Linter Demo Errors: 0Warnings: 23File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/closure.dart // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library closureToClassMapper; import "elements/elements.dart"; import "dart2jslib.dart"; import "dart_types.dart"; import "js_backend/js_backend.dart" show JavaScriptBackend; import "scanner/scannerlib.dart" show Token; import "tree/tree.dart"; import "util/util.dart"; import "elements/modelx.dart" show BaseFunctionElementX, ClassElementX, ElementX, LocalFunctionElementX; import "elements/visitor.dart" show ElementVisitor; import 'universe/universe.dart' show Universe; class ClosureTask extends CompilerTask { Map closureMappingCache; ClosureTask(Compiler compiler) : closureMappingCache = new Map(), super(compiler); String get name => "Closure Simplifier"; ClosureClassMap computeClosureToClassMapping(Element element, Node node, TreeElements elements) { return measure(() { ClosureClassMap cached = closureMappingCache[node]; if (cached != null) return cached; ClosureTranslator translator = new ClosureTranslator(compiler, elements, closureMappingCache); // The translator will store the computed closure-mappings inside the // cache. One for given node and one for each nested closure. if (node is FunctionExpression) { translator.translateFunction(element, node); } else if (element.isSynthesized) { return new ClosureClassMap(null, null, null, new ThisLocal(element)); } else { assert(element.isField); VariableElement field = element; if (field.initializer != null) { // The lazy initializer of a static. translator.translateLazyInitializer(element, node, field.initializer); } else { assert(element.isInstanceMember); closureMappingCache[node] = new ClosureClassMap(null, null, null, new ThisLocal(element)); } } assert(closureMappingCache[node] != null); return closureMappingCache[node]; }); } ClosureClassMap getMappingForNestedFunction(FunctionExpression node) { return measure(() { ClosureClassMap nestedClosureData = closureMappingCache[node]; if (nestedClosureData == null) { compiler.internalError(node, "No closure cache."); } return nestedClosureData; }); } void forgetElement(var closure) { ClosureClassElement cls; if (closure is ClosureFieldElement) { cls = closure.closureClass; } else if (closure is SynthesizedCallMethodElementX) { cls = closure.closureClass; } else { throw new SpannableAssertionFailure( closure, 'Not a closure: $closure (${closure.runtimeType}).'); } compiler.enqueuer.codegen.forgetElement(cls); } } /// Common interface for [BoxFieldElement] and [ClosureFieldElement] as /// non-elements. abstract class CapturedVariable {} // TODO(ahe): These classes continuously cause problems. We need to // find a more general solution. class ClosureFieldElement extends ElementX implements FieldElement, CapturedVariable { /// The [BoxLocal] or [LocalElement] being accessed through the field. final Local local; ClosureFieldElement(String name, this.local, ClosureClassElement enclosing) : super(name, ElementKind.FIELD, enclosing); /// Use [closureClass] instead. @deprecated get enclosingElement => super.enclosingElement; ClosureClassElement get closureClass => super.enclosingElement; MemberElement get memberContext => closureClass.methodElement.memberContext; bool get hasNode => false; Node get node { throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(local, 'Should not access node of ClosureFieldElement.'); } bool get hasResolvedAst => hasTreeElements; ResolvedAst get resolvedAst { return new ResolvedAst(this, null, treeElements); } Expression get initializer { throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(local, 'Should not access initializer of ClosureFieldElement.'); } bool get isInstanceMember => true; bool get isAssignable => false; DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) => type; DartType get type { if (local is LocalElement) { LocalElement element = local; return element.type; } return const DynamicType(); } String toString() => "ClosureFieldElement($name)"; accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitClosureFieldElement(this); Element get analyzableElement => closureClass.methodElement.analyzableElement; @override List get nestedClosures => const []; } // TODO(ahe): These classes continuously cause problems. We need to find // a more general solution. class ClosureClassElement extends ClassElementX { DartType rawType; DartType thisType; FunctionType callType; /// Node that corresponds to this closure, used for source position. final FunctionExpression node; /** * The element for the declaration of the function expression. */ final LocalFunctionElement methodElement; final List _closureFields = []; ClosureClassElement(this.node, String