Linter Demo Errors: 3Warnings: 181File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/scanner/listener.dart // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of scanner; const bool VERBOSE = false; /** * A parser event listener that does nothing except throw exceptions * on parser errors. */ class Listener { set suppressParseErrors(bool value) { } void beginArguments(Token token) { } void endArguments(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } /// Handle async modifiers `async`, `async*`, `sync`. void handleAsyncModifier(Token asyncToken, Token startToken) { } void beginAwaitExpression(Token token) { } void endAwaitExpression(Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginBlock(Token token) { } void endBlock(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginCascade(Token token) { } void endCascade() { } void beginClassBody(Token token) { } void endClassBody(int memberCount, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginClassDeclaration(Token token) { } void endClassDeclaration(int interfacesCount, Token beginToken, Token extendsKeyword, Token implementsKeyword, Token endToken) { } void beginCombinators(Token token) { } void endCombinators(int count) { } void beginCompilationUnit(Token token) { } void endCompilationUnit(int count, Token token) { } void beginConstructorReference(Token start) { } void endConstructorReference(Token start, Token periodBeforeName, Token endToken) { } void beginDoWhileStatement(Token token) { } void endDoWhileStatement(Token doKeyword, Token whileKeyword, Token endToken) { } void beginEnum(Token enumKeyword) { } void endEnum(Token enumKeyword, Token endBrace, int count) { } void beginExport(Token token) { } void endExport(Token exportKeyword, Token semicolon) { } void beginExpressionStatement(Token token) { } void endExpressionStatement(Token token) { } void beginFactoryMethod(Token token) { } void endFactoryMethod(Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginFormalParameter(Token token) { } void endFormalParameter(Token thisKeyword) { } void handleNoFormalParameters(Token token) { } void beginFormalParameters(Token token) { } void endFormalParameters(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void endFields(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginForStatement(Token token) { } void endForStatement(int updateExpressionCount, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void endForIn(Token awaitToken, Token forToken, Token inKeyword, Token endToken) { } void beginFunction(Token token) { } void endFunction(Token getOrSet, Token endToken) { } void beginFunctionDeclaration(Token token) { } void endFunctionDeclaration(Token token) { } void beginFunctionBody(Token token) { } void endFunctionBody(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void handleNoFunctionBody(Token token) { } void skippedFunctionBody(Token token) { } void beginFunctionName(Token token) { } void endFunctionName(Token token) { } void beginFunctionTypeAlias(Token token) { } void endFunctionTypeAlias(Token typedefKeyword, Token endToken) { } void beginMixinApplication(Token token) { } void endMixinApplication() { } void beginNamedMixinApplication(Token token) { } void endNamedMixinApplication(Token classKeyword, Token implementsKeyword, Token endToken) { } void beginHide(Token hideKeyword) { } void endHide(Token hideKeyword) { } void beginIdentifierList(Token token) { } void endIdentifierList(int count) { } void beginTypeList(Token token) { } void endTypeList(int count) { } void beginIfStatement(Token token) { } void endIfStatement(Token ifToken, Token elseToken) { } void beginImport(Token importKeyword) { } void endImport(Token importKeyword, Token DeferredKeyword, Token asKeyword, Token semicolon) { } void beginInitializedIdentifier(Token token) { } void endInitializedIdentifier() { } void beginInitializer(Token token) { } void endInitializer(Token assignmentOperator) { } void beginInitializers(Token token) { } void endInitializers(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void handleNoInitializers() { } void handleLabel(Token token) { } void beginLabeledStatement(Token token, int labelCount) { } void endLabeledStatement(int labelCount) { } void beginLibraryName(Token token) { } void endLibraryName(Token libraryKeyword, Token semicolon) { } void beginLiteralMapEntry(Token token) { } void endLiteralMapEntry(Token colon, Token endToken) { } void beginLiteralString(Token token) { } void endLiteralString(int interpolationCount) { } void handleStringJuxtaposition(int literalCount) { } void beginMember(Token token) { } void endMethod(Token getOrSet, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginMetadataStar(Token token) { } void endMetadataStar(int count, bool forParameter) { } void beginMetadata(Token token) { } void endMetadata(Token beginToken, Token periodBeforeName, Token endToken) { } void beginOptionalFormalParameters(Token token) { } void endOptionalFormalParameters(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginPart(Token token) { } void endPart(Token partKeyword, Token semicolon) { } void beginPartOf(Token token) { } void endPartOf(Token partKeyword, Token semicolon) { } void beginRedirectingFactoryBody(Token token) { } void endRedirectingFactoryBody(Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginReturnStatement(Token token) { } void endReturnStatement(bool hasExpression, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginSend(Token token) { } void endSend(Token token) { } void beginShow(Token showKeyword) { } void endShow(Token showKeyword) { } void beginSwitchStatement(Token token) { } void endSwitchStatement(Token switchKeyword, Token endToken) { } void beginSwitchBlock(Token token) { } void endSwitchBlock(int caseCount, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginLiteralSymbol(Token token) { } void endLiteralSymbol(Token hashToken, int identifierCount) { } void beginThrowExpression(Token token) { } void endThrowExpression(Token throwToken, Token endToken) { } void beginRethrowStatement(Token token) { } void endRethrowStatement(Token throwToken, Token endToken) { } void endTopLevelDeclaration(Token token) { } void beginTopLevelMember(Token token) { } void endTopLevelFields(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void endTopLevelMethod(Token beginToken, Token getOrSet, Token endToken) { } void beginTryStatement(Token token) { } void handleCaseMatch(Token caseKeyword, Token colon) { } void handleCatchBlock(Token onKeyword, Token catchKeyword) { } void handleFinallyBlock(Token finallyKeyword) { } void endTryStatement(int catchCount, Token tryKeyword, Token finallyKeyword) { } void endType(Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginTypeArguments(Token token) { } void endTypeArguments(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void handleNoTypeArguments(Token token) { } void beginTypeVariable(Token token) { } void endTypeVariable(Token token) { } void beginTypeVariables(Token token) { } void endTypeVariables(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { } void beginUnnamedFunction(Token token) { } void endUnnamedFunction(Token token) { } void beginVariablesDeclaration(Token token) { } void endVariablesDeclaration(int count, Token endToken) { } void beginWhileStatement(Token token) { } void endWhileStatement(Token whileKeyword, Token endToken) { } void handleAsOperator(Token operathor, Token endToken) { // TODO(ahe): Rename [operathor] to "operator" when VM bug is fixed. } void handleAssignmentExpression(Token token) { } void handleBinaryExpression(Token token) { } void handleConditionalExpression(Token question, Token colon) { } void handleConstExpression(Token token) { } void