This document is also available as
- RS-94-48
Jens Chr. Godskesen and Kim G. Larsen.
Synthesizing Distinguishing Formulae for Real Time Systems.
December 1994.
21 pp. Extended abstract appears in Wiedermann and Hájek,
editors, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science: 20th
International Symposium, MFCS '95 Proceedings, LNCS 969, 1995, pages
Abstract: This paper describes a technique for generating
diagnostic information for the timed bisimulation equivalence and the
timed simulation preorder. More precisely, given two (parallel)
networks of regular real-time processes, the technique will provide a
logical formula that differentiates them in case they are not timed
(bi)similar. Our method may be seen as an extension of the algorithm by Cerans for deciding timed bisimilarity in that information of
time-quantities has been added sufficient for generating distinguishing
formulae. The technique has been added to the automatic verification tool
EPSILON and applied to various examples.
- RS-94-47
Kim G. Larsen, Bernhard Steffen, and
Carsten Weise.
A Constraint Oriented Proof Methodology based on Modal
Transition Systems.
December 1994.
13 pp.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a constraint-oriented
state-based proof methodology for concurrent software systems which exploits
compositionality and abstraction for the reduction of the verification
problem under investigation. Formal basis for this methodology are Modal
Transition Systems allowing loose state-based specifications, which can be
refined by successively adding constraints. Key concepts of our method are
projective views, separation of proof obligations, Skolemization and abstraction. The method is even applicable to real
time systems.
- RS-94-46
Amos Beimel, Anna Gál, and Mike
Lower Bounds for Monotone Span Programs.
December 1994.
14 pp. Appears in 36th Annual Symposium on Foundations of
Computer Science, FOCS '95 Proceedings, 1995, pages 674-681.
Abstract: The model of span programs is a linear algebraic
model of computation. Lower bounds for span programs imply lower bounds for
contact schemes, symmetric branching programs and for formula size. Monotone
span programs correspond also to linear secret-sharing schemes. We present a
new technique for proving lower bounds for monotone span programs. The main
result proved here yields quadratic lower bounds for the size of monotone
span programs, improving on the largest previously known bounds for explicit
functions. The bound is asymptotically tight for the function corresponding
to a class of 4-cliques.
- RS-94-45
Jørgen H. Andersen, Kåre J.
Kristoffersen, Kim G. Larsen, and Jesper Niedermann.
Automatic Synthesis of Real Time Systems.
December 1994.
17 pp. Appears in Fülöp and Gécseg, editors, 22nd
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming,
ICALP '95 Proceedings, LNCS 944, 1995, pages 535-546.
Abstract: This paper presents a method for automatically
constructing real time systems directly from their specifications. The
model-construction problem is considered for implicit specifications of the
where is a real time (logical) specification,
are given (regular) timed agents and the problem is to decide whether
there exists (and if possible exhibit) a real time agent which when put
in parallel with will yield a network satisfying . The
method presented proceeds in two steps: first, the implicit specification of
is transformed into an equivalent direct specification of ; second, a
model for this direct specification is constructed (if possible) using a
direct model construction algorithm. A prototype implementation of our method
has been added to the real time verification tool EPSILON.
- RS-94-44
Sten Agerholm.
A HOL Basis for Reasoning about Functional Programs.
December 1994.
PhD thesis. viii+224 pp.
Abstract: Domain theory is the mathematical theory underlying
denotational semantics. This thesis presents a formalization of domain theory
in the Higher Order Logic (HOL) theorem proving system along with a
mechanization of proof functions and other tools to support reasoning about
the denotations of functional programs. By providing a fixed point operator
for functions on certain domains which have a special undefined (bottom)
element, this extension of HOL supports the definition of recursive functions
which are not also primitive recursive. Thus, it provides an approach to the
long-standing and important problem of defining non-primitive recursive
functions in the HOL system.
Our philosophy is that there must be a
direct correspondence between elements of complete partial orders (domains)
and elements of HOL types, in order to allow the reuse of higher order logic
and proof infrastructure already available in the HOL system. Hence, we are
able to mix domain theoretic reasoning with reasoning in the set theoretic
HOL world to advantage, exploiting HOL types and tools directly. Moreover, by
mixing domain and set theoretic reasoning, we are able to eliminate almost
all reasoning about the bottom element of complete partial orders that makes
the LCF theorem prover, which supports a first order logic of domain theory,
difficult and tedious to use. A thorough comparison with LCF is
The advantages of combining the best of the domain and set
theoretic worlds in the same system are demonstrated in a larger example,
showing the correctness of a unification algorithm. A major part of the proof
is conducted in the set theoretic setting of higher order logic, and only at
a late stage of the proof domain theory is introduced to give a recursive
definition of the algorithm, which is not primitive recursive. Furthermore, a
total well-founded recursive unification function can be defined easily in
pure HOL by proving that the unification algorithm (defined in domain theory)
always terminates; this proof is conducted by a non-trivial well-founded
induction. In such applications, where non-primitive recursive HOL functions
are defined via domain theory and a proof of termination, domain theory
constructs only appear temporarily.
