Linter Demo Errors: 3Warnings: 18File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/compiler/lib/src/cps_ir/cps_ir_nodes_sexpr.dart // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library dart2js.ir_nodes_sexpr; import '../constants/values.dart'; import '../util/util.dart'; import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart'; /// A [Decorator] is a function used by [SExpressionStringifier] to augment the /// output produced for a node or reference. It can be provided to the /// constructor. typedef String Decorator(node, String s); /// Generate a Lisp-like S-expression representation of an IR node as a string. class SExpressionStringifier extends Indentation implements Visitor { final _Namer namer = new _Namer(); String newValueName(Primitive node) => namer.nameValue(node); String newContinuationName(Continuation node) => namer.nameContinuation(node); Decorator decorator; SExpressionStringifier([this.decorator]) { if (this.decorator == null) { this.decorator = (node, String s) => s; } } String access(Reference r) { return decorator(r, namer.getName(r.definition)); } String visitParameter(Parameter node) { return namer.nameParameter(node); } String visitMutableVariable(MutableVariable node) { return namer.nameMutableVariable(node); } /// Main entry point for creating a [String] from a [Node]. All recursive /// calls must go through this method. String visit(Node node) { String s = node.accept(this); return decorator(node, s); } String formatThisParameter(Parameter thisParameter) { return thisParameter == null ? '()' : '(${visit(thisParameter)})'; } String visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node) { String name =; String thisParameter = formatThisParameter(node.thisParameter); String parameters =' '); String body = visit(node.body); return '$indentation' '(FunctionDefinition $name $thisParameter ($parameters) return\n' '$body)'; } String visitFieldDefinition(FieldDefinition node) { String name =; if (node.body != null) { String body = visit(node.body); return '$indentation(FieldDefinition $name () return\n' '$body)'; } else { return '$indentation(FieldDefinition $name)'; } } String visitConstructorDefinition(ConstructorDefinition node) { String name =; if (name != '') name = '$name '; String thisParameter = formatThisParameter(node.thisParameter); String parameters =' '); if (node.body != null) { String initializers = indentBlock(() { return indentBlock(() { if (node.initializers.isEmpty) { return '$indentation'; } else { return'\n'); } }); }); String body = visit(node.body); return '$indentation' '(ConstructorDefinition $name$thisParameter ($parameters) return' ' (\n$initializers)\n$body)'; } else { return '$indentation' '(ConstructorDefinition $name$thisParameter ($parameters) return)'; } } String visitFieldInitializer(FieldInitializer node) { String name =; String body = visit(node.body); return '$indentation(FieldInitializer $name\n$body)'; } String visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node) { String target =; String selector =; String arguments = indentBlock(() => indentBlock(() =>'\n'))); return '$indentation(SuperInitializer $target $selector (\n$arguments)'; } String visitBody(Body node) { namer.setReturnContinuation(node.returnContinuation); return indentBlock(() => visit(node.body)); } String visitLetPrim(LetPrim node) { String name = newValueName(node.primitive); String value = visit(node.primitive); String body = indentBlock(() => visit(node.body)); return '$indentation(LetPrim ($name $value)\n$body)'; } String visitLetCont(LetCont node) { String conts; bool first = true; for (Continuation continuation in node.continuations) { String name = newContinuationName(continuation); if (continuation.isRecursive) name = 'rec $name'; // TODO(karlklose): this should be changed to `.map(visit).join(' ')` and // should recurse to [visit]. Currently we can't do that, because the // unstringifier_test produces [LetConts] with dummy arguments on them. String parameters = continuation.parameters .map((p) => '${decorator(p, newValueName(p))}') .join(' '); String body = indentBlock(() => indentBlock(() => visit(continuation.body))); if (first) { first = false; conts = '($name ($parameters)\n$body)'; } else { // Each subsequent line is indented additional spaces to align it // with the previous continuation. String indent = '$indentation${' ' * '(LetCont ('.length}'; conts = '$conts\n$indent($name ($parameters)\n$body)'; } } String body = indentBlock(() => visit(node.body)); return '$indentation(LetCont ($conts)\n$body)'; } String visitLetHandler(LetHandler node) { // There are no explicit references to