name, Compiler compiler, LocalFunctionElement closure) : this.methodElement = closure, super(name, closure.compilationUnit, // By assigning a fresh class-id we make sure that the hashcode // is unique, but also emit closure classes after all other // classes (since the emitter sorts classes by their id). compiler.getNextFreeClassId(), STATE_DONE) { JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend; ClassElement superclass = methodElement.isInstanceMember ? backend.boundClosureClass : backend.closureClass; superclass.ensureResolved(compiler); supertype = superclass.thisType; interfaces = const Link(); thisType = rawType = new InterfaceType(this); allSupertypesAndSelf = superclass.allSupertypesAndSelf.extendClass(thisType); callType = methodElement.type; } Iterable get closureFields => _closureFields; void addField(ClosureFieldElement field, DiagnosticListener listener) { _closureFields.add(field); addMember(field, listener); } bool get hasNode => true; bool get isClosure => true; Token get position => node.getBeginToken(); Node parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) => node; // A [ClosureClassElement] is nested inside a function or initializer in terms // of [enclosingElement], but still has to be treated as a top-level // element. bool get isTopLevel => true; get enclosingElement => methodElement; accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitClosureClassElement(this); } /// A local variable that contains the box object holding the [BoxFieldElement] /// fields. class BoxLocal extends Local { final String name; final ExecutableElement executableContext; BoxLocal(, this.executableContext); } // TODO(ngeoffray, ahe): These classes continuously cause problems. We need to // find a more general solution. class BoxFieldElement extends ElementX implements TypedElement, CapturedVariable, FieldElement { final BoxLocal box; BoxFieldElement(String name, this.variableElement, BoxLocal box) : = box, super(name, ElementKind.FIELD, box.executableContext); DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) => type; DartType get type => variableElement.type; final VariableElement variableElement; accept(ElementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitBoxFieldElement(this); @override bool get hasNode => false; @override bool get hasResolvedAst => false; @override Expression get initializer { throw new UnsupportedError("BoxFieldElement.initializer"); } @override MemberElement get memberContext => box.executableContext.memberContext; @override List get nestedClosures => const []; @override Node get node { throw new UnsupportedError("BoxFieldElement.node"); } @override ResolvedAst get resolvedAst { throw new UnsupportedError("BoxFieldElement.resolvedAst"); } } /// A local variable used encode the direct (uncaptured) references to [this]. class ThisLocal extends Local { final ExecutableElement executableContext; ThisLocal(this.executableContext); String get name => 'this'; ClassElement get enclosingClass => executableContext.enclosingClass; } /// Call method of a closure class. class SynthesizedCallMethodElementX extends BaseFunctionElementX implements MethodElement { final LocalFunctionElement expression; SynthesizedCallMethodElementX(String name, LocalFunctionElementX other, ClosureClassElement enclosing) : expression = other, super(name, other.kind, other.modifiers, enclosing, false) { asyncMarker = other.asyncMarker; functionSignatureCache = other.functionSignature; } /// Use [closureClass] instead. @deprecated get enclosingElement => super.enclosingElement; ClosureClassElement get closureClass => super.enclosingElement; MemberElement get memberContext { return closureClass.methodElement.memberContext; } bool get hasNode => expression.hasNode; FunctionExpression get node => expression.node; FunctionExpression parseNode(DiagnosticListener listener) => node; ResolvedAst get resolvedAst { return new ResolvedAst(this, node, treeElements); } Element get analyzableElement => closureClass.methodElement.analyzableElement; } // The box-element for a scope, and the captured variables that need to be // stored in the box. class ClosureScope { final BoxLocal boxElement; final Map capturedVariables; // If the scope is attached to a [For] contains the variables that are // declared in the initializer of the [For] and that need to be boxed. // Otherwise contains the empty List. List boxedLoopVariables = const []; ClosureScope(this.boxElement, this.capturedVariables); bool hasBoxedLoopVariables() => !boxedLoopVariables.isEmpty; bool isCapturedVariable(VariableElement variable) { return capturedVariables.containsKey(variable); } void forEachCapturedVariable(f(LocalVariableElement variable, BoxFieldElement