Linter Demo Errors: 7Warnings: 92File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/js_emitter/new_emitter/model_emitter.dart // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library dart2js.new_js_emitter.model_emitter; import '../../constants/values.dart' show ConstantValue, FunctionConstantValue; import '../../dart2jslib.dart' show Compiler; import '../../dart_types.dart' show DartType; import '../../elements/elements.dart' show ClassElement, FunctionElement; import '../../js/js.dart' as js; import '../../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend, Namer, ConstantEmitter; import '../js_emitter.dart' show NativeEmitter; import 'package:_internal/compiler/js_lib/shared/embedded_names.dart' show CREATE_NEW_ISOLATE, DEFERRED_LIBRARY_URIS, DEFERRED_LIBRARY_HASHES, GET_TYPE_FROM_NAME, INITIALIZE_LOADED_HUNK, INTERCEPTORS_BY_TAG, IS_HUNK_INITIALIZED, IS_HUNK_LOADED, LEAF_TAGS, MANGLED_GLOBAL_NAMES, METADATA, TYPE_TO_INTERCEPTOR_MAP, TYPES; import '../js_emitter.dart' show NativeGenerator, buildTearOffCode; import '../model.dart'; class ModelEmitter { final Compiler compiler; final Namer namer; ConstantEmitter constantEmitter; final NativeEmitter nativeEmitter; JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend; /// For deferred loading we communicate the initializers via this global var. static const String deferredInitializersGlobal = r"$__dart_deferred_initializers__"; static const String deferredExtension = "part.js"; ModelEmitter(Compiler compiler, Namer namer, this.nativeEmitter) : this.compiler = compiler, this.namer = namer { // TODO(floitsch): remove hard-coded name. // TODO(floitsch): there is no harm in caching the template. js.Template makeConstantListTemplate = js.js.uncachedExpressionTemplate('makeConstList(#)'); this.constantEmitter = new ConstantEmitter( compiler, namer, this.generateConstantReference, makeConstantListTemplate); } js.Expression generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(String global) { // TODO(floitsch): We should not use "init" for globals. return js.js("init.$global"); } bool isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(ConstantValue constant) { if (constant.isFunction) return true; // Already emitted. if (constant.isPrimitive) return true; // Inlined. if (constant.isDummy) return true; // Inlined. // The name is null when the constant is already a JS constant. // TODO(floitsch): every constant should be registered, so that we can // share the ones that take up too much space (like some strings). if (namer.constantName(constant) == null) return true; return false; } // TODO(floitsch): copied from OldEmitter. Adjust or share. int compareConstants(ConstantValue a, ConstantValue b) { // Inlined constants don't affect the order and sometimes don't even have // names. int cmp1 = isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(a) ? 0 : 1; int cmp2 = isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(b) ? 0 : 1; if (cmp1 + cmp2 < 2) return cmp1 - cmp2; // Emit constant interceptors first. Constant interceptors for primitives // might be used by code that builds other constants. See Issue 18173. if (a.isInterceptor != b.isInterceptor) { return a.isInterceptor ? -1 : 1; } // Sorting by the long name clusters constants with the same constructor // which compresses a tiny bit better. int r = namer.constantLongName(a).compareTo(namer.constantLongName(b)); if (r != 0) return r; // Resolve collisions in the long name by using the constant name (i.e. JS // name) which is unique. return namer.constantName(a).compareTo(namer.constantName(b)); } js.Expression generateStaticClosureAccess(FunctionElement element) { return js.js('#.#()', [namer.globalObjectFor(element), namer.staticClosureName(element)]); } js.Expression generateConstantReference(ConstantValue value) { if (value.isFunction) { FunctionConstantValue functionConstant = value; return generateStaticClosureAccess(functionConstant.element); } // We are only interested in the "isInlined" part, but it does not hurt to // test for the other predicates. if (isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(value)) { return constantEmitter.generate(value); } return js.js('#.