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming, WRS 2004 (Aachen,
Germany, June 2, 2004). To appear in ENTCS.
Abstract: We present a systematic construction of a
reduction-free normalization function. Starting from a reduction-based
normalization function, i.e., the transitive closure of a one-step reduction
function, we successively subject it to refocusing (i.e., deforestation of
the intermediate reduced terms), simplification (i.e., fusing auxiliary
functions), refunctionalization (i.e., Church encoding), and direct-style
transformation (i.e., the converse of the CPS transformation). We consider
two simple examples and treat them in detail: for the first one, arithmetic
expressions, we construct an evaluation function; for the second one, terms
in the free monoid, we construct an accumulator-based flatten function. The
resulting two functions are traditional reduction-free normalization
The construction builds on previous work on refocusing and
on a functional correspondence between evaluators and abstract machines. It
is also reversible.
- RS-04-29
Magorzata Biernacka, Dariusz
Biernacki, and Olivier Danvy.
An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in the
CPS Hierarchy.
December 2004.
iii+45 pp. A preliminary version appeared in Thielecke, editor, 4th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Continuations, CW '04 Proceedings, Association
for Computing Machinery (ACM) SIGPLAN Technical Reports CSR-04-1, 2004, pages
Abstract: We present an abstract machine and a reduction
semantics for the -calculus extended with control operators that
give access to delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy. The abstract
machine is derived from an evaluator in continuation-passing style (CPS); the
reduction semantics (i.e., a small-step operational semantics with an
explicit representation of evaluation contexts) is constructed from the
abstract machine; and the control operators are the shift and reset family.
At level of the CPS hierarchy, programs can use the control operators
shift and reset for
, the evaluator has layers
of continuations, the abstract machine has layers of control stacks,
and the reduction semantics has layers of evaluation contexts.
We also present new applications of delimited continuations in the CPS
hierarchy: finding list prefixes and normalization by evaluation for a
hierarchical language of units and products.
- RS-04-28
Mads Sig Ager, Olivier Danvy, and Jan
A Functional Correspondence between Monadic Evaluators and
Abstract Machines for Languages with Computational Effects.
December 2004.
44 pp. Extended version of an article to appear in Theoretical
Computer Science.
Abstract: We extend our correspondence between evaluators and
abstract machines from the pure setting of the lambda-calculus to the impure
setting of the computational lambda-calculus. We show how to derive new
abstract machines from monadic evaluators for the computational
lambda-calculus. Starting from (1) a generic evaluator parameterized by a
monad and (2) a monad specifying a computational effect, we inline the
components of the monad in the generic evaluator to obtain an evaluator
written in a style that is specific to this computational effect. We then
derive the corresponding abstract machine by closure-converting,
CPS-transforming, and defunctionalizing this specific evaluator. We
illustrate the construction first with the identity monad, obtaining the CEK
machine, and then with a lifting monad, a state monad, and with a lifted
state monad, obtaining variants of the CEK machine with error handling, state
and a combination of error handling and state.
In addition, we
characterize the tail-recursive stack inspection presented by Clements and
Felleisen as a lifted state monad. This enables us to combine this
stack-inspection monad with other monads and to construct abstract machines
for languages with properly tail-recursive stack inspection and other
computational effects. The construction scales to other monads--including
one more properly dedicated to stack inspection than the lifted state
monad--and other monadic evaluators.
- RS-04-27
Gerth Stølting Brodal, Rolf Fagerberg,
and Gabriel Moruz.
On the Adaptiveness of Quicksort.
December 2004.
23 pp. To appear in Demetrescu and Tamassia, editors, Seventh
Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, ALENEX '05 Proceedings,
Abstract: Quicksort was first introduced in 1961 by Hoare. Many
variants have been developed, the best of which are among the fastest generic
sorting algorithms available, as testified by the choice of Quicksort as the
default sorting algorithm in most programming libraries. Some sorting
algorithms are adaptive, i.e. they have a complexity analysis which is
better for inputs which are nearly sorted, according to some specified
measure of presortedness. Quicksort is not among these, as it uses
comparisons even when the input is already sorted. However, in this
paper we demonstrate empirically that the actual running time of Quicksort
is adaptive with respect to the presortedness measure Inv. Differences
close to a factor of two are observed between instances with low and high Inv
value. We then show that for the randomized version of Quicksort, the number
of element swaps performed is provably adaptive with respect to
the measure Inv. More precisely, we prove that randomized Quicksort performs
element swaps, where Inv denotes the
number of inversions in the input sequence. This result provides a
theoretical explanation for the observed behavior, and gives new insights on
the behavior of the Quicksort algorithm. We also give some empirical results
on the adaptive behavior of Heapsort and Mergesort.
- RS-04-26
Olivier Danvy and Lasse R. Nielsen.
Refocusing in Reduction Semantics.
November 2004.
iii+44 pp. This report supersedes BRICS report RS-02-04. A
preliminary version appears in the informal proceedings of the Second
International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming, RULE 2001, Electronic
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 59.4.
Abstract: The evaluation function of a reduction semantics
(i.e., a small-step operational semantics with an explicit representation of
the reduction context) is canonically defined as the transitive closure of
(1) decomposing a term into a reduction context and a redex, (2) contracting
this redex, and (3) plugging the contractum in the context. Directly
implementing this evaluation function therefore yields an interpreter with a
worst-case overhead, for each step, that is linear in the size of the input
We present sufficient conditions over the constituents of a
reduction semantics to circumvent this overhead, by replacing the composition
of (3) plugging and (1) decomposing by a single ``refocus'' function mapping
a contractum and a context into a new context and a new redex, if any. We
also show how to construct such a refocus function, we prove the correctness
of this construction, and we analyze the complexity of the resulting refocus
The refocused evaluation function of a reduction semantics
implements the transitive closure of the refocus function, i.e., a
``pre-abstract machine.'' Fusing the refocus function with the trampoline
function computing the transitive closure gives a state-transition function,
i.e., an abstract machine. This abstract machine clearly separates between
the transitions implementing the congruence rules of the reduction semantics
and the transitions implementing its reduction rules. The construction of a
refocus function therefore shows how to mechanically obtain an abstract
machine out of a reduction semantics, which was done previously on a
case-by-case basis.
We illustrate refocusing by mechanically
constructing Felleisen et al.'s CK machine from a call-by-value reduction
semantics of the lambda-calculus, and by constructing a substitution-based
version of Krivine's machine from a call-by-name reduction semantics of the
lambda-calculus. We also mechanically construct three one-pass CPS
transformers from three quadratic context-based CPS transformers for the
- RS-04-25
Mayer Goldberg.
On the Recursive Enumerability of Fixed-Point Combinators.
November 2004.
7 pp. Superseded by the later report BRICS
Abstract: We show that the set of fixed-point combinators forms
a recursively-enumerable subset of a larger set of terms that is (A) not
recursively enumerable, and (B) the terms of which are observationally
equivalent to fixed-point combinators in any computable context.
- RS-04-24
Luca Aceto, Willem Jan Fokkink, Anna
Ingólfsdóttir, and Sumit Nain.
Bisimilarity is not Finitely Based over BPA with Interrupt.
October 2004.
30 pp.
Abstract: This paper shows that bisimulation equivalence does
not afford a finite equational axiomatization over the language obtained by
enriching Bergstra and Klop's Basic Process Algebra with the interrupt
operator. Moreover, it is shown that the collection of closed equations over
this language is also not finitely based.
- RS-04-23
Hans Hüttel and Jirí Srba.
Recursion vs. Replication in Simple Cryptographic Protocols.
October 2004.
26 pp. Appear in lncs3381, pages 175-184.
Abstract: We use some recent techniques from process algebra to
draw several conclusions about the well studied class of ping-pong protocols
introduced by Dolev and Yao. In particular we show that all nontrivial
properties, including reachability and equivalence checking wrt. the whole
van Glabbeek's spectrum, become undecidable for a very simple recursive
extension of the protocol. The result holds even if no nondeterministic
choice operator is allowed. We also show that the extended calculus is
capable of an implicit description of the active intruder, including full
analysis and synthesis of messages in the sense of Amadio, Lugiez and
Vanackere. We conclude by showing that reachability analysis for a
replicative variant of the protocol becomes decidable.