boxField)) { capturedVariables.forEach(f); } } class ClosureClassMap { // The closure's element before any translation. Will be null for methods. final LocalFunctionElement closureElement; // The closureClassElement will be null for methods that are not local // closures. final ClosureClassElement closureClassElement; // The callElement will be null for methods that are not local closures. final FunctionElement callElement; // The [thisElement] makes handling 'this' easier by treating it like any // other argument. It is only set for instance-members. final ThisLocal thisLocal; // Maps free locals, arguments, function elements, and box locals to // their locations. final Map freeVariableMap = new Map(); // Maps [Loop] and [FunctionExpression] nodes to their // [ClosureScope] which contains their box and the // captured variables that are stored in the box. // This map will be empty if the method/closure of this [ClosureData] does not // contain any nested closure. final Map capturingScopes = new Map(); /// Variables that are used in a try must be treated as boxed because the /// control flow can be non-linear. /// /// Also parameters to a `sync*` generator must be boxed, because of the way /// we rewrite sync* functions. See also comments in [useLocal]. /// TODO(johnniwinter): Add variables to this only if the variable is mutated. final Set variablesUsedInTryOrGenerator = new Set(); ClosureClassMap(this.closureElement, this.closureClassElement, this.callElement, this.thisLocal); void addFreeVariable(Local element) { assert(freeVariableMap[element] == null); freeVariableMap[element] = null; } Iterable get freeVariables => freeVariableMap.keys; bool isFreeVariable(Local element) { return freeVariableMap.containsKey(element); } void forEachFreeVariable(f(Local variable, CapturedVariable field)) { freeVariableMap.forEach(f); } Local getLocalVariableForClosureField(ClosureFieldElement field) { return field.local; } bool get isClosure => closureElement != null; bool capturingScopesBox(Local variable) { return capturingScopes.values.any((scope) { return scope.boxedLoopVariables.contains(variable); }); } bool isVariableBoxed(Local variable) { CapturedVariable copy = freeVariableMap[variable]; if (copy is BoxFieldElement) { return true; } return capturingScopesBox(variable); } void forEachCapturedVariable(void f(Local variable, CapturedVariable field)) { freeVariableMap.forEach((variable, copy) { if (variable is BoxLocal) return; f(variable, copy); }); capturingScopes.values.forEach((ClosureScope scope) { scope.forEachCapturedVariable(f); }); } void forEachBoxedVariable(void f(LocalVariableElement local, BoxFieldElement field)) { freeVariableMap.forEach((variable, copy) { if (!isVariableBoxed(variable)) return; f(variable, copy); }); capturingScopes.values.forEach((ClosureScope scope) { scope.forEachCapturedVariable(f); }); } void removeMyselfFrom(Universe universe) { freeVariableMap.values.forEach((e) { universe.closurizedMembers.remove(e); universe.fieldSetters.remove(e); universe.fieldGetters.remove(e); }); } } class ClosureTranslator extends Visitor { final Compiler compiler; final TreeElements elements; int closureFieldCounter = 0; int boxedFieldCounter = 0; bool inTryStatement = false; final Map closureMappingCache; // Map of captured variables. Initially they will map to `null`. If // a variable needs to be boxed then the scope declaring the variable // will update this to mapping to the capturing [BoxFieldElement]. Map _capturedVariableMapping = new Map(); // List of encountered closures. List closures = []; // The local variables that have been declared in the current scope. List scopeVariables; // Keep track of the mutated local variables so that we don't need to box // non-mutated variables. Set mutatedVariables = new Set(); MemberElement outermostElement; ExecutableElement executableContext; // The closureData of the currentFunctionElement. ClosureClassMap closureData; bool insideClosure = false; ClosureTranslator(this.compiler, this.elements, this.closureMappingCache); /// Generate a unique name for the [id]th closure field, with proposed name /// [name]. /// /// The result is used as the name of [ClosureFieldElement]s, and must /// therefore be unique to avoid breaking an invariant in the element model /// (classes cannot declare multiple fields with the same name). /// /// Also, the names should be distinct from real field names to prevent /// clashes with selectors for those fields. String getClosureVariableName(String name, int id) { return "_captured_${name}_$id"; } /// Generate a unique name for the [id]th box field, with proposed name /// [name]. /// /// The result is used as the name of [BoxFieldElement]s, and must /// therefore be