#()', [namer.globalObjectForConstant(value), namer.constantName(value)]); } int emitProgram(Program program) { List fragments = program.fragments; MainFragment mainFragment = fragments.first; int totalSize = 0; // We have to emit the deferred fragments first, since we need their // deferred hash (which depends on the output) when emitting the main // fragment. fragments.skip(1).forEach((DeferredFragment deferredUnit) { js.Expression ast = emitDeferredFragment(deferredUnit, program.holders); String code = js.prettyPrint(ast, compiler).getText(); totalSize += code.length; compiler.outputProvider(deferredUnit.outputFileName, deferredExtension) ..add(code) ..close(); }); js.Statement mainAst = emitMainFragment(program); String mainCode = js.prettyPrint(mainAst, compiler).getText(); compiler.outputProvider(mainFragment.outputFileName, 'js') ..add(buildGeneratedBy(compiler)) ..add(mainCode) ..close(); totalSize += mainCode.length; return totalSize; } js.LiteralString unparse(Compiler compiler, js.Node value) { String text = js.prettyPrint(value, compiler).getText(); if (value is js.Fun) text = '($text)'; if (value is js.LiteralExpression && (value.template.startsWith("function ") || value.template.startsWith("{"))) { text = '($text)'; } return js.js.escapedString(text); } String buildGeneratedBy(compiler) { var suffix = ''; if (compiler.hasBuildId) suffix = ' version: ${compiler.buildId}'; return '// Generated by dart2js, the Dart to JavaScript compiler$suffix.\n'; } js.Statement emitMainFragment(Program program) { MainFragment fragment = program.fragments.first; List elements =; elements.add( emitLazilyInitializedStatics(fragment.staticLazilyInitializedFields)); elements.add(emitConstants(fragment.constants)); js.Expression code = new js.ArrayInitializer(elements); Map holes = {'deferredInitializer': emitDeferredInitializerGlobal(program.loadMap), 'holders': emitHolders(program.holders), 'tearOff': buildTearOffCode(backend), 'parseFunctionDescriptor': js.js.statement(parseFunctionDescriptorBoilerplate, {'argumentCount': js.string(namer.requiredParameterField), 'defaultArgumentValues': js.string(namer.defaultValuesField), 'callName': js.string(namer.callNameField)}), 'cyclicThrow': backend.emitter.staticFunctionAccess(backend.getCyclicThrowHelper()), 'outputContainsConstantList': program.outputContainsConstantList, 'embeddedGlobals': emitEmbeddedGlobals(program), 'staticNonFinals': emitStaticNonFinalFields(fragment.staticNonFinalFields), 'operatorIsPrefix': js.string(namer.operatorIsPrefix), 'callName': js.string(namer.callNameField), 'argumentCount': js.string(namer.requiredParameterField), 'defaultArgumentValues': js.string(namer.defaultValuesField), 'eagerClasses': emitEagerClassInitializations(fragment.libraries), 'invokeMain': fragment.invokeMain, 'code': code}; holes.addAll(nativeHoles(program)); return js.js.statement(boilerplate, holes); } Map nativeHoles(Program program) { Map nativeHoles = {}; js.Statement nativeIsolateAffinityTagInitialization; if (NativeGenerator.needsIsolateAffinityTagInitialization(backend)) { nativeIsolateAffinityTagInitialization = NativeGenerator.generateIsolateAffinityTagInitialization( backend, generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess, // TODO(floitsch): convertToFastObject. js.js("(function(x) { return x; })", [])); } else { nativeIsolateAffinityTagInitialization = js.js.statement(";"); } nativeHoles['nativeIsolateAffinityTagInitialization'] = nativeIsolateAffinityTagInitialization; js.Expression nativeInfoAccess = js.js('nativeInfo', []); js.Expression constructorAccess = js.js('constructor', []); Function subclassReadGenerator = (js.Expression subclass) { return js.js('holdersMap[#][#].ensureResolved()', [subclass, subclass]); }; js.Expression interceptorsByTagAccess = generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(INTERCEPTORS_BY_TAG); js.Expression leafTagsAccess = generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(LEAF_TAGS); js.Statement nativeInfoHandler = nativeEmitter.buildNativeInfoHandler( nativeInfoAccess, constructorAccess, subclassReadGenerator, interceptorsByTagAccess, leafTagsAccess); nativeHoles['needsNativeSupport'] = program.needsNativeSupport; nativeHoles['needsNoNativeSupport'] = !program.needsNativeSupport; nativeHoles['nativeInfoHandler'] = nativeInfoHandler; return nativeHoles; } js.Block emitHolders(List holders) { // The top-level variables for holders must *not* be renamed by the // JavaScript pretty printer because a lot of code already uses the // non-renamed names. The generated code looks like this: // // var H = {}, ..., G = {}; // var holders = [ H, ..., G ]; // // and it is inserted at the top of the top-level function expression // that covers the entire program. List statements = [ new js.ExpressionStatement( new js.VariableDeclarationList( => new js.VariableInitialization( new js.VariableDeclaration(, allowRename: false), new js.ObjectInitializer(const []))).toList())), js.js.statement('var holders = #', new js.ArrayInitializer( => new js.VariableUse( .toList(growable: false))), js.js.statement('var holdersMap = Object.create(null)') ]; return new js.Block(statements); } js.Block emitEmbeddedGlobals(Program program) { List globals = []; if (program.loadMap.isNotEmpty) { globals.addAll(emitEmbeddedGlobalsForDeferredLoading(program.loadMap)); } if (program.typeToInterceptorMap != null) { globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(TYPE_TO_INTERCEPTOR_MAP), program.typeToInterceptorMap)); } if (program.hasIsolateSupport) { String isolateName = namer.currentIsolate; globals.add( new js.Property(js.string(CREATE_NEW_ISOLATE), js.js('function () { return $isolateName; }'))); // TODO(floitsch): add remaining isolate functions. } globals.add(emitMangledGlobalNames()); globals.add(emitGetTypeFromName()); globals.addAll(emitMetadata(program)); if (program.needsNativeSupport) { globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(INTERCEPTORS_BY_TAG), js.js('Object.create(null)', []))); globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(LEAF_TAGS), js.js('Object.create(null)', []))); } js.ObjectInitializer globalsObject = new js.ObjectInitializer(globals); List statements = [new js.ExpressionStatement( new js.VariableDeclarationList( [new js.VariableInitialization( new js.VariableDeclaration("init", allowRename: false), globalsObject)]))]; return new js.Block(statements); } js.Property emitMangledGlobalNames() { List names = []; // We want to keep the original names for the most common core classes when // calling toString on them. List nativeClassesNeedingUnmangledName = [compiler.intClass, compiler.doubleClass, compiler.numClass, compiler.stringClass, compiler.boolClass, compiler.nullClass, compiler.listClass]; nativeClassesNeedingUnmangledName.forEach((element) { names.add(new js.Property(js.string(namer.className(element)), js.string(; }); return new js.Property(js.string(MANGLED_GLOBAL_NAMES), new js.ObjectInitializer(names)); } js.Statement emitDeferredInitializerGlobal(Map loadMap) { if (loadMap.isEmpty) return new js.Block.empty(); return js.js.statement(""" if (typeof($deferredInitializersGlobal) === 'undefined') var $deferredInitializersGlobal = Object.create(null);"""); } Iterable emitEmbeddedGlobalsForDeferredLoading( Map> loadMap) { List globals = []; js.ArrayInitializer fragmentUris(List fragments) { return js.stringArray( fragment) => "${fragment.outputFileName}.$deferredExtension")); } js.ArrayInitializer fragmentHashes(List fragments) { // TODO(floitsch): the hash must depend on the generated code. return js.numArray( fragment) => fragment.hashCode)); } List uris = new List(loadMap.length); List hashes = new List(loadMap.length); int count = 0; loadMap.forEach((String loadId, List fragmentList) { uris[count] = new js.Property(js.string(loadId), fragmentUris(fragmentList)); hashes[count] = new js.Property(js.string(loadId), fragmentHashes(fragmentList)); count++; }); globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(DEFERRED_LIBRARY_URIS), new js.ObjectInitializer(uris))); globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(DEFERRED_LIBRARY_HASHES), new js.ObjectInitializer(hashes))); js.Expression isHunkLoadedFunction = js.js("function(hash) { return !!$deferredInitializersGlobal[hash]; }"); globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(IS_HUNK_LOADED), isHunkLoadedFunction)); js.Expression isHunkInitializedFunction = js.js("function(hash) { return false; }"); globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(IS_HUNK_INITIALIZED), isHunkInitializedFunction)); /// See [emitEmbeddedGlobalsForDeferredLoading] for the format of the /// deferred hunk. js.Expression initializeLoadedHunkFunction = js.js(""" function(hash) { var hunk = $deferredInitializersGlobal[hash]; $setupProgramName(hunk[0]); eval(hunk[1]); }"""); globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(INITIALIZE_LOADED_HUNK), initializeLoadedHunkFunction)); return globals; } js.Property emitGetTypeFromName() { js.Expression function = js.js( """function(name) { return holdersMap[name][name].ensureResolved(); }"""); return new js.Property(js.string(GET_TYPE_FROM_NAME), function); } List