Linter Demo Errors: 0Warnings: 36File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/tree_ir/tree_ir_nodes.dart // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library tree_ir_nodes; import '../constants/expressions.dart'; import '../constants/values.dart' as values; import '../dart_types.dart' show DartType, GenericType, InterfaceType, TypeVariableType; import '../elements/elements.dart'; import '../io/source_information.dart' show SourceInformation; import '../universe/universe.dart'; import '../universe/universe.dart' show Selector; // The Tree language is the target of translation out of the CPS-based IR. // // The translation from CPS to Dart consists of several stages. Among the // stages are translation to direct style, translation out of SSA, eliminating // unnecessary names, recognizing high-level control constructs. Combining // these separate concerns is complicated and the constraints of the CPS-based // language do not permit a multi-stage translation. // // For that reason, CPS is translated to the direct-style language Tree. // Translation out of SSA, unnaming, and control-flow, as well as 'instruction // selection' are performed on the Tree language. // // In contrast to the CPS-based IR, non-primitive expressions can be named and // arguments (to calls, primitives, and blocks) can be arbitrary expressions. // // Additionally, variables are considered in scope within inner functions; // closure variables are thus handled directly instead of using ref cells. /** * The base class of all Tree nodes. */ abstract class Node { } /** * The base class of [Expression]s. */ abstract class Expression extends Node { accept(ExpressionVisitor v); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg); /// Temporary variable used by [StatementRewriter]. /// If set to true, this expression has already had enclosing assignments /// propagated into its variables, and should not be processed again. /// It is only set for expressions that are known to be in risk of redundant /// processing. bool processed = false; } abstract class Statement extends Node { Statement get next; void set next(Statement s); accept(StatementVisitor v); accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg); } /** * Labels name [LabeledStatement]s. */ class Label { // A counter used to generate names. The counter is reset to 0 for each // function emitted. static int counter = 0; static String _newName() => 'L${counter++}'; String cachedName; String get name { if (cachedName == null) cachedName = _newName(); return cachedName; } /// Number of [Break] or [Continue] statements that target this label. /// The [Break] constructor will increment this automatically, but the /// counter must be decremented by hand when a [Break] becomes orphaned. int useCount = 0; /// The [LabeledStatement] or [WhileTrue] binding this label. JumpTarget binding; } /** * A local variable in the tree IR. * * All tree IR variables are mutable, and may in Dart-mode be referenced inside * nested functions. * * To use a variable as an expression, reference it from a [VariableUse], with * one [VariableUse] per expression. * * [Variable]s are reference counted. The node constructors [VariableUse], * [Assign], [FunctionDefinition], and [Try] automatically update the reference * count for their variables, but when transforming the tree, the transformer * is responsible for updating reference counts. */ class Variable extends Node { /// Function that declares this variable. ExecutableElement host; /// [Entity] used for synthesizing a name for the variable. /// Different variables may have the same entity. May be null. Entity element; /// Number of places where this variable occurs in a [VariableUse]. int readCount = 0; /// Number of places where this variable occurs as: /// - left-hand of an [Assign] /// - left-hand of a [FunctionDeclaration] /// - parameter in a [FunctionDefinition] /// - catch parameter in a [Try] int writeCount = 0; /// True if a nested function reads or writes this variable. /// /// Always false in JS-mode because closure conversion eliminated nested /// functions. bool isCaptured = false; Variable(, this.element) { assert(host != null); } String toString() => element == null ? 'Variable' : element.toString(); } /// Read the value of a variable. class VariableUse extends Expression { Variable variable; /// Creates a use of [variable] and updates its `readCount`. VariableUse(this.variable) { variable.readCount++; } accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitVariableUse(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitVariableUse(this, arg); } } /** * Common interface for invocations with arguments. */ abstract class Invoke { List get arguments; Selector get selector; } /** * A call to a static function or getter/setter to a static field. * * In contrast to the CPS-based IR, the arguments can be arbitrary expressions. */ class InvokeStatic extends Expression implements Invoke { final Entity target; final List arguments; final Selector selector; final SourceInformation sourceInformation; InvokeStatic(, this.selector, this.arguments, {this.sourceInformation}); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeStatic(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitInvokeStatic(this, arg); } } /** * A call to a method, operator, getter, setter or index getter/setter. * * In contrast to the CPS-based IR, the receiver and arguments can be * arbitrary expressions. */ class InvokeMethod extends Expression implements Invoke { Expression receiver; final Selector selector; final List arguments; InvokeMethod(this.receiver, this.selector, this.arguments) { assert(receiver != null); } accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeMethod(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitInvokeMethod(this, arg); } } /// Invoke [target] on [receiver], bypassing ordinary dispatch semantics. class InvokeMethodDirectly extends Expression implements Invoke { Expression receiver; final Element target; final Selector selector; final List arguments; InvokeMethodDirectly(this.receiver,, this.selector, this.arguments); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeMethodDirectly(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitInvokeMethodDirectly(this, arg); } } /** * Call to a factory or generative constructor. */ class InvokeConstructor extends Expression implements Invoke { final DartType type; final FunctionElement target; final List arguments; final Selector selector; /// TODO(karlklose): get rid of this field. Instead use the constant's /// expression to find the constructor to be called in dart2dart. final values.ConstantValue constant; InvokeConstructor(this.type,, this.selector, this.arguments, [this.constant]); ClassElement get targetClass => target.enclosingElement; accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitInvokeConstructor(this); } accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitInvokeConstructor(this, arg); } } /// Calls [toString] on each argument and concatenates the results. class ConcatenateStrings extends Expression { final List arguments; ConcatenateStrings(this.arguments); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitConcatenateStrings(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitConcatenateStrings(this, arg); } } /** * A constant. */ class Constant extends Expression { final ConstantExpression expression; Constant(this.expression); Constant.primitive(values.PrimitiveConstantValue primitiveValue) : expression = new PrimitiveConstantExpression(primitiveValue); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitConstant(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitConstant(this, arg); values.ConstantValue get value => expression.value; } class This extends Expression { accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitThis(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitThis(this, arg); } class ReifyTypeVar extends Expression implements DartSpecificNode { TypeVariableElement typeVariable; ReifyTypeVar(this.typeVariable); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitReifyTypeVar(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitReifyTypeVar(this, arg); } } class LiteralList extends Expression { final GenericType type; final List values; LiteralList(this.type, this.values); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralList(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitLiteralList(this, arg); } } class LiteralMapEntry { Expression key; Expression value; LiteralMapEntry(this.key, this.value); } class LiteralMap extends Expression { final GenericType type; final List entries; LiteralMap(this.type, this.entries); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralMap(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitLiteralMap(this, arg); } } class TypeOperator extends Expression { Expression receiver; final DartType type; final bool isTypeTest; TypeOperator(this.receiver, this.type, {bool this.isTypeTest}); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitTypeOperator(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitTypeOperator(this, arg); } String get operator => isTypeTest ? 'is' : 'as'; } /// A conditional expression. class Conditional extends Expression { Expression condition; Expression thenExpression; Expression elseExpression; Conditional(this.condition, this.thenExpression, this.elseExpression); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitConditional(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitConditional(this, arg); } } /// An && or || expression. The operator is internally represented as a boolean /// [isAnd] to simplify rewriting of logical operators. class LogicalOperator extends Expression { Expression left; bool isAnd; Expression right; LogicalOperator(this.left, this.right, this.isAnd); LogicalOperator.and(this.left, this.right) : isAnd = true; LogicalOperator.or(this.left, this.right) : isAnd = false; String get operator => isAnd ? '&&' : '||'; accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLogicalOperator(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitLogicalOperator(this, arg); } } /// Logical negation. class Not extends Expression { Expression operand; Not(this.operand); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitNot(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitNot(this, arg); } class FunctionExpression extends Expression implements DartSpecificNode { final FunctionDefinition definition; FunctionExpression(this.definition) { assert(definition.element.type.returnType.treatAsDynamic); } accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionExpression(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitFunctionExpression(this, arg); } } /// Declares a local function. /// Used for functions that may not occur in expression context due to /// being recursive or having a return type. /// The [variable] must not occur as the left-hand side of an [Assign] or /// any other [FunctionDeclaration]. class FunctionDeclaration extends Statement implements DartSpecificNode { Variable variable; final FunctionDefinition definition; Statement next; FunctionDeclaration(this.variable, this.definition, { ++variable.writeCount; } accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionDeclaration(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitFunctionDeclaration(this, arg); } } /// A [LabeledStatement] or [WhileTrue] or [WhileCondition]. abstract class JumpTarget extends Statement { Label get label; Statement get body; } /** * A labeled statement. Breaks to the label within the labeled statement * target the successor statement. */ class LabeledStatement extends JumpTarget { Statement next; final Label label; Statement body; LabeledStatement(this.label, this.body, { assert(label.binding == null); label.binding = this; } accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLabeledStatement(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitLabeledStatement(this, arg); } } /// A [WhileTrue] or [WhileCondition] loop. abstract class Loop extends JumpTarget { } /** * A