Linter Demo Errors: 6Warnings: 29File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/devcompiler/lib/src/js/printer.dart // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. part of js_ast; class JavaScriptPrintingOptions { final bool shouldCompressOutput; final bool minifyLocalVariables; final bool preferSemicolonToNewlineInMinifiedOutput; /// True to allow keywords in properties, such as `obj.var` or `obj.function` /// Modern JS engines support this. final bool allowKeywordsInProperties; JavaScriptPrintingOptions( {this.shouldCompressOutput: false, this.minifyLocalVariables: false, this.preferSemicolonToNewlineInMinifiedOutput: false, this.allowKeywordsInProperties: false}); } /// An environment in which JavaScript printing is done. Provides emitting of /// text and pre- and post-visit callbacks. abstract class JavaScriptPrintingContext { /// Signals an error. This should happen only for serious internal errors. void error(String message) { throw message; } /// Adds [string] to the output. void emit(String string); /// Callback immediately before printing [node]. Whitespace may be printed /// after this callback before the first non-whitespace character for [node]. void enterNode(Node node) {} /// Callback after printing the last character representing [node]. void exitNode(Node node) {} } /// A simple implementation of [JavaScriptPrintingContext] suitable for tests. class SimpleJavaScriptPrintingContext extends JavaScriptPrintingContext { final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); void emit(String string) { buffer.write(string); } String getText() => buffer.toString(); } class Printer implements NodeVisitor { final JavaScriptPrintingOptions options; final JavaScriptPrintingContext context; final bool shouldCompressOutput; final DanglingElseVisitor danglingElseVisitor; final LocalNamer localNamer; bool inForInit = false; bool atStatementBegin = false; bool inNewTarget = false; bool pendingSemicolon = false; bool pendingSpace = false; // The current indentation level. int _indentLevel = 0; // A cache of all indentation strings used so far. List _indentList = [""]; static final identifierCharacterRegExp = new RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z_0-9$]'); static final expressionContinuationRegExp = new RegExp(r'^[-+([]'); Printer(JavaScriptPrintingOptions options, JavaScriptPrintingContext context, {LocalNamer localNamer}) : options = options, context = context, shouldCompressOutput = options.shouldCompressOutput, danglingElseVisitor = new DanglingElseVisitor(context), localNamer = determineRenamer(localNamer, options); static LocalNamer determineRenamer(LocalNamer localNamer, JavaScriptPrintingOptions options) { if (localNamer != null) return localNamer; return (options.shouldCompressOutput && options.minifyLocalVariables) ? new MinifyRenamer() : new IdentityNamer(); } // The current indentation string. String get indentation { // Lazily add new indentation strings as required. while (_indentList.length <= _indentLevel) { _indentList.add(_indentList.last + " "); } return _indentList[_indentLevel]; } void indentMore() { _indentLevel++; } void indentLess() { _indentLevel--; } /// Always emit a newline, even under `enableMinification`. void forceLine() { out("\n"); } /// Emits a newline for readability. void lineOut() { if (!shouldCompressOutput) forceLine(); } void spaceOut() { if (!shouldCompressOutput) out(" "); } String lastAddedString = null; int get lastCharCode { if (lastAddedString == null) return 0; assert(lastAddedString.length != ""); return lastAddedString.codeUnitAt(lastAddedString.length - 1); } void out(String str) { if (str != "") { if (pendingSemicolon) { if (!shouldCompressOutput) { context.emit(";"); } else if (str != "}") { // We want to output newline instead of semicolon because it makes // the raw stack traces much easier to read and it also makes line- // based tools like diff work much better. JavaScript will // automatically insert the semicolon at the newline if it means a // parsing error is avoided, so we can only do this trick if the // next line is not something that can be glued onto a valid // expression to make a new valid expression. // If we're using the new emitter where most pretty printed code // is escaped in strings, it is a lot easier to deal with semicolons // than newlines because the former doesn't need escaping. if (options.preferSemicolonToNewlineInMinifiedOutput || expressionContinuationRegExp.hasMatch(str)) { context.emit(";"); } else { context.emit("\n"); } } } if (pendingSpace && (!shouldCompressOutput || identifierCharacterRegExp.hasMatch(str))) { context.emit(" "); } pendingSpace = false; pendingSemicolon = false; context.emit(str); lastAddedString = str; } } void outLn(String str) { out(str); lineOut(); } void outSemicolonLn() { if (shouldCompressOutput) { pendingSemicolon = true; } else { out(";"); forceLine(); } } void outIndent(String str) { indent(); out(str); } void outIndentLn(String