- RS-94-43
Luca Aceto and Alan S. A. Jeffrey.
A Complete Axiomatization of Timed Bisimulation for a Class of
Timed Regular Behaviours (Revised Version).
December 1994.
18 pp. Appears in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 152(2)
pages 251-268, December 1995.
Abstract: One of the most satisfactory results in process
theory is Milner's axiomatization of strong bisimulation for regular CCS.
This result holds for open terms with finite-state recursion. Wang has shown
that timed bisimulation can also be axiomatized, but only for closed terms
without recursion. In this paper, we provide an axiomatization for timed
bisimulation of open terms with finite-state recursion.
- RS-94-42
Dany Breslauer and Leszek Gasieniec.
Efficient String Matching on Coded Texts.
December 1994.
20 pp. Appears with the title Efficient String Matching on
Packed Texts in Galil and Ukkonen, editors, Combinatorial Pattern
Matching: 6th Annual Symposium, CPM '95 Proceedings, LNCS 937, 1995, pages
27-40 and in RAIRO Informatique Théorique et Applications,
30(6):521-544, 1996.
Abstract: The so called ``four Russians technique'' is often
used to speed up algorithms by encoding several data items in a single memory
cell. Given a sequence of symbols over a constant size alphabet, one can
encode the sequence into
memory cells in
time using
This paper presents an
efficient CRCW-PRAM string-matching algorithm for coded texts that takes
time making only
operations, an
improvement by a factor of
on the number of operations
used in previous algorithms. Using this string-matching algorithm one can
test if a string is square-free and find all palindromes in a string in
time using
- RS-94-41
Peter Bro Miltersen, Noam Nisan, Shmuel
Safra, and Avi Wigderson.
On Data Structures and Asymmetric Communication Complexity.
December 1994.
17 pp. Appears in The Twenty-seventh Annual ACM Symposium on
Theory of Computing, STOC '95 Proceedings, 1995, pages 103-111. Appears
also in Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 57(1):37-49, 1998.
Abstract: In this paper we consider two party communication
complexity when the input sizes of the two players differ significantly, the
``asymmetric'' case. Most of previous work on communication complexity only
considers the total number of bits sent, but we study tradeoffs between the
number of bits the first player sends and the number of bits the second
sends. These types of questions are closely related to the complexity of
static data structure problems in the cell probe model. We derive two
generally applicable methods of proving lower bounds, and obtain several
applications. These applications include new lower bounds for data structures
in the cell probe model. Of particular interest is our ``round elimination''
lemma, which is interesting also for the usual symmetric communication case.
This lemma generalizes and abstracts in a very clean form the ``round
reduction'' techniques used in many previous lower bound proofs.
- RS-94-40
Luca Aceto and Anna Ingólfsdóttir.
CPO Models for GSOS Languages -- Part I: Compact GSOS
December 1994.
70 pp. An extended abstract of the paper appears in: Proceedings
of CAAP '95, LNCS 915, 1995, pages 439-453. Full version also appears in
Information and Computation, 129(2):107-141, September 1996.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a general way of giving
denotational semantics to a class of languages equipped with an operational
semantics that fits the GSOS format of Bloom, Istrail and Meyer. The
canonical model used for this purpose will be Abramsky's domain of
synchronization trees, and the denotational semantics automatically generated
by our methods will be guaranteed to be fully abstract with respect to the
finitely observable part of the bisimulation preorder. In the process of
establishing the full abstraction result, we also obtain several general
results on the bisimulation preorder (including a complete axiomatization for
it), and give a novel operational interpretation of GSOS languages.
- RS-94-39
Ivan B. Damgård, Oded Goldreich, and
Avi Wigderson.
Hashing Functions can Simplify Zero-Knowledge Protocol Design
November 1994.
18 pp.
Abstract: In Crypto93, Damgård showed that any
constant-round protocol in which the verifier sends only independent, random
bits and which is zero-knowledge against the honest verifier can be
transformed into a protocol (for the same problem) that is zero-knowledge
in general. His transformation was based on the interactive hashing
technique of Naor, Ostrovsky, Venkatesan and Yung, and thus the resulting
protocol had very large round-complexity.
We adopt Damgård's
methods, using ordinary hashing functions, instead of the abovementioned
interactive hashing technique. Typically, the protocols we derive have much
lower round-complexity than those derived by Damgård's transformation. As
in Damgård's transformation, our transformation preserves
statistical/perfect zero-knowledge and does not rely on any computational
assumptions. However, unlike Damgård's transformation, the new
transformation is not applicable to argument systems or to proofs of
- RS-94-38
Ivan B. Damgård and Lars Ramkilde
Enhancing the Strength of Conventional Cryptosystems.
November 1994.
12 pp.
Abstract: We look at various ways of enhancing the strength of
conventional cryptosystems such as DES by building a new system which has
longer keys and which uses the original system as a building block. We
propose a new variant of two-key triple encryption which is not vulnerable to
the meet in the middle attack by van Oorschot and Wiener. Under an
appropriate assumption on the security of DES, we can prove that our system
is at least as hard to break as single DES.
- RS-94-37
Jaap van Oosten.