unique to avoid breaking an invariant in the element model /// (classes cannot declare multiple fields with the same name). /// /// Also, the names should be distinct from real field names to prevent /// clashes with selectors for those fields. String getBoxFieldName(int id) { return "_box_$id"; } bool isCapturedVariable(Local element) { return _capturedVariableMapping.containsKey(element); } void addCapturedVariable(Node node, Local variable) { if (_capturedVariableMapping[variable] != null) { compiler.internalError(node, 'In closure analyzer.'); } _capturedVariableMapping[variable] = null; } void setCapturedVariableBoxField(Local variable, BoxFieldElement boxField) { assert(isCapturedVariable(variable)); _capturedVariableMapping[variable] = boxField; } BoxFieldElement getCapturedVariableBoxField(Local variable) { return _capturedVariableMapping[variable]; } void translateFunction(Element element, FunctionExpression node) { // For constructors the [element] and the [:elements[node]:] may differ. // The [:elements[node]:] always points to the generative-constructor // element, whereas the [element] might be the constructor-body element. visit(node); // [visitFunctionExpression] will call [visitInvokable]. // When variables need to be boxed their [_capturedVariableMapping] is // updated, but we delay updating the similar freeVariableMapping in the // closure datas that capture these variables. // The closures don't have their fields (in the closure class) set, either. updateClosures(); } void translateLazyInitializer(VariableElement element, VariableDefinitions node, Expression initializer) { visitInvokable(element, node, () { visit(initializer); }); updateClosures(); } // This function runs through all of the existing closures and updates their // free variables to the boxed value. It also adds the field-elements to the // class representing the closure. void updateClosures() { for (Expression closure in closures) { // The captured variables that need to be stored in a field of the closure // class. Set fieldCaptures = new Set(); Set boxes = new Set(); ClosureClassMap data = closureMappingCache[closure]; // We get a copy of the keys and iterate over it, to avoid modifications // to the map while iterating over it. Iterable freeVariables = data.freeVariables.toList(); freeVariables.forEach((Local fromElement) { assert(data.isFreeVariable(fromElement)); assert(data.freeVariableMap[fromElement] == null); assert(isCapturedVariable(fromElement)); BoxFieldElement boxFieldElement = getCapturedVariableBoxField(fromElement); if (boxFieldElement == null) { assert(fromElement is! BoxLocal); // The variable has not been boxed. fieldCaptures.add(fromElement); } else { // A boxed element. data.freeVariableMap[fromElement] = boxFieldElement; boxes.add(; } }); ClosureClassElement closureClass = data.closureClassElement; assert(closureClass != null || (fieldCaptures.isEmpty && boxes.isEmpty)); void addClosureField(Local local, String name) { ClosureFieldElement closureField = new ClosureFieldElement(name, local, closureClass); closureClass.addField(closureField, compiler); data.freeVariableMap[local] = closureField; } // Add the box elements first so we get the same ordering. // TODO(sra): What is the canonical order of multiple boxes? for (BoxLocal capturedElement in boxes) { addClosureField(capturedElement,; } /// Comparator for locals. Position boxes before elements. int compareLocals(a, b) { if (a is Element && b is Element) { return Elements.compareByPosition(a, b); } else if (a is Element) { return 1; } else if (b is Element) { return -1; } else { return; } } for (Local capturedLocal in fieldCaptures.toList()..sort(compareLocals)) { int id = closureFieldCounter++; String name = getClosureVariableName(, id); addClosureField(capturedLocal, name); } closureClass.reverseBackendMembers(); } } void useLocal(Local variable) { // If the element is not declared in the current function and the element // is not the closure itself we need to mark the element as free variable. // Note that the check on [insideClosure] is not just an // optimization: factories have type parameters as function // parameters, and type parameters are declared in the class, not // the factory. bool inCurrentContext(Local variable) { return variable == executableContext || variable.executableContext == executableContext; } if (insideClosure && !inCurrentContext(variable)) { closureData.addFreeVariable(variable); } else if (inTryStatement) { // Don't mark the this-element or a self-reference. This would complicate // things in the builder. // Note that nested (named) functions are immutable. if (variable != closureData.thisLocal && variable != closureData.closureElement) { closureData.variablesUsedInTryOrGenerator.add(variable); } } else if (variable is LocalParameterElement && variable.functionDeclaration.asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.SYNC_STAR) { // Parameters in a sync* function are shared between each Iterator created // by the Iterable returned by the function, therefore they must be boxed. closureData.variablesUsedInTryOrGenerator.add(variable); } } void useTypeVariableAsLocal(TypeVariableType typeVariable) { useLocal(new TypeVariableLocal(typeVariable, outermostElement)); } void declareLocal(LocalVariableElement element) { scopeVariables.add(element); } void registerNeedsThis() { if (closureData.thisLocal != null) { useLocal(closureData.thisLocal); } } visit(Node node) => node.accept(this); visitNode(Node node) => node.visitChildren(this); visitVariableDefinitions(VariableDefinitions node) { if (node.type != null) { visit(node.type); } for (Link link = node.definitions.nodes; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) { Node definition = link.head; LocalElement element = elements[definition]; assert(element != null); if (!element.isInitializingFormal) { declareLocal(element); } // We still need to visit the right-hand sides of the init-assignments. // For SendSets don't visit the left again. Otherwise it would be marked // as mutated. if (definition is Send) { Send assignment = definition; Node arguments = assignment.argumentsNode; if (arguments != null) { visit(arguments); } } else { visit(definition); } } } visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) { MemberElement member = executableContext.memberContext; DartType type = elements.getType(node); // TODO(karlklose,johnniwinther): if the type is null, the annotation is // from a parameter which has been analyzed before the method has been // resolved and the result has been thrown away. if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions && type != null && type.containsTypeVariables) { if (insideClosure && member.isFactoryConstructor) { // This is a closure in a factory constructor. Since there is no // [:this:], we have to mark the type arguments as free variables to // capture them in the closure. type.forEachTypeVariable((TypeVariableType variable) { useTypeVariableAsLocal(variable); }); } if (member.isInstanceMember && !member.isField) { // In checked mode, using a type variable in a type annotation may lead // to a runtime type check that needs to access the type argument and // therefore the closure needs a this-element, if it is not in a field // initializer; field initatializers are evaluated in a context where // the type arguments are available in locals. registerNeedsThis(); } } } visitIdentifier(Identifier node) { if (node.isThis()) { registerNeedsThis(); } else { Element element = elements[node]; if (element != null && element.isTypeVariable) { if (outermostElement.isConstructor) { TypeVariableElement typeVariable = element; useTypeVariableAsLocal(typeVariable.type); } else { registerNeedsThis(); } } } node.visitChildren(this); } visitSend(Send node) { Element element = elements[node]; if (Elements.isLocal(element)) { LocalElement localElement = element; useLocal(localElement); } else if (element != null && element.isTypeVariable) { TypeVariableElement variable = element; analyzeType(variable.type); } else if (node.receiver == null && Elements.isInstanceSend(node, elements)) { registerNeedsThis(); } else if (node.isSuperCall) { registerNeedsThis(); } else if (node.isTypeTest || node.isTypeCast) { TypeAnnotation annotation = node.typeAnnotationFromIsCheckOrCast; DartType type = elements.getType(annotation); analyzeType(type); } else if (node.isTypeTest) { DartType type = elements.getType(node.typeAnnotationFromIsCheckOrCast); analyzeType(type); } else if (node.isTypeCast) { DartType type = elements.getType(node.arguments.head); analyzeType(type); } else if (elements.isAssert(node) && !compiler.enableUserAssertions) { return; } node.visitChildren(this); } visitSendSet(SendSet node) { Element element = elements[node]; if (Elements.isLocal(element)) { mutatedVariables.add(element); if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions) { TypedElement typedElement = element; analyzeTypeVariables(typedElement.type); } } super.visitSendSet(node); } visitNewExpression(NewExpression node) { DartType type = elements.getType(node); analyzeType(type); node.visitChildren(this); } visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) { DartType type = elements.getType(node); analyzeType(type); node.visitChildren(this); } visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) { DartType type = elements.getType(node); analyzeType(type); node.visitChildren(this); } void analyzeTypeVariables(DartType