Linter Demo Errors: 7Warnings: 59File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/compile_time_constants.dart // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of dart2js; /// A [ConstantEnvironment] provides access for constants compiled for variable /// initializers. abstract class ConstantEnvironment { /// Returns the constant for the initializer of [element]. ConstantExpression getConstantForVariable(VariableElement element); } /// A class that can compile and provide constants for variables, nodes and /// metadata. abstract class ConstantCompiler extends ConstantEnvironment { /// Compiles the compile-time constant for the initializer of [element], or /// reports an error if the initializer is not a compile-time constant. /// /// Depending on implementation, the constant compiler might also compute /// the compile-time constant for the backend interpretation of constants. /// /// The returned constant is always of the frontend interpretation. ConstantExpression compileConstant(VariableElement element); /// Computes the compile-time constant for the variable initializer, /// if possible. void compileVariable(VariableElement element); /// Compiles the compile-time constant for [node], or reports an error if /// [node] is not a compile-time constant. /// /// Depending on implementation, the constant compiler might also compute /// the compile-time constant for the backend interpretation of constants. /// /// The returned constant is always of the frontend interpretation. ConstantExpression compileNode(Node node, TreeElements elements); /// Compiles the compile-time constant for the value [metadata], or reports an /// error if the value is not a compile-time constant. /// /// Depending on implementation, the constant compiler might also compute /// the compile-time constant for the backend interpretation of constants. /// /// The returned constant is always of the frontend interpretation. ConstantExpression compileMetadata(MetadataAnnotation metadata, Node node, TreeElements elements); } /// A [BackendConstantEnvironment] provides access to constants needed for /// backend implementation. abstract class BackendConstantEnvironment extends ConstantEnvironment { /// Returns the compile-time constant associated with [node]. /// /// Depending on implementation, the constant might be stored in [elements]. ConstantExpression getConstantForNode(Node node, TreeElements elements); /// Returns the compile-time constant value of [metadata]. ConstantExpression getConstantForMetadata(MetadataAnnotation metadata); } /// Interface for the task that compiles the constant environments for the /// frontend and backend interpretation of compile-time constants. abstract class ConstantCompilerTask extends CompilerTask implements ConstantCompiler { ConstantCompilerTask(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler); } /** * The [ConstantCompilerBase] is provides base implementation for compilation of * compile-time constants for both the Dart and JavaScript interpretation of * constants. It keeps track of compile-time constants for initializations of * global and static fields, and default values of optional parameters. */ abstract class ConstantCompilerBase implements ConstantCompiler { final Compiler compiler; final ConstantSystem constantSystem; /** * Contains the initial values of fields and default values of parameters. * * Must contain all static and global initializations of const fields. * * May contain eagerly compiled initial values for statics and instance * fields (if those are compile-time constants). * * May contain default parameter values of optional arguments. * * Invariant: The keys in this map are declarations. */ final Map initialVariableValues = new Map(); /** The set of variable elements that are in the process of being computed. */ final Set pendingVariables = new Set(); ConstantCompilerBase(this.compiler, this.constantSystem); ConstantExpression getConstantForVariable(VariableElement element) { return initialVariableValues[element.declaration]; } ConstantExpression compileConstant(VariableElement element) { return compileVariable(element, isConst: true); } ConstantExpression compileVariable(VariableElement element, {bool isConst: false}) { if (initialVariableValues.containsKey(element.declaration)) { ConstantExpression result = initialVariableValues[element.declaration]; return result; } AstElement currentElement = element.analyzableElement; return compiler.withCurrentElement(currentElement, () { compiler.analyzeElement(currentElement.declaration); ConstantExpression