Linter Demo Errors: 22Warnings: 24File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/tree_ir/tree_ir_tracer.dart // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library tree_ir_tracer; import 'dart:async' show EventSink; import '../tracer.dart'; import 'tree_ir_nodes.dart'; class Block { Label label; int index; /// Mixed list of [Statement] and [Block]. /// A [Block] represents a synthetic goto statement. final List statements = []; final List predecessors = []; final List successors = []; /// The catch block associated with the immediately enclosing try block or /// `null` if not inside a try block. Block catcher; /// True if this block is the entry point to one of the bodies /// (constructors can have multiple bodies). bool isEntryPoint = false; String get name => 'B$index'; Block([this.label]); void addEdgeTo(Block successor) { successors.add(successor); successor.predecessors.add(this); } } class BlockCollector extends StatementVisitor { // Accumulate a list of blocks. The current block is the last block in // the list. final List blocks = []; // Map tree [Label]s (break or continue targets) and [Statement]s // (if targets) to blocks. final Map breakTargets = {}; final Map continueTargets = {}; final Map substatements = {}; Block catcher; void _addStatement(Statement statement) { blocks.last.statements.add(statement); } void _addGotoStatement(Block target) { blocks.last.statements.add(target); } void _addBlock(Block block) { block.index = blocks.length; block.catcher = catcher; blocks.add(block); } void collect(RootNode node) { node.forEachBody((Statement body) { _addBlock(new Block()..isEntryPoint = true); visitStatement(body); }); } visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) { Block target = new Block(node.label); breakTargets[node.label] = target; visitStatement(node.body); _addBlock(target); visitStatement(; } visitAssign(Assign node) { _addStatement(node); visitStatement(; } visitReturn(Return node) { _addStatement(node); } visitBreak(Break node) { _addStatement(node); blocks.last.addEdgeTo(breakTargets[]); } visitContinue(Continue node) { _addStatement(node); blocks.last.addEdgeTo(continueTargets[]); } visitIf(If node) { _addStatement(node); Block thenTarget = new Block(); Block elseTarget = new Block(); substatements[node.thenStatement] = thenTarget; substatements[node.elseStatement] = elseTarget; blocks.last.addEdgeTo(thenTarget); blocks.last.addEdgeTo(elseTarget); _addBlock(thenTarget); visitStatement(node.thenStatement); _addBlock(elseTarget); visitStatement(node.elseStatement); } visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node) { Block continueTarget = new Block(); _addGotoStatement(continueTarget); continueTargets[node.label] = continueTarget; blocks.last.addEdgeTo(continueTarget); _addBlock(continueTarget); _addStatement(node); visitStatement(node.body); } visitWhileCondition(WhileCondition node) { Block whileBlock = new Block(); _addGotoStatement(whileBlock); _addBlock(whileBlock); _addStatement(node); whileBlock.statements.add(node); blocks.last.addEdgeTo(whileBlock); Block bodyBlock = new Block(); Block nextBlock = new Block(); whileBlock.addEdgeTo(bodyBlock); whileBlock.addEdgeTo(nextBlock); continueTargets[node.label] = bodyBlock; _addBlock(bodyBlock); visitStatement(node.body); _addBlock(nextBlock); visitStatement(; substatements[node.body] = bodyBlock; substatements[] = nextBlock; } visitTry(Try node) { _addStatement(node); Block tryBlock = new Block(); Block catchBlock = new Block(); Block oldCatcher = catcher; catcher = catchBlock; _addBlock(tryBlock); visitStatement(node.tryBody); catcher = oldCatcher; _addBlock(catchBlock); visitStatement(node.catchBody); substatements[node.tryBody] = tryBlock; substatements[node.catchBody] = catchBlock; } visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) { _addStatement(node); visitStatement(; } visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { _addStatement(node); visitStatement(; } visitSetField(SetField node) { _addStatement(node); visitStatement(; } } class TreeTracer extends TracerUtil with StatementVisitor { String get passName => null; final EventSink output; TreeTracer(this.output); List parameters; Names names; BlockCollector collector; int statementCounter; void traceGraph(String name, RootNode node) { if (node.isEmpty) return; parameters = node.parameters; tag("cfg", () { printProperty("name", name); printRootNode(node); collector.blocks.forEach(printBlock); }); } void printRootNode(RootNode node) { collector = new BlockCollector(); names = new Names(); statementCounter = 0; collector = new BlockCollector(); collector.collect(node); collector.blocks.forEach(printBlock); } void printBlock(Block block) { tag("block", () { printProperty("name",; printProperty("from_bci", -1); printProperty("to_bci", -1); printProperty("predecessors", =>; printProperty("successors", =>; printEmptyProperty("xhandlers"); printEmptyProperty("flags"); tag("states", () { tag("locals", () { printProperty("size", 0); printProperty("method", "None"); }); }); tag("HIR", () { if (block.isEntryPoint) { String params =', '); printStatement(null, 'Entry ($params)'); } if (block.label != null) { printStatement(null, "Label ${}, useCount=${block.label.useCount}"); } if (block.catcher != null) { printStatement(null, 'Catch exceptions at ${}'); } block.statements.forEach(visitBlockMember); }); }); } void visitBlockMember(member) { if (member is Block) { printStatement(null, "goto block B${}"); } else { assert(member is Statement); visitStatement(member); } } void printStatement(String name, String contents) { int bci = 0; int uses = 0; if (name == null) { name = 'x${statementCounter++}'; } addIndent(); add("$bci $uses $name $contents <|@\n"); } visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) { // These do not get added to a block's list of statements. } visitAssign(Assign node) { String name = names.varName(node.variable); String rhs = expr(node.value); Variable v = node.variable; String extra = "(r=${v.readCount}, w=${v.writeCount})"; printStatement(null, "assign $name = $rhs $extra"); } visitReturn(Return node) { printStatement(null, "return ${expr(node.value)}"); } visitBreak(Break node) { printStatement(null, "break ${collector.breakTargets[].name}"); } visitContinue(Continue node) { printStatement(null, "continue ${collector.continueTargets[].name}"); } visitIf(If node) { String condition = expr(node.condition); String thenTarget = collector.substatements[node.thenStatement].name; String elseTarget = collector.substatements[node.elseStatement].name; printStatement(null, "if $condition then $thenTarget else $elseTarget"); } visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node) { printStatement(null, "while true do"); } visitWhileCondition(WhileCondition node) { String bodyTarget = collector.substatements[node.body].name; String nextTarget = collector.substatements[].name; printStatement(null, "while ${expr(node.condition)}"); printStatement(null, "do $bodyTarget"); printStatement(null, "then $nextTarget" ); } visitTry(Try node) { String tryTarget = collector.substatements[node.tryBody].name; String catchParams =','); String catchTarget = collector.substatements[node.catchBody].name; printStatement(null, 'try $tryTarget catch($catchParams) $catchTarget'); } visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) { printStatement(null, expr(node.expression)); } visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { printStatement(null, 'function ${}'); } visitSetField(SetField node) { String object = expr(node.object); String field =; String value = expr(node.value); if (SubexpressionVisitor.usesInfixNotation(node.object)) { object = '($object)'; } printStatement(null, '$object.$field = $value'); } String expr(Expression e) { return e.accept(new SubexpressionVisitor(names)); } } class SubexpressionVisitor extends ExpressionVisitor { Names names; SubexpressionVisitor(this.names); String visitVariableUse(VariableUse node) { return names.varName(node.variable); } String formatArguments(Invoke node) { List args = new List(); int positionalArgumentCount = node.selector.positionalArgumentCount; for (int i = 0; i < positionalArgumentCount; ++i) { args.add(node.arguments[i].accept(this)); } for (int i = 0; i < node.selector.namedArgumentCount; ++i) { String name = node.selector.namedArguments[i]; String arg = node.arguments[positionalArgumentCount + i].accept(this); args.add("$name: $arg"); } return args.join(', '); } String visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) { String head =; String args = formatArguments(node); return "$head($args)"; } String visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) { String receiver = node.receiver.accept(this); String name =; String args = formatArguments(node); return "$receiver.$name($args)"; } String visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) { String receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver); String host =; String name =; String args = formatArguments(node); return "$receiver.$host::$name($args)"; } String visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) { String className =; String callName; if ( { callName = '${className}'; } else { callName = '${className}.${}'; } String args = formatArguments(node); String keyword = node.constant != null ? 'const' : 'new'; return "$keyword $callName($args)"; } String visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node) { String args =', '); return "concat [$args]"; } String visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) { String values =', '); return "list [$values]"; } String visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) { List entries = new List(); node.entries.forEach((LiteralMapEntry entry) { String key = visitExpression(entry.key); String value = visitExpression(entry.value); entries.add("$key: $value"); }); return "map [${entries.join(', ')}]"; } String visitConstant(Constant node) { return "${node.value.toStructuredString()}"; } String visitThis(This node) { return "this"; } String visitReifyTypeVar(ReifyTypeVar node) { return "typevar [${}]"; } static bool usesInfixNotation(Expression node) { return node is Conditional || node is LogicalOperator; } String visitConditional(Conditional node) { String condition = visitExpression(node.condition); String thenExpr = visitExpression(node.thenExpression); String elseExpr = visitExpression(node.elseExpression); return "$condition ? $thenExpr : $elseExpr"; } String visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node) { String left = visitExpression(node.left); String right = visitExpression(node.right); if (usesInfixNotation(node.left)) { left = "($left)"; } if (usesInfixNotation(node.right)) { right = "($right)"; } return "$left ${node.operator} $right"; } String visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node) { String receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver); String type = "${node.type}"; return "TypeOperator $receiver ${node.operator} $type"; } String visitNot(Not node) { String operand = visitExpression(node.operand); if (usesInfixNotation(node.operand)) { operand = '($operand)'; } return '!$operand'; } String visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { return "function ${}"; } String visitFieldInitializer(FieldInitializer node) { throw "$node should not be visited by $this"; } String visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node) { throw "$node should not be visited by $this"; } String visitGetField(GetField node) { String object = visitExpression(node.object); String field =; if (usesInfixNotation(node.object)) { object = '($object)'; } return '$object.$field'; } String visitCreateBox(CreateBox node) { return 'CreateBox'; } String visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) { String className =; String arguments =', '); return 'CreateInstance $className($arguments)'; } @override String visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) { return 'Read ${node.variable.element} ${visitExpression(}'; } @override String visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node) { return 'Reify ${node.value}'; } @override String visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node) { return node.dartType.toString(); } } /** * Invents (and remembers) names for Variables that do not have an associated * identifier. * * In case a variable is named v0, v1, etc, it may be assigned a different * name to avoid clashing with a previously synthesized variable name. */ class Names { final Map _names = {}; final Set _usedNames = new Set(); int _counter = 0; String varName(Variable v) { String name = _names[v]; if (name == null) { String prefix = v.element == null ? 'v' : '${}_'; while (name == null || _usedNames.contains(name)) { name = "$prefix${_counter++}"; } _names[v] = name; _usedNames.add(name); } return name; } }