labeled while(true) loop. */ class WhileTrue extends Loop { final Label label; Statement body; WhileTrue(this.label, this.body) { assert(label.binding == null); label.binding = this; } Statement get next => null; void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE'; accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitWhileTrue(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitWhileTrue(this, arg); } /** * A while loop with a condition. If the condition is false, control resumes * at the [next] statement. * * It is NOT valid to target this statement with a [Break]. * The only way to reach [next] is for the condition to evaluate to false. * * [WhileCondition] statements are introduced in the [LoopRewriter] and is * assumed not to occur before then. */ class WhileCondition extends Loop { final Label label; Expression condition; Statement body; Statement next; WhileCondition(this.label, this.condition, this.body, { assert(label.binding == null); label.binding = this; } accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitWhileCondition(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitWhileCondition(this, arg); } } /// A [Break] or [Continue] statement. abstract class Jump extends Statement { Label get target; } /** * A break from an enclosing [LabeledStatement]. The break targets the * labeled statement's successor statement. */ class Break extends Jump { final Label target; Statement get next => null; void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE'; Break( { ++target.useCount; } accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitBreak(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitBreak(this, arg); } /** * A continue to an enclosing [WhileTrue] or [WhileCondition] loop. * The continue targets the loop's body. */ class Continue extends Jump { final Label target; Statement get next => null; void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE'; Continue( { ++target.useCount; } accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitContinue(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitContinue(this, arg); } /** * An assignments of an [Expression] to a [Variable]. * * In contrast to the CPS-based IR, non-primitive expressions can be assigned * to variables. */ class Assign extends Statement { Statement next; Variable variable; Expression value; /// If true, this assignes to a fresh variable scoped to the [next] /// statement. /// /// Variable declarations themselves are hoisted to function level. bool isDeclaration; /// Creates an assignment to [variable] and updates its `writeCount`. Assign(this.variable, this.value,, { this.isDeclaration: false }) { variable.writeCount++; } bool get hasExactlyOneUse => variable.readCount == 1; accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitAssign(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitAssign(this, arg); } /** * A return exit from the function. * * In contrast to the CPS-based IR, the return value is an arbitrary * expression. */ class Return extends Statement { /// Should not be null. Use [Constant] with [NullConstantValue] for void /// returns. /// Even in constructors this holds true. Take special care when translating /// back to dart, where `return null;` in a constructor is an error. Expression value; Statement get next => null; void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE'; Return(this.value); accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitReturn(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitReturn(this, arg); } /** * A conditional branch based on the true value of an [Expression]. */ class If extends Statement { Expression condition; Statement thenStatement; Statement elseStatement; Statement get next => null; void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE'; If(this.condition, this.thenStatement, this.elseStatement); accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitIf(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitIf(this, arg); } class ExpressionStatement extends Statement { Statement next; Expression expression; ExpressionStatement(this.expression,; accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitExpressionStatement(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitExpressionStatement(this, arg); } } class Try extends Statement { Statement tryBody; List catchParameters; Statement catchBody; Statement get next => null; void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE'; Try(this.tryBody, this.catchParameters, this.catchBody) { for (Variable variable in catchParameters) { variable.writeCount++; // Being a catch parameter counts as a write. } } accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitTry(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitTry(this, arg); } } abstract class RootNode extends Node { ExecutableElement get element; List get parameters; /// True if there is no body for this root node. /// /// In some parts of the compiler, empty root nodes are used as placeholders /// for abstract methods, external constructors, fields without initializers, /// etc. bool get isEmpty; void forEachBody(void action(Statement node)); void replaceEachBody(Statement transform(Statement node)); accept(RootVisitor v); accept1(RootVisitor1 v, arg); } class FieldDefinition extends RootNode implements DartSpecificNode { final FieldElement element; // The `body` of a field is its initializer. Statement body; List get parameters => const []; FieldDefinition(this.element, this.body); bool get isEmpty => body == null; accept(RootVisitor v) => v.visitFieldDefinition(this); accept1(RootVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitFieldDefinition(this, arg); void forEachBody(void action(Statement node)) { if (isEmpty) return; action(body); } void replaceEachBody(Statement transform(Statement node)) { if (isEmpty) return; body = transform(body); } } class FunctionDefinition extends RootNode { final FunctionElement element; final List parameters; Statement body; final List localConstants; final List