Fibrations and Calculi of Fractions.
November 1994.
21 pp. Appears in Journal of Pure and Applied, 146(1):77-102,
Abstract: Given a fibration
and a
class of arrows of , one can construct the free fibration
(on over such that all reindexing functors over elements of
are equivalences.
In this work I give an explicit
construction of this, and study its properties. For example, the construction
preserves the property of being fibrewise discrete, and it commutes up to
equivalence with fibrewise exact completions. I show that mathematically
interesting situations are examples of this construction. In particular,
subtoposes of the effective topos are treated.
- RS-94-36
Alexander A. Razborov.
On provably disjoint NP-pairs.
November 1994.
27 pp.
Abstract: In this paper we study the pairs of disjoint
NP-sets representable in a theory of Bounded Arithmetic in the
sense that proves
. For a large variety of theories
we exhibit a natural disjoint NP-pair which is complete for the
class of disjoint NP-pairs representable in . This allows us to
clarify the approach to showing independence of central open questions in
Boolean complexity from theories of Bounded Arithmetic initiated in [1].
Namely, in order to prove the independence result from a theory , it is
sufficient to separate the corresponding complete NP-pair by a
(quasi)poly-time computable set. We remark that such a separation is obvious
for the theory
considered in [1],
and this gives an alternative proof of the main result from that
[1] A. Razborov. Unprovability of lower bounds on circuit size
in certain fragments of Bounded Arithmetic. To appear in Izvestiya of
the RAN, 1994.
- RS-94-35
Gerth Stølting Brodal.
Partially Persistent Data Structures of Bounded Degree with
Constant Update Time.
November 1994.
24 pp. Appears in Nordic Journal of Computing, 3(3):238-255,
Abstract: The problem of making bounded in-degree and
out-degree data structures partially persistent is considered. The node
copying method of Driscoll et al. is extended so that updates can be
performed in worst-case constant time on the pointer machine model.
Previously it was only known to be possible in amortised constant time
[Driscoll89]. The result is presented in terms of a new strategy for Dietz
and Raman's dynamic two player pebble game on graphs. It is shown how to
implement the strategy and the upper bound on the required number of pebbles
is improved from
to , where is the bound of the
in-degree and the bound of the out-degree. We also give a lower bound
that shows that the number of pebbles depends on the out-degree .
- RS-94-34
Henrik Reif Andersen, Colin Stirling, and
Glynn Winskel.
A Compositional Proof System for the Modal -Calculus.
October 1994.
18 pp. Appears in Ninth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in
Computer Science, LICS '94 Proceedings, 1994, pages 144-153. Superseeded
by BRICS Report RS-98-40.
Abstract: We present a proof system for determining
satisfaction between processes in a fairly general process algebra and
assertions of the modal -calculus. The proof system is compositional in
the structure of processes. It extends earlier work on compositional
reasoning within the modal -calculus and combines it with techniques
from work on local model checking. The proof system is sound for all
processes and complete for a class of finite-state processes.
- RS-94-33
Vladimiro Sassone.
Strong Concatenable Processes: An Approach to the Category of
Petri Net Computations.
October 1994.
40 pp. Workshop version appears in Engberg, Larsen and Mosses,
editors, 6th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, NWPT '6
Proceedings, BRICS Notes Series NS-94-6, December 1994, 1994, pages
385-399 with the title An Approach to the Category of Net
Computations. Revised version appears in Mosses, Nielsen and Schwartzbach,
editors, Theory and Practice of Software Development: 6th International
Conference Joint Conference CAAP/FASE, TAPSOFT '95 Proceedings, LNCS 915,
1995, pages 334-348 with the title On the Category of Petri Net
Abstract: We introduce the notion of strong concatenable
process for Petri nets as the least refinement of non-sequential
(concatenable) processes which can be expressed abstractly by means of a functor from the category of Petri nets to an appropriate
category of symmetric strict monoidal categories with free non-commutative
monoids of objects, in the precise sense that, for each net , the strong
concatenable processes of are isomorphic to the arrows of .
This yields an axiomatization of the causal behaviour of Petri nets in terms
of symmetric strict monoidal categories.
In addition, we identify a
coreflection right adjoint to and we characterize its
replete image in the category of symmetric monoidal categories, thus yielding
an abstract description of the category of net computations.
- RS-94-32
Alexander Aiken, Dexter Kozen, and
Ed Wimmers.
Decidability of Systems of Set Constraints with Negative
October 1994.
33 pp. Appears in Information and Computation, 122(1):30-44,
October 1995.
Abstract: Set constraints are relations between sets of terms.
They have been used extensively in various applications in program analysis
and type inference. Recently, several algorithms for solving general systems
of positive set constraints have appeared. In this paper we consider systems
of mixed positive and negative constraints, which are considerably more
expressive than positive constraints alone. We show that it is decidable
whether a given such system has a solution. The proof involves a reduction to
a number-theoretic decision problem that may be of independent interest.
- RS-94-31
Noam Nisan and Amnon Ta-Shma.
Symmetric Logspace is Closed Under Complement.
September 1994.
8 pp.