- RS-04-22
Gian Luca Cattani and Glynn Winskel.
Profunctors, Open Maps and Bisimulation.
October 2004.
64 pp. To appear in Mathematical Structures in Computer
Abstract: This paper studies fundamental connections between
profunctors (i.e., distributors, or bimodules), open maps and bisimulation.
In particular, it proves that a colimit preserving functor between presheaf
categories (corresponding to a profunctor) preserves open maps and open map
bisimulation. Consequently, the composition of profunctors preserves open
maps as 2-cells. A guiding idea is the view that profunctors, and colimit
preserving functors, are linear maps in a model of classical linear logic.
But profunctors, and colimit preserving functors, as linear maps, are too
restrictive for many applications. This leads to a study of a range of
pseudo-comonads and how non-linear maps in their co-Kleisli bicategories
preserve open maps and bisimulation. The pseudo-comonads considered are based
on finite colimit completion, ``lifting'', and indexed families. The paper
includes an appendix summarising the key results on coends, left Kan
extensions and the preservation of colimits. One motivation for this work is
that it provides a mathematical framework for extending domain theory and
denotational semantics of programming languages to the more intricate models,
languages and equivalences found in concurrent computation. But the results
are likely to have more general applicability because of the ubiquitous
nature of profunctors.
- RS-04-21
Glynn Winskel and Francesco
Zappa Nardelli.
New-HOPLA--A Higher-Order Process Language with Name
October 2004.
38 pp. Appears in Lévy, Mayr and Mitchell, editors, 3rd
IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, TCS '04
Proceedings, 2004, pages 521-534.
Abstract: This paper introduces new-HOPLA, a concise but
powerful language for higher-order nondeterministic processes with name
generation. Its origins as a metalanguage for domain theory are sketched but
for the most part the paper concentrates on its operational semantics. The
language is typed, the type of a process describing the shape of the
computation paths it can perform. Its transition semantics, bisimulation,
congruence properties and expressive power are explored. Encodings are given
of well-known process algebras, including pi-calculus, Higher-Order
pi-calculus and Mobile Ambients.
- RS-04-20
Mads Sig Ager.
From Natural Semantics to Abstract Machines.
October 2004.
21 pp. Presented at the International Symposium on Logic-based
Program Synthesis and Transformation, LOPSTR 2004, Verona, Italy, August
26-28, 2004.
Abstract: We describe how to construct correct abstract
machines from the class of L-attributed natural semantics introduced by
Ibraheem and Schmidt at HOOTS 1997. The construction produces stack-based
abstract machines where the stack contains evaluation contexts. It is defined
directly on the natural semantics rules. We formalize it as an extraction
algorithm and we prove that the algorithm produces abstract machines that are
equivalent to the original natural semantics. We illustrate the algorithm by
extracting abstract machines from natural semantics for call-by-value,
call-by-name, and call-by-need evaluation of lambda terms.
- RS-04-19
Bolette Ammitzbøll Madsen and Peter
Maximum Exact Satisfiability: NP-completeness Proofs and Exact
October 2004.
20 pp.
Abstract: Inspired by the Maximum Satisfiability and Exact
Satisfiability problems we present two Maximum Exact Satisfiability problems.
The first problem called Maximum Exact Satisfiability is: given a formula in
conjunctive normal form and an integer , is there an assignment to all
variables in the formula such that at least clauses have exactly one true
literal. The second problem called Restricted Maximum Exact Satisfiability
has the further restriction that no clause is allowed to have more than one
true literal. Both problems are proved NP-complete restricted to the versions
where each clause contains at most two literals. In fact Maximum Exact
Satisfiability is a generalisation of the well-known NP-complete problem
MaxCut. We present an exact algorithm for Maximum Exact Satisfiability where
each clause contains at most two literals with time complexity
, where is the number of clauses and is the length of
the formula. For the second version we give an algorithm with time complexity
, where is the number of variables. We note
that when restricted to the versions where each clause contains exactly two
literals and there are no negations both problems are fixed parameter
tractable. It is an open question if this is also the case for the general
- RS-04-18
Bolette Ammitzbøll Madsen.
An Algorithm for Exact Satisfiability Analysed with the Number
of Clauses as Parameter.
September 2004.
4 pp.
Abstract: We give an algorithm for Exact Satisfiability with
polynomial space usage and a time bound of
, where is
the number of clauses and is the length of the formula. Skjernaa has
given an algorithm for Exact Satisfiability with time bound
but using exponential space. We leave the following problem open: Is
there an algorithm for Exact Satisfiability using only polynomial space with
a time bound of , where is a constant and is the number of
- RS-04-17
Mayer Goldberg.
Computing Logarithms Digit-by-Digit.
September 2004.
6 pp.
Abstract: In this work, we present an algorithm for computing
logarithms of positive real numbers, that bares structural resemblance to the
elementary school algorithm of long division. Using this algorithm, we can
compute successive digits of a logarithm using a 4-operation pocket
calculator. The algorithm makes no use of Taylor series or calculus, but
rather exploits properties of the radix- representation of a logarithm in
base . As such, the algorithm is accessible to anyone familiar with the
elementary properties of exponents and logarithms.
- RS-04-16
Karl Krukow and Andrew Twigg.
Distributed Approximation of Fixed-Points in Trust Structures.
September 2004.
25 pp.
Abstract: Recently, developments of sophisticated formal models
of trust in large distributed environments, incorporate aspects of partial
information, important e.g. in global-computing scenarios. Specifically, the
framework based on the notion of trust structures, introduced by Carbone,
Nielsen and Sassone, deals well with the aspect of partial information. The
framework is ``denotational'' in the sense of giving meaning to the global
trust-state as a unique, abstract mathematical object (the least fixed-point
of a continuous function). We complement the denotational framework with
``operational'' techniques, addressing the practically important problem of
approximating and computing the semantic objects. We show how to derive from
the setting of the framework, a situation in which one may apply a
well-established distributed algorithm, due to Bertsekas, in order to solve
the problem of computation and approximation of least fixed-points of
continuous functions on cpos. We introduce mild assumptions about trust
structures, enabling us to derive two theoretically simple, but highly useful
propositions (and their duals), which form the basis for efficient protocols
for sound approximation of the least fixed-point. Finally, we give dynamic
algorithms for safe reuse of information between computations, in face of
dynamic trust-policy updates.
- RS-04-15
Jesús Fernando Almansa.
The Full Abstraction of the UC Framework.
August 2004.
ii+24 pp.
Abstract: Two different approaches for general protocol
security are proved equivalent. Concretely, we prove that security in the
Universal Composability framework (UC) is equivalent to security in the
probabilistic polynomial time calculus ppc. Security is defined under active
and adaptive adversaries with synchronous and authenticated communication. In
detail, we define an encoding from machines in UC to processes in ppc and
show UC is fully abstract in ppc, i.e., we show the soundness and
completeness of security in ppc with respect to UC. However, we restrict
security in ppc to be quantified not over all possible contexts, but over
those induced by UC-environments under encoding. This result is not
overly-restricting security in ppc, since the threat and communication models
we assume are meaningful in both practice and theory.
- RS-04-14
Jesper Makholm Byskov.
Maker-Maker and Maker-Breaker Games are PSPACE-Complete.
August 2004.
5 pp.
Abstract: We show that the problems of deciding the outcome of
Maker-Maker and Maker-Breaker games played on arbitrary hypergraphs are
PSPACE-complete. Maker-Breaker games have earlier been shown PSPACE-complete
by Schaefer (1978); we give a simpler proof and show a reduction from
Maker-Maker games to Maker-Breaker games.
- RS-04-13
Jens Groth and Gorm Salomonsen.
Strong Privacy Protection in Electronic Voting.
July 2004.
12 pp. Preliminary abstract presented at Tjoa and Wagner, editors,
13th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems
Applications, DEXA '02 Proceedings, 2002, page 436.
Abstract: We give suggestions for protection against
adversaries with access to the voter's equipment in voting schemes based on
homomorphic encryption. Assuming an adversary has complete knowledge of the
contents and computations taking place on the client machine we protect the
voter's privacy in a way so that the adversary has no knowledge about the
voter's choice. Furthermore, an active adversary trying to change a voter's
ballot may do so, but will end up voting for a random candidate.
accomplish the goal we assume that the voter has access to a secondary
communication channel through which he can receive information inaccessible
to the adversary. An example of such a secondary communication channel is
ordinary mail. Additionally, we assume the existence of a trusted party that
will assist in the protocol. To some extent, the actions of this trusted
party are verifiable.
- RS-04-12
Olivier Danvy and Ulrik P. Schultz.
Lambda-Lifting in Quadratic Time.
June 2004.
34 pp. Appears in Journal of Functional and Logic Programming,
1:43, 2004. This report supersedes the earlier BRICS report RS-03-36 which
was an extended version of a paper appearing in Hu and
Rodríguez-Artalejo, editors, Sixth International Symposium on
Functional and Logic Programming, FLOPS '02 Proceedings, LNCS 2441, 2002,
pages 134-151.
Abstract: Lambda-lifting is a program transformation that is
used in compilers, partial evaluators, and program transformers. In this
article, we show how to reduce its complexity from cubic time to quadratic
time, and we present a flow-sensitive lambda-lifter that also works in
quadratic time.
Lambda-lifting transforms a block-structured program
into a set of recursive equations, one for each local function in the source
program. Each equation carries extra parameters to account for the free
variables of the corresponding local function and of all its callees.
It is the search for these extra parameters that yields the cubic factor in
the traditional formulation of lambda-lifting, which is due to Johnsson. This
search is carried out by computing a transitive closure.
To reduce
the complexity of lambda-lifting, we partition the call graph of the source
program into strongly connected components, based on the simple observation
that all functions in each component need the same extra parameters and
thus a transitive closure is not needed. We therefore simplify the search
for extra parameters by treating each strongly connected component instead of
each function as a unit, thereby reducing the time complexity of
lambda-lifting from to , where is the size of the
Since a lambda-lifter can output programs of size ,
our algorithm is asympotically optimal.
- RS-04-11
Vladimiro Sassone and Pawe
Congruences for Contextual Graph-Rewriting.
June 2004.
29 pp.
Abstract: We introduce a comprehensive operational semantic
theory of graph rewriting. The central idea is recasting rewriting frameworks
as Leifer and Milner's reactive systems. Consequently, graph rewriting
systems are associated with canonical labelled transition systems, on which
bisimulation equivalence is a congruence with respect to arbitrary graph
contexts (cospans of graphs). This construction is derived from a more
general theorem of much wider applicability. Expressed in abstract
categorical terms, the central technical contribution of the paper is the
construction of groupoidal relative pushouts, introduced and developed by the
authors in recent work, in suitable cospan categories over arbitrary adhesive
categories. As a consequence, we both generalise and shed light on rewriting
via borrowed contexts due to Ehrig and König.
- RS-04-10
Daniele Varacca, Hagen Völzer, and
Glynn Winskel.
Probabilistic Event Structures and Domains.
June 2004.
41 pp. Extended version of an article appears in Gardner and Yoshida,
editors, Concurrency Theory: 15th International Conference,
CONCUR '04 Proceedings, LNCS 3170, 2004, pages 481-496.
Abstract: This paper studies how to adjoin probability to event
structures, leading to the model of probabilistic event structures. In their
simplest form probabilistic choice is localised to cells, where conflict
arises; in which case probabilistic independence coincides with causal
independence. An application to the semantics of a probabilistic CCS is
sketched. An event structure is associated with a domain--that of its
configurations ordered by inclusion. In domain theory probabilistic processes
are denoted by continuous valuations on a domain. A key result of this paper
is a representation theorem showing how continuous valuations on the domain
of a confusion-free event structure correspond to the probabilistic event
structures it supports. We explore how to extend probability to event
structures which are not confusion-free via two notions of probabilistic runs
of a general event structure. Finally, we show how probabilistic correlation
and probabilistic event structures with confusion can arise from event
structures which are originally confusion-free by using morphisms to rename
and hide events.
- RS-04-9
Ivan B. Damgård, Serge Fehr, and Louis
Zero-Knowledge Proofs and String Commitments Withstanding
Quantum Attacks.
May 2004.