defaultParameterValues; /// Creates a function definition and updates `writeCount` for [parameters]. FunctionDefinition(this.element, this.parameters, this.body, this.localConstants, this.defaultParameterValues) { for (Variable param in parameters) { param.writeCount++; // Being a parameter counts as a write. } } bool get isEmpty => body == null; accept(RootVisitor v) => v.visitFunctionDefinition(this); accept1(RootVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitFunctionDefinition(this, arg); void forEachBody(void action(Statement node)) { if (isEmpty) return; action(body); } void replaceEachBody(Statement transform(Statement node)) { if (isEmpty) return; body = transform(body); } } abstract class Initializer implements DartSpecificNode { accept(InitializerVisitor v); accept1(InitializerVisitor1 v, arg); void forEachBody(void action(Statement node)); void replaceEachBody(Statement transform(Statement node)); } class FieldInitializer extends Initializer { final FieldElement element; Statement body; bool processed = false; FieldInitializer(this.element, this.body); accept(InitializerVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFieldInitializer(this); accept1(InitializerVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitFieldInitializer(this, arg); } void forEachBody(void action(Statement node)) { action(body); } void replaceEachBody(Statement transform(Statement node)) { body = transform(body); } } class SuperInitializer extends Initializer { final ConstructorElement target; final Selector selector; final List arguments; bool processed = false; SuperInitializer(, this.selector, this.arguments); accept(InitializerVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitSuperInitializer(this); accept1(InitializerVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitSuperInitializer(this, arg); } void forEachBody(void action(Statement node)) { arguments.forEach(action); } void replaceEachBody(Statement transform(Statement node)) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { arguments[i] = transform(arguments[i]); } } } class ConstructorDefinition extends RootNode implements DartSpecificNode { final ConstructorElement element; final List parameters; Statement body; final List localConstants; final List defaultParameterValues; final List initializers; ConstructorDefinition(this.element, this.parameters, this.body, this.initializers, this.localConstants, this.defaultParameterValues) { for (Variable param in parameters) { param.writeCount++; // Being a parameter counts as a write. } } bool get isEmpty => body == null; accept(RootVisitor v) => v.visitConstructorDefinition(this); accept1(RootVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitConstructorDefinition(this, arg); void forEachBody(void action(Statement node)) { if (isEmpty) return; for (Initializer init in initializers) { init.forEachBody(action); } action(body); } void replaceEachBody(Statement transform(Statement node)) { if (isEmpty) return; for (Initializer init in initializers) { init.replaceEachBody(transform); } body = transform(body); } } abstract class JsSpecificNode implements Node {} abstract class DartSpecificNode implements Node {} class CreateBox extends Expression implements JsSpecificNode { accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitCreateBox(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitCreateBox(this, arg); } class CreateInstance extends Expression implements JsSpecificNode { ClassElement classElement; List arguments; List typeInformation; CreateInstance(this.classElement, this.arguments, this.typeInformation); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitCreateInstance(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitCreateInstance(this, arg); } } class GetField extends Expression implements JsSpecificNode { Expression object; Element field; GetField(this.object, this.field); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitGetField(this); accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitGetField(this, arg); } class SetField extends Statement implements JsSpecificNode { Expression object; Element field; Expression value; Statement next; SetField(this.object, this.field, this.value,; accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitSetField(this); accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitSetField(this, arg); } class ReifyRuntimeType extends Expression implements JsSpecificNode { Expression value; ReifyRuntimeType(this.value); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitReifyRuntimeType(this); } accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitReifyRuntimeType(this, arg); } } class ReadTypeVariable extends Expression implements JsSpecificNode { final TypeVariableType variable; Expression target; ReadTypeVariable(this.variable,; accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitReadTypeVariable(this); } accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitReadTypeVariable(this, arg); } } /// Denotes the internal representation of [dartType], where all type variables /// are replaced by the values in [arguments]. /// (See documentation on the TypeExpression CPS node for more details.) class TypeExpression extends Expression { final DartType dartType; final List arguments; TypeExpression(this.dartType, this.arguments); accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitTypeExpression(this); } accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) { return visitor.visitTypeExpression(this, arg); } } abstract class ExpressionVisitor { E visitExpression(Expression node) => node.accept(this); E visitVariableUse(VariableUse node); E visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node); E visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node); E visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node); E visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node); E visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node); E visitConstant(Constant node); E visitThis(This node); E visitReifyTypeVar(ReifyTypeVar node); E