emitMetadata(Program program) { List metadataGlobals = []; js.Property createGlobal(List list, String global) { String listAsString = "[${list.join(",")}]"; js.Expression metadata = js.js.uncachedExpressionTemplate(listAsString).instantiate([]); return new js.Property(js.string(global), metadata); } metadataGlobals.add(createGlobal(program.metadata, METADATA)); metadataGlobals.add(createGlobal(program.metadataTypes, TYPES)); return metadataGlobals; } js.Expression emitDeferredFragment(DeferredFragment fragment, List holders) { // TODO(floitsch): initialize eager classes. // TODO(floitsch): the hash must depend on the output. int hash = fragment.hashCode; List deferredCode =; deferredCode.add( emitLazilyInitializedStatics(fragment.staticLazilyInitializedFields)); deferredCode.add(emitConstants(fragment.constants)); js.ArrayInitializer deferredArray = new js.ArrayInitializer(deferredCode); // This is the code that must be evaluated after all deferred classes have // been setup. js.Statement immediateCode = emitEagerClassInitializations(fragment.libraries); js.LiteralString immediateString = unparse(compiler, immediateCode); js.ArrayInitializer hunk = new js.ArrayInitializer([deferredArray, immediateString]); return js.js("$deferredInitializersGlobal[$hash] = #", hunk); } // This string should be referenced wherever JavaScript code makes assumptions // on the constants format. static final String constantsDescription = "The constants are encoded as a follows:" " [constantsHolderIndex, name, code, name2, code2, ...]." "The array is completely empty if there is no constant at all."; js.ArrayInitializer emitConstants(List constants) { List data = []; if (constants.isNotEmpty) { int holderIndex = constants.first.holder.index; data.add(js.number(holderIndex)); data.addAll(constants.expand((Constant constant) { assert(constant.holder.index == holderIndex); js.Expression code = constantEmitter.generate(constant.value); return [js.string(, unparse(compiler, code)]; })); } return new js.ArrayInitializer(data); } js.Block emitStaticNonFinalFields(List fields) { Iterable statements = field) { return js.js.statement("#.# = #;", [,, field.code]); }); return new js.Block(statements.toList()); } js.Expression emitLazilyInitializedStatics(List fields) { Iterable fieldDescriptors = fields.expand((field) => [ js.string(, js.string("${namer.getterPrefix}${}"), js.number(field.holder.index), emitLazyInitializer(field) ]); return new js.ArrayInitializer(fieldDescriptors.toList(growable: false)); } js.Block emitEagerClassInitializations(List libraries) { js.Statement createInstantiation(Class cls) { return js.js.statement('new #.#()', [,]); } List instantiations = libraries.expand((Library library) => library.classes) .where((Class cls) => cls.isEager) .map(createInstantiation) .toList(growable: false); return new js.Block(instantiations); } // This string should be referenced wherever JavaScript code makes assumptions // on the mixin format. static final String nativeInfoDescription = "A class is encoded as follows:" " [name, class-code, holder-index], or " " [name, class-code, native-info, holder-index]."; js.Expression emitLibrary(Library library) { Iterable staticDescriptors = library.statics.expand(emitStaticMethod); Iterable classDescriptors = library.classes.expand((Class cls) { js.LiteralString name = js.string(; js.LiteralNumber holderIndex = js.number(cls.holder.index); js.Expression emittedClass = emitClass(cls); if (cls.nativeInfo == null) { return [name, emittedClass, holderIndex]; } else { return [name, emittedClass, js.string(cls.nativeInfo), holderIndex]; } }); js.Expression staticArray = new js.ArrayInitializer(staticDescriptors.toList(growable: false)); js.Expression classArray = new js.ArrayInitializer(classDescriptors.toList(growable: false)); return new js.ArrayInitializer([staticArray, classArray]); } js.Expression _generateConstructor(Class cls) { List fieldNames = []; // If the class is not directly instantiated we only need it for inheritance // or RTI. In either case we don't need its fields. if (cls.isDirectlyInstantiated && !cls.isNative) { fieldNames = field) =>; } String name =; String parameters = fieldNames.join(', '); String assignments = fieldNames .map((String field) => "this.