handleFunctionTypedFormalParameter(Token token) { } void handleIdentifier(Token token) { } void handleIndexedExpression(Token openCurlyBracket, Token closeCurlyBracket) { } void handleIsOperator(Token operathor, Token not, Token endToken) { // TODO(ahe): Rename [operathor] to "operator" when VM bug is fixed. } void handleLiteralBool(Token token) { } void handleBreakStatement(bool hasTarget, Token breakKeyword, Token endToken) { } void handleContinueStatement(bool hasTarget, Token continueKeyword, Token endToken) { } void handleEmptyStatement(Token token) { } void handleAssertStatement(Token assertKeyword, Token semicolonToken) { } /** Called with either the token containing a double literal, or * an immediately preceding "unary plus" token. */ void handleLiteralDouble(Token token) { } /** Called with either the token containing an integer literal, * or an immediately preceding "unary plus" token. */ void handleLiteralInt(Token token) { } void handleLiteralList(int count, Token beginToken, Token constKeyword, Token endToken) { } void handleLiteralMap(int count, Token beginToken, Token constKeyword, Token endToken) { } void handleLiteralNull(Token token) { } void handleModifier(Token token) { } void handleModifiers(int count) { } void handleNamedArgument(Token colon) { } void handleNewExpression(Token token) { } void handleNoArguments(Token token) { } void handleNoExpression(Token token) { } void handleNoType(Token token) { } void handleNoTypeVariables(Token token) { } void handleOperator(Token token) { } void handleOperatorName(Token operatorKeyword, Token token) { } void handleParenthesizedExpression(BeginGroupToken token) { } void handleQualified(Token period) { } void handleStringPart(Token token) { } void handleSuperExpression(Token token) { } void handleSwitchCase(int labelCount, int expressionCount, Token defaultKeyword, int statementCount, Token firstToken, Token endToken) { } void handleThisExpression(Token token) { } void handleUnaryPostfixAssignmentExpression(Token token) { } void handleUnaryPrefixExpression(Token token) { } void handleUnaryPrefixAssignmentExpression(Token token) { } void handleValuedFormalParameter(Token equals, Token token) { } void handleVoidKeyword(Token token) { } void beginYieldStatement(Token token) { } void endYieldStatement(Token yieldToken, Token starToken, Token endToken) { } Token expected(String string, Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("expected '$string', but got '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } Token synthesizeIdentifier(Token token) { Token synthesizedToken = new StringToken.fromString(IDENTIFIER_INFO, '?', token.charOffset); =; return synthesizedToken; } Token expectedIdentifier(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("expected identifier, but got '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedType(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("expected a type, but got '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedExpression(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("expected an expression, but got '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } Token unexpected(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("unexpected token '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedBlockToSkip(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("expected a block, but got '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedFunctionBody(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("expected a function body, but got '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedClassBody(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("expected a class body, but got '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedClassBodyToSkip(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("expected a class body, but got '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedDeclaration(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("expected a declaration, but got '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } Token unmatched(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { error("unmatched '${token.value}'", token); } return skipToEof(token); } skipToEof(Token token) { while (!identical(, EOF_INFO)) { token =; } return token; } void recoverableError(Token token, String message) { error(message, token); } void error(String message, Token token) { throw new ParserError("$message @ ${token.charOffset}"); } void reportError(Spannable spannable, MessageKind messageKind, [Map arguments = const {}]) { String message = messageKind.message(arguments, true).toString(); Token token; Node node; if (spannable is Token) { token = spannable; } else if (spannable is Node) { token = spannable.getBeginToken(); } else { throw new ParserError(message); } recoverableError(token, message); } void reportErrorToken(ErrorToken token) { if (token is BadInputToken) { String hex = token.character.toRadixString(16); if (hex.length < 4) { String padding = "0000".substring(hex.length); hex = "$padding$hex"; } reportError( token, MessageKind.BAD_INPUT_CHARACTER, {'characterHex': hex}); } else if (token is UnterminatedToken) { String start = token.start; MessageKind kind; var arguments = const {}; switch (token.start) { case '1e': kind = MessageKind.EXPONENT_MISSING; break; case '"': case "'": case '"""': case "'''": case 'r"': case "r'": case 'r"""': case "r'''": kind = MessageKind.UNTERMINATED_STRING; arguments = {'quote': token.start}; break; case '0x': kind = MessageKind.HEX_DIGIT_EXPECTED; break; case r'$': kind = MessageKind.MALFORMED_STRING_LITERAL; break; case '/*': kind = MessageKind.UNTERMINATED_COMMENT; break; default: kind = MessageKind.UNTERMINATED_TOKEN; break; } reportError(token, kind, arguments); } else if (token is UnmatchedToken) { String begin = token.begin.value; String end = closeBraceFor(begin); reportError( token, MessageKind.UNMATCHED_TOKEN, {'begin': begin, 'end': end}); } else { throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(token, token.assertionMessage); } } } String closeBraceFor(String openBrace) { return const { '(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}', '<': '>', r'${': '}', }[openBrace]; } class ParserError { final String reason; ParserError(this.reason); toString() => reason; } typedef int IdGenerator(); /** * A parser event listener designed to work with [PartialParser]. It * builds elements representing the top-level declarations found in * the parsed compilation unit and records them in * [compilationUnitElement]. */ class ElementListener extends Listener { final IdGenerator idGenerator; final DiagnosticListener listener; final CompilationUnitElement compilationUnitElement; final StringValidator stringValidator; Link interpolationScope; Link nodes = const Link(); Link metadata = const Link(); /// Records a stack of booleans for each member parsed (a stack is used to /// support nested members which isn't currently possible, but it also serves /// as a simple way to tell we're currently parsing a member). In this case, /// member refers to members of a library or a class (but currently, classes /// themselves are not considered members). If the top of the stack /// (memberErrors.head) is true, the current member has already reported at /// least one parse error. Link memberErrors = const Link(); bool suppressParseErrors = false; ElementListener( DiagnosticListener listener, this.compilationUnitElement, this.idGenerator) : this.listener = listener, stringValidator = new StringValidator(listener), interpolationScope = const Link(); bool get currentMemberHasParseError { return !memberErrors.isEmpty && memberErrors.head; } void pushQuoting(StringQuoting quoting) { interpolationScope = interpolationScope.prepend(quoting); } StringQuoting popQuoting() { StringQuoting result = interpolationScope.head; interpolationScope = interpolationScope.tail; return result; } StringNode popLiteralString() { StringNode node = popNode(); // TODO(lrn): Handle interpolations in script tags. if (node.isInterpolation) { listener.internalError(node, "String interpolation not supported in library tags."); return null; } return node; } bool allowLibraryTags() { // Library tags are only allowed in the library file itself, not // in sourced files. LibraryElement library = compilationUnitElement.implementationLibrary; return !compilationUnitElement.hasMembers && library.entryCompilationUnit == compilationUnitElement; } void endLibraryName(Token libraryKeyword, Token semicolon) { Expression name = popNode(); addLibraryTag(new LibraryName(libraryKeyword, name, popMetadata(compilationUnitElement))); } void endImport(Token importKeyword, Token deferredKeyword, Token asKeyword, Token semicolon) { NodeList combinators = popNode(); bool isDeferred = deferredKeyword != null; Identifier prefix; if (asKeyword != null) { prefix = popNode(); } StringNode uri = popLiteralString(); addLibraryTag(new Import(importKeyword, uri, prefix, combinators, popMetadata(compilationUnitElement), isDeferred: isDeferred)); } void endEnum(Token enumKeyword, Token endBrace, int count) { NodeList names = makeNodeList(count,, endBrace, ","); Identifier name = popNode(); int id = idGenerator(); Element enclosing = compilationUnitElement; pushElement(new EnumClassElementX(name.source, enclosing, id, new Enum(enumKeyword, name, names))); rejectBuiltInIdentifier(name); } void endExport(Token exportKeyword, Token semicolon) { NodeList combinators = popNode(); StringNode uri = popNode(); addLibraryTag(new Export(exportKeyword, uri, combinators, popMetadata(compilationUnitElement))); } void endCombinators(int count) { if (0 == count) { pushNode(null); } else { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, null, null, " ")); } } void endHide(Token hideKeyword) => pushCombinator(hideKeyword); void endShow(Token showKeyword) => pushCombinator(showKeyword); void pushCombinator(Token keywordToken) { NodeList identifiers = popNode(); pushNode(new Combinator(identifiers, keywordToken)); } void endIdentifierList(int count) { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, null, null, ",")); } void endTypeList(int count) { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, null, null, ",")); } void endPart(Token partKeyword, Token semicolon) { StringNode uri = popLiteralString(); addLibraryTag(new Part(partKeyword, uri, popMetadata(compilationUnitElement))); } void endPartOf(Token partKeyword, Token semicolon) { Expression name = popNode(); addPartOfTag(new PartOf(partKeyword, name, popMetadata(compilationUnitElement))); } void addPartOfTag(PartOf tag) { compilationUnitElement.setPartOf(tag, listener); } void endMetadata(Token beginToken, Token periodBeforeName, Token endToken) { if (periodBeforeName != null) { popNode(); // Discard name. } popNode(); // Discard node (Send or Identifier). pushMetadata(new PartialMetadataAnnotation(beginToken, endToken)); } void endTopLevelDeclaration(Token token) { if (!metadata.isEmpty) { recoverableError(metadata.head.beginToken, 'Metadata not supported here.'); metadata = const Link(); } } void endClassDeclaration(int interfacesCount, Token beginToken, Token extendsKeyword, Token implementsKeyword, Token endToken) { NodeList interfaces = makeNodeList(interfacesCount, implementsKeyword, null, ","); Node supertype = popNode(); NodeList typeParameters = popNode(); Identifier name = popNode(); int id = idGenerator(); PartialClassElement element = new PartialClassElement( name.source, beginToken, endToken, compilationUnitElement, id); pushElement(element); rejectBuiltInIdentifier(name); } void rejectBuiltInIdentifier(Identifier name) { if (name.token is KeywordToken) { Keyword keyword = (name.token as KeywordToken).keyword; if (!keyword.isPseudo) { recoverableError(name, "Illegal name '${keyword.syntax}'."); } } } void endFunctionTypeAlias(Token typedefKeyword, Token endToken) { NodeList typeVariables = popNode(); // TOOD(karlklose): do not throw away. Identifier name = popNode(); TypeAnnotation returnType = popNode(); pushElement( new PartialTypedefElement( name.source, compilationUnitElement, typedefKeyword, endToken)); rejectBuiltInIdentifier(name); } void endNamedMixinApplication(Token classKeyword, Token implementsKeyword, Token endToken) { NodeList interfaces = (implementsKeyword != null) ? popNode() : null; MixinApplication mixinApplication = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); NodeList typeParameters = popNode(); Identifier name = popNode(); NamedMixinApplication namedMixinApplication = new NamedMixinApplication( name, typeParameters, modifiers, mixinApplication, interfaces, classKeyword, endToken); int id = idGenerator(); Element enclosing = compilationUnitElement; pushElement(new MixinApplicationElementX(name.source, enclosing, id, namedMixinApplication, modifiers)); rejectBuiltInIdentifier(name); } void endMixinApplication() { NodeList mixins = popNode(); TypeAnnotation superclass = popNode(); pushNode(new MixinApplication(superclass, mixins)); } void handleVoidKeyword(Token token) { pushNode(new TypeAnnotation(new Identifier(token), null)); } void endTopLevelMethod(Token beginToken, Token getOrSet, Token endToken) { bool hasParseError = currentMemberHasParseError; memberErrors = memberErrors.tail; Identifier name = popNode(); TypeAnnotation type = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); ElementKind kind; if (getOrSet == null) { kind = ElementKind.FUNCTION; } else if (identical(getOrSet.stringValue, 'get')) { kind = ElementKind.GETTER; } else if (identical(getOrSet.stringValue, 'set')) { kind = ElementKind.SETTER; } PartialFunctionElement element = new PartialFunctionElement( name.source, beginToken, getOrSet, endToken, kind, modifiers, compilationUnitElement, false); element.hasParseError = hasParseError; pushElement(element); } void endTopLevelFields(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { bool hasParseError = currentMemberHasParseError; memberErrors = memberErrors.tail; void buildFieldElement(Identifier name, VariableList fields) { pushElement( new FieldElementX(name, compilationUnitElement, fields)); } NodeList variables = makeNodeList(count, null, null, ","); TypeAnnotation type = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); buildFieldElements(modifiers, variables, compilationUnitElement, buildFieldElement, beginToken, endToken, hasParseError); } void buildFieldElements(Modifiers modifiers, NodeList variables, Element enclosingElement, void buildFieldElement(Identifier name, VariableList fields), Token beginToken, Token endToken, bool hasParseError) { VariableList fields = new PartialFieldList(beginToken, endToken, modifiers, hasParseError); for (Link variableNodes = variables.nodes; !variableNodes.isEmpty; variableNodes = variableNodes.tail) { Expression initializedIdentifier = variableNodes.head; Identifier identifier = initializedIdentifier.asIdentifier(); if (identifier == null) { identifier = initializedIdentifier.asSendSet().selector.asIdentifier(); } buildFieldElement(identifier, fields); } } void handleIdentifier(Token token) { pushNode(new Identifier(token)); } void handleQualified(Token period) { Identifier last = popNode(); Expression first = popNode(); pushNode(new Send(first, last)); } void handleNoType(Token token) { pushNode(null); } void endTypeVariable(Token token) { TypeAnnotation bound = popNode(); Identifier name = popNode(); pushNode(new TypeVariable(name, bound)); rejectBuiltInIdentifier(name); } void