constant = compileVariableWithDefinitions( element, currentElement.resolvedAst.elements, isConst: isConst); return constant; }); } /** * Returns the a compile-time constant if the variable could be compiled * eagerly. If the variable needs to be initialized lazily returns `null`. * If the variable is `const` but cannot be compiled eagerly reports an * error. */ ConstantExpression compileVariableWithDefinitions(VariableElement element, TreeElements definitions, {bool isConst: false}) { Node node = element.node; if (pendingVariables.contains(element)) { if (isConst) { compiler.reportError( node, MessageKind.CYCLIC_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANTS); return new ErroneousConstantExpression(); } return null; } pendingVariables.add(element); Expression initializer = element.initializer; ConstantExpression value; if (initializer == null) { // No initial value. value = new PrimitiveConstantExpression(new NullConstantValue()); } else { value = compileNodeWithDefinitions( initializer, definitions, isConst: isConst); if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions && value != null && element.isField) { DartType elementType = element.type; if (elementType.isMalformed && !value.value.isNull) { if (isConst) { ErroneousElement element = elementType.element; compiler.reportError( node, element.messageKind, element.messageArguments); } else { // We need to throw an exception at runtime. value = null; } } else { DartType constantType = value.value.getType(compiler.coreTypes); if (!constantSystem.isSubtype(compiler.types, constantType, elementType)) { if (isConst) { compiler.reportError( node, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE, {'fromType': constantType, 'toType': elementType}); } else { // If the field cannot be lazily initialized, we will throw // the exception at runtime. value = null; } } } } } if (value != null) { initialVariableValues[element.declaration] = value; } else { assert(invariant(element, !isConst, message: "Variable $element does not compile to a constant.")); } pendingVariables.remove(element); return value; } ConstantExpression compileNodeWithDefinitions(Node node, TreeElements definitions, {bool isConst: true}) { assert(node != null); CompileTimeConstantEvaluator evaluator = new CompileTimeConstantEvaluator( this, definitions, compiler, isConst: isConst); AstConstant constant = evaluator.evaluate(node); return constant != null ? constant.expression : null; } ConstantExpression compileNode(Node node, TreeElements elements) { return compileNodeWithDefinitions(node, elements); } ConstantExpression compileMetadata(MetadataAnnotation metadata, Node node, TreeElements elements) { return compileNodeWithDefinitions(node, elements); } void forgetElement(Element element) { initialVariableValues.remove(element); if (element is ScopeContainerElement) { element.forEachLocalMember(initialVariableValues.remove); } if (element is FunctionElement && element.hasFunctionSignature) { element.functionSignature.forEachParameter(this.forgetElement); } } } /// [ConstantCompiler] that uses the Dart semantics for the compile-time /// constant evaluation. class DartConstantCompiler extends ConstantCompilerBase { DartConstantCompiler(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler, const DartConstantSystem()); ConstantExpression getConstantForNode(Node node, TreeElements definitions) { return definitions.getConstant(node); } ConstantExpression getConstantForMetadata(MetadataAnnotation metadata) { return metadata.constant; } ConstantExpression compileNodeWithDefinitions(Node node, TreeElements definitions, {bool isConst: true}) { ConstantExpression constant = definitions.getConstant(node); if (constant != null) { return constant; } constant = super.compileNodeWithDefinitions(node, definitions, isConst: isConst); if (constant != null) { definitions.setConstant(node, constant); } return constant; } } // TODO(johnniwinther): Decouple the creation of [ConstExp] and [Constant] from // front-end AST in order to reuse the evaluation for the shared front-end. class CompileTimeConstantEvaluator extends Visitor { bool isEvaluatingConstant; final ConstantCompilerBase handler; final TreeElements elements; final Compiler compiler; Element get context => elements.analyzedElement; CompileTimeConstantEvaluator(this.handler, this.elements, this.compiler, {bool isConst: false}) : this.isEvaluatingConstant = isConst; ConstantSystem get constantSystem => handler.constantSystem; AstConstant evaluate(Node node) { return node.accept(this); } AstConstant