Abstract: We present a Logspace, many-one reduction from the
undirected st-connectivity problem to its complement. This shows that
- RS-94-30
Thore Husfeldt.
Fully Dynamic Transitive Closure in Plane Dags with one Source
and one Sink.
September 1994.
26 pp. Appears in Spirakis, editor, Third Annual European
Symposiumon on Algorithms, ESA '95 Proceedings, LNCS 979, 1995, pages
Abstract: We give an algorithm for the Dynamic Transitive
Closure Problem for planar directed acyclic graphs with one source and one
sink. The graph can be updated in logarithmic time under arbitrary edge
insertions and deletions that preserve the embedding. Queries of the form `is
there a directed path from to ?' for arbitrary vertices and
can be answered in logarithmic time. The size of the data structure and the
initialisation time are linear in the number of edges.
The result
enlarges the class of graphs for which a logarithmic (or even
polylogarithmic) time dynamic transitive closure algorithm exists.
Previously, the only algorithms within the stated resource bounds put
restrictions on the topology of the graph or on the delete operation. To
obtain our result, we use a new characterisation of the transitive closure in
plane graphs with one source and one sink and introduce new techniques to
exploit this characterisation.
We also give a lower bound of
on the amortised complexity of the problem in the
cell probe model with logarithmic word size. This is the first dynamic
directed graph problem with almost matching lower and upper bounds.
- RS-94-29
Ronald Cramer and Ivan B. Damgård.
Secure Signature Schemes Based on Interactive Protocols.
September 1994.
24 pp. Appears in Coppersmith, editor, Advances in Cryptology:
15th Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO '95 Proceedings,
LNCS 963, 1995, pages 297-310.
Abstract: A method is proposed for constructing from
interactive protocols digital signature schemes secure against adaptively
chosen message attacks. Our main result is that practical secure signature
schemes can now also be based on computationally difficult problems other
than factoring, such as the discrete logarithm problem.
precisely, given only an interactive protocol of a certain type as a
primitive, we can build a (non-interactive) signature scheme that is secure
in the strongest sense of Goldwasser, Micali and Rivest (GMR): not
existentially forgeable under adaptively chosen message attacks. There are
numerous examples of primitives that satisfy our conditions, e.g.
Feige-Fiat-Shamir, Schnorr, Guillou-Quisquater, Okamoto and
In fact, the existence of one-way group
homomorphisms is a sufficient assumption to support our construction. As we
also demonstrate that our construction can be based on claw-free pairs of
trapdoor one-way permutations, our results can be viewed as a generalization
of the GMR signature scheme.
- RS-94-28
Oded Goldreich.
Probabilistic Proof Systems.
September 1994.
19 pp.
Abstract: Various types of probabilistic proof systems
have played a central role in the development of computer science in the last
decade. In this exposition, we concentrate on three such proof systems --
interactive proofs, zero-knowledge proofs, and probabilistic
checkable proofs -- stressing the essential role of randomness in each of
This exposition is an expanded version of a survey written for
the proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM94)
held in Zurich in 1994. It is hope that this exposition may be accessible to
a broad audience of computer scientists and mathematians.
- RS-94-27
Torben Braüner.
A Model of Intuitionistic Affine Logic from Stable Domain Theory
(Revised and Expanded Version).
September 1994.
19 pp. Full version of paper appearing in Abiteboul and Shamir,
editors, Automata, Languages and Programming: 21st International
Colloquium, ICALP '94 Proceedings, LNCS 820, 1994, pages 340-351. This
report is a revised and expanded version of DAIMI IR-118.
Abstract: Girard worked with the category of coherence spaces
and continuous stable maps and observed that the functor that forgets the
linearity of linear stable maps has a left adjoint. This fundamental
observation gave rise to the discovery of Linear Logic. Since then, the
category of coherence spaces and linear stable maps, with the comonad induced
by the adjunction, has been considered a canonical model of Linear Logic.
Now, the same phenomenon is present if we consider the category of pre dI
domains and continuous stable maps, and the category of dI domains and linear
stable maps; the functor that forgets the linearity has a left adjoint. This
gives an alternative model of Intuitionistic Linear Logic. It turns out that
this adjunction can be factored in two adjunctions yielding a model of
Intuitionistic Affine Logic; the category of pre dI domains and affine stable
functions. It is the goal of this paper to show that this category is
actually a model of Intuitionistic Affine Logic, and to show that this
category moreover has properties which make it possible to use it to model
convergence/divergence behaviour and recursion.
- RS-94-26
Søren Riis.
Count( ) versus the Pigeon-Hole Principle.
August 1994.
3 pp. Appears in Archive for Mathematical Logic
36(3):157-188 (1997) (expanded to a selfcontained paper).
Abstract: For each there exist a model
which satisfies the Count( )
principle. Furthermore if contain all prime factors of there exist
and a bijective map
mapping onto
A corollary is a
complete classification of the Count( ) versus Count( ) problem. Another
corollary solves an open question by M. Ajtai.
- RS-94-25
Søren Riis.
Bootstrapping the Primitive Recursive Functions by 47 Colors.
August 1994.