endTypeVariables(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, beginToken, endToken, ',')); } void handleNoTypeVariables(token) { pushNode(null); } void endTypeArguments(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, beginToken, endToken, ',')); } void handleNoTypeArguments(Token token) { pushNode(null); } void endType(Token beginToken, Token endToken) { NodeList typeArguments = popNode(); Expression typeName = popNode(); pushNode(new TypeAnnotation(typeName, typeArguments)); } void handleParenthesizedExpression(BeginGroupToken token) { Expression expression = popNode(); pushNode(new ParenthesizedExpression(expression, token)); } void handleModifier(Token token) { pushNode(new Identifier(token)); } void handleModifiers(int count) { if (count == 0) { pushNode(Modifiers.EMPTY); } else { NodeList modifierNodes = makeNodeList(count, null, null, ' '); pushNode(new Modifiers(modifierNodes)); } } Token expected(String string, Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else if (identical(';', string)) { // When a semicolon is missing, it often leads to an error on the // following line. So we try to find the token preceding the semicolon // and report that something is missing *after* it. Token preceding = findPrecedingToken(token); if (preceding == token) { reportError( token, MessageKind.MISSING_TOKEN_BEFORE_THIS, {'token': string}); } else { reportError( preceding, MessageKind.MISSING_TOKEN_AFTER_THIS, {'token': string}); } return token; } else { reportFatalError( token, MessageKind.MISSING_TOKEN_BEFORE_THIS.message( {'token': string}, true).toString()); } return skipToEof(token); } /// Finds the preceding token via the begin token of the last AST node pushed /// on the [nodes] stack. Token findPrecedingToken(Token token) { Token result; Link nodes = this.nodes; while (!nodes.isEmpty) { result = findPrecedingTokenFromNode(nodes.head, token); if (result != null) { return result; } nodes = nodes.tail; } if (compilationUnitElement != null) { if (compilationUnitElement is CompilationUnitElementX) { CompilationUnitElementX unit = compilationUnitElement; Link members = unit.localMembers; while (!members.isEmpty) { ElementX member = members.head; DeclarationSite site = member.declarationSite; if (site is PartialElement) { result = findPrecedingTokenFromToken(site.endToken, token); if (result != null) { return result; } } members = members.tail; } result = findPrecedingTokenFromNode(compilationUnitElement.partTag, token); if (result != null) { return result; } } } return token; } Token findPrecedingTokenFromNode(Node node, Token token) { if (node != null) { return findPrecedingTokenFromToken(node.getBeginToken(), token); } return null; } Token findPrecedingTokenFromToken(Token start, Token token) { if (start != null) { Token current = start; while (current.kind != EOF_TOKEN && != token) { current =; } if (current.kind != EOF_TOKEN) { return current; } } return null; } Token expectedIdentifier(Token token) { if (token is KeywordToken) { reportError( token, MessageKind.EXPECTED_IDENTIFIER_NOT_RESERVED_WORD, {'keyword': token.value}); } else if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); return synthesizeIdentifier(token); } else { reportFatalError(token, "Expected identifier, but got '${token.value}'."); } return token; } Token expectedType(Token token) { pushNode(null); if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); return synthesizeIdentifier(token); } else { reportFatalError( token, "Expected a type, but got '${token.value}'."); return skipToEof(token); } } Token expectedExpression(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); pushNode(new ErrorExpression(token)); return; } else { reportFatalError(token, "Expected an expression, but got '${token.value}'."); pushNode(null); return skipToEof(token); } } Token unexpected(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { String message = "Unexpected token '${token.value}'."; if ( == BAD_INPUT_INFO) { message = token.value; } reportFatalError(token, message); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedBlockToSkip(Token token) { if (identical(token.stringValue, 'native')) { return native.handleNativeBlockToSkip(this, token); } else { return unexpected(token); } } Token expectedFunctionBody(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { String printString = token.value; reportFatalError(token, "Expected a function body, but got '$printString'."); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedClassBody(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { reportFatalError(token, "Expected a class body, but got '${token.value}'."); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedClassBodyToSkip(Token token) { return unexpected(token); } Token expectedDeclaration(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { reportFatalError(token, "Expected a declaration, but got '${token.value}'."); } return skipToEof(token); } Token unmatched(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); } else { String begin = token.value; String end = closeBraceFor(begin); reportError( token, MessageKind.UNMATCHED_TOKEN, {'begin': begin, 'end': end}); } Token next =; while (next is ErrorToken) { next =; } return next; } void recoverableError(Spannable node, String message) { // TODO(johnniwinther): Make recoverable errors non-fatal. reportFatalError(node, message); } void pushElement(Element element) { popMetadata(element); compilationUnitElement.addMember(element, listener); } Link popMetadata(Element element) { var result = const Link(); for (Link link = metadata; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) { element.addMetadata(link.head); // Reverse the list as is implicitly done by addMetadata. result = result.prepend(link.head); } metadata = const Link(); return result; } void pushMetadata(MetadataAnnotation annotation) { metadata = metadata.prepend(annotation); } void addLibraryTag(LibraryTag tag) { if (!allowLibraryTags()) { recoverableError(tag, 'Library tags not allowed here.'); } compilationUnitElement.implementationLibrary.addTag(tag, listener); } void pushNode(Node node) { nodes = nodes.prepend(node); if (VERBOSE) log("push $nodes"); } Node popNode() { assert(!nodes.isEmpty); Node node = nodes.head; nodes = nodes.tail; if (VERBOSE) log("pop $nodes"); return node; } void log(message) { print(message); } NodeList makeNodeList(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken, String delimiter) { Link poppedNodes = const Link(); for (; count > 0; --count) { // This effectively reverses the order of nodes so they end up // in correct (source) order. poppedNodes = poppedNodes.prepend(popNode()); } return new NodeList(beginToken, poppedNodes, endToken, delimiter); } void beginLiteralString(Token token) { String source = token.value; StringQuoting quoting = StringValidator.quotingFromString(source); pushQuoting(quoting); // Just wrap the token for now. At the end of the interpolation, // when we know how many there are, go back and validate the tokens. pushNode(new LiteralString(token, null)); } void handleStringPart(Token token) { // Just push an unvalidated token now, and replace it when we know the // end of the interpolation. pushNode(new LiteralString(token, null)); } void endLiteralString(int count) { StringQuoting quoting = popQuoting(); Link parts = const Link(); // Parts of the string interpolation are popped in reverse order, // starting with the last literal string part. bool isLast = true; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { LiteralString string = popNode(); DartString validation = stringValidator.validateInterpolationPart(string.token, quoting, isFirst: false, isLast: isLast); // Replace the unvalidated LiteralString with a new LiteralString // object that has the validation result included. string = new LiteralString(string.token, validation); Expression expression = popNode(); parts = parts.prepend(new StringInterpolationPart(expression, string)); isLast = false; } LiteralString string = popNode(); DartString validation = stringValidator.validateInterpolationPart(string.token, quoting, isFirst: true, isLast: isLast); string = new LiteralString(string.token, validation); if (isLast) { pushNode(string); } else { NodeList partNodes = new NodeList(null, parts, null, ""); pushNode(new StringInterpolation(string, partNodes)); } } void handleStringJuxtaposition(int stringCount) { assert(stringCount != 0); Expression accumulator = popNode(); stringCount--; while (stringCount > 0) { Expression expression = popNode(); accumulator = new StringJuxtaposition(expression, accumulator); stringCount--; } pushNode(accumulator); } void beginMember(Token token) { memberErrors = memberErrors.prepend(false); } void beginTopLevelMember(Token token) { beginMember(token); } void endFields(fieldCount, start, token) { memberErrors = memberErrors.tail; } void endMethod(getOrSet, start, token) { memberErrors = memberErrors.tail; } void beginFactoryMethod(Token token) { memberErrors = memberErrors.prepend(false); } void endFactoryMethod(Token beginToken, Token endToken) { memberErrors = memberErrors.tail; } /// Don't call this method. Should only be used as a last resort when there /// is no feasible way to recover from a parser error. void reportFatalError(Spannable spannable, String message) { reportError(spannable, MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': message}); // Some parse errors are infeasible to recover from, so we throw an error. throw new ParserError(message); } void reportError(Spannable spannable, MessageKind errorCode, [Map arguments = const {}]) { if (currentMemberHasParseError) return; // Error already reported. if (suppressParseErrors) return; if (!memberErrors.isEmpty) { memberErrors = memberErrors.tail.prepend(true); } listener.reportError(spannable, errorCode, arguments); } } class NodeListener extends ElementListener { NodeListener( DiagnosticListener listener, CompilationUnitElement element) : super(listener, element, null); void addLibraryTag(LibraryTag tag) { pushNode(tag); } void addPartOfTag(PartOf tag) { pushNode(tag); } void endClassDeclaration(int interfacesCount, Token beginToken, Token extendsKeyword, Token implementsKeyword, Token endToken) { NodeList body = popNode(); NodeList interfaces = makeNodeList(interfacesCount, implementsKeyword, null, ","); Node supertype = popNode(); NodeList typeParameters = popNode(); Identifier name = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); pushNode(new ClassNode(modifiers, name, typeParameters, supertype, interfaces, beginToken, extendsKeyword, body, endToken)); } void endCompilationUnit(int count, Token token) { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, null, null, '\n')); } void endFunctionTypeAlias(Token typedefKeyword, Token endToken) { NodeList formals = popNode(); NodeList typeParameters = popNode(); Identifier name = popNode(); TypeAnnotation returnType = popNode(); pushNode(new Typedef(returnType, name, typeParameters, formals, typedefKeyword, endToken)); } void endNamedMixinApplication(Token classKeyword, Token implementsKeyword, Token endToken) { NodeList interfaces = (implementsKeyword != null) ? popNode() : null; Node mixinApplication = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); NodeList typeParameters = popNode(); Identifier name = popNode(); pushNode(new NamedMixinApplication(name, typeParameters, modifiers, mixinApplication, interfaces, classKeyword, endToken)); } void endEnum(Token enumKeyword, Token endBrace, int count) { NodeList names = makeNodeList(count,, endBrace, ","); Identifier name = popNode(); pushNode(new Enum(enumKeyword, name, names)); } void endClassBody(int memberCount, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { pushNode(makeNodeList(memberCount, beginToken, endToken, null)); } void endTopLevelFields(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { NodeList variables = makeNodeList(count, null, endToken, ","); TypeAnnotation type = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); pushNode(new VariableDefinitions(type, modifiers, variables)); } void endTopLevelMethod(Token beginToken, Token getOrSet, Token endToken) { Statement body = popNode(); NodeList formalParameters = popNode(); Identifier name = popNode(); TypeAnnotation type = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); ElementKind kind; if (getOrSet == null) { kind = ElementKind.FUNCTION; } else if (identical(getOrSet.stringValue, 'get')) { kind = ElementKind.GETTER; } else if (identical(getOrSet.stringValue, 'set')) { kind = ElementKind.SETTER; } pushElement(new PartialFunctionElement(name.source, beginToken, getOrSet, endToken, kind, modifiers, compilationUnitElement, false)); } void endFormalParameter(Token thisKeyword) { Expression name = popNode(); if (thisKeyword != null) { Identifier thisIdentifier = new Identifier(thisKeyword); if (name.asSend() == null) { name = new Send(thisIdentifier, name); } else { name = name.asSend().copyWithReceiver(thisIdentifier); } } TypeAnnotation type = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); NodeList metadata = popNode(); pushNode(new VariableDefinitions.forParameter( metadata, type, modifiers, new NodeList.singleton(name))); } void endFormalParameters(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, beginToken, endToken, ",")); } void handleNoFormalParameters(Token token) { pushNode(null); } void endArguments(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, beginToken, endToken, ",")); } void handleNoArguments(Token token) { pushNode(null); } void endConstructorReference(Token start, Token periodBeforeName, Token endToken) { Identifier name = null; if (periodBeforeName != null) { name = popNode(); } NodeList typeArguments = popNode(); Node classReference = popNode(); if (typeArguments != null) { classReference = new TypeAnnotation(classReference, typeArguments); } else { Identifier identifier = classReference.asIdentifier(); Send send = classReference.asSend(); if (identifier != null) { // TODO(ahe): Should be: // classReference = new Send(null, identifier); classReference = identifier; } else if (send != null) { classReference = send; } else { internalError(node: classReference); } } Node constructor = classReference; if (name != null) { // Either or constructor = new Send(classReference, name); } pushNode(constructor); } void endRedirectingFactoryBody(Token beginToken, Token endToken) { pushNode(new RedirectingFactoryBody(beginToken, endToken, popNode())); } void endReturnStatement(bool hasExpression, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { Expression expression = hasExpression ? popNode() : null; pushNode(new Return(beginToken, endToken, expression)); } void endYieldStatement(Token yieldToken, Token starToken, Token endToken) { Expression expression = popNode(); pushNode(new Yield(yieldToken, starToken, expression, endToken)); } void endExpressionStatement(Token token) { pushNode(new ExpressionStatement(popNode(), token)); } void handleOnError(Token token, var errorInformation) { listener.internalError(token, "'${token.value}': ${errorInformation}"); } Token expectedFunctionBody(Token token) { if (identical(token.stringValue, 'native')) { return native.handleNativeFunctionBody(this, token); } else if (token is ErrorToken) { pushNode(null); reportErrorToken(token); } else { reportFatalError(token, "Expected a function body, but got '${token.value}'."); } return skipToEof(token); } Token