type) { type.forEachTypeVariable((TypeVariableType typeVariable) { // Field initializers are inlined and access the type variable as // normal parameters. if (!outermostElement.isField && !outermostElement.isConstructor) { registerNeedsThis(); } else { useTypeVariableAsLocal(typeVariable); } }); } void analyzeType(DartType type) { // TODO(johnniwinther): Find out why this can be null. if (type == null) return; if (outermostElement.isClassMember && compiler.backend.classNeedsRti(outermostElement.enclosingClass)) { if (outermostElement.isConstructor || outermostElement.isField) { analyzeTypeVariables(type); } else if (outermostElement.isInstanceMember) { if (type.containsTypeVariables) { registerNeedsThis(); } } } } // If variables that are declared in the [node] scope are captured and need // to be boxed create a box-element and update the [capturingScopes] in the // current [closureData]. // The boxed variables are updated in the [capturedVariableMapping]. void attachCapturedScopeVariables(Node node) { BoxLocal box = null; Map scopeMapping = new Map(); void boxCapturedVariable(LocalVariableElement variable) { if (isCapturedVariable(variable)) { if (box == null) { // TODO(floitsch): construct better box names. String boxName = getBoxFieldName(closureFieldCounter++); box = new BoxLocal(boxName, executableContext); } String elementName =; String boxedName = getClosureVariableName(elementName, boxedFieldCounter++); // TODO(kasperl): Should this be a FieldElement instead? BoxFieldElement boxed = new BoxFieldElement(boxedName, variable, box); scopeMapping[variable] = boxed; setCapturedVariableBoxField(variable, boxed); } } for (LocalVariableElement variable in scopeVariables) { // No need to box non-assignable elements. if (!variable.isAssignable) continue; if (!mutatedVariables.contains(variable)) continue; boxCapturedVariable(variable); } if (!scopeMapping.isEmpty) { ClosureScope scope = new ClosureScope(box, scopeMapping); closureData.capturingScopes[node] = scope; } } void inNewScope(Node node, Function action) { List oldScopeVariables = scopeVariables; scopeVariables = []; action(); attachCapturedScopeVariables(node); mutatedVariables.removeAll(scopeVariables); scopeVariables = oldScopeVariables; } visitLoop(Loop node) { inNewScope(node, () { node.visitChildren(this); }); } visitFor(For node) { inNewScope(node, () { // First visit initializer and update so we can easily check if a loop // variable was captured in one of these subexpressions. if (node.initializer != null) visit(node.initializer); if (node.update != null) visit(node.update); // Loop variables that have not been captured yet can safely be flagged as // non-mutated, because no nested function can observe the mutation. if (node.initializer is VariableDefinitions) { VariableDefinitions definitions = node.initializer; definitions.definitions.nodes.forEach((Node node) { LocalVariableElement local = elements[node]; if (!isCapturedVariable(local)) { mutatedVariables.remove(local); } }); } // Visit condition and body. // This must happen after the above, so any loop variables mutated in the // condition or body are indeed flagged as mutated. if (node.conditionStatement != null) visit(node.conditionStatement); if (node.body != null) visit(node.body); }); // See if we have declared loop variables that need to be boxed. if (node.initializer == null) return; VariableDefinitions definitions = node.initializer.asVariableDefinitions(); if (definitions == null) return; ClosureScope scopeData = closureData.capturingScopes[node]; if (scopeData == null) return; List result = []; for (Link link = definitions.definitions.nodes; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) { Node definition = link.head; LocalVariableElement element = elements[definition]; if (isCapturedVariable(element)) { result.add(element); } } scopeData.boxedLoopVariables = result; } /** Returns a non-unique name for the given closure element. */ String computeClosureName(Element element) { Link parts = const Link(); String ownName =; if (ownName == null || ownName == "") { parts = parts.prepend("closure"); } else { parts = parts.prepend(ownName); } for (Element enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement; enclosingElement != null && (enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_BODY || enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR || enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.CLASS || enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION || enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.GETTER || enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.SETTER); enclosingElement = enclosingElement.enclosingElement) { // TODO(johnniwinther): Simplify