22 pp. Appears in Franklin, editor, Advances in Cryptology: 24th
Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO '04 Proceedings,
LNCS 3152, 2004, pages 254-272.
Abstract: The concept of zero-knowledge (ZK) has become of
fundamental importance in cryptography. However, in a setting where entities
are modeled by quantum computers, classical arguments for proving ZK fail to
hold since, in the quantum setting, the concept of rewinding is not generally
applicable. Moreover, known classical techniques that avoid rewinding have
various shortcomings in the quantum setting.
We propose new techniques
for building quantum zero-knowledge (QZK) protocols, which remain
secure even under (active) quantum attacks. We obtain computational QZK
proofs and perfect QZK arguments for any NP language in the common reference
string model. This is based on a general method converting an important class
of classical honest-verifier ZK (HVZK) proofs into QZK proofs. This leads to
quite practical protocols if the underlying HVZK proof is efficient. These
are the first proof protocols enjoying these properties, in particular the
first to achieve perfect QZK.
As part of our construction, we propose
a general framework for building unconditionally hiding (trapdoor) string
commitment schemes, secure against quantum attacks, as well as concrete
instantiations based on specific (believed to be) hard problems. This is of
independent interest, as these are the first unconditionally hiding string
commitment schemes withstanding quantum attacks.
Finally, we give a
partial answer to the question whether QZK is possible in the plain model. We
propose a new notion of QZK, non-oblivious verifier QZK, which is
strictly stronger than honest-verifier QZK but weaker than full QZK, and we
show that this notion can be achieved by means of efficient (quantum)
- RS-04-8
Petr Jancar and Jirí
Highly Undecidable Questions for Process Algebras.
April 2004.
25 pp. Appears in Lévy, Mayr and Mitchell, editors, 3rd
IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, TCS '04
Proceedings, 2004, pages 507-520.
Abstract: We show -completeness of weak
bisimilarity for PA (process algebra), and of weak simulation
preorder/equivalence for PDA (pushdown automata), PA and PN (Petri nets). We
also show -hardness of weak omega-trace equivalence for the
(sub)classes BPA (basic process algebra) and BPP (basic parallel processes).
Comments: levy/TCS2004/.
- RS-04-7
Mojmír Kretínský,
Vojtech Rehák, and Jan Strejcek.
On the Expressive Power of Extended Process Rewrite Systems.
April 2004.
18 pp.
Abstract: We provide a unified view on three extensions of
Process rewrite systems (PRS) and compare their and PRS's expressive power.
We show that the class of Petri Nets is less expressible up to bisimulation
than the class of Process Algebra extended with finite state control unit.
Further we show our main result that the reachability problem for PRS
extended with a so called weak finite state unit is decidable.
- RS-04-6
Gudmund Skovbjerg Frandsen and Igor E.
On Reducing a System of Equations to a Single Equation.
March 2004.
11 pp. Appears in Schicho and Singer, editors, ACM SIGSAM
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC '04
Proceedings, 2004, pages 163-166.
Abstract: For a system of polynomial equations over we
present an efficient construction of a single polynomial of quite small
degree whose zero set over coincides with the zero set over of
the original system. We also show that the polynomial has some other
attractive features such as low additive and straight-line complexity.
The proof is based on a link established here between the above problem and
some recent number theoretic result about zeros of -adic forms.
- RS-04-5
Dariusz Biernacki and Olivier Danvy.
From Interpreter to Logic Engine by Defunctionalization.
March 2004.
20 pp. Appears in Bruynooghe, editor, International Symposium on
Logic Based Program Development and Transformation, LOPSTR '03
Proceedings, Revised Selected Papers, LNCS 3018, 2004, pages 143-159. This
report supersedes the earlier BRICS report RS-03-25.
Abstract: Starting from a continuation-based interpreter for a
simple logic programming language, propositional Prolog with cut, we derive
the corresponding logic engine in the form of an abstract machine. The
derivation originates in previous work (our article at PPDP 2003) where it
was applied to the lambda-calculus. The key transformation here is Reynolds's
defunctionalization that transforms a tail-recursive, continuation-passing
interpreter into a transition system, i.e., an abstract machine. Similar
denotational and operational semantics were studied by de Bruin and de Vink
(their article at TAPSOFT 1989), and we compare their study with our
derivation. Additionally, we present a direct-style interpreter of
propositional Prolog expressed with control operators for delimited
- RS-04-4
Patricia Bouyer, Franck Cassez, Emmanuel
Fleury, and Kim G. Larsen.