str) { indent(); outLn(str); } void indent() { if (!shouldCompressOutput) { out(indentation); } } visit(Node node) { context.enterNode(node); node.accept(this); context.exitNode(node); } visitCommaSeparated(List nodes, int hasRequiredType, {bool newInForInit, bool newAtStatementBegin}) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { atStatementBegin = false; out(","); spaceOut(); } visitNestedExpression(nodes[i], hasRequiredType, newInForInit: newInForInit, newAtStatementBegin: newAtStatementBegin); } } visitAll(List nodes) { nodes.forEach(visit); } visitProgram(Program program) { visitAll(program.body); } bool blockBody(Node body, {bool needsSeparation, bool needsNewline}) { if (body is Block) { spaceOut(); blockOut(body, false, needsNewline); return true; } if (shouldCompressOutput && needsSeparation) { // If [shouldCompressOutput] is false, then the 'lineOut' will insert // the separation. out(" "); } else { lineOut(); } indentMore(); visit(body); indentLess(); return false; } void blockOutWithoutBraces(Node node) { if (node is Block) { context.enterNode(node); Block block = node; block.statements.forEach(blockOutWithoutBraces); context.exitNode(node); } else { visit(node); } } void blockOut(Block node, bool shouldIndent, bool needsNewline) { if (shouldIndent) indent(); context.enterNode(node); out("{"); lineOut(); indentMore(); node.statements.forEach(blockOutWithoutBraces); indentLess(); indent(); out("}"); context.exitNode(node); if (needsNewline) lineOut(); } visitBlock(Block block) { blockOut(block, true, true); } visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement expressionStatement) { indent(); visitNestedExpression(expressionStatement.expression, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: true); outSemicolonLn(); } visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement nop) { outIndentLn(";"); } void ifOut(If node, bool shouldIndent) { Node then = node.then; Node elsePart = node.otherwise; bool hasElse = node.hasElse; // Handle dangling elses and a work-around for Android 4.0 stock browser. // Android 4.0 requires braces for a single do-while in the `then` branch. // See issue 10923. if (hasElse) { bool needsBraces = node.then.accept(danglingElseVisitor) || then is Do; if (needsBraces) { then = new Block([then]); } } if (shouldIndent) indent(); out("if"); spaceOut(); out("("); visitNestedExpression(node.condition, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(")"); bool thenWasBlock = blockBody(then, needsSeparation: false, needsNewline: !hasElse); if (hasElse) { if (thenWasBlock) { spaceOut(); } else { indent(); } out("else"); if (elsePart is If) { pendingSpace = true; ifOut(elsePart, false); } else { blockBody(elsePart, needsSeparation: true, needsNewline: true); } } } visitIf(If node) { ifOut(node, true); } visitFor(For loop) { outIndent("for"); spaceOut(); out("("); if (loop.init != null) { visitNestedExpression(loop.init, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: true, newAtStatementBegin: false); } out(";"); if (loop.condition != null) { spaceOut(); visitNestedExpression(loop.condition, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); } out(";"); if (loop.update != null) { spaceOut(); visitNestedExpression(loop.update, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); } out(")"); blockBody(loop.body, needsSeparation: false, needsNewline: true); } visitForIn(ForIn loop) { outIndent("for"); spaceOut(); out("("); visitNestedExpression(loop.leftHandSide, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: true, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(" in"); pendingSpace = true; visitNestedExpression(loop.object, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(")"); blockBody(loop.body, needsSeparation: false, needsNewline: true); } visitForOf(ForOf loop) { outIndent("for"); spaceOut(); out("("); visitNestedExpression(loop.leftHandSide, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: true, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(" of"); pendingSpace = true; visitNestedExpression(loop.iterable, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(")"); blockBody(loop.body, needsSeparation: false, needsNewline: true); } visitWhile(While loop) { outIndent("while"); spaceOut(); out("("); visitNestedExpression(loop.condition, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(")"); blockBody(loop.body, needsSeparation: false, needsNewline: true); } visitDo(Do loop) { outIndent("do"); if (blockBody(loop.body, needsSeparation: true, needsNewline: false)) { spaceOut(); } else { indent(); } out("while"); spaceOut(); out("("); visitNestedExpression(loop.condition, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(")"); outSemicolonLn(); } visitContinue(Continue node) { if (node.targetLabel == null) { outIndent("continue"); } else { outIndent("continue ${node.targetLabel}"); } outSemicolonLn(); } visitBreak(Break node) { if (node.targetLabel == null) { outIndent("break"); } else { outIndent("break ${node.targetLabel}"); } outSemicolonLn(); } visitReturn(Return node) { if (node.value == null) { outIndent("return"); } else { outIndent("return"); pendingSpace = true; visitNestedExpression(node.value, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); } outSemicolonLn(); } visitDartYield(DartYield node) { if (node.hasStar) { outIndent("yield*"); } else { outIndent("yield"); } pendingSpace = true; visitNestedExpression(node.expression, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); outSemicolonLn(); } visitThrow(Throw node) { outIndent("throw"); pendingSpace = true; visitNestedExpression(node.expression, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); outSemicolonLn(); } visitTry(Try node) { outIndent("try"); blockBody(node.body, needsSeparation: true, needsNewline: false); if (node.catchPart != null) { visit(node.catchPart); } if (node.finallyPart != null) { spaceOut(); out("finally"); blockBody(node.finallyPart, needsSeparation: true, needsNewline: true); } else { lineOut(); } } visitCatch(Catch node) { spaceOut(); out("catch"); spaceOut(); out("("); visitNestedExpression(node.declaration, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(")"); blockBody(node.body, needsSeparation: false, needsNewline: true); } visitSwitch(Switch node) { outIndent("switch"); spaceOut(); out("("); visitNestedExpression(node.key, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(")"); spaceOut(); outLn("{"); indentMore(); visitAll(node.cases); indentLess(); outIndentLn("}"); } visitCase(Case node) { outIndent("case"); pendingSpace = true; visitNestedExpression(node.expression, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); outLn(":"); if (!node.body.statements.isEmpty) { blockOut(node.body, true, true); } } visitDefault(Default node) { outIndentLn("default:"); if (!node.body.statements.isEmpty) { blockOut(node.body, true, true); } } visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) { outIndent("${node.label}:"); blockBody(node.body, needsSeparation: false, needsNewline: true); } void functionOut(Fun fun, Node name) { out("function"); if (name != null) { out(" "); // Name must be a [Decl]. Therefore only test for primary expressions. visitNestedExpression(name, PRIMARY, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); } localNamer.enterScope(fun); out("("); if (fun.params != null) { visitCommaSeparated(fun.params, PRIMARY, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); } out(")"); switch (fun.asyncModifier) { case const AsyncModifier.sync(): break; case const AsyncModifier.async(): out(' async'); break; case const AsyncModifier.syncStar(): out(' sync*'); break; case const AsyncModifier.asyncStar(): out(' async*'); break; } blockBody(fun.body, needsSeparation: false, needsNewline: false); localNamer.leaveScope(); } visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration declaration) { indent(); functionOut(declaration.function,; lineOut(); } visitNestedExpression(Expression node, int requiredPrecedence, {bool newInForInit, bool newAtStatementBegin}) { bool needsParentheses = // a - (b + c). (requiredPrecedence != EXPRESSION && node.precedenceLevel < requiredPrecedence) || // for (a = (x in o); ... ; ... ) { ... } (newInForInit && node is Binary && node.op == "in") || // (function() { ... })(). // ({a: 2, b: 3}.toString()). (newAtStatementBegin && (node is NamedFunction || node is FunctionExpression || node is ObjectInitializer)); if (needsParentheses) { inForInit = false; atStatementBegin = false; inNewTarget = false; out("("); visit(node); out(")"); } else { inForInit = newInForInit; atStatementBegin = newAtStatementBegin; visit(node); } } visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList list) { out(list.keyword); out(" "); visitCommaSeparated(list.declarations, ASSIGNMENT, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false); } visitAssignment(Assignment assignment) { visitNestedExpression(assignment.leftHandSide, LEFT_HAND_SIDE, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin); if (assignment.value != null) { spaceOut(); String op = assignment.op; if (op != null) out(op); out("="); spaceOut(); visitNestedExpression(assignment.value, ASSIGNMENT, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false); } } visitVariableInitialization(VariableInitialization initialization) { visitAssignment(initialization); } visitConditional(Conditional cond) { visitNestedExpression(cond.condition, LOGICAL_OR, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin); spaceOut(); out("?"); spaceOut(); // The then part is allowed to have an 'in'. visitNestedExpression(cond.then, ASSIGNMENT, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); spaceOut(); out(":"); spaceOut(); visitNestedExpression(cond.otherwise, ASSIGNMENT, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false); } visitNew(New node) { out("new "); inNewTarget = true; visitNestedExpression(, ACCESS, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false); inNewTarget = false; out("("); visitCommaSeparated(node.arguments, ASSIGNMENT, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(")"); } visitCall(Call call) { visitNestedExpression(, LEFT_HAND_SIDE, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin); out("("); visitCommaSeparated(call.arguments, ASSIGNMENT, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(")"); } visitBinary(Binary binary) { Expression left = binary.left; Expression right = binary.right; String op = binary.op; int leftPrecedenceRequirement; int rightPrecedenceRequirement; bool leftSpace = true; // leftop right switch (op) { case ',': // x, (y, z) <=> (x, y), z. leftPrecedenceRequirement = EXPRESSION; rightPrecedenceRequirement = EXPRESSION; leftSpace = false; break; case "||": leftPrecedenceRequirement = LOGICAL_OR; // x || (y || z) <=> (x || y) || z. rightPrecedenceRequirement = LOGICAL_OR; break; case "&&": leftPrecedenceRequirement = LOGICAL_AND; // x && (y && z) <=> (x && y) && z. rightPrecedenceRequirement = LOGICAL_AND; break; case "|": leftPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_OR; // x | (y | z) <=> (x | y) | z. rightPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_OR; break; case "^": leftPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_XOR; // x ^ (y ^ z) <=> (x ^ y) ^ z. rightPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_XOR; break; case "&": leftPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_AND; // x & (y & z) <=> (x & y) & z. rightPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_AND; break; case "==": case "!=": case "===": case "!==": leftPrecedenceRequirement = EQUALITY; rightPrecedenceRequirement = RELATIONAL; break; case "<": case ">": case "<=": case ">=": case "instanceof": case "in": leftPrecedenceRequirement = RELATIONAL; rightPrecedenceRequirement = SHIFT; break; case ">>": case "<<": case ">>>": leftPrecedenceRequirement = SHIFT; rightPrecedenceRequirement = ADDITIVE; break; case "+": case "-": leftPrecedenceRequirement = ADDITIVE; // We cannot remove parenthesis for "+" because // x + (y + z) (x + y) + z: // Example: // "a" + (1 + 2) => "a3"; // ("a" + 1) + 2 => "a12"; rightPrecedenceRequirement = MULTIPLICATIVE; break; case "*": case "/": case "%": leftPrecedenceRequirement = MULTIPLICATIVE; // We cannot remove parenthesis for "*" because of precision issues. rightPrecedenceRequirement = UNARY; break; default: context.error("Forgot operator: $op"); } visitNestedExpression(left, leftPrecedenceRequirement, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin); if (op == "in" || op == "instanceof") { // There are cases where the space is not required but without further // analysis we cannot know. out(" "); out(op); out(" "); } else { if (leftSpace) spaceOut(); out(op); spaceOut(); } visitNestedExpression(right, rightPrecedenceRequirement, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false); } visitPrefix(Prefix unary) { String op = unary.op; switch (op) { case "delete": case "void": case "typeof": // There are cases where the space is not required but without further // analysis we cannot know. out(op); out(" "); break; case "+": case "++": if (lastCharCode == charCodes.$PLUS) out(" "); out(op); break; case "-": case "--": if (lastCharCode == charCodes.$MINUS) out(" "); out(op); break; default: out(op); } visitNestedExpression(unary.argument, UNARY, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false); } visitPostfix(Postfix postfix) { visitNestedExpression(postfix.argument, LEFT_HAND_SIDE, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin); out(postfix.op); } visitThis(This node) { out("this"); } visitSuper(Super node) { out("super"); } visitIdentifier(Identifier node) { out(localNamer.getName(node)); } bool isDigit(int charCode) { return charCodes.$0 <= charCode && charCode <= charCodes.$9; } bool isValidJavaScriptId(String field) { if (field.length < 3) return false; // Ignore the leading and trailing string-delimiter. for (int i = 1; i < field.length - 1; i++) { // TODO(floitsch): allow more characters. int charCode = field.codeUnitAt(i); if (!(charCodes.$a <= charCode && charCode <= charCodes.$z || charCodes.$A <= charCode && charCode <= charCodes.$Z || charCode == charCodes.$$ || charCode == charCodes.$_ || i != 1 && isDigit(charCode))) { return false; } } // TODO(floitsch): normally we should also check that the field is not a // reserved word. We don't generate fields with reserved word names except // for 'super'. return options.allowKeywordsInProperties || field != '"super"'; } visitAccess(PropertyAccess access) { // Normally we can omit parens on the receiver if it is a Call, even though // Call expressions have lower precedence. However this optimization doesn't // work inside New expressions: // // new // // This will be parsed as: // // (new // // Which is incorrect. So we must have parenthesis in this case: // // new ( // int precedence = inNewTarget ? ACCