Linter Demo Errors: 1Warnings: 12File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/io/source_map_builder.dart // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library dart2js.source_map_builder; import '../util/util.dart'; import '../util/uri_extras.dart' show relativize; import 'line_column_provider.dart'; import 'source_information.dart' show SourceLocation; class SourceMapBuilder { static const int VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5; static const int VLQ_BASE_MASK = (1 << 5) - 1; static const int VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT = 1 << 5; static const int VLQ_CONTINUATION_MASK = 1 << 5; static const String BASE64_DIGITS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmn' 'opqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; /// The URI of the source map file. final Uri sourceMapUri; /// The URI of the target language file. final Uri targetFileUri; LineColumnProvider lineColumnProvider; List entries; Map sourceUriMap; List sourceUriList; Map sourceNameMap; List sourceNameList; int previousTargetLine; int previousTargetColumn; int previousSourceUriIndex; int previousSourceLine; int previousSourceColumn; int previousSourceNameIndex; bool firstEntryInLine; SourceMapBuilder(this.sourceMapUri, this.targetFileUri, this.lineColumnProvider) { entries = new List(); sourceUriMap = new Map(); sourceUriList = new List(); sourceNameMap = new Map(); sourceNameList = new List(); previousTargetLine = 0; previousTargetColumn = 0; previousSourceUriIndex = 0; previousSourceLine = 0; previousSourceColumn = 0; previousSourceNameIndex = 0; firstEntryInLine = true; } resetPreviousSourceLocation() { previousSourceUriIndex = 0; previousSourceLine = 0; previousSourceColumn = 0; previousSourceNameIndex = 0; } updatePreviousSourceLocation(SourceLocation sourceLocation) { previousSourceLine = sourceLocation.line; previousSourceColumn = sourceLocation.column; Uri sourceUri = sourceLocation.sourceUri; previousSourceUriIndex = indexOf(sourceUriList, sourceUri, sourceUriMap); String sourceName = sourceLocation.sourceName; if (sourceName != null) { previousSourceNameIndex = indexOf(sourceNameList, sourceName, sourceNameMap); } } bool sameAsPreviousLocation(SourceLocation sourceLocation) { if (sourceLocation == null) { return true; } int sourceUriIndex = indexOf(sourceUriList, sourceLocation.sourceUri, sourceUriMap); return sourceUriIndex == previousSourceUriIndex && sourceLocation.line == previousSourceLine && sourceLocation.column == previousSourceColumn; } void addMapping(int targetOffset, SourceLocation sourceLocation) { bool sameLine(int position, otherPosition) { return lineColumnProvider.getLine(position) == lineColumnProvider.getLine(otherPosition); } if (!entries.isEmpty && sameLine(targetOffset, entries.last.targetOffset)) { if (sameAsPreviousLocation(sourceLocation)) { // The entry points to the same source location as the previous entry in // the same line, hence it is not needed for the source map. // // TODO(zarah): Remove this check and make sure that [addMapping] is not // called for this position. Instead, when consecutive lines in the // generated code point to the same source location, record this and use // it to generate the entries of the source map. return; } } if (sourceLocation != null) { updatePreviousSourceLocation(sourceLocation); } entries.add(new SourceMapEntry(sourceLocation, targetOffset)); } void printStringListOn(List strings, StringBuffer buffer) { bool first = true; buffer.write('['); for (String string in strings) { if (!first) buffer.write(','); buffer.write('"'); writeJsonEscapedCharsOn(string, buffer); buffer.write('"'); first = false; } buffer.write(']'); } String build() { resetPreviousSourceLocation(); StringBuffer mappingsBuffer = new StringBuffer(); entries.forEach((SourceMapEntry entry) { writeEntry(entry, mappingsBuffer); }); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.write('{\n'); buffer.write(' "version": 3,\n'); if (sourceMapUri != null && targetFileUri != null) { buffer.write( ' "file": "${relativize(sourceMapUri, targetFileUri, false)}",\n'); } buffer.write(' "sourceRoot": "",\n'); buffer.write(' "sources": '); List relativeSourceUriList = []; if (sourceMapUri != null) { relativeSourceUriList = sourceUriList .map((u) => relativize(sourceMapUri, u, false)) .toList(); } printStringListOn(relativeSourceUriList, buffer); buffer.write(',\n'); buffer.write(' "names": '); printStringListOn(sourceNameList, buffer); buffer.write(',\n'); buffer.write(' "mappings": "'); buffer.write(mappingsBuffer); buffer.write('"\n}\n'); return buffer.toString(); } void writeEntry(SourceMapEntry entry, StringBuffer output) { int targetLine = lineColumnProvider.getLine(entry.targetOffset); int targetColumn = lineColumnProvider.getColumn(targetLine, entry.targetOffset); if (targetLine > previousTargetLine) { for (int i = previousTargetLine; i < targetLine; ++i) { output.write(';'); } previousTargetLine = targetLine; previousTargetColumn = 0; firstEntryInLine = true; } if (!firstEntryInLine) { output.write(','); } firstEntryInLine = false; encodeVLQ(output, targetColumn - previousTargetColumn); previousTargetColumn = targetColumn; if (entry.sourceLocation == null) return; Uri sourceUri = entry.sourceLocation.sourceUri; int sourceLine = entry.sourceLocation.line; int sourceColumn = entry.sourceLocation.column; String sourceName = entry.sourceLocation.sourceName; int sourceUriIndex = indexOf(sourceUriList, sourceUri, sourceUriMap); encodeVLQ(output, sourceUriIndex - previousSourceUriIndex); encodeVLQ(output, sourceLine - previousSourceLine); encodeVLQ(output, sourceColumn - previousSourceColumn); if (sourceName != null) { int sourceNameIndex = indexOf(sourceNameList, sourceName, sourceNameMap); encodeVLQ(output, sourceNameIndex - previousSourceNameIndex); } // Update previous source location to ensure the next indices are relative // to those if [entry.sourceLocation]. updatePreviousSourceLocation(entry.sourceLocation); } int indexOf(List list, value, Map map) { return map.putIfAbsent(value, () { int index = list.length; list.add(value); return index; }); } static void encodeVLQ(StringBuffer output, int value) { int signBit = 0; if (value < 0) { signBit = 1; value = -value; } value = (value << 1) | signBit; do { int digit = value & VLQ_BASE_MASK; value >>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; if (value > 0) { digit |= VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT; } output.write(BASE64_DIGITS[digit]); } while (value > 0); } } class SourceMapEntry { SourceLocation sourceLocation; int targetOffset; SourceMapEntry(this.sourceLocation, this.targetOffset); }