Linter Demo Errors: 2Warnings: 2File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/inferrer/closure_tracer.dart // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of type_graph_inferrer; class ClosureTracerVisitor extends TracerVisitor { final Iterable tracedElements; final List callsToAnalyze = new List(); ClosureTracerVisitor(this.tracedElements, tracedType, inferrer) : super(tracedType, inferrer); void run() { analyze(); if (!continueAnalyzing) return; callsToAnalyze.forEach(analyzeCall); for(FunctionElement e in tracedElements) { e.functionSignature.forEachParameter((Element parameter) { ElementTypeInformation info = inferrer.types.getInferredTypeOf(parameter); info.disableInferenceForClosures = false; }); } } void tagAsFunctionApplyTarget([String reason]) { tracedType.mightBePassedToFunctionApply = true; if (_VERBOSE) { print("Closure $tracedType might be passed to apply: $reason"); } } void registerCallForLaterAnalysis(CallSiteTypeInformation info) { callsToAnalyze.add(info); } void analyzeCall(CallSiteTypeInformation info) { Selector selector = info.selector; tracedElements.forEach((FunctionElement functionElement) { if (!selector.signatureApplies(functionElement)) return; inferrer.updateParameterAssignments(info, functionElement, info.arguments, selector, remove: false, addToQueue: false); }); } visitClosureCallSiteTypeInformation(ClosureCallSiteTypeInformation info) { super.visitClosureCallSiteTypeInformation(info); if (info.closure == currentUser) { registerCallForLaterAnalysis(info); } else { bailout('Passed to a closure'); } } visitStaticCallSiteTypeInformation(StaticCallSiteTypeInformation info) { super.visitStaticCallSiteTypeInformation(info); Element called = info.calledElement; if (called.isForeign(compiler.backend)) { String name =; if (name == 'JS' || name == 'DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS') { bailout('Used in JS ${}'); } } if (called.isGetter && info.selector != null && info.selector.isCall && inferrer.types.getInferredTypeOf(called) == currentUser) { // This node can be a closure call as well. For example, `foo()` // where `foo` is a getter. registerCallForLaterAnalysis(info); } if (checkIfFunctionApply(called) && info.arguments != null && info.arguments.contains(currentUser)) { tagAsFunctionApplyTarget("static call"); } } bool checkIfCurrentUser(element) { return inferrer.types.getInferredTypeOf(element) == currentUser; } bool checkIfFunctionApply(element) { return compiler.functionApplyMethod == element; } visitDynamicCallSiteTypeInformation(DynamicCallSiteTypeInformation info) { super.visitDynamicCallSiteTypeInformation(info); if (info.selector.isCall) { if (info.arguments.contains(currentUser)) { if (!info.targets.every((element) => element.isFunction)) { bailout('Passed to a closure'); } if (info.targets.any(checkIfFunctionApply)) { tagAsFunctionApplyTarget("dynamic call"); } } else if (info.targets.any((element) => checkIfCurrentUser(element))) { registerCallForLaterAnalysis(info); } } else if (info.selector.isGetter && == Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME) { // We are potentially tearing off ourself here addNewEscapeInformation(info); } } } class StaticTearOffClosureTracerVisitor extends ClosureTracerVisitor { StaticTearOffClosureTracerVisitor(tracedElement, tracedType, inferrer) : super([tracedElement], tracedType, inferrer); visitStaticCallSiteTypeInformation(StaticCallSiteTypeInformation info) { super.visitStaticCallSiteTypeInformation(info); if (info.calledElement == tracedElements.first && info.selector != null && info.selector.isGetter) { addNewEscapeInformation(info); } } }