Linter Demo Errors: 0Warnings: 2File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/io/source_file.dart // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library; import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:convert' show UTF8; import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List; import 'line_column_provider.dart'; /** * Represents a file of source code. The content can be either a [String] or * a UTF-8 encoded [List] of bytes. */ abstract class SourceFile implements LineColumnProvider { /// The absolute URI of the source file. Uri get uri; /// The name of the file. /// /// This is [uri], maybe relativized to a more human-readable form. String get filename => uri.toString(); /** The text content of the file represented as a String. */ String slowText(); /** * The content of the file represented as a UTF-8 encoded [List], * terminated with a trailing 0 byte. */ List slowUtf8ZeroTerminatedBytes(); /** * The length of the string representation of this source file, i.e., * equivalent to [:slowText().length:], but faster. */ int get length; /** * Sets the string length of this source file. For source files based on UTF-8 * byte arrays, the string length is computed and assigned by the scanner. */ set length(int v); /** * A map from line numbers to offsets in the string text representation of * this source file. */ List get lineStarts { if (lineStartsCache == null) { // When reporting errors during scanning, the line numbers are not yet // available and need to be computed using this slow path. lineStartsCache = lineStartsFromString(slowText()); } return lineStartsCache; } /** * Sets the line numbers map for this source file. This map is computed and * assigned by the scanner, avoiding a separate traversal of the source file. * * The map contains one additional entry at the end of the file, as if the * source file had one more empty line at the end. This simplifies the binary * search in [getLine]. */ set lineStarts(List v) => lineStartsCache = v; List lineStartsCache; List lineStartsFromString(String text) { var starts = [0]; var index = 0; while (index < text.length) { index = text.indexOf('\n', index) + 1; if (index <= 0) break; starts.add(index); } starts.add(text.length + 1); // One additional line start at the end. return starts; } /** * Returns the line number for the offset [position] in the string * representation of this source file. */ int getLine(int position) { List starts = lineStarts; if (position < 0 || starts.last <= position) { throw 'bad position #$position in file $filename with ' 'length ${length}.'; } int first = 0; int count = starts.length; while (count > 1) { int step = count ~/ 2; int middle = first + step; int lineStart = starts[middle]; if (position < lineStart) { count = step; } else { first = middle; count -= step; } } return first; } /** * Returns the column number for the offset [position] in the string * representation of this source file. */ int getColumn(int line, int position) { return position - lineStarts[line]; } String slowSubstring(int start, int end); /** * Create a pretty string representation for [message] from a character * range `[start, end]` in this file. * * If [includeSourceLine] is `true` the first source line code line that * contains the range will be included as well as marker characters ('^') * underlining the range. * * Use [colorize] to wrap source code text and marker characters in color * escape codes. */ String getLocationMessage(String message, int start, int end, {bool includeSourceLine: true, String colorize(String text)}) { if (colorize == null) { colorize = (text) => text; } var line = getLine(start); var column = getColumn(line, start); var buf = new StringBuffer('${filename}:'); if (start != end || start != 0) { // Line/column info is relevant. buf.write('${line + 1}:${column + 1}:'); } buf.write('\n$message\n'); if (start != end && includeSourceLine) { String textLine; // +1 for 0-indexing, +1 again to avoid the last line of the file if ((line + 2) < lineStarts.length) { textLine = slowSubstring(lineStarts[line], lineStarts[line+1]); } else { textLine = '${slowSubstring(lineStarts[line], length)}\n'; } int toColumn = min(column + (end-start), textLine.length); buf.write(textLine.substring(0, column)); buf.write(colorize(textLine.substring(column, toColumn))); buf.write(textLine.substring(toColumn)); int i = 0; for (; i < column; i++) { buf.write(' '); } for (; i < toColumn; i++) { buf.write(colorize('^')); } } return buf.toString(); } } List _zeroTerminateIfNecessary(List bytes) { if (bytes.length > 0 && bytes.last == 0) return bytes; List result = new Uint8List(bytes.length + 1); result.setRange(0, bytes.length, bytes); result[result.length - 1] = 0; return result; } class Utf8BytesSourceFile extends SourceFile { final Uri uri; /** The UTF-8 encoded content of the source file. */ final List zeroTerminatedContent; /** * Creates a Utf8BytesSourceFile. * * If possible, the given [content] should be zero-terminated. If it isn't, * the constructor clones the content and adds a trailing 0. */ Utf8BytesSourceFile(this.uri, List content) : this.zeroTerminatedContent = _zeroTerminateIfNecessary(content); String slowText() { // Don't convert the trailing zero byte. return UTF8.decoder.convert( zeroTerminatedContent, 0, zeroTerminatedContent.length - 1); } List slowUtf8ZeroTerminatedBytes() => zeroTerminatedContent; String slowSubstring(int start, int end) { // TODO(lry): to make this faster, the scanner could record the UTF-8 slack // for all positions of the source text. We could use [:content.sublist:]. return slowText().substring(start, end); } int get length { if (lengthCache == -1) { // During scanning the length is not yet assigned, so we use a slow path. length = slowText().length; } return lengthCache; } set length(int v) => lengthCache = v; int lengthCache = -1; } class CachingUtf8BytesSourceFile extends Utf8BytesSourceFile { String cachedText; final String filename; CachingUtf8BytesSourceFile(Uri uri, this.filename, List content) : super(uri, content); String slowText() { if (cachedText == null) { cachedText = super.slowText(); } return cachedText; } } class StringSourceFile extends SourceFile { final Uri uri; final String filename; final String text; StringSourceFile(this.uri, this.filename, this.text); StringSourceFile.fromUri(Uri uri, String text) : this(uri, uri.toString(), text); StringSourceFile.fromName(String filename, String text) : this(new Uri(path: filename), filename, text); int get length => text.length; set length(int v) { } String slowText() => text; List slowUtf8ZeroTerminatedBytes() { return _zeroTerminateIfNecessary(UTF8.encode(text)); } String slowSubstring(int start, int end) => text.substring(start, end); }