Linter Demo Errors: 0Warnings: 4File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/resolution/member_impl.dart // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of resolution.compute_members; class DeclaredMember implements Member { final Name name; final Element element; final InterfaceType declarer; final DartType type; final FunctionType functionType; DeclaredMember(, this.element, this.declarer, this.type, this.functionType); bool get isStatic => !element.isInstanceMember; bool get isGetter => element.isGetter || (!isSetter && element.isField); bool get isSetter => name.isSetter; bool get isMethod => element.isFunction; bool get isDeclaredByField => element.isField; bool get isAbstract => false; Member get implementation => this; /// Returns this member as inherited from [instance]. /// /// For instance: /// class A { T m() {} } /// class B extends A {} /// class C extends B {} /// The member `T m()` is declared in `A` and inherited from `A` into /// `B` as `S m()`, and further from `B` into `C` as `U m()`. DeclaredMember inheritFrom(InterfaceType instance) { // If the member is declared in a non-generic class its type cannot change // as a result of inheritance. if (!declarer.isGeneric) return this; assert(declarer.element == instance.element); return _newInheritedMember(instance); } InheritedMember _newInheritedMember(InterfaceType instance) { return new InheritedMember(this, instance); } Iterable get declarations => [this]; int get hashCode => element.hashCode + 13 * isSetter.hashCode; bool operator ==(other) { if (other is! Member) return false; return element == other.element && isSetter == other.isSetter; } String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); printOn(sb, type); return sb.toString(); } void printOn(StringBuffer sb, DartType type) { if (isStatic) { sb.write('static '); } if (isAbstract) { sb.write('abstract '); } if (isGetter) { sb.write(type); sb.write(' get '); sb.write(name); } else if (isSetter) { sb.write('void set '); sb.write(name.getter); sb.write('('); sb.write(type); sb.write(' _)'); } else { sb.write(type.getStringAsDeclared('$name')); } } } class DeclaredAbstractMember extends DeclaredMember { final DeclaredMember implementation; DeclaredAbstractMember(Name name, Element element, InterfaceType declarer, DartType type, FunctionType functionType, this.implementation) : super(name, element, declarer, type, functionType); bool get isAbstract => true; InheritedMember _newInheritedMember(InterfaceType instance) { return new InheritedAbstractMember(this, instance, implementation != null ? implementation.inheritFrom(instance) : null); } } class InheritedMember implements DeclaredMember { final DeclaredMember declaration; final InterfaceType instance; InheritedMember(DeclaredMember this.declaration, InterfaceType this.instance) { assert(instance.isGeneric); assert(!declaration.isStatic); } Element get element => declaration.element; Name get name =>; InterfaceType get declarer => instance; bool get isStatic => false; bool get isSetter => declaration.isSetter; bool get isGetter => declaration.isGetter; bool get isMethod => declaration.isMethod; bool get isDeclaredByField => declaration.isDeclaredByField; bool get isAbstract => false; Member get implementation => this; DartType get type => declaration.type.substByContext(instance); FunctionType get functionType { return declaration.functionType.substByContext(instance); } DeclaredMember inheritFrom(InterfaceType newInstance) { assert(() { // Assert that if [instance] contains type variables, then these are // defined in the declaration of [newInstance] and will therefore be // substituted into the context of [newInstance] in the created member. ClassElement contextClass = Types.getClassContext(instance); return contextClass == null || contextClass == newInstance.element; }); return _newInheritedMember(newInstance); } InheritedMember _newInheritedMember(InterfaceType newInstance) { return new InheritedMember(declaration, instance.substByContext(newInstance)); } Iterable get declarations => [this]; int get hashCode => declaration.hashCode + 17 * instance.hashCode; bool operator ==(other) { if (other is! InheritedMember) return false; return declaration == other.declaration && instance == other.instance; } void printOn(StringBuffer sb, DartType type) { declaration.printOn(sb, type); sb.write(' inherited from $instance'); } String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); printOn(sb, instance); return sb.toString(); } } class InheritedAbstractMember extends InheritedMember { final DeclaredMember implementation; InheritedAbstractMember(DeclaredMember declaration, InterfaceType instance, this.implementation) : super(declaration, instance); bool get isAbstract => true; InheritedMember _newInheritedMember(InterfaceType newInstance) { return new InheritedAbstractMember( declaration, instance.substByContext(newInstance), implementation != null ? implementation.inheritFrom(newInstance) : null); } } abstract class AbstractSyntheticMember implements MemberSignature { final Setlet inheritedMembers; AbstractSyntheticMember(this.inheritedMembers); Member get member => inheritedMembers.first; Iterable get declarations => inheritedMembers; Name get name =>; } class SyntheticMember extends AbstractSyntheticMember { final DartType type; final FunctionType functionType; SyntheticMember(Setlet inheritedMembers, this.type, this.functionType) : super(inheritedMembers); bool get isSetter => member.isSetter; bool get isGetter => member.isGetter; bool get isMethod => member.isMethod; bool get isErroneous => false; String toString() => '${type.getStringAsDeclared('$name')} synthesized ' 'from ${inheritedMembers}'; } class ErroneousMember extends AbstractSyntheticMember { ErroneousMember(Setlet inheritedMembers) : super(inheritedMembers); DartType get type => functionType; FunctionType get functionType { throw new UnsupportedError('Erroneous members have no type.'); } bool get isSetter => false; bool get isGetter => false; bool get isMethod => false; bool get isErroneous => true; String toString() => "erroneous member '$name' synthesized " "from ${inheritedMembers}"; }