the handler, so we leave it // anonymous in the printed representation. String parameters = node.handler.parameters .map((p) => '${decorator(p, newValueName(p))}') .join(' '); String handlerBody = indentBlock(() => indentBlock(() => visit(node.handler.body))); String body = indentBlock(() => visit(node.body)); return '$indentation(LetHandler (($parameters)\n$handlerBody)\n$body)'; } String visitLetMutable(LetMutable node) { String name = visit(node.variable); String value = access(node.value); String body = indentBlock(() => visit(node.body)); return '$indentation(LetMutable ($name $value)\n$body)'; } String formatArguments(Invoke node) { int positionalArgumentCount = node.selector.positionalArgumentCount; List args = new List(); args.addAll( node.arguments.getRange(0, positionalArgumentCount).map(access)); for (int i = 0; i < node.selector.namedArgumentCount; ++i) { String name = node.selector.namedArguments[i]; String arg = access(node.arguments[positionalArgumentCount + i]); args.add("($name: $arg)"); } return '(${args.join(' ')})'; } String visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) { String name =; String cont = access(node.continuation); String args = formatArguments(node); return '$indentation(InvokeStatic $name $args $cont)'; } String visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) { String name =; String rcv = access(node.receiver); String cont = access(node.continuation); String args = formatArguments(node); return '$indentation(InvokeMethod $rcv $name $args $cont)'; } String visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) { String receiver = access(node.receiver); String name =; String cont = access(node.continuation); String args = formatArguments(node); return '$indentation(InvokeMethodDirectly $receiver $name $args $cont)'; } String visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) { String className; // TODO(karlklose): for illegal nodes constructed for tests or unresolved // constructor calls in the DartBackend, we get an element with no enclosing // class. Clean this up by introducing a name field to the node and // removing [ErroneousElement]s from the IR. if (node.type != null) { className = node.type.toString(); } else { className =; } String callName; if ( { callName = '${className}'; } else { callName = '${className}.${}'; } String cont = access(node.continuation); String args = formatArguments(node); return '$indentation(InvokeConstructor $callName $args $cont)'; } String visitConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node) { String cont = access(node.continuation); String args =' '); return '$indentation(ConcatenateStrings ($args) $cont)'; } String visitInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node) { String name = access(node.continuation); if (node.isRecursive) name = 'rec $name'; String args =' '); return '$indentation($InvokeContinuation $name ($args))'; } String visitBranch(Branch node) { String condition = visit(node.condition); String trueCont = access(node.trueContinuation); String falseCont = access(node.falseContinuation); return '$indentation(Branch $condition $trueCont $falseCont)'; } String visitConstant(Constant node) { String value = node.expression.value.accept(new ConstantStringifier(), null); return '(Constant $value)'; } String visitReifyTypeVar(ReifyTypeVar node) { return '$indentation(ReifyTypeVar ${})'; } String visitCreateFunction(CreateFunction node) { String function = indentBlock(() => indentBlock(() => visit(node.definition))); return '(CreateFunction\n$function)'; } String visitContinuation(Continuation node) { // Continuations are visited directly in visitLetCont. return '(Unexpected Continuation)'; } String visitGetMutableVariable(GetMutableVariable node) { return '(GetMutableVariable ${access(node.variable)})'; } String visitSetMutableVariable(SetMutableVariable node) { String value = access(node.value); String body = indentBlock(() => visit(node.body)); return '$indentation(SetMutableVariable ${access(node.variable)} ' '$value\n$body)'; } String visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node) { String receiver = access(node.receiver); String cont = access(node.continuation); String operator = node.isTypeTest ? 