5 pp. Improved version appears in Decrete Mathematics
169(1-3):269-272 (1997) under the title Bootstrapping the Primitive
Recursive Functions by Only 27 Colors.
Abstract: I construct a concrete coloring of the 3 element
subsets of . It has the property that each homogeneous set
has its elements spread so much
apart that
. It uses only
colors. This is more economical than the approximately 160000 colors
used by Ketonen and Solovay.
- RS-94-24
Søren Riis.
A Fractal which violates the Axiom of Determinacy.
August 1994.
3 pp.
Abstract: By use of the axiom of choice I construct a
symmetrical and elf similar subset
. hen by
an elementary strategy stealing argument it is shown hat is not
determined. The (possible) existence of ractals like clarifies the status
of the controversial xiom of Determinacy.
- RS-94-23
Søren Riis.
Finitisation in Bounded Arithmetic.
August 1994.
31 pp. Manuscript presented at The Tenth Workshop on the Mathematical
Foundations of Programming Semantics, Kansas, USA, 1994.
Abstract: I prove various results concerning un-decidability in
weak fragments of Arithmetic. All results are concerned with
hierarchy of theories which have already been intensively studied in the
literature. Ideally one would like to separate these systems. However this is
generally expected to be a very deep problem, closely related to some of the
most famous and open problems in complexity theory.
In order to throw
some light on the separation problems, I consider the case where the
underlying language is enriched by extra relation and function symbols. The
paper introduces a new type of results. These state that the first three
levels in the hierarchy (i.e.
and ) are
never able to distinguish (in a precise sense) the ``finite'' from the
``infinite''. The fourth level (i.e. ) in some cases can make such
a distinction. More precisely, elementary principles from finitistical
combinatorics (when expressed solely by the extra relation and function
symbols) are only provable on the first three levels if they are valid when
considered as principles of general (infinitistical) combinatorics. I show
that this does not hold for the fourth level.
All results are proved
by forcing.
- RS-94-22
Torben Braüner.
A General Adequacy Result for a Linear Functional Language.
August 1994.
39 pp. Presented at Mathematical Foundations of Programming
Semantics: 10th International Conference, MFPS '94. Strongly revised version
accepted for publication in a special issue of Theoretical Computer
Science devoted the proceedings of MFPS '94.
Abstract: A main concern of the paper will be a Curry-Howard
interpretation of Intuitionistic Linear Logic. It will be extended with
recursion, and the resulting functional programming language will be given
operational as well as categorical semantics. The two semantics will be
related by soundness and adequacy results. The main features of the
categorical semantics are that convergence/divergence behaviour is modelled
by a strong monad, and that recursion is modelled by ``linear fixpoints''
induced by CPO structure on the hom-sets. The ``linear fixpoints'' correspond
to ordinary fixpoints in the category of free coalgebras w.r.t. the comonad
used to interpret the ``of course'' modality. Concrete categories from
(stable) domain theory satisfying the axioms of the categorical model are
given, and thus adequacy follows in these instances from the general result.
- RS-94-21
Søren Riis.
Count( ) does not imply Count( ).
July 1994.
55 pp. Appears in Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
90(1-3):1-56 (1997).
Abstract: I solve a conjecture originally studied by M.Ajtai.
It states that for different primes the matching principles Count( )
and Count( ) are logically independent. I prove that this indeed is the
case. Actually I show that Count( ) implies Count( ) exactly when each
prime in also is a factor in .
- RS-94-20
Peter D. Mosses and Martín Musicante.
An Action Semantics for ML Concurrency Primitives.
July 1994.
21 pp. Appears in Naftalin, Denvir and Bertran, editors, Industrial Benefit of Formal Methods: First International Symposium of Formal
Methods Europe, FME '94 Proceedings, LNCS 873, 1994, pages 461-479.
Abstract: This paper is about the recently-developed framework
of action semantics. The pragmatic qualities of action semantic descriptions
are particularly good, which encourages their use in industrial-scale
applications where semantic descriptions are needed, e.g., compiler
The paper has two main aims: to demonstrate the
remarkable extensibility of action semantic descriptions, and to illustrate
the action semantics treatment of concurrency. These aims are achieved
simultaneously, by first giving the description of a sequential (ML-like)
programming language fragment, and then extending the described language with
some concurrency primitives (taken from CML). The action semantic description
of the sequential part of the language does not change at all when
the concurrency primitives are added, it merely gets augmented by the
description of the new features!
- RS-94-19
Jens Chr. Godskesen, Kim G. Larsen, and
Arne Skou.
Automatic Verification of Real-Timed Systems Using EPSILON.
June 1994.
8 pp. Appears in Voung and Chanson, editors, Fourteenth
International IFIP Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing and
Verification, PSTV '94 Proceedings, 1994, pages 323-330.
Abstract: In this paper we report on an application and
extension of the theory of Timed Modal Specifications (TMS) and its
associated verification tool EPSILON. The novel feature with which EPSILON has been extended is the ability to automatically generate diagnostic information in cases of erroneous refinement steps.
- RS-94-18
Sten Agerholm.
LCF Examples in HOL.
June 1994.