Optimal Strategies in Priced Timed Game Automata.
February 2004.
32 pp.
Abstract: Priced timed (game) automata extends timed (game)
automata with costs on both locations and transitions. In this paper we focus
on reachability games for priced timed game automata and prove that the
optimal cost for winning such a game is computable under conditions
concerning the non-zenoness of cost. Under stronger conditions (strictness of
constraints) we prove in addition that it is decidable whether there is an
optimal strategy in which case an optimal strategy can be computed. Our
results extend previous decidability result which requires the underlying
game automata to be acyclic. Finally, our results are encoded in a first
prototype in HyTech which is applied on a small case-study.
- RS-04-3
Mads Sig Ager, Olivier Danvy, and Jan
A Functional Correspondence between Call-by-Need Evaluators and
Lazy Abstract Machines.
February 2004.
17 pp. This report supersedes the earlier BRICS report RS-03-24.
Extended version of an article appearing in Information Processing
Letters, 90(5):223-232, 2004.
Abstract: We bridge the gap between compositional evaluators
and abstract machines for the lambda-calculus, using closure conversion,
transformation into continuation-passing style, and defunctionalization of
continuations. This article is a followup of our article at PPDP 2003, where
we consider call by name and call by value. Here, however, we consider call
by need.
We derive a lazy abstract machine from an ordinary
call-by-need evaluator that threads a heap of updatable cells. In this
resulting abstract machine, the continuation fragment for updating a heap
cell naturally appears as an `update marker', an implementation technique
that was invented for the Three Instruction Machine and subsequently used to
construct lazy variants of Krivine's abstract machine. Tuning the evaluator
leads to other implementation techniques such as unboxed values. The
correctness of the resulting abstract machines is a corollary of the
correctness of the original evaluators and of the program transformations
used in the derivation.
- RS-04-2
Gerth Stølting Brodal, Rolf Fagerberg,
Ulrich Meyer, and Norbert Zeh.
Cache-Oblivious Data Structures and Algorithms for Undirected
Breadth-First Search and Shortest Paths.
February 2004.
19 pp. Appears in Hagerup and Katajainen, editors, 9th
Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, SWAT '04 Proceedings,
LNCS 3111, 2004, pages 480-492.
Abstract: We present improved cache-oblivious data structures
and algorithms for breadth-first search (BFS) on undirected graphs and the
single-source shortest path (SSSP) problem on undirected graphs with
non-negative edge weights. For the SSSP problem, our result closes the
performance gap between the currently best cache-aware algorithm and
the cache-oblivious counterpart. Our cache-oblivious SSSP-algorithm
takes nearly full advantage of block transfers for dense graphs. The
algorithm relies on a new data structure, called bucket heap, which is
the first cache-oblivious priority queue to efficiently support a weak
DECREASEKEY operation. For the BFS problem, we reduce the number of
I/Os for sparse graphs by a factor of nearly , where is
the cache-block size, nearly closing the performance gap between the
currently best cache-aware and cache-oblivious algorithms.
- RS-04-1
Luca Aceto, Willem Jan Fokkink, Anna
Ingólfsdóttir, and Bas Luttik.
Split-2 Bisimilarity has a Finite Axiomatization over CCS with
Hennessy's Merge.
January 2004.
16 pp.
Abstract: This note shows that split-2 bisimulation equivalence
(also known as timed equivalence) affords a finite equational axiomatization
over the process algebra obtained by adding an auxiliary operation proposed
by Hennessy in 1981 to the recursion free fragment of Milner's Calculus of
Communicating Systems. Thus the addition of a single binary operation,
viz. Hennessy's merge, is sufficient for the finite equational axiomatization
of parallel composition modulo this non-interleaving equivalence. This result
is in sharp contrast to a theorem previously obtained by the same authors to
the effect that the same language is not finitely based modulo bisimulation