evaluateConstant(Node node) { bool oldIsEvaluatingConstant = isEvaluatingConstant; isEvaluatingConstant = true; AstConstant result = node.accept(this); isEvaluatingConstant = oldIsEvaluatingConstant; assert(result != null); return result; } AstConstant visitNode(Node node) { return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node); } AstConstant visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) { return new AstConstant( context, node, new PrimitiveConstantExpression( constantSystem.createBool(node.value))); } AstConstant visitLiteralDouble(LiteralDouble node) { return new AstConstant( context, node, new PrimitiveConstantExpression( constantSystem.createDouble(node.value))); } AstConstant visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) { return new AstConstant( context, node, new PrimitiveConstantExpression( constantSystem.createInt(node.value))); } AstConstant visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) { if (!node.isConst) { return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node); } List argumentExpressions = []; List argumentValues = []; for (Link link = node.elements.nodes; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) { AstConstant argument = evaluateConstant(link.head); if (argument == null) { return null; } argumentExpressions.add(argument.expression); argumentValues.add(argument.value); } DartType type = elements.getType(node); return new AstConstant( context, node, new ListConstantExpression( new ListConstantValue(type, argumentValues), type, argumentExpressions)); } AstConstant visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) { if (!node.isConst) { return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node); } List keyExpressions = []; List keyValues = []; Map map = new Map(); for (Link link = node.entries.nodes; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) { LiteralMapEntry entry = link.head; AstConstant key = evaluateConstant(entry.key); if (key == null) { return null; } if (!map.containsKey(key.value)) { keyExpressions.add(key.expression); keyValues.add(key.value); } else { compiler.reportWarning(entry.key, MessageKind.EQUAL_MAP_ENTRY_KEY); } AstConstant value = evaluateConstant(entry.value); if (value == null) { return null; } map[key.value] = value.expression; } List valueExpressions = map.values.toList(); InterfaceType type = elements.getType(node); return new AstConstant( context, node, new MapConstantExpression( constantSystem.createMap(compiler, type, keyValues, => e.value).toList()), type, keyExpressions, valueExpressions)); } AstConstant visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) { return new AstConstant( context, node, new PrimitiveConstantExpression( constantSystem.createNull())); } AstConstant visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) { return new AstConstant( context, node, new PrimitiveConstantExpression( constantSystem.createString(node.dartString))); } AstConstant visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node) { AstConstant left = evaluate(node.first); AstConstant right = evaluate(node.second); if (left == null || right == null) return null; StringConstantValue leftValue = left.value; StringConstantValue rightValue = right.value; return new AstConstant( context, node, new ConcatenateConstantExpression( constantSystem.createString( new DartString.concat( leftValue.primitiveValue, rightValue.primitiveValue)), [left.expression, right.expression])); } AstConstant visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) { List subexpressions = []; AstConstant initialString = evaluate(node.string); if (initialString == null) { return null; } subexpressions.add(initialString.expression); StringConstantValue initialStringValue = initialString.value; DartString accumulator = initialStringValue.primitiveValue; for (StringInterpolationPart part in { AstConstant subexpression = evaluate(part.expression); if (subexpression == null) { return null; } subexpressions.add(subexpression.expression); ConstantValue expression = subexpression.value; DartString expressionString; if (expression.isNum || expression.isBool) { PrimitiveConstantValue primitive = expression; expressionString = new DartString.literal(primitive.primitiveValue.toString()); } else if (expression.isString) { PrimitiveConstantValue primitive = expression; expressionString = primitive.primitiveValue; } else { // TODO(johnniwinther): Specialize message to indicated that the problem // is not constness but the types of the const