expectedClassBody(Token token) { if (token is ErrorToken) { reportErrorToken(token); return skipToEof(token); } else { reportFatalError(token, "Expected a class body, but got '${token.value}'."); return skipToEof(token); } } void handleLiteralInt(Token token) { pushNode(new LiteralInt(token, (t, e) => handleOnError(t, e))); } void handleLiteralDouble(Token token) { pushNode(new LiteralDouble(token, (t, e) => handleOnError(t, e))); } void handleLiteralBool(Token token) { pushNode(new LiteralBool(token, (t, e) => handleOnError(t, e))); } void handleLiteralNull(Token token) { pushNode(new LiteralNull(token)); } void endLiteralSymbol(Token hashToken, int identifierCount) { NodeList identifiers = makeNodeList(identifierCount, null, null, '.'); pushNode(new LiteralSymbol(hashToken, identifiers)); } void handleBinaryExpression(Token token) { Node argument = popNode(); Node receiver = popNode(); String tokenString = token.stringValue; if (identical(tokenString, '.') || identical(tokenString, '..')) { Send argumentSend = argument.asSend(); if (argumentSend == null) { // TODO(ahe): The parser should diagnose this problem, not // this listener. reportFatalError(argument, 'Expected an identifier.'); } if (argumentSend.receiver != null) internalError(node: argument); if (argument is SendSet) internalError(node: argument); pushNode(argument.asSend().copyWithReceiver(receiver)); } else { NodeList arguments = new NodeList.singleton(argument); pushNode(new Send(receiver, new Operator(token), arguments)); } if (identical(tokenString, '===')) { listener.reportError(token, MessageKind.UNSUPPORTED_EQ_EQ_EQ, {'lhs': receiver, 'rhs': argument}); } if (identical(tokenString, '!==')) { listener.reportError(token, MessageKind.UNSUPPORTED_BANG_EQ_EQ, {'lhs': receiver, 'rhs': argument}); } } void beginCascade(Token token) { pushNode(new CascadeReceiver(popNode(), token)); } void endCascade() { pushNode(new Cascade(popNode())); } void handleAsOperator(Token operathor, Token endToken) { TypeAnnotation type = popNode(); Expression expression = popNode(); NodeList arguments = new NodeList.singleton(type); pushNode(new Send(expression, new Operator(operathor), arguments)); } void handleAssignmentExpression(Token token) { Node arg = popNode(); Node node = popNode(); Send send = node.asSend(); if (send == null || !(send.isPropertyAccess || send.isIndex)) { reportNotAssignable(node); } if (send.asSendSet() != null) internalError(node: send); NodeList arguments; if (send.isIndex) { Link link = const Link().prepend(arg); link = link.prepend(send.arguments.head); arguments = new NodeList(null, link); } else { arguments = new NodeList.singleton(arg); } Operator op = new Operator(token); pushNode(new SendSet(send.receiver, send.selector, op, arguments)); } void reportNotAssignable(Node node) { // TODO(ahe): The parser should diagnose this problem, not this // listener. reportFatalError(node, 'Not assignable.'); } void handleConditionalExpression(Token question, Token colon) { Node elseExpression = popNode(); Node thenExpression = popNode(); Node condition = popNode(); pushNode(new Conditional( condition, thenExpression, elseExpression, question, colon)); } void endSend(Token token) { NodeList arguments = popNode(); Node selector = popNode(); // TODO(ahe): Handle receiver. pushNode(new Send(null, selector, arguments)); } void endFunctionBody(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { if (count == 0 && beginToken == null) { pushNode(new EmptyStatement(endToken)); } else { pushNode(new Block(makeNodeList(count, beginToken, endToken, null))); } } void handleAsyncModifier(Token asyncToken, Token starToken) { if (asyncToken != null) { pushNode(new AsyncModifier(asyncToken, starToken)); } else { pushNode(null); } } void skippedFunctionBody(Token token) { pushNode(new Block(new NodeList.empty())); } void handleNoFunctionBody(Token token) { pushNode(new EmptyStatement(token)); } void endFunction(Token getOrSet, Token endToken) { Statement body = popNode(); AsyncModifier asyncModifier = popNode(); NodeList initializers = popNode(); NodeList formals = popNode(); // The name can be an identifier or a send in case of named constructors. Expression name = popNode(); TypeAnnotation type = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); pushNode(new FunctionExpression(name, formals, body, type, modifiers, initializers, getOrSet, asyncModifier)); } void endFunctionDeclaration(Token endToken) { pushNode(new FunctionDeclaration(popNode())); } void endVariablesDeclaration(int count, Token endToken) { // TODO(ahe): Pick one name for this concept, either // VariablesDeclaration or VariableDefinitions. NodeList variables = makeNodeList(count, null, endToken, ","); TypeAnnotation type = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); pushNode(new VariableDefinitions(type, modifiers, variables)); } void endInitializer(Token assignmentOperator) { Expression initializer = popNode(); NodeList arguments = initializer == null ? null : new NodeList.singleton(initializer); Expression name = popNode(); Operator op = new Operator(assignmentOperator); pushNode(new SendSet(null, name, op, arguments)); } void endIfStatement(Token ifToken, Token elseToken) { Statement elsePart = (elseToken == null) ? null : popNode(); Statement thenPart = popNode(); ParenthesizedExpression condition = popNode(); pushNode(new If(condition, thenPart, elsePart, ifToken, elseToken)); } void endForStatement(int updateExpressionCount, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { Statement body = popNode(); NodeList updates = makeNodeList(updateExpressionCount, null, null, ','); Statement condition = popNode(); Node initializer = popNode(); pushNode(new For(initializer, condition, updates, body, beginToken)); } void handleNoExpression(Token token) { pushNode(null); } void endDoWhileStatement(Token doKeyword, Token whileKeyword, Token endToken) { Expression condition = popNode(); Statement body = popNode(); pushNode(new DoWhile(body, condition, doKeyword, whileKeyword, endToken)); } void endWhileStatement(Token whileKeyword, Token endToken) { Statement body = popNode(); Expression condition = popNode(); pushNode(new While(condition, body, whileKeyword)); } void endBlock(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { pushNode(new Block(makeNodeList(count, beginToken, endToken, null))); } void endThrowExpression(Token throwToken, Token endToken) { Expression expression = popNode(); pushNode(new Throw(expression, throwToken, endToken)); } void endAwaitExpression(Token awaitToken, Token endToken) { Expression expression = popNode(); pushNode(new Await(awaitToken, expression)); } void endRethrowStatement(Token throwToken, Token endToken) { pushNode(new Rethrow(throwToken, endToken)); if (identical(throwToken.stringValue, 'throw')) { listener.reportError(throwToken, MessageKind.UNSUPPORTED_THROW_WITHOUT_EXP); } } void handleUnaryPrefixExpression(Token token) { pushNode(new Send.prefix(popNode(), new Operator(token))); } void handleSuperExpression(Token token) { pushNode(new Identifier(token)); } void handleThisExpression(Token token) { pushNode(new Identifier(token)); } void handleUnaryAssignmentExpression(Token token, bool isPrefix) { Node node = popNode(); Send send = node.asSend(); if (send == null) { reportNotAssignable(node); } if (!