'is' : 'as'; return '$indentation(TypeOperator $operator $receiver ${node.type} $cont)'; } String visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) { String values =' '); return '(LiteralList ($values))'; } String visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) { String keys = => access(e.key)).join(' '); String values = => access(e.value)).join(' '); return '(LiteralMap ($keys) ($values))'; } String visitDeclareFunction(DeclareFunction node) { String name = visit(node.variable); String function = indentBlock(() => visit(node.definition)); String body = indentBlock(() => visit(node.body)); return '$indentation(DeclareFunction $name =\n' '$function in\n' '$body)'; } String visitIsTrue(IsTrue node) { String value = access(node.value); return '(IsTrue $value)'; } String visitSetField(SetField node) { String object = access(node.object); String field =; String value = access(node.value); String body = indentBlock(() => visit(node.body)); return '$indentation(SetField $object $field $value)\n$body'; } String visitGetField(GetField node) { String object = access(node.object); String field =; return '(GetField $object $field)'; } String visitCreateBox(CreateBox node) { return '(CreateBox)'; } String visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) { String className =; String arguments =' '); String typeInformation =' '); return '(CreateInstance $className ($arguments)$typeInformation)'; } String visitIdentical(Identical node) { String left = access(node.left); String right = access(node.right); return '(Identical $left $right)'; } String visitInterceptor(Interceptor node) { return '(Interceptor ${access(node.input)})'; } String visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node) { return '(ReifyRuntimeType ${access(node.value)})'; } String visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) { return '(ReadTypeVariable ${access(}.${node.variable})'; } @override String visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node) { String args =', '); return '(TypeExpression ${node.dartType.toString()} $args)'; } } class ConstantStringifier extends ConstantValueVisitor { // Some of these methods are unimplemented because we haven't had a need // to print such constants. When printing is implemented, the corresponding // parsing support should be added to SExpressionUnstringifier.parseConstant // in the dart2js tests (currently in the file // tests/compiler/dart2js/backend_dart/sexpr_unstringifier.dart). String _failWith(ConstantValue constant) { throw 'Stringification not supported for ${constant.toStructuredString()}'; } String visitFunction(FunctionConstantValue constant, _) { return _failWith(constant); } String visitNull(NullConstantValue constant, _) { return '(Null)'; } String visitInt(IntConstantValue constant, _) { return '(Int ${constant.unparse()})'; } String visitDouble(DoubleConstantValue constant, _) { return '(Double ${constant.unparse()})'; } String visitBool(BoolConstantValue constant, _) { return '(Bool ${constant.unparse()})'; } String visitString(StringConstantValue constant, _) { return '(String ${constant.unparse()})'; } String visitList(ListConstantValue constant, _) { String entries = => entry.accept(this, _)).join(' '); return '(List $entries)'; } String visitMap(MapConstantValue constant, _) { List elements = []; for (int i = 0; i < constant.keys.length; ++i) { ConstantValue key = constant.keys[i]; ConstantValue value = constant.values[i]; elements.add('(${key.accept(this, _)} . ${value.accept(this, _)})'); } return '(Map (${elements.join(' ')}))'; } String visitConstructed(ConstructedConstantValue constant, _) { return '(Constructed "${constant.unparse()}")'; } String visitType(TypeConstantValue constant, _) { return '(Type "${constant.representedType}")'; } String visitInterceptor(InterceptorConstantValue constant, _) { return _failWith(constant); } String visitDummy(DummyConstantValue constant, _) { return _failWith(constant); } String visitDeferred(DeferredConstantValue constant, _) { return _failWith(constant); } } class _Namer { final Map _names = {}; int _valueCounter = 0; int _continuationCounter = 0; // TODO(sra): Make the methods not assert and print something indicating an // error, so printer can be used to inspect broken terms. String nameParameter(Parameter parameter) { assert(!_names.containsKey(parameter)); String name = parameter.hint != null ? : nameValue(parameter); return _names[parameter] = name; } String nameMutableVariable(MutableVariable variable) { assert(!_names.containsKey(variable)); return _names[variable] =; } String nameContinuation(Continuation node) { assert(!_names.containsKey(node)); return _names[node] = 'k${_continuationCounter++}'; } String nameValue(Primitive node) { assert(!_names.containsKey(node)); return _names[node] = 'v${_valueCounter++}'; } void setReturnContinuation(Continuation node) { assert(!_names.containsKey(node) || _names[node] == 'return'); _names[node] = 'return'; } String getName(Node node) { assert(_names.containsKey(node)); return _names[node]; } }