expressions. return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(part.expression); } accumulator = new DartString.concat(accumulator, expressionString); AstConstant partString = evaluate(part.string); if (partString == null) return null; subexpressions.add(partString.expression); StringConstantValue partStringValue = partString.value; accumulator = new DartString.concat(accumulator, partStringValue.primitiveValue); }; return new AstConstant( context, node, new ConcatenateConstantExpression( constantSystem.createString(accumulator), subexpressions)); } AstConstant visitLiteralSymbol(LiteralSymbol node) { InterfaceType type = compiler.symbolClass.rawType; String text = node.slowNameString; List arguments = [new AstConstant(context, node, new PrimitiveConstantExpression(constantSystem.createString( new DartString.literal(text))))]; AstConstant constant = makeConstructedConstant( compiler, handler, context, node, type, compiler.symbolConstructor, CallStructure.ONE_ARG, arguments, arguments); return new AstConstant( context, node, new SymbolConstantExpression(constant.value, text)); } AstConstant makeTypeConstant(Node node, DartType elementType) { DartType constantType = compiler.backend.typeImplementation.computeType(compiler); return new AstConstant( context, node, new TypeConstantExpression( new TypeConstantValue(elementType, constantType), elementType)); } /// Returns true if the prefix of the send resolves to a deferred import /// prefix. bool isDeferredUse(Send send) { if (send == null) return false; return compiler.deferredLoadTask .deferredPrefixElement(send, elements) != null; } AstConstant visitIdentifier(Identifier node) { Element element = elements[node]; if (Elements.isClass(element) || Elements.isTypedef(element)) { TypeDeclarationElement typeDeclarationElement = element; DartType type = typeDeclarationElement.rawType; return makeTypeConstant(node, type); } return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node); } // TODO(floitsch): provide better error-messages. AstConstant visitSend(Send send) { Element element = elements[send]; if (send.isPropertyAccess) { if (isDeferredUse(send)) { return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send, message: MessageKind.DEFERRED_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT); } if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelFunction(element)) { FunctionElementX function = element; function.computeType(compiler); return new AstConstant( context, send, new FunctionConstantExpression( new FunctionConstantValue(function), function)); } else if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelField(element)) { ConstantExpression result; if (element.isConst) { result = handler.compileConstant(element); } else if (element.isFinal && !isEvaluatingConstant) { result = handler.compileVariable(element); } if (result != null) { return new AstConstant( context, send, new VariableConstantExpression(result.value, element)); } } else if (Elements.isClass(element) || Elements.isTypedef(element)) { assert(elements.isTypeLiteral(send)); return makeTypeConstant(send, elements.getTypeLiteralType(send)); } else if (send.receiver != null) { if (send.selector.asIdentifier().source == "length") { AstConstant left = evaluate(send.receiver); if (left != null && left.value.isString) { StringConstantValue stringConstantValue = left.value; DartString string = stringConstantValue.primitiveValue; IntConstantValue length = constantSystem.createInt(string.length); return new AstConstant( context, send, new VariableConstantExpression(length, element)); } } // Fall through to error handling. } else if (!Elements.isUnresolved(element) && element.isVariable && element.isConst) { ConstantExpression result = handler.compileConstant(element); if (result != null) { return new AstConstant( context, send, new VariableConstantExpression(result.value, element)); } } return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send); } else if (send.isCall) { if (element == compiler.identicalFunction && send.argumentCount() == 2) { AstConstant left = evaluate(send.argumentsNode.nodes.head); AstConstant right = evaluate(send.argumentsNode.nodes.tail.head); if (left == null || right == null) { return null; } ConstantValue result = constantSystem.identity.fold(left.value, right.value); if (result != null) { return new AstConstant( context, send, new BinaryConstantExpression(result, left.expression, 'identical', right.expression)); } } return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send); } else if (send.isPrefix) { assert(send.isOperator); AstConstant