16 pp. Revised version appears in The Computer Journal, 38(2):
121-130, 1995. Also in Melham and Camilleri, editors, Higher Order
Logic Theorem Proving and Its Applications: 7th International Workshop,
HOLTPA '94 Proceedings, LNCS 859, 1994, pages 1-16.
Abstract: The LCF system provides a logic of fixed point theory
and is useful to reason about non-termination, arbitrary recursive
definitions and infinite types as lazy lists. It is unsuitable for reasoning
about finite types and strict functions. The HOL system provides set theory
and supports reasoning about finite types and total functions well. In this
paper a number of examples are used to demonstrate that an extension of HOL
with domain theory combines the benefits of both systems. The examples
illustrate reasoning about infinite values and non-terminating functions and
show how mixing domain and set theoretic reasoning eases reasoning about
finite LCF types and strict functions. An example presents a proof of the
correctness and termination of a recursive unification algorithm using
well-founded induction.
- RS-94-17
Allan Cheng.
Local Model Checking and Traces.
June 1994.
30 pp. Please refer to the revised version BRICS-RS-95-39.
Abstract: We present a CTL-like logic which is
interpreted over labeled asynchronous transition systems. The interpretation
reflects the desire to reason about these only with respect their progress
fair behaviours. For finite systems we provide a set of tableau rules and
prove soundness and completeness with respect to the given interpretation of
our logic. We also provide a model checking algorithm which solves the model
checking problem in deterministic polynomial time in the size of the formula
and the labelled asynchronous transition system. We then consider different
extensions of the logic with modalities expressing concurrent behaviour and
investigate how this affects the decidability of the satisfiability problem.
- RS-94-16
Lars Arge.
External-Storage Data Structures for Plane-Sweep Algorithms.
June 1994.
37 pp. Revised version appears in Akl, Dehne, Sack and Santoro,
editors, Algorithms and Data Structures: 4th Workshop, WADS '95
Proceedings, LNCS 955, 1995, pages 334-345. Please refer to the revised and
extended version BRICS-RS-96-28.
Abstract: In this paper we develop a technique for transforming
an internal memory datastructure into an external storage data structure
suitable for plane-sweep algorithms. We use this technique to develop
external storage versions of the range tree and the segment tree. We also
obtain an external priority queue. Using the first two structures, we solve
the orthogonal segment intersection, the isothetic rectangle intersection,
and the batched range searching problem in the optimal number of
I/O-operations. Unlike previously known I/O-algorithms the developed
algorithms are straightforward generalizations of the ordinary internal
memory plane-sweep algorithms. Previously almost no dynamic data structures
were known for the model we are working in.
- RS-94-15
Mogens Nielsen and Glynn Winskel.
Petri Nets and Bisimulations.
May 1994.
36 pp. Please refer to the revised and corrected version
Abstract: Several categorical relationships (adjunctions)
between models for concurrency have been established, allowing the
translation of concepts and properties from one model to another. The purpose
of the present paper is twofold: firstly to present a central example of such
a relationship (a coreflection between asynchronous transition systems and
Petri nets), and secondly to illustrate its use by transferring to nets a
general concept of bisimulation.
- RS-94-14
Nils Klarlund.
The Limit View of Infinite Computations.
May 1994.
16 pp. Appears in Jonsson and Parrow, editors, Concurrency
Theory: 5th International Conference, CONCUR '94 Proceedings, LNCS 836,
1994, pages 351-366.
Abstract: We show how to view computations involving very
general liveness properties as limits of finite approximations. This
computational model does not require introduction of infinite nondeterminism
as with most traditional approaches. Our results allow us directly to relate
finite computations in order to infer properties about infinite computations.
Thus we are able to provide a mathematical understanding of what simulations
and bisimulations are when liveness is involved.
In addition, we
establish links between verification theory and classical results in
descriptive set theory. Our result on simulations is the essential contents
of the Kleene-Suslin Theorem, and our result on bisimulation expresses
Martin's Theorem about the determinacy of Borel games.
- RS-94-13
Glynn Winskel.
Stable Bistructure Models of PCF.
May 1994.
26 pp. Preliminary draft. Invited lecture for MFCS '94. Appears
in Prívara, Rovan and Ruzicka, editors, Mathematical Foundations of
Computer Science: 19th International Symposium, MFCS '94 Proceedings,
LNCS 841, 1994, pages 177-197.
Abstract: Stable bistructures are a generalisation of event
structures to represent spaces of functions at higher types; the partial
order of causal dependency is replaced by two orders, one associated with
input and the other output in the behaviour of functions. They represent
Berry's bidomains. The representation can proceed in two stages. Bistructures
form a categorical model of Girard's linear logic consisting of a linear
category together with a comonad. The comonad has a co-Kleisli category which
is equivalent to a cartesian-closed full subcategory of Berry's bidomains. A
main motivation for bidomains came from the full abstraction problem for
Plotkin's functional language PCF. However, although the bidomain model
incorporates both the Berry stable order and the Scott pointwise order, its
PCF theory (those inequalities on terms which hold in the bidomain model)
does not include that of the Scott model. With a simple modification we can
obtain a new model of PCF, combining the Berry and Scott orders, which does
not have this inadequacy.
- RS-94-12
Glynn Winskel and Mogens Nielsen.
Models for Concurrency.
May 1994.
144 pp. Appears as a chapter in the Handbook of Logic and the
Foundations of Computer Science, vol. 4, pages 1-148, Oxford University
Press, 1995.
Abstract: This report surveys a range of models for parallel
computation to include interleaving models like transition systems,
synchronisation trees and languages (often called Hoare traces in this
context), and models like Petri nets, asynchronous transition systems, event
structures, pomsets and Mazurkiewicz traces where concurrency is represented
more explicitly by a form of causal independence. The presentation is unified
by casting the models in a category-theoretic framework. One aim is to use
category theory to provide abstract characterisations of constructions like
parallel composition valid throughout a range of different models and to
provide formal means for translating between different models.
knowledge of basic category theory is assumed, up to an acquaintance with the
notion of adjunction.
- RS-94-11
Nils Klarlund.
A Homomorphism Concept for -Regularity.
May 1994.
16 pp. Appears in Pacholski and Tiuryn, editors, European
Association for Computer Science Logic: 8th Workshop, CSL '94 Selected
Papers, LNCS 933, 1995, pages 471-485.
Abstract: The Myhill-Nerode Theorem (that for any regular
language, there is a canonical recognizing device) is of paramount importance
for the computational handling of many formalisms about finite words.
For infinite words, no prior concept of homomorphism or structural comparison
seems to have generalized the Myhill-Nerode Theorem in the sense that the
concept is both language preserving and representable by automata.
this paper, we propose such a concept based on Families of Right Congruences
(Maler and Staiger 93), which we view as a recognizing structures.
also establish an exponential lower and upper bound on the change in size
when a representation is reduced to its canonical form.
- RS-94-10
Jakob L. Jensen, Michael E. Jørgensen,
and Nils Klarlund.
Monadic Second-order Logic for Parameterized Verification.
May 1994.
14 pp.
Abstract: Much work in automatic verification considers
families of similar finite-state systems. But an often overlooked property is
that sometimes a single finite-state system can be used to describe a
parameterized, infinite family of systems. Thus verification of unbounded
state spaces can take place by reduction to finite ones.
The purpose
of this article is to introduce Monadic Second-order Logic as a practical
means of carrying out such reductions. The logic is a highly succinct
alternative to the use of regular expressions. We have built a tool that acts
as a decision procedure and translator to DFAs.
The potential
applications are numerous. We discuss text processing, Boolean circuits, and
distributed systems. Our main example is an automatic proof of properties for
the ``Dining Philosophers with Encyclopedia'' example by Kurshan and
MacMillan. We establish these properties for the parameterized case without the use of induction.
- RS-94-9
Gordon Plotkin and Glynn Winskel.
Bistructures, Bidomains and Linear Logic.
May 1994.
16 pp. Appears in Abiteboul and Shamir, editors, Automata,
Languages and Programming: 21st International Colloquium, ICALP '94
Proceedings, LNCS 820, 1994, pages 352-363.
Abstract: Bistructures are a generalisation of event structures
to represent spaces of functions at higher types; the partial order of causal
dependency is replaced by two orders, one associated with input and the other
output in the behaviour of functions. Bistructures form a categorical model
of Girard's classical linear logic in which the involution of linear logic is
modelled, roughly speaking, by a reversal of the roles of input and output.
The comonad of the model has associated co-Kleisli category which is
equivalent to a cartesian-closed full subcategory of Berry's bidomains.
- RS-94-8
Javier Esparza and Mogens Nielsen.
Decidability Issues for Petri Nets.
May 1994.
23 pp. Appears in Journal of Information Processing and
Cybernet. EIK, 30:143-160, 1994.
Abstract: This is a survey of some decidability results for
Petri nets, covering the last three decades. The presentation is structured
around decidability of specific properties, various behavioural equivalences and finally the model checking problem for temporal
- RS-94-7
André Joyal, Mogens Nielsen, and Glynn
Bisimulation from Open Maps.
May 1994.
42 pp. Appears in LICS '93 special issue of Information and
Computation, 127(2):164-185, June 1986.
Abstract: An abstract definition of bisimulation is presented.
It enables a uniform definition of bisimulation across a range of different
models for parallel computation presented as categories. As examples,
transition systems, synchronisation trees, transition systems with
independence (an abstraction from Petri nets) and labelled event structures
are considered. On transition systems the abstract definition readily
specialises to Milner's strong bisimulation. On event structures it explains
and leads to a revision of history-preserving bisimulation of Rabinovitch and
Traktenbrot, Goltz and van Glabeek. A tie-up with open maps in a (pre)topos,
as they appear in the work of Joyal and Moerdijk, brings to light a promising
new model, presheaves on categories of pomsets, into which the usual category
of labelled event structures embeds fully and faithfully. As an indication of
its promise, this new presheaf model has ``refinement'' operators, though
further work is required to justify their appropriateness and understand
their relation to previous attempts. The general approach yields a logic,
generalising Hennessy-Milner logic, which is characteristic for the
generalised notion of bisimulation.
- RS-94-6
Mogens Nielsen and Christian Clausen.
Bisimulations, Games, and Logic.
April 1994.
37 pp. Full version of paper appearing in Karhumäki, Maurer and
Rozenberg, editors, Results and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science:
Colloquium in Honor of Arto Salomaa, RTTCS '94 Selected Papers, LNCS 812,
1994, pages 289-305.
Abstract: In a recent paper by Joyal, Nielsen, and Winskel,
bisimulation is defined in an abstract and uniform way across a wide range of
different models for concurrency. In this paper, following a recent trend in
theoretical computer science, we characterize their abstract definition
game-theoretically and logically in a non-interleaving model. Our
characterizations appear as surprisingly simple extensions of corresponding
characterizations of interleaving bisimulation.
- RS-94-5
Peter D. Mosses.
Unified Algebras and Abstract Syntax.
March 1994.
21 pp. Appears in Ehrig and Orejas, editors, Recent Trends in
Data Type Specification, 9th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data
Types, RTDTS '92 Selected Papers, LNCS 785, 1994, pages 280-294.
Abstract: We consider the algebraic specification of abstract
syntax in the framework of unified algebras. We illustrate the expressiveness
of unified algebraic specifications, and provide a grammar-like notation for
specifying abstract syntax, particularly attractive for use in semantic
descriptions of full-scale programming languages.
- RS-94-4
Nils Klarlund and Michael I. Schwartzbach.
Graphs and Decidable Transductions based on Edge Constraints.
February 1994.
19 pp. Appears in Tison, editor, Trees in Algebra and
Programming: 19th International Colloquium, CAAP '94 Proceedings,
LNCS 787, 1994, pages 187-201.
Abstract: We give examples to show that not even c-edNCE, the most general known notion of context-free graph grammar, is
suited for the specification of some common data structures.
overcome this problem, we use monadic second-order logic and introduce edge constraints as a new means of specifying a large class of graph
families. Our notion stems from a natural dichotomy found in programming
practice between ordinary pointers forming spanning trees and auxiliary
pointers cutting across.
Our main result is that for certain
transformations of graphs definable in monadic second-order logic, the
question of whether a graph family given by a specification is
mapped to a family given by a specification is decidable. Thus a
decidable Hoare logic arises.
- RS-94-3
Uffe H. Engberg and Glynn Winskel.
Linear Logic on Petri Nets.
February 1994.
54 pp. Appears in Bakker, de Roever and Rozenberg, editors, A
Decade of Concurrency: Reflections and Perspectives, REX School/Symposium,
REX '94 Proceedings, LNCS 803, 1994, pages 176-229.
Abstract: This article shows how individual Petri nets form
models of Girard's intuitionistic linear logic. It explores questions of
expressiveness and completeness of linear logic with respect to this
interpretation. An aim is to use Petri nets to give an understanding of
linear logic and give some appraisal of the value of linear logic as a
specification logic for Petri nets. This article might serve as a tutorial,
providing one in-road into Girard's linear logic via Petri nets. With this in
mind we have added several exercises and their solutions. We have made no
attempt to be exhaustive in our treatment, dedicating our treatment to one
semantics of intuitionistic linear logic.
Completeness is shown for
several versions of Girard's linear logic with respect to Petri nets as the
class of models. The strongest logic considered is intuitionistic linear
logic, with ,
, and the exponential
(``of course''), and forms of quantification. This logic is shown sound
and complete with respect to atomic nets (these include nets in which
every transition leads to a nonempty multiset of places). The logic is
remarkably expressive, enabling descriptions of the kinds of properties one
might wish to show of nets; in particular, negative properties, asserting the
impossibility of an assertion, can also be expressed. A start is made on
decidability issues.
- RS-94-2
Alexander E. Andreev.
Complexity of Nondeterministic Functions.
February 1994.
47 pp.
Abstract: The complexity of a nondeterministic function is the
minimum possible complexity of its determinisation. The entropy of a
nondeterministic function, , is minus the logarithm of the ratio between
the number of determinisations of and the number of all deterministic
We obtain an upper bound on the complexity of a
nondeterministic function with restricted entropy for the worst case.
These bounds have strong applications in the problem of algorithm
derandomization. A lot of randomized algorithms can be converted to
deterministic ones if we have an effective hitting set with certain
parameters (a set is hitting for a set system if it has a nonempty
intersection with any set from the system).
Linial, Luby, Saks and
Zuckerman (1993) constructed the best effective hitting set for the system of
-value, -dimensional rectangles. The set size is polynomial in
Our bounds of nondeterministic functions complexity
offer a possibility to construct an effective hitting set for this system
with almost linear size in
- RS-94-1
Glynn Winskel.
Semantics, Algorithmics and Logic: Basic Research in Computer
Science. BRICS Inaugural Talk.
February 1994.
8 pp.
Abstract: This is a transcript of a talk at the inauguration of
BRICS, Basic Research in Computer Science, Centre of the Danish Research
Foundation, on 2 February 1994 at the Steno museum, University of Aarhus,