computed names. if (enclosingElement.isGenerativeConstructor || enclosingElement.isGenerativeConstructorBody || enclosingElement.isFactoryConstructor) { parts = parts.prepend( Elements.reconstructConstructorName(enclosingElement)); } else { String surroundingName = Elements.operatorNameToIdentifier(; parts = parts.prepend(surroundingName); } // A generative constructors's parent is the class; the class name is // already part of the generative constructor's name. if (enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR) break; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); parts.printOn(sb, '_'); return sb.toString(); } JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend; ClosureClassMap globalizeClosure(FunctionExpression node, LocalFunctionElement element) { String closureName = computeClosureName(element); ClosureClassElement globalizedElement = new ClosureClassElement( node, closureName, compiler, element); FunctionElement callElement = new SynthesizedCallMethodElementX(Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME, element, globalizedElement); backend.maybeMarkClosureAsNeededForReflection(globalizedElement, callElement, element); MemberElement enclosing = element.memberContext; enclosing.nestedClosures.add(callElement); globalizedElement.addMember(callElement, compiler); globalizedElement.computeAllClassMembers(compiler); // The nested function's 'this' is the same as the one for the outer // function. It could be [null] if we are inside a static method. ThisLocal thisElement = closureData.thisLocal; return new ClosureClassMap(element, globalizedElement, callElement, thisElement); } void visitInvokable(ExecutableElement element, Node node, void visitChildren()) { bool oldInsideClosure = insideClosure; Element oldFunctionElement = executableContext; ClosureClassMap oldClosureData = closureData; insideClosure = outermostElement != null; LocalFunctionElement closure; executableContext = element; if (insideClosure) { closure = element; closures.add(node); closureData = globalizeClosure(node, closure); } else { outermostElement = element; ThisLocal thisElement = null; if (element.isInstanceMember || element.isGenerativeConstructor) { thisElement = new ThisLocal(element); } closureData = new ClosureClassMap(null, null, null, thisElement); } closureMappingCache[node] = closureData; inNewScope(node, () { DartType type = element.type; // If the method needs RTI, or checked mode is set, we need to // escape the potential type variables used in that closure. if (element is FunctionElement && (compiler.backend.methodNeedsRti(element) || compiler.enableTypeAssertions)) { analyzeTypeVariables(type); } visitChildren(); }); ClosureClassMap savedClosureData = closureData; bool savedInsideClosure = insideClosure; // Restore old values. insideClosure = oldInsideClosure; closureData = oldClosureData; executableContext = oldFunctionElement; // Mark all free variables as captured and use them in the outer function. Iterable freeVariables = savedClosureData.freeVariables; assert(freeVariables.isEmpty || savedInsideClosure); for (Local freeVariable in freeVariables) { addCapturedVariable(node, freeVariable); useLocal(freeVariable); } } visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { Element element = elements[node]; if (element.isParameter) { // TODO(ahe): This is a hack. This method should *not* call // visitChildren. return; } visitInvokable(element, node, () { // TODO(ahe): This is problematic. The backend should not repeat // the work of the resolver. It is the resolver's job to create // parameters, etc. Other phases should only visit statements. if (node.parameters != null) node.parameters.accept(this); if (node.initializers != null) node.initializers.accept(this); if (node.body != null) node.body.accept(this); }); } visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) { // TODO(ngeoffray): implement finer grain state. bool oldInTryStatement = inTryStatement; inTryStatement = true; node.visitChildren(this); inTryStatement = oldInTryStatement; } visitForIn(ForIn node) { if (node.awaitToken != null) { // An `await for` loop is enclosed in an implicit try-finally. bool oldInTryStatement = inTryStatement; inTryStatement = true; visitLoop(node); inTryStatement = oldInTryStatement; } else { visitLoop(node); } } } /// A type variable as a local variable. class TypeVariableLocal implements Local { final TypeVariableType typeVariable; final ExecutableElement executableContext; TypeVariableLocal(this.typeVariable, this.executableContext); String get name =>; int get hashCode => typeVariable.hashCode; bool operator ==(other) { if (other is! TypeVariableLocal) return false; return typeVariable == other.typeVariable; } }