Linter Demo Errors: 1Warnings: 4File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/inferrer/list_tracer.dart // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of type_graph_inferrer; /** * A set of selector names that [List] implements, that we know do not * change the element type of the list, or let the list escape to code * that might change the element type. */ Set okListSelectorsSet = new Set.from( const [ // From Object. '==', 'hashCode', 'toString', 'noSuchMethod', 'runtimeType', // From Iterable. 'iterator', 'map', 'where', 'expand', 'contains', 'forEach', 'reduce', 'fold', 'every', 'join', 'any', 'toList', 'toSet', 'length', 'isEmpty', 'isNotEmpty', 'take', 'takeWhile', 'skip', 'skipWhile', 'first', 'last', 'single', 'firstWhere', 'lastWhere', 'singleWhere', 'elementAt', // From List. '[]', 'length', 'reversed', 'sort', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'clear', 'remove', 'removeAt', 'removeLast', 'removeWhere', 'retainWhere', 'sublist', 'getRange', 'removeRange', 'asMap', // From JSArray. 'checkMutable', 'checkGrowable', ]); Set doNotChangeLengthSelectorsSet = new Set.from( const [ // From Object. '==', 'hashCode', 'toString', 'noSuchMethod', 'runtimeType', // From Iterable. 'iterator', 'map', 'where', 'expand', 'contains', 'forEach', 'reduce', 'fold', 'every', 'join', 'any', 'toList', 'toSet', 'length', 'isEmpty', 'isNotEmpty', 'take', 'takeWhile', 'skip', 'skipWhile', 'first', 'last', 'single', 'firstWhere', 'lastWhere', 'singleWhere', 'elementAt', // From List. '[]', '[]=', 'length', 'reversed', 'sort', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'sublist', 'getRange', 'asMap', // From JSArray. 'checkMutable', 'checkGrowable', ]); class ListTracerVisitor extends TracerVisitor { // The [Set] of found assignments to the list. Set assignments = new Setlet(); bool callsGrowableMethod = false; ListTracerVisitor(tracedType, inferrer) : super(tracedType, inferrer); /** * Returns [true] if the analysis completed successfully, [false] if it * bailed out. In the former case, [assignments] holds a list of * [TypeInformation] nodes that flow into the element type of this list. */ bool run() { analyze(); ListTypeInformation list = tracedType; if (continueAnalyzing) { if (!callsGrowableMethod && list.inferredLength == null) { list.inferredLength = list.originalLength; } list.addFlowsIntoTargets(flowsInto); return true; } else { callsGrowableMethod = true; assignments = null; return false; } } visitClosureCallSiteTypeInformation(ClosureCallSiteTypeInformation info) { bailout('Passed to a closure'); } visitStaticCallSiteTypeInformation(StaticCallSiteTypeInformation info) { super.visitStaticCallSiteTypeInformation(info); Element called = info.calledElement; if (called.isForeign(compiler.backend) && == 'JS') { bailout('Used in JS ${}'); } } visitDynamicCallSiteTypeInformation(DynamicCallSiteTypeInformation info) { super.visitDynamicCallSiteTypeInformation(info); Selector selector = info.selector; String selectorName =; if (currentUser == info.receiver) { if (!okListSelectorsSet.contains(selectorName)) { if (selector.isCall) { int positionalLength = info.arguments.positional.length; if (selectorName == 'add') { if (positionalLength == 1) { assignments.add(info.arguments.positional[0]); } } else if (selectorName == 'insert') { if (positionalLength == 2) { assignments.add(info.arguments.positional[1]); } } else { bailout('Used in a not-ok selector'); return; } } else if (selector.isIndexSet) { assignments.add(info.arguments.positional[1]); } else if (!selector.isIndex) { bailout('Used in a not-ok selector'); return; } } if (!doNotChangeLengthSelectorsSet.contains(selectorName)) { callsGrowableMethod = true; } if (selectorName == 'length' && selector.isSetter) { callsGrowableMethod = true; assignments.add(inferrer.types.nullType); } } else if (selector.isCall && !info.targets.every((element) => element.isFunction)) { bailout('Passed to a closure'); return; } } }