receiverConstant = evaluate(send.receiver); if (receiverConstant == null) { return null; } Operator op = send.selector; UnaryOperation operation = constantSystem.lookupUnary(op.source); if (operation == null) { compiler.internalError(op, "Unexpected operator."); } ConstantValue folded = operation.fold(receiverConstant.value); if (folded == null) { return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send); } return new AstConstant( context, send, new UnaryConstantExpression(folded, op.source, receiverConstant.expression)); } else if (send.isOperator && !send.isPostfix) { assert(send.argumentCount() == 1); AstConstant left = evaluate(send.receiver); AstConstant right = evaluate(send.argumentsNode.nodes.head); if (left == null || right == null) { return null; } ConstantValue leftValue = left.value; ConstantValue rightValue = right.value; Operator op = send.selector.asOperator(); ConstantValue folded = null; switch (op.source) { case "==": if (leftValue.isPrimitive && rightValue.isPrimitive) { folded = constantSystem.equal.fold(leftValue, rightValue); } break; case "!=": if (leftValue.isPrimitive && rightValue.isPrimitive) { BoolConstantValue areEquals = constantSystem.equal.fold(leftValue, rightValue); if (areEquals == null) { folded = null; } else { folded = areEquals.negate(); } } break; default: BinaryOperation operation = constantSystem.lookupBinary(op.source); if (operation != null) { folded = operation.fold(leftValue, rightValue); } } if (folded == null) { return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send); } return new AstConstant( context, send, new BinaryConstantExpression(folded, left.expression, op.source, right.expression)); } return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send); } AstConstant visitConditional(Conditional node) { AstConstant condition = evaluate(node.condition); if (condition == null) { return null; } else if (!condition.value.isBool) { DartType conditionType = condition.value.getType(compiler.coreTypes); if (isEvaluatingConstant) { compiler.reportError( node.condition, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE, {'fromType': conditionType, 'toType': compiler.boolClass.rawType}); return new ErroneousAstConstant(context, node); } return null; } AstConstant thenExpression = evaluate(node.thenExpression); AstConstant elseExpression = evaluate(node.elseExpression); if (thenExpression == null || elseExpression == null) { return null; } BoolConstantValue boolCondition = condition.value; return new AstConstant( context, node, new ConditionalConstantExpression( boolCondition.primitiveValue ? thenExpression.value : elseExpression.value, condition.expression, thenExpression.expression, elseExpression.expression)); } AstConstant visitSendSet(SendSet node) { return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node); } /** * Returns the normalized list of constant arguments that are passed to the * constructor including both the concrete arguments and default values for * omitted optional arguments. * * Invariant: [target] must be an implementation element. */ List evaluateArgumentsToConstructor( Node node, CallStructure callStructure, Link arguments, FunctionElement target, {AstConstant compileArgument(Node node)}) { assert(invariant(node, target.isImplementation)); AstConstant compileDefaultValue(VariableElement element) { ConstantExpression constant = handler.compileConstant(element); return new AstConstant.fromDefaultValue(element, constant); } target.computeSignature(compiler); if (!callStructure.signatureApplies(target)) { String name = Elements.constructorNameForDiagnostics(,; compiler.reportError( node, MessageKind.INVALID_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGUMENTS, {'constructorName': name}); return new List.filled( target.functionSignature.parameterCount, new ErroneousAstConstant(context, node)); } return callStructure.makeArgumentsList( arguments, target, compileArgument, compileDefaultValue); } AstConstant visitNewExpression(NewExpression node) { if (!node.isConst) { return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node); } Send send = node.send; FunctionElement constructor = elements[send]; if (Elements.isUnresolved(constructor)) { return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node); } // Deferred types can not be used in const instance creation expressions. // Check if the constructor comes from a deferred library. if (isDeferredUse(node.send.selector.asSend())) { return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node, message: MessageKind.DEFERRED_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT_CONSTRUCTION); } // TODO(ahe): This is nasty: we must eagerly analyze the // constructor to ensure the redirectionTarget has been computed // correctly. Find a way to avoid this. compiler.analyzeElement(constructor.declaration); InterfaceType type = elements.getType(node); CallStructure callStructure = elements.getSelector(send).callStructure; Map concreteArgumentMap = {}; for (Link link = send.arguments; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) { Node argument = link.head; NamedArgument namedArgument = argument.asNamedArgument(); if (namedArgument != null) { argument = namedArgument.expression; } concreteArgumentMap[argument] = evaluateConstant(argument); } List normalizedArguments = evaluateArgumentsToConstructor( node, callStructure, send.arguments, constructor.implementation, compileArgument: (node) => concreteArgumentMap[node]); List concreteArguments = concreteArgumentMap.values.toList(); if (constructor == compiler.intEnvironment || constructor == compiler.boolEnvironment || constructor == compiler.stringEnvironment) { AstConstant createEvaluatedConstant(ConstantValue value) { return new AstConstant( context, node, new ConstructedConstantExpression( value, type, constructor, elements.getSelector(send).callStructure, => e.expression).toList())); } var firstArgument = normalizedArguments[0].value; ConstantValue defaultValue = normalizedArguments[1].value; if (firstArgument.isNull) { compiler.reportError( send.arguments.head, MessageKind.NULL_NOT_ALLOWED); return null; } if (!firstArgument.isString) { DartType type = defaultValue.getType(compiler.coreTypes); compiler.reportError( send.arguments.head, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE, {'fromType': type, 'toType': compiler.stringClass.rawType}); return null; } if (constructor == compiler.intEnvironment && !(defaultValue.isNull || defaultValue.isInt)) { DartType type = defaultValue.getType(compiler.coreTypes); compiler.reportError( send.arguments.tail.head, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE, {'fromType': type, 'toType': compiler.intClass.rawType}); return null; } if (constructor == compiler.boolEnvironment && !(defaultValue.isNull || defaultValue.isBool)) { DartType type = defaultValue.getType(compiler.coreTypes); compiler.reportError( send.arguments.tail.head, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE, {'fromType': type, 'toType': compiler.boolClass.rawType}); return null; } if (constructor == compiler.stringEnvironment && !(defaultValue.isNull || defaultValue.isString)) { DartType type = defaultValue.getType(compiler.coreTypes); compiler.reportError( send.arguments.tail.head, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE, {'fromType': type, 'toType': compiler.stringClass.rawType}); return null; } String value = compiler.fromEnvironment(firstArgument.primitiveValue.slowToString()); if (value == null) { return createEvaluatedConstant(defaultValue); } else if (constructor == compiler.intEnvironment) { int number = int.parse(value, onError: (_) => null); return createEvaluatedConstant( (number == null) ? defaultValue : constantSystem.createInt(number)); } else if (constructor == compiler.boolEnvironment) { if (value == 'true') { return createEvaluatedConstant(constantSystem.createBool(true)); } else if (value == 'false') { return createEvaluatedConstant(constantSystem.createBool(false)); } else { return createEvaluatedConstant(defaultValue); } } else { assert(constructor == compiler.stringEnvironment); return createEvaluatedConstant( constantSystem.createString(new DartString.literal(value))); } } else { return makeConstructedConstant( compiler, handler, context, node, type, constructor, callStructure, concreteArguments, normalizedArguments); } } static AstConstant makeConstructedConstant( Compiler compiler, ConstantCompilerBase handler, Element context, Node node, InterfaceType type, ConstructorElement constructor, CallStructure callStructure, List concreteArguments, List normalizedArguments) { assert(invariant(node, callStructure.signatureApplies(constructor) || compiler.compilationFailed, message: "Call structure $callStructure does not apply to constructor " "$constructor.")); // The redirection chain of this element may not have been resolved through // a post-process action, so we have to make sure it is done here. compiler.resolver.resolveRedirectionChain(constructor, node); InterfaceType constructedType = constructor.computeEffectiveTargetType(type); ConstructorElement target = constructor.effectiveTarget; ClassElement classElement = target.enclosingClass; // The constructor must be an implementation to ensure that field // initializers are handled correctly. target = target.implementation; assert(invariant(node, target.isImplementation)); ConstructorEvaluator evaluator = new ConstructorEvaluator( constructedType, target, handler, compiler); evaluator.evaluateConstructorFieldValues(normalizedArguments); List fieldConstants = evaluator.buildFieldConstants(classElement); return new AstConstant( context, node, new ConstructedConstantExpression( new ConstructedConstantValue( constructedType, => e.value).toList()), type, constructor, callStructure, => e.expression).toList())); } AstConstant visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) { return node.expression.accept(this); } error(Node node, MessageKind message) { // TODO(floitsch): get the list of constants that are currently compiled // and present some kind of stack-trace. compiler.reportError(node, message); } AstConstant signalNotCompileTimeConstant(Node node, {MessageKind message: MessageKind.NOT_A_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT}) { if (isEvaluatingConstant) { error(node, message); return new AstConstant( null, node, new PrimitiveConstantExpression(new NullConstantValue())); } // Else we don't need to do anything. The final handler is only // optimistically trying to compile constants. So it is normal that we // sometimes see non-compile time constants. // Simply return [:null:] which is used to propagate a failing // compile-time compilation. return null; } } class ConstructorEvaluator extends CompileTimeConstantEvaluator { final InterfaceType constructedType; final ConstructorElement constructor; final Map definitions; final Map fieldValues; /** * Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther * * Invariant: [constructor] must be an implementation element. */ ConstructorEvaluator(InterfaceType this.constructedType, FunctionElement constructor, ConstantCompiler handler, Compiler compiler) : this.constructor = constructor, this.definitions = new Map(), this.fieldValues = new Map(), super(handler, compiler.resolver.resolveMethodElement(constructor.declaration), compiler, isConst: true) { assert(invariant(constructor, constructor.isImplementation)); } AstConstant visitSend(Send send) { Element element = elements[send]; if (Elements.isLocal(element)) { AstConstant constant = definitions[element]; if (constant == null) { compiler.internalError(send, "Local variable without value."); } return constant; } return super.visitSend(send); } void potentiallyCheckType(Node node, TypedElement element, AstConstant constant) { if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions) { DartType elementType = element.type.substByContext(constructedType); DartType constantType = constant.value.getType(compiler.coreTypes); if (!constantSystem.isSubtype(compiler.types, constantType, elementType)) { compiler.withCurrentElement(constant.element, () { compiler.reportError( constant.node, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE, {'fromType': constantType, 'toType': elementType}); }); } } } void updateFieldValue(Node node, TypedElement element, AstConstant constant) { potentiallyCheckType(node, element, constant); fieldValues[element] = constant; } /** * Given the arguments (a list of constants) assigns them to the parameters, * updating the definitions map. If the constructor has field-initializer * parameters (like [:this.x:]), also updates the [fieldValues] map. */ void assignArgumentsToParameters(List arguments) { if (constructor.isErroneous) return; // Assign arguments to parameters. FunctionSignature signature = constructor.functionSignature; int index = 0; signature.orderedForEachParameter((ParameterElement parameter) { AstConstant argument = arguments[index++]; Node node = parameter.node; if (parameter.isInitializingFormal) { InitializingFormalElement initializingFormal = parameter; updateFieldValue(node, initializingFormal.fieldElement, argument); } else { potentiallyCheckType(node, parameter, argument); definitions[parameter] = argument; } }); } void evaluateSuperOrRedirectSend(List compiledArguments, FunctionElement targetConstructor) { ConstructorEvaluator evaluator = new ConstructorEvaluator( constructedType.asInstanceOf(targetConstructor.enclosingClass), targetConstructor, handler, compiler); evaluator.evaluateConstructorFieldValues(compiledArguments); // Copy over the fieldValues from the super/redirect-constructor. // No need to go through [updateFieldValue] because the // assignments have already been checked in checked mode. evaluator.fieldValues.forEach((key, value) => fieldValues[key] = value); } /** * Runs through the initializers of the given [constructor] and updates * the [fieldValues] map. */ void evaluateConstructorInitializers() { if (constructor.isSynthesized) { List compiledArguments = []; Function compileArgument = (element) => definitions[element]; Function compileConstant = handler.compileConstant; FunctionElement target = constructor.definingConstructor.implementation; CallStructure.addForwardingElementArgumentsToList( constructor, compiledArguments, target, compileArgument, compileConstant); evaluateSuperOrRedirectSend(compiledArguments, target); return; } FunctionExpression functionNode = constructor.node; NodeList initializerList = functionNode.initializers; bool foundSuperOrRedirect = false; if (initializerList != null) { for (Link link = initializerList.nodes; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) { assert(link.head is Send); if (link.head is !SendSet) { // A super initializer or constructor redirection. Send call = link.head; FunctionElement target = elements[call]; List compiledArguments = evaluateArgumentsToConstructor( call, elements.getSelector(call).callStructure, call.arguments, target, compileArgument: evaluateConstant); evaluateSuperOrRedirectSend(compiledArguments, target); foundSuperOrRedirect = true; } else { // A field initializer. SendSet init = link.head; Link initArguments = init.arguments; assert(!initArguments.isEmpty && initArguments.tail.isEmpty); AstConstant fieldValue = evaluate(initArguments.head); updateFieldValue(init, elements[init], fieldValue); } } } if (!foundSuperOrRedirect) { // No super initializer found. Try to find the default constructor if // the class is not Object. ClassElement enclosingClass = constructor.enclosingClass; ClassElement superClass = enclosingClass.superclass; if (enclosingClass != compiler.objectClass) { assert(superClass != null); assert(superClass.resolutionState == STATE_DONE); FunctionElement targetConstructor = superClass.lookupDefaultConstructor(); // If we do not find a default constructor, an error was reported // already and compilation will fail anyway. So just ignore that case. if (targetConstructor != null) { List compiledArguments = evaluateArgumentsToConstructor( functionNode, CallStructure.NO_ARGS, const Link(), targetConstructor); evaluateSuperOrRedirectSend(compiledArguments, targetConstructor); } } } } /** * Simulates the execution of the [constructor] with the given * [arguments] to obtain the field values that need to be passed to the * native JavaScript constructor. */ void evaluateConstructorFieldValues(List arguments) { if (constructor.isErroneous) return; compiler.withCurrentElement(constructor, () { assignArgumentsToParameters(arguments); evaluateConstructorInitializers(); }); } /// Builds a normalized list of the constant values for each field in the /// inheritance chain of [classElement]. List buildFieldConstants(ClassElement classElement) { List fieldConstants = []; classElement.implementation.forEachInstanceField( (ClassElement enclosing, FieldElement field) { AstConstant fieldValue = fieldValues[field]; if (fieldValue == null) { // Use the default value. fieldValue = new AstConstant.fromDefaultValue( field, handler.compileConstant(field)); } fieldConstants.add(fieldValue); }, includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true); return fieldConstants; } } /// A constant created from the front-end AST. /// /// [element] and [node] point to the source location of the constant. /// [expression] holds the symbolic constant expression and [value] its constant /// value. /// /// This class differs from [ConstantExpression] in that it is coupled to the /// front-end AST whereas [ConstantExpression] is only coupled to the element /// model. class AstConstant { final Element element; final Node node; final ConstantExpression expression; AstConstant(this.element, this.node, this.expression); factory AstConstant.fromDefaultValue( VariableElement element, ConstantExpression constant) { return new AstConstant( element, element.initializer != null ? element.initializer : element.node, constant); } ConstantValue get value => expression.value; String toString() => expression.toString(); } /// A synthetic constant used to recover from errors. class ErroneousAstConstant extends AstConstant { ErroneousAstConstant(Element element, Node node) : super(element, node, new ErroneousConstantExpression()); }