Linter Demo Errors: 0Warnings: 11File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/tree/dartstring.dart // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of tree; /** * The [DartString] type represents a Dart string value as a sequence of Unicode * Scalar Values. * After parsing, any valid [LiteralString] will contain a [DartString] * representing its content after removing quotes and resolving escapes in * its source. */ abstract class DartString extends IterableBase { factory DartString.empty() => const LiteralDartString(""); // This is a convenience constructor. If you need a const literal DartString, // use [const LiteralDartString(string)] directly. factory DartString.literal(String string) => new LiteralDartString(string); factory DartString.rawString(String source, int length) => new RawSourceDartString(source, length); factory DartString.escapedString(String source, int length) => new EscapedSourceDartString(source, length); factory DartString.concat(DartString first, DartString second) { if (first.isEmpty) return second; if (second.isEmpty) return first; return new ConsDartString(first, second); } const DartString(); /** * The length of this [DartString], which is the string length after * escapes have been resolved. */ int get length; bool get isEmpty => length == 0; Iterator get iterator; /** * The string represented by this [DartString]. */ String slowToString(); bool operator ==(var other) { if (other is !DartString) return false; DartString otherString = other; if (length != otherString.length) return false; Iterator it1 = iterator; Iterator it2 = otherString.iterator; while (it1.moveNext()) { if (!it2.moveNext()) return false; if (it1.current != it2.current) return false; } return true; } int get hashCode => throw new UnsupportedError('DartString.hashCode'); /** * A textual representation of this [DartString] with some debugging * information. */ String toString() => "DartString#${length}:${slowToString()}"; } /** * A [DartString] where the content is represented by an actual [String]. */ class LiteralDartString extends DartString { final String string; const LiteralDartString(this.string); int get length => string.length; Iterator get iterator => string.codeUnits.iterator; String slowToString() => string; } /** * A [DartString] whereSource the content comes from a slice of the program * source. */ abstract class SourceBasedDartString extends DartString { /** * The source string containing explicit escapes from which this [DartString] * is built. */ final String source; final int length; SourceBasedDartString(this.source, this.length); Iterator get iterator; } /** * Special case of a [SourceBasedDartString] where we know the source doesn't * contain any escapes. */ class RawSourceDartString extends SourceBasedDartString { RawSourceDartString(source, length) : super(source, length); Iterator get iterator => source.codeUnits.iterator; String slowToString() => source; } /** * General case of a [SourceBasedDartString] where the source might contain * escapes. */ class EscapedSourceDartString extends SourceBasedDartString { String toStringCache; EscapedSourceDartString(source, length) : super(source, length); Iterator get iterator { if (toStringCache != null) return toStringCache.codeUnits.iterator; return new StringEscapeIterator(source); } String slowToString() { if (toStringCache != null) return toStringCache; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); StringEscapeIterator it = new StringEscapeIterator(source); while (it.moveNext()) { buffer.writeCharCode(it.current); } toStringCache = buffer.toString(); return toStringCache; } } /** * The concatenation of two [DartString]s. */ class ConsDartString extends DartString { final DartString left; final DartString right; final int length; String toStringCache; ConsDartString(DartString left, DartString right) : this.left = left, this.right = right, length = left.length + right.length; Iterator get iterator => new ConsDartStringIterator(this); String slowToString() { if (toStringCache != null) return toStringCache; toStringCache = left.slowToString() + right.slowToString(); return toStringCache; } String get source => slowToString(); } class ConsDartStringIterator implements Iterator { HasNextIterator currentIterator; DartString right; bool hasNextLookAhead; int _current = null; ConsDartStringIterator(ConsDartString cons) : currentIterator = new HasNextIterator(cons.left.iterator), right = cons.right { hasNextLookAhead = currentIterator.hasNext; if (!hasNextLookAhead) { nextPart(); } } int get current => _current; bool moveNext() { if (!hasNextLookAhead) { _current = null; return false; } _current =; hasNextLookAhead = currentIterator.hasNext; if (!hasNextLookAhead) { nextPart(); } return true; } void nextPart() { if (right != null) { currentIterator = new HasNextIterator(right.iterator); right = null; hasNextLookAhead = currentIterator.hasNext; } } } /** *Iterator that returns the actual string contents of a string with escapes. */ class StringEscapeIterator implements Iterator{ final Iterator source; int _current = null; StringEscapeIterator(String source) : this.source = source.codeUnits.iterator; int get current => _current; bool moveNext() { if (!source.moveNext()) { _current = null; return false; } int code = source.current; if (code != $BACKSLASH) { _current = code; return true; } source.moveNext(); code = source.current; switch (code) { case $n: _current = $LF; break; case $r: _current = $CR; break; case $t: _current = $TAB; break; case $b: _current = $BS; break; case $f: _current = $FF; break; case $v: _current = $VTAB; break; case $x: source.moveNext(); int value = hexDigitValue(source.current); source.moveNext(); value = value * 16 + hexDigitValue(source.current); _current = value; break; case $u: int value = 0; source.moveNext(); code = source.current; if (code == $OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET) { source.moveNext(); while (source.current != $CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET) { value = value * 16 + hexDigitValue(source.current); source.moveNext(); } _current = value; break; } // Four digit hex value. value = hexDigitValue(code); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { source.moveNext(); value = value * 16 + hexDigitValue(source.current); } _current = value; break; default: _current = code; } return true; } }