(send.isPropertyAccess || send.isIndex)) { reportNotAssignable(node); } if (send.asSendSet() != null) internalError(node: send); Node argument = null; if (send.isIndex) argument = send.arguments.head; Operator op = new Operator(token); if (isPrefix) { pushNode(new SendSet.prefix(send.receiver, send.selector, op, argument)); } else { pushNode(new SendSet.postfix(send.receiver, send.selector, op, argument)); } } void handleUnaryPostfixAssignmentExpression(Token token) { handleUnaryAssignmentExpression(token, false); } void handleUnaryPrefixAssignmentExpression(Token token) { handleUnaryAssignmentExpression(token, true); } void endInitializers(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, beginToken, null, ',')); } void handleNoInitializers() { pushNode(null); } void endFields(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { NodeList variables = makeNodeList(count, null, endToken, ","); TypeAnnotation type = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); pushNode(new VariableDefinitions(type, modifiers, variables)); } void endMethod(Token getOrSet, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { Statement body = popNode(); AsyncModifier asyncModifier = popNode(); NodeList initializers = popNode(); NodeList formalParameters = popNode(); Expression name = popNode(); TypeAnnotation returnType = popNode(); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); pushNode(new FunctionExpression(name, formalParameters, body, returnType, modifiers, initializers, getOrSet, asyncModifier)); } void handleLiteralMap(int count, Token beginToken, Token constKeyword, Token endToken) { NodeList entries = makeNodeList(count, beginToken, endToken, ','); NodeList typeArguments = popNode(); pushNode(new LiteralMap(typeArguments, entries, constKeyword)); } void endLiteralMapEntry(Token colon, Token endToken) { Expression value = popNode(); Expression key = popNode(); pushNode(new LiteralMapEntry(key, colon, value)); } void handleLiteralList(int count, Token beginToken, Token constKeyword, Token endToken) { NodeList elements = makeNodeList(count, beginToken, endToken, ','); pushNode(new LiteralList(popNode(), elements, constKeyword)); } void handleIndexedExpression(Token openSquareBracket, Token closeSquareBracket) { NodeList arguments = makeNodeList(1, openSquareBracket, closeSquareBracket, null); Node receiver = popNode(); Token token = new StringToken.fromString(INDEX_INFO, '[]', openSquareBracket.charOffset); Node selector = new Operator(token); pushNode(new Send(receiver, selector, arguments)); } void handleNewExpression(Token token) { NodeList arguments = popNode(); Node name = popNode(); pushNode(new NewExpression(token, new Send(null, name, arguments))); } void handleConstExpression(Token token) { // [token] carries the 'const' information. handleNewExpression(token); } void handleOperator(Token token) { pushNode(new Operator(token)); } void handleOperatorName(Token operatorKeyword, Token token) { Operator op = new Operator(token); pushNode(new Send(new Identifier(operatorKeyword), op, null)); } void handleNamedArgument(Token colon) { Expression expression = popNode(); Identifier name = popNode(); pushNode(new NamedArgument(name, colon, expression)); } void endOptionalFormalParameters(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, beginToken, endToken, ',')); } void handleFunctionTypedFormalParameter(Token endToken) { NodeList formals = popNode(); Identifier name = popNode(); TypeAnnotation returnType = popNode(); pushNode(null); // Signal "no type" to endFormalParameter. pushNode(new FunctionExpression(name, formals, null, returnType, Modifiers.EMPTY, null, null, null)); } void handleValuedFormalParameter(Token equals, Token token) { Expression defaultValue = popNode(); Expression parameterName = popNode(); pushNode(new SendSet(null, parameterName, new Operator(equals), new NodeList.singleton(defaultValue))); } void endTryStatement(int catchCount, Token tryKeyword, Token finallyKeyword) { Block finallyBlock = null; if (finallyKeyword != null) { finallyBlock = popNode(); } NodeList catchBlocks = makeNodeList(catchCount, null, null, null); Block tryBlock = popNode(); pushNode(new TryStatement(tryBlock, catchBlocks, finallyBlock, tryKeyword, finallyKeyword)); } void handleCaseMatch(Token caseKeyword, Token colon) { pushNode(new CaseMatch(caseKeyword, popNode(), colon)); } void handleCatchBlock(Token onKeyword, Token catchKeyword) { Block block = popNode(); NodeList formals = catchKeyword != null? popNode(): null; TypeAnnotation type = onKeyword != null ? popNode() : null; pushNode(new CatchBlock(type, formals, block, onKeyword, catchKeyword)); } void endSwitchStatement(Token switchKeyword, Token endToken) { NodeList cases = popNode(); ParenthesizedExpression expression = popNode(); pushNode(new SwitchStatement(expression, cases, switchKeyword)); } void endSwitchBlock(int caseCount, Token beginToken, Token endToken) { Link caseNodes = const Link(); while (caseCount > 0) { SwitchCase switchCase = popNode(); caseNodes = caseNodes.prepend(switchCase); caseCount--; } pushNode(new NodeList(beginToken, caseNodes, endToken, null)); } void handleSwitchCase(int labelCount, int caseCount, Token defaultKeyword, int statementCount, Token firstToken, Token endToken) { NodeList statements = makeNodeList(statementCount, null, null, null); NodeList labelsAndCases = makeNodeList(labelCount + caseCount, null, null, null); pushNode(new SwitchCase(labelsAndCases, defaultKeyword, statements, firstToken)); } void handleBreakStatement(bool hasTarget, Token breakKeyword, Token endToken) { Identifier target = null; if (hasTarget) { target = popNode(); } pushNode(new BreakStatement(target, breakKeyword, endToken)); } void handleContinueStatement(bool hasTarget, Token continueKeyword, Token endToken) { Identifier target = null; if (hasTarget) { target = popNode(); } pushNode(new ContinueStatement(target, continueKeyword, endToken)); } void handleEmptyStatement(Token token) { pushNode(new EmptyStatement(token)); } void endFactoryMethod(Token beginToken, Token endToken) { super.endFactoryMethod(beginToken, endToken); Statement body = popNode(); AsyncModifier asyncModifier = popNode(); NodeList formals = popNode(); Node name = popNode(); // TODO(ahe): Move this parsing to the parser. int modifierCount = 0; Token modifier = beginToken; if (modifier.stringValue == "external") { handleModifier(modifier); modifierCount++; modifier =; } if (modifier.stringValue == "const") { handleModifier(modifier); modifierCount++; modifier =; } assert(modifier.stringValue == "factory"); handleModifier(modifier); modifierCount++; handleModifiers(modifierCount); Modifiers modifiers = popNode(); pushNode(new FunctionExpression(name, formals, body, null, modifiers, null, null, asyncModifier)); } void endForIn(Token awaitToken, Token forToken, Token inKeyword, Token endToken) { Statement body = popNode(); Expression expression = popNode(); Node declaredIdentifier = popNode(); pushNode(new ForIn(declaredIdentifier, expression, body, awaitToken, forToken, inKeyword)); } void endMetadataStar(int count, bool forParameter) { // TODO(johnniwinther): Handle metadata for all node kinds. if (forParameter) { if (0 == count) { pushNode(null); } else { pushNode(makeNodeList(count, null, null, ' ')); } } } void endMetadata(Token beginToken, Token periodBeforeName, Token endToken) { NodeList arguments = popNode(); if (arguments == null) { // This is a constant expression. Identifier name; if (periodBeforeName != null) { name = popNode(); } NodeList typeArguments = popNode(); Node receiver = popNode(); if (typeArguments != null) { receiver = new TypeAnnotation(receiver, typeArguments); recoverableError(typeArguments, 'Type arguments are not allowed here.'); } else { Identifier identifier = receiver.asIdentifier(); Send send = receiver.asSend(); if (identifier != null) { receiver = new Send(null, identifier); } else if (send == null) { internalError(node: receiver); } } Send send = receiver; if (name != null) { send = new Send(receiver, name); } pushNode(new Metadata(beginToken, send)); } else { // This is a const constructor