$field = $field;\n") .join(); String code = 'function $name($parameters) { $assignments }'; js.Template template = js.js.uncachedExpressionTemplate(code); return template.instantiate(const []); } Method _generateGetter(Field field) { String getterTemplateFor(int flags) { switch (flags) { case 1: return "function() { return this[#]; }"; case 2: return "function(receiver) { return receiver[#]; }"; case 3: return "function(receiver) { return this[#]; }"; } return null; } js.Expression fieldName = js.string(; js.Expression code = js.js(getterTemplateFor(field.getterFlags), fieldName); String getterName = "${namer.getterPrefix}${field.accessorName}"; return new StubMethod(getterName, code); } Method _generateSetter(Field field) { String setterTemplateFor(int flags) { switch (flags) { case 1: return "function(val) { return this[#] = val; }"; case 2: return "function(receiver, val) { return receiver[#] = val; }"; case 3: return "function(receiver, val) { return this[#] = val; }"; } return null; } js.Expression fieldName = js.string(; js.Expression code = js.js(setterTemplateFor(field.setterFlags), fieldName); String setterName = "${namer.setterPrefix}${field.accessorName}"; return new StubMethod(setterName, code); } Iterable _generateGettersSetters(Class cls) { Iterable getters = cls.fields .where((Field field) => field.needsGetter) .map(_generateGetter); Iterable setters = cls.fields .where((Field field) => field.needsUncheckedSetter) .map(_generateSetter); return [getters, setters].expand((x) => x); } // This string should be referenced wherever JavaScript code makes assumptions // on the mixin format. static final String mixinFormatDescription = "Mixins have a reference to their mixin class at the place of the usual" "constructor. If they are instantiated the constructor follows the" "reference."; js.Expression emitClass(Class cls) { List elements = [js.string(cls.superclassName), js.number(cls.superclassHolderIndex)]; if (cls.isMixinApplication) { MixinApplication mixin = cls; elements.add(js.string(; elements.add(js.number(mixin.mixinClass.holder.index)); if (cls.isDirectlyInstantiated) { elements.add(_generateConstructor(cls)); } } else { elements.add(_generateConstructor(cls)); } Iterable methods = cls.methods; Iterable isChecks = cls.isChecks; Iterable callStubs = cls.callStubs; Iterable typeVariableReaderStubs = cls.typeVariableReaderStubs; Iterable noSuchMethodStubs = cls.noSuchMethodStubs; Iterable gettersSetters = _generateGettersSetters(cls); Iterable allMethods = [methods, isChecks, callStubs, typeVariableReaderStubs, noSuchMethodStubs, gettersSetters].expand((x) => x); elements.addAll(allMethods.expand(emitInstanceMethod)); return unparse(compiler, new js.ArrayInitializer(elements)); } js.Expression emitLazyInitializer(StaticField field) { assert(field.isLazy); return unparse(compiler, field.code); } /// JavaScript code template that implements parsing of a function descriptor. /// Descriptors are used in place of the actual JavaScript function /// definition in the output if additional information needs to be passed to /// facilitate the generation of tearOffs at runtime. The format is an array /// with the following fields: /// /// * [InstanceMethod.aliasName] (optional). /// * [Method.code] /// * [DartMethod.callName] /// * isInterceptedMethod (optional, present if [DartMethod.needsTearOff]). /// * [DartMethod.tearOffName] (optional, present if /// [DartMethod.needsTearOff]). /// * functionType (optional, present if [DartMethod.needsTearOff]). /// /// followed by /// /// * [] /// * [ParameterStubMethod.callName] /// * [ParameterStubMethod.code] /// /// for each stub in [DartMethod.parameterStubs]. /// /// If the closure could be used in `Function.apply` (i.e. /// [DartMethod.canBeApplied] is true) then the following fields are appended: /// /// * [DartMethod.requiredParameterCount] /// * [DartMethod.optionalParameterDefaultValues] static final String parseFunctionDescriptorBoilerplate = r""" function parseFunctionDescriptor(proto, name, descriptor) { if (descriptor instanceof Array) { // 'pos' points to the last read entry. var f, pos = -1; var aliasOrFunction = descriptor[++pos]; if (typeof aliasOrFunction == "string") { // Install the alias for super calls on the prototype chain. proto[aliasOrFunction] = f = descriptor[++pos]; } else { f = aliasOrFunction; } proto[name] = f; var funs = [f]; f[#callName] = descriptor[++pos]; var isInterceptedOrParameterStubName = descriptor[pos + 1]; var isIntercepted, tearOffName, reflectionInfo; if (typeof isInterceptedOrParameterStubName == "boolean") { isIntercepted = descriptor[++pos]; tearOffName = descriptor[++pos]; reflectionInfo = descriptor[++pos]; } // We iterate in blocks of 3 but have to stop before we reach the (optional) // two trailing items. To accomplish this, we only iterate until we reach // length - 2. for (++pos; pos < descriptor.length - 2; pos += 3) { var stub = descriptor[pos + 2]; stub[#callName] = descriptor[pos + 1]; proto[descriptor[pos]] = stub; funs.push(stub); } if (tearOffName) { proto[tearOffName] = tearOff(funs, reflectionInfo, false, name, isIntercepted); } if (pos < descriptor.length) { f[#argumentCount] = descriptor[pos]; f[#defaultArgumentValues] = descriptor[pos + 1]; } } else { proto[name] = descriptor; } } """; js.Expression _encodeOptionalParameterDefaultValues(DartMethod method) { // TODO(herhut): Replace [js.LiteralNull] with [js.ArrayHole]. if (method.optionalParameterDefaultValues is List) { List defaultValues = method.optionalParameterDefaultValues; Iterable elements =; return new js.ArrayInitializer(elements.toList()); } else { Map defaultValues = method.optionalParameterDefaultValues; List properties = []; defaultValues.forEach((String name, ConstantValue value) { properties.add(new js.Property(js.string(name), generateConstantReference(value))); }); return new js.ObjectInitializer(properties); } } Iterable emitInstanceMethod(Method method) { List makeNameCodePair(Method method) { return [js.string(, method.code]; } List makeNameCallNameCodeTriplet(ParameterStubMethod stub) { js.Expression callName = stub.callName == null ? new js.LiteralNull() : js.string(stub.callName); return [js.string(, callName, stub.code]; } if (method is InstanceMethod) { if (method.needsTearOff || method.aliasName != null) { /// See [parseFunctionDescriptorBoilerplate] for a full description of /// the format. // [name, [aliasName, function, callName, isIntercepted, tearOffName, // functionType, stub1_name, stub1_callName, stub1_code, ...] var data = []; if (method.aliasName != null) { data.add(js.string(method.aliasName)); } data.add(method.code); data.add(js.string(method.callName)); if (method.needsTearOff) { bool isIntercepted = backend.isInterceptedMethod(method.element); data.add(new js.LiteralBool(isIntercepted)); data.add(js.string(method.tearOffName)); data.add((method.functionType)); } data.addAll(method.parameterStubs.expand(makeNameCallNameCodeTriplet)); if (method.canBeApplied) { data.add(js.number(method.requiredParameterCount)); data.add(_encodeOptionalParameterDefaultValues(method)); } return [js.string(, new js.ArrayInitializer(data)]; } else { // TODO(floitsch): not the most efficient way... return ([method]..addAll(method.parameterStubs)) .expand(makeNameCodePair); } } else { return makeNameCodePair(method); } } Iterable emitStaticMethod(StaticMethod method) { js.Expression holderIndex = js.number(method.holder.index); List output = []; void _addMethod(Method method) { js.Expression unparsed = unparse(compiler, method.code); output.add(js.string(; output.add(holderIndex); output.add(unparsed); } List makeNameCallNameCodeTriplet(ParameterStubMethod stub) { js.Expression callName = stub.callName == null ? new js.LiteralNull() : js.string(stub.callName); return [js.string(, callName, unparse(compiler, stub.code)]; } _addMethod(method); // TODO(floitsch): can there be anything else than a StaticDartMethod? if (method is StaticDartMethod) { if (method.needsTearOff) { /// The format emitted is the same as for the parser specified at /// [parseFunctionDescriptorBoilerplate] except for the missing /// field whether the method is intercepted. // [name, [function, callName, tearOffName, functionType, // stub1_name, stub1_callName, stub1_code, ...] var data = [unparse(compiler, method.code)]; data.add(js.string(method.callName)); data.add(js.string(method.tearOffName)); data.add(method.functionType); data.addAll(method.parameterStubs.expand(makeNameCallNameCodeTriplet)); if (method.canBeApplied) { data.add(js.number(method.requiredParameterCount)); data.add(_encodeOptionalParameterDefaultValues(method)); } return [js.string(, holderIndex, new js.ArrayInitializer(data)]; } else { method.parameterStubs.forEach(_addMethod); } } return output; } static final String setupProgramName = "setupProgram"; static final String boilerplate = """ { // Declare deferred-initializer global. #deferredInitializer; !function(start, program) { // Initialize holder objects. #holders; var nativeInfos = Object.create(null); // Counter to generate unique names for tear