Linter Demo Errors: 0Warnings: 4File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/analyzer/lib/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library instrumentation; /** * A container with analysis performance constants. */ class AnalysisPerformanceKind { static const String FULL = 'analysis_full'; static const String INCREMENTAL = 'analysis_incremental'; } /** * The interface used by client code to communicate with an instrumentation * server. */ abstract class InstrumentationServer { /** * Pass the given [message] to the instrumentation server so that it will be * logged with other messages. * * This method should be used for most logging. */ void log(String message); /** * Pass the given [message] to the instrumentation server so that it will be * logged with other messages. * * This method should only be used for logging high priority messages, such as * exceptions that cause the server to shutdown. */ void logWithPriority(String message); /** * Signal that the client is done communicating with the instrumentation * server. This method should be invoked exactly one time and no other methods * should be invoked on this instance after this method has been invoked. */ void shutdown(); } /** * The interface used by client code to communicate with an instrumentation * server by wrapping an [InstrumentationServer]. */ class InstrumentationService { /** * An instrumentation service that will not log any instrumentation data. */ static final InstrumentationService NULL_SERVICE = new InstrumentationService(null); static const String TAG_ANALYSIS_TASK = 'Task'; static const String TAG_ERROR = 'Err'; static const String TAG_EXCEPTION = 'Ex'; static const String TAG_FILE_READ = 'Read'; static const String TAG_LOG_ENTRY = 'Log'; static const String TAG_NOTIFICATION = 'Noti'; static const String TAG_PERFORMANCE = 'Perf'; static const String TAG_REQUEST = 'Req'; static const String TAG_RESPONSE = 'Res'; static const String TAG_VERSION = 'Ver'; static const String TAG_WATCH_EVENT = 'Watch'; /** * The instrumentation server used to communicate with the server, or `null` * if instrumentation data should not be logged. */ InstrumentationServer _instrumentationServer; /** * Initialize a newly created instrumentation service to comunicate with the * given [instrumentationServer]. */ InstrumentationService(this._instrumentationServer); /** * Return `true` if this [InstrumentationService] was initialized with a * non-`null` server (and hence instrumentation is active). */ bool get isActive => _instrumentationServer != null; /** * The current time, expressed as a decimal encoded number of milliseconds. */ String get _timestamp => new; /** * Log that an analysis task is being performed in the given [context]. The * task has the given [description]. */ void logAnalysisTask(String context, String description) { if (_instrumentationServer != null) { _instrumentationServer .log(_join([TAG_ANALYSIS_TASK, context, description])); } } /** * Log the fact that an error, described by the given [message], has occurred. */ void logError(String message) { _log(TAG_ERROR, message); } /** * Log that the given non-priority [exception] was thrown, with the given * [stackTrace]. */ void logException(dynamic exception, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (_instrumentationServer != null) { String message = _toString(exception); String trace = _toString(stackTrace); _instrumentationServer.log(_join([TAG_EXCEPTION, message, trace])); } } /** * Log that the contents of the file with the given [path] were read. The file * had the given [content] and [modificationTime]. */ void logFileRead(String path, int modificationTime, String content) { if (_instrumentationServer != null) { String timeStamp = _toString(modificationTime); _instrumentationServer .log(_join([TAG_FILE_READ, path, timeStamp, content])); } } /** * Log that a log entry that was written to the analysis engine's log. The log * entry has the given [level] and [message], and was created at the given * [time]. */ void logLogEntry(String level, DateTime time, String message) { if (_instrumentationServer != null) { String timeStamp = time == null ? 'null' : time.millisecondsSinceEpoch.toString(); _instrumentationServer .log(_join([TAG_LOG_ENTRY, level, timeStamp, message])); } } /** * Log that a notification has been sent to the client. */ void logNotification(String notification) { _log(TAG_NOTIFICATION, notification); } /** * Log the given performance fact. */ void logPerformance(String kind, Stopwatch sw, String message) { sw.stop(); String elapsed = sw.elapsedMilliseconds.toString(); if (_instrumentationServer != null) { _instrumentationServer .log(_join([TAG_PERFORMANCE, kind, elapsed, message])); } } /** * Log that the given priority [exception] was thrown, with the given * [stackTrace]. */ void logPriorityException(dynamic exception, StackTrace stackTrace) { if (_instrumentationServer != null) { String message = _toString(exception); String trace = _toString(stackTrace); _instrumentationServer .logWithPriority(_join([TAG_EXCEPTION, message, trace])); } } /** * Log that a request has been sent to the client. */ void logRequest(String request) { _log(TAG_REQUEST, request); } /** * Log that a response has been sent to the client. */ void logResponse(String response) { _log(TAG_RESPONSE, response); } /** * Signal that the client has started analysis server. * This method should be invoked exactly one time. */ void logVersion(String uuid, String clientId, String clientVersion, String serverVersion, String sdkVersion) { String normalize(String value) => value != null && value.length > 0 ? value : 'unknown'; if (_instrumentationServer != null) { _instrumentationServer.logWithPriority(_join([ TAG_VERSION, uuid, normalize(clientId), normalize(clientVersion), serverVersion, sdkVersion ])); } } /** * Log that the file system watcher sent an event. The [folderPath] is the * path to the folder containing the changed file, the [filePath] is the path * of the file that changed, and the [changeType] indicates what kind of * change occurred. */ void logWatchEvent(String folderPath, String filePath, String changeType) { if (_instrumentationServer != null) { _instrumentationServer .log(_join([TAG_WATCH_EVENT, folderPath, filePath, changeType])); } } /** * Signal that the client is done communicating with the instrumentation * server. This method should be invoked exactly one time and no other methods * should be invoked on this instance after this method has been invoked. */ void shutdown() { if (_instrumentationServer != null) { _instrumentationServer.shutdown(); _instrumentationServer = null; } } /** * Write an escaped version of the given [field] to the given [buffer]. */ void _escape(StringBuffer buffer, String field) { int index = field.indexOf(':'); if (index < 0) { buffer.write(field); return; } int start = 0; while (index >= 0) { buffer.write(field.substring(start, index)); buffer.write('::'); start = index + 1; index = field.indexOf(':', start); } buffer.write(field.substring(start)); } /** * Return the result of joining the values of the given fields, escaping the * separator character by doubling it. */ String _join(List fields) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.write(_timestamp); for (String field in fields) { buffer.write(':'); _escape(buffer, field); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Log the given message with the given tag. */ void _log(String tag, String message) { if (_instrumentationServer != null) { _instrumentationServer.log(_join([tag, message])); } } /** * Convert the given [object] to a string. */ String _toString(Object object) { if (object == null) { return 'null'; } return object.toString(); } } /** * An [InstrumentationServer] that sends messages to multiple instances. */ class MulticastInstrumentationServer implements InstrumentationServer { final List _servers; MulticastInstrumentationServer(this._servers); @override void log(String message) { for (InstrumentationServer server in _servers) { server.log(message); } } @override void logWithPriority(String message) { for (InstrumentationServer server in _servers) { server.logWithPriority(message); } } @override void shutdown() { for (InstrumentationServer server in _servers) { server.shutdown(); } } }