call. endConstructorReference(beginToken, periodBeforeName, endToken); Node constructor = popNode(); pushNode(new Metadata(beginToken, new NewExpression(null, new Send(null, constructor, arguments)))); } } void handleAssertStatement(Token assertKeyword, Token semicolonToken) { NodeList arguments = popNode(); Node selector = new Identifier(assertKeyword); Node send = new Send(null, selector, arguments); pushNode(new ExpressionStatement(send, semicolonToken)); } void endUnnamedFunction(Token token) { Statement body = popNode(); AsyncModifier asyncModifier = popNode(); NodeList formals = popNode(); pushNode(new FunctionExpression(null, formals, body, null, Modifiers.EMPTY, null, null, asyncModifier)); } void handleIsOperator(Token operathor, Token not, Token endToken) { TypeAnnotation type = popNode(); Expression expression = popNode(); Node argument; if (not != null) { argument = new Send.prefix(type, new Operator(not)); } else { argument = type; } NodeList arguments = new NodeList.singleton(argument); pushNode(new Send(expression, new Operator(operathor), arguments)); } void handleLabel(Token colon) { Identifier name = popNode(); pushNode(new Label(name, colon)); } void endLabeledStatement(int labelCount) { Statement statement = popNode(); NodeList labels = makeNodeList(labelCount, null, null, null); pushNode(new LabeledStatement(labels, statement)); } void log(message) { listener.log(message); } void internalError({Token token, Node node}) { // TODO(ahe): This should call listener.internalError. Spannable spannable = (token == null) ? node : token; throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(spannable, 'Internal error in parser.'); } } abstract class PartialElement implements DeclarationSite { Token beginToken; Token endToken; bool hasParseError = false; bool get isErroneous => hasParseError; DeclarationSite get declarationSite => this; } abstract class PartialFunctionMixin implements FunctionElement { FunctionExpression cachedNode; Modifiers get modifiers; Token beginToken; Token getOrSet; Token endToken; /** * The position is computed in the constructor using [findMyName]. Computing * it on demand fails in case tokens are GC'd. */ Token _position; void init(Token beginToken, Token getOrSet, Token endToken) { this.beginToken = beginToken; this.getOrSet = getOrSet; this.endToken = endToken; _position = ElementX.findNameToken( beginToken, modifiers.isFactory || identical(kind, ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR), name,; } bool get hasNode => cachedNode != null; FunctionExpression get node { assert(invariant(this, cachedNode != null, message: "Node has not been computed for $this.")); return cachedNode; } FunctionExpression parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) { if (cachedNode != null) return cachedNode; parseFunction(Parser p) { if (isClassMember && modifiers.isFactory) { p.parseFactoryMethod(beginToken); } else { p.parseFunction(beginToken, getOrSet); } } cachedNode = parse(listener, this, declarationSite, parseFunction); return cachedNode; } Token get position => _position; void reusePartialFunctionMixin() { cachedNode = null; } DeclarationSite get declarationSite; } class PartialFunctionElement extends FunctionElementX with PartialElement, PartialFunctionMixin { PartialFunctionElement(String name, Token beginToken, Token getOrSet, Token endToken, ElementKind kind, Modifiers modifiers, Element enclosing, bool hasNoBody) : super(name, kind, modifiers, enclosing, hasNoBody) { init(beginToken, getOrSet, endToken); } void reuseElement() { super.reuseElement(); reusePartialFunctionMixin(); } PartialFunctionElement copyWithEnclosing(Element enclosing) { return new PartialFunctionElement( name, beginToken, getOrSet, endToken, kind, modifiers, enclosing, hasNoBody); } } class PartialConstructorElement extends ConstructorElementX with PartialElement, PartialFunctionMixin { PartialConstructorElement(String name, Token beginToken, Token endToken, ElementKind kind, Modifiers modifiers, Element enclosing) : super(name, kind, modifiers, enclosing) { init(beginToken, null, endToken); } void reuseElement() { super.reuseElement(); reusePartialFunctionMixin(); } } class PartialFieldList extends VariableList with PartialElement { PartialFieldList(Token beginToken, Token endToken, Modifiers modifiers, bool hasParseError) : super(modifiers) { super.beginToken = beginToken; super.endToken = endToken; super.hasParseError = hasParseError; } VariableDefinitions parseNode(Element element, DiagnosticListener listener) { if (definitions != null) return definitions; listener.withCurrentElement(element, () { definitions = parse( listener, element, declarationSite, (Parser parser) => parser.parseMember(beginToken)); if (!hasParseError && !definitions.modifiers.isVar && !definitions.modifiers.isFinal && !definitions.modifiers.isConst && definitions.type == null && !definitions.isErroneous) { listener.reportError( definitions, MessageKind.GENERIC, { 'text': 'A field declaration must start with var, final, ' 'const, or a type annotation.' }); } }); return definitions; } computeType(Element element, Compiler compiler) { if (type != null) return type; // TODO(johnniwinther): Compute this in the resolver. compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () { VariableDefinitions node = parseNode(element, compiler); if (node.type != null) { type = compiler.resolver.resolveTypeAnnotation(element, node.type); } else { type = const DynamicType(); } }); assert(type != null); return type; } } class PartialTypedefElement extends TypedefElementX with PartialElement { PartialTypedefElement( String name, Element enclosing, Token beginToken, Token endToken) : super(name, enclosing) { this.beginToken = beginToken; this.endToken = endToken; } Token get token => beginToken; Node parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) { if (cachedNode != null) return cachedNode; cachedNode = parse( listener, this, declarationSite, (p) => p.parseTopLevelDeclaration(token)); return cachedNode; } Token get position => findMyName(token); } /// A [MetadataAnnotation] which is constructed on demand. class PartialMetadataAnnotation extends MetadataAnnotationX implements PartialElement { Token beginToken; // TODO(ahe): Make this final when issue 22065 is fixed. final Token tokenAfterEndToken; Expression cachedNode; bool hasParseError = false; PartialMetadataAnnotation(this.beginToken, this.tokenAfterEndToken); bool get isErroneous => hasParseError; DeclarationSite get declarationSite => this; Token get endToken { Token token = beginToken; while (token.kind != EOF_TOKEN) { if (identical(, tokenAfterEndToken)) break; token =; } assert(token != null); return token; } void set endToken(_) { throw new UnsupportedError("endToken="); } Node parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) { if (cachedNode != null) return cachedNode; Metadata metadata = parse(listener, annotatedElement, declarationSite, (p) => p.parseMetadata(beginToken)); cachedNode = metadata.expression; return cachedNode; } bool get hasNode => cachedNode != null; Node get node { assert(invariant(this, hasNode)); return cachedNode; } } Node parse( DiagnosticListener diagnosticListener, Element element, PartialElement partial, doParse(Parser parser)) { CompilationUnitElement unit = element.compilationUnit; NodeListener listener = new NodeListener(diagnosticListener, unit); listener.memberErrors = listener.memberErrors.prepend(false); try { if (partial.hasParseError) { listener.suppressParseErrors = true; } doParse(new Parser(listener)); } on ParserError catch (e) { partial.hasParseError = true; return new ErrorNode(element.position, e.reason); } Node node = listener.popNode(); assert(listener.nodes.isEmpty); return node; }