Complexity Results for Model Checking
Allan Cheng February 1995 |
Abstract:The complexity of model checking branching and linear time
temporal logics over Kripke structures has been addressed by Clarke, Emerson,
and Sistla, among others. In terms of the size of the Kripke model and the
length of the formula, they show that the model checking problem is solvable
in polynomial time for CTL and NP-complete for L(F). The model
checking problem can be generalised by allowing more succinct descriptions of
systems than Kripke structures. We investigate the complexity of the model
checking problem when the instances of the problem consist of a formula and a
description of a system whose state space is at most exponentially larger
than the description. Based on Turing machines, we define compact
systems as a general formalisation of such system descriptions. Examples of
such compact systems are Available as PostScript, PDF, DVI. |