visitConditional(Conditional node); E visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node); E visitNot(Not node); E visitLiteralList(LiteralList node); E visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node); E visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node); E visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node); E visitGetField(GetField node); E visitCreateBox(CreateBox node); E visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node); E visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node); E visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node); E visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node); } abstract class ExpressionVisitor1 { E visitExpression(Expression node, A arg) => node.accept1(this, arg); E visitVariableUse(VariableUse node, A arg); E visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node, A arg); E visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node, A arg); E visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node, A arg); E visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node, A arg); E visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node, A arg); E visitConstant(Constant node, A arg); E visitThis(This node, A arg); E visitReifyTypeVar(ReifyTypeVar node, A arg); E visitConditional(Conditional node, A arg); E visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node, A arg); E visitNot(Not node, A arg); E visitLiteralList(LiteralList node, A arg); E visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node, A arg); E visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node, A arg); E visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node, A arg); E visitGetField(GetField node, A arg); E visitCreateBox(CreateBox node, A arg); E visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node, A arg); E visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node, A arg); E visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node, A arg); E visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node, A arg); } abstract class StatementVisitor { S visitStatement(Statement node) => node.accept(this); S visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node); S visitAssign(Assign node); S visitReturn(Return node); S visitBreak(Break node); S visitContinue(Continue node); S visitIf(If node); S visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node); S visitWhileCondition(WhileCondition node); S visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node); S visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node); S visitTry(Try node); S visitSetField(SetField node); } abstract class StatementVisitor1 { S visitStatement(Statement node, A arg) => node.accept1(this, arg); S visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node, A arg); S visitAssign(Assign node, A arg); S visitReturn(Return node, A arg); S visitBreak(Break node, A arg); S visitContinue(Continue node, A arg); S visitIf(If node, A arg); S visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node, A arg); S visitWhileCondition(WhileCondition node, A arg); S visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node, A arg); S visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node, A arg); S visitTry(Try node, A arg); S visitSetField(SetField node, A arg); } abstract class RootVisitor { T visitRootNode(RootNode node) => node.accept(this); T visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node); T visitConstructorDefinition(ConstructorDefinition node); T visitFieldDefinition(FieldDefinition node); } abstract class RootVisitor1 { T visitRootNode(RootNode node, A arg) => node.accept1(this, arg); T visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node, A arg); T visitConstructorDefinition(ConstructorDefinition node, A arg); T visitFieldDefinition(FieldDefinition node, A arg); } abstract class InitializerVisitor { T visitInitializer(Initializer node) => node.accept(this); T visitFieldInitializer(FieldInitializer node); T visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node); } abstract class InitializerVisitor1 { T visitInitializer(Initializer node, A arg) => node.accept1(this, arg); T visitFieldInitializer(FieldInitializer node, A arg); T visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node, A arg); } abstract class RecursiveVisitor implements StatementVisitor, ExpressionVisitor { visitExpression(Expression e) => e.accept(this); visitStatement(Statement s) => s.accept(this); visitInnerFunction(FunctionDefinition node); visitVariable(Variable node) {} visitVariableUse(VariableUse node) { visitVariable(node.variable); } visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) { node.arguments.forEach(visitExpression); } visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) { visitExpression(node.receiver); node.arguments.forEach(visitExpression); } visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) { visitExpression(node.receiver); node.arguments.forEach(visitExpression); } visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) { node.arguments.forEach(visitExpression); } visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node) { node.arguments.forEach(visitExpression); } visitConstant(Constant node) {} visitThis(This node) {} visitReifyTypeVar(ReifyTypeVar node) {} visitConditional(Conditional node) { visitExpression(node.condition); visitExpression(node.thenExpression); visitExpression(node.elseExpression); } visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node) { visitExpression(node.left); visitExpression(node.right); } visitNot(Not node) { visitExpression(node.operand); } visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) { node.values.forEach(visitExpression); } visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) { node.entries.forEach((LiteralMapEntry entry) { visitExpression(entry.key); visitExpression(entry.value); }); } visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node) { visitExpression(node.receiver); } visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { visitInnerFunction(node.definition); } visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) { visitStatement(node.body); visitStatement(; } visitAssign(Assign node) { visitExpression(node.value); visitVariable(node.variable); visitStatement(; } visitReturn(Return node) { visitExpression(node.value); } visitBreak(Break node) {} visitContinue(Continue node) {} visitIf(If node) { visitExpression(node.condition); visitStatement(node.thenStatement); visitStatement(node.elseStatement); } visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node) { visitStatement(node.body); } visitWhileCondition(WhileCondition node) { visitExpression(node.condition); visitStatement(node.body); visitStatement(; } visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { visitInnerFunction(node.definition); visitStatement(; } visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) { visitExpression(node.expression); visitStatement(; } visitTry(Try node) { visitStatement(node.tryBody); visitStatement(node.catchBody); } visitGetField(GetField node) { visitExpression(node.object); } visitSetField(SetField node) { visitExpression(node.object); visitExpression(node.value); visitStatement(; } visitCreateBox(CreateBox node) { } visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) { node.arguments.forEach(visitExpression); node.typeInformation.forEach(visitExpression); } visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node) { visitExpression(node.value); } visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) { visitExpression(; } visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node) { node.arguments.forEach(visitExpression); } } abstract class Transformer implements ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor { Expression visitExpression(Expression e) => e.accept(this); Statement visitStatement(Statement s) => s.accept(this); } class RecursiveTransformer extends Transformer { void visitInnerFunction(FunctionDefinition node) { node.body = visitStatement(node.body); } void _replaceExpressions(List list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i] = visitExpression(list[i]); } } visitVariableUse(VariableUse node) => node; visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) { _replaceExpressions(node.arguments); return node; } visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) { node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver); _replaceExpressions(node.arguments); return node; } visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) { node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver); _replaceExpressions(node.arguments); return node; } visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) { _replaceExpressions(node.arguments); return node; } visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node) { _replaceExpressions(node.arguments); return node; } visitConstant(Constant node) => node; visitThis(This node) => node; visitReifyTypeVar(ReifyTypeVar node) => node; visitConditional(Conditional node) { node.condition = visitExpression(node.condition); node.thenExpression = visitExpression(node.thenExpression); node.elseExpression = visitExpression(node.elseExpression); return node; } visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node) { node.left = visitExpression(node.left); node.right = visitExpression(node.right); return node; } visitNot(Not node) { node.operand = visitExpression(node.operand); return node; } visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) { _replaceExpressions(node.values); return node; } visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) { node.entries.forEach((LiteralMapEntry entry) { entry.key = visitExpression(entry.key); entry.value = visitExpression(entry.value); }); return node; } visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node) { node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver); return node; } visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { visitInnerFunction(node.definition); return node; } visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) { node.body = visitStatement(node.body); = visitStatement(; return node; } visitAssign(Assign node) { node.value = visitExpression(node.value); = visitStatement(; return node; } visitReturn(Return node) { node.value = visitExpression(node.value); return node; } visitBreak(Break node) => node; visitContinue(Continue node) => node; visitIf(If node) { node.condition = visitExpression(node.condition); node.thenStatement = visitStatement(node.thenStatement); node.elseStatement = visitStatement(node.elseStatement); return node; } visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node) { node.body = visitStatement(node.body); return node; } visitWhileCondition(WhileCondition node) { node.condition = visitExpression(node.condition); node.body = visitStatement(node.body); = visitStatement(; return node; } visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { visitInnerFunction(node.definition); = visitStatement(; return node; } visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) { node.expression = visitExpression(node.expression); = visitStatement(; return node; } visitTry(Try node) { node.tryBody = visitStatement(node.tryBody); node.catchBody = visitStatement(node.catchBody); return node; } visitGetField(GetField node) { node.object = visitExpression(node.object); return node; } visitSetField(SetField node) { node.object = visitExpression(node.object); node.value = visitExpression(node.value); = visitStatement(; return node; } visitCreateBox(CreateBox node) => node; visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) { _replaceExpressions(node.arguments); return node; } visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node) { node.value = visitExpression(node.value); return node; } visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) { = visitExpression(; return node; } visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node) { _replaceExpressions(node.arguments); return node; } }