offs. var functionCounter = 0; function $setupProgramName(program) { for (var i = 0; i < program.length - 2; i++) { setupLibrary(program[i]); } setupLazyStatics(program[i]); setupConstants(program[i + 1]); } function setupLibrary(library) { var statics = library[0]; for (var i = 0; i < statics.length; i += 3) { var holderIndex = statics[i + 1]; setupStatic(statics[i], holders[holderIndex], statics[i + 2]); } var classes = library[1]; for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i += 3) { var name = classes[i]; var cls = classes[i + 1]; if (#needsNativeSupport) { // $nativeInfoDescription. var indexOrNativeInfo = classes[i + 2]; if (typeof indexOrNativeInfo == "number") { var holderIndex = classes[i + 2]; } else { nativeInfos[name] = indexOrNativeInfo; holderIndex = classes[i + 3]; i++; } } if (#needsNoNativeSupport) { var holderIndex = classes[i + 2]; } holdersMap[name] = holders[holderIndex]; setupClass(name, holders[holderIndex], cls); } } function setupLazyStatics(statics) { for (var i = 0; i < statics.length; i += 4) { var name = statics[i]; var getterName = statics[i + 1]; var holderIndex = statics[i + 2]; var initializer = statics[i + 3]; setupLazyStatic(name, getterName, holders[holderIndex], initializer); } } function setupConstants(constants) { // $constantsDescription. if (constants.length == 0) return; // We assume that all constants are in the same holder. var holder = holders[constants[0]]; for (var i = 1; i < constants.length; i += 2) { var name = constants[i]; var initializer = constants[i + 1]; setupConstant(name, holder, initializer); } } function setupStatic(name, holder, descriptor) { if (typeof descriptor == 'string') { holder[name] = function() { if (descriptor == null) { // Already compiled. This happens when we have calls to the static as // arguments to the static: `foo(foo(499))`; return holder[name].apply(this, arguments); } var method = compile(name, descriptor); holder[name] = method; descriptor = null; // GC the descriptor. return method.apply(this, arguments); }; } else { // Parse the tear off information and generate compile handlers. // TODO(herhut): Share parser with instance methods. function compileAllStubs() { var funs; var fun = compile(name, descriptor[0]); fun[#callName] = descriptor[1]; holder[name] = fun; funs = [fun]; // We iterate in blocks of 3 but have to stop before we reach the // (optional) two trailing items. To accomplish this, we only iterate // until we reach length - 2. for (var pos = 4; pos < descriptor.length - 2; pos += 3) { var stubName = descriptor[pos]; fun = compile(stubName, descriptor[pos + 2]); fun[#callName] = descriptor[pos + 1]; holder[stubName] = fun; funs.push(fun); } if (descriptor[2] != null) { // tear-off name. // functions, reflectionInfo, isStatic, name, isIntercepted. holder[descriptor[2]] = tearOff(funs, descriptor[3], true, name, false); } if (pos < descriptor.length) { fun[#argumentCount] = descriptor[pos]; fun[#defaultArgumentValues] = descriptor[pos + 1]; } } function setupCompileAllAndDelegateStub(name) { holder[name] = function() { // The descriptor is null if we already compiled this function. This // happens when we have calls to the static as arguments to the // static: `foo(foo(499))`; if (descriptor != null) { compileAllStubs(); descriptor = null; // GC the descriptor. } return holder[name].apply(this, arguments); }; } setupCompileAllAndDelegateStub(name); for (var pos = 4; pos < descriptor.length; pos += 3) { setupCompileAllAndDelegateStub(descriptor[pos]); } if (descriptor[2] != null) { // tear-off name. setupCompileAllAndDelegateStub(descriptor[2]) } } } function setupLazyStatic(name, getterName, holder, descriptor) { holder[name] = null; holder[getterName] = function() { var initializer = compile(name, descriptor); holder[getterName] = function() { #cyclicThrow(name) }; var result; var sentinelInProgress = descriptor; try { result = holder[name] = sentinelInProgress; result = holder[name] = initializer(); } finally { // Use try-finally, not try-catch/throw as it destroys the stack trace. if (result === sentinelInProgress) { // The lazy static (holder[name]) might have been set to a different // value. According to spec we still have to reset it to null, if the // initialization failed. holder[name] = null; } // TODO(floitsch): the function should probably be unique for each // static. holder[getterName] = function() { return this[name]; }; } return result; }; } function setupConstant(name, holder, descriptor) { var c; holder[name] = function() { if (descriptor !== null) { c = compile(name, descriptor); name = null; descriptor = null; } return c; }; } function setupClass(name, holder, descriptor) { var patch = function() { if (patch.ensureResolved == patch) { // We have not yet been compiled. var constructor = compileConstructor(name, descriptor); holder[name] = constructor; name = holder = descriptor = null; // GC the captured arguments. // Make sure we can invoke 'ensureResolved' multiple times on the patch // function. patch.ensureResolved = function() { return constructor; }; constructor.ensureResolved = function() { return this; }; } else { // This can happen when arguments to the constructor are of the same // class, like in `new A(new A(null))`. constructor = patch.ensureResolved(); } // If the patch has been called as "ensureResolved" return. if (this === patch) return constructor; var object = new constructor(); constructor.apply(object, arguments); return object; }; // We store the patch function on itself to make it // possible to resolve superclass references without constructing instances. patch.ensureResolved = patch; holder[name] = patch; } #tearOff; #parseFunctionDescriptor; function compileConstructor(name, descriptor) { descriptor = compile(name, descriptor); var prototype = determinePrototype(descriptor); var constructor; var functionsIndex; // $mixinFormatDescription. if (typeof descriptor[2] !== 'function') { fillPrototypeWithMixedIn(descriptor[2], descriptor[3], prototype); // descriptor[4] contains the constructor if the mixin application is // directly instantiated. if (typeof descriptor[4] === 'function') { constructor = descriptor[4]; functionsIndex = 5; } else { constructor = function() {}; functionsIndex = 4; } } else { constructor = descriptor[2]; functionsIndex = 3; } for (var i = functionsIndex; i < descriptor.length; i += 2) { parseFunctionDescriptor(prototype, descriptor[i], descriptor[i + 1]); } constructor.builtin\$cls = name; // Needed for RTI. constructor.prototype = prototype; prototype[#operatorIsPrefix + name] = constructor; prototype.constructor = constructor; return constructor; } function fillPrototypeWithMixedIn(mixinName, mixinHolderIndex, prototype) { var mixin = holders[mixinHolderIndex][mixinName].ensureResolved(); var mixinPrototype = mixin.prototype; // Fill the prototype with the mixin's properties. var mixinProperties = Object.keys(mixinPrototype); for (var i = 0; i < mixinProperties.length; i++) { var p = mixinProperties[i]; prototype[p] = mixinPrototype[p]; } } function determinePrototype(descriptor) { var superclassName = descriptor[0]; if (!superclassName) return { }; // Look up the superclass constructor function in the right holder. var holderIndex = descriptor[1]; var superclass = holders[holderIndex][superclassName].ensureResolved(); // Create a new prototype object chained to the superclass prototype. var intermediate = function() { }; intermediate.prototype = superclass.prototype; return new intermediate(); } function compile(__name__, __s__) { 'use strict'; // TODO(floitsch): evaluate the performance impact of the string // concatenations. return eval(__s__ + "\\n//# sourceURL=" + __name__ + ".js"); } if (#outputContainsConstantList) { function makeConstList(list) { // By assigning a function to the properties they become part of the // hidden class. The actual values of the fields don't matter, since we // only check if they exist. list.immutable\$list = Array; list.fixed\$length = Array; return list; } } if (#needsNativeSupport) { function handleNativeClassInfos() { for (var nativeClass in nativeInfos) { var constructor = holdersMap[nativeClass][nativeClass].ensureResolved(); var nativeInfo = nativeInfos[nativeClass]; #nativeInfoHandler; } } } $setupProgramName(program); // Initialize globals. #embeddedGlobals; // TODO(floitsch): this order means that native classes may not be // referenced from constants. I'm mostly afraid of things like using them as // generic arguments (which should be fine, but maybe there are other // similar things). // Initialize natives. if (#needsNativeSupport) handleNativeClassInfos(); // Initialize static non-final fields. #staticNonFinals; // Add native boilerplate code. #nativeIsolateAffinityTagInitialization; // Initialize eager classes. #eagerClasses; var end =; // print('Setup: ' + (end - start) + ' ms.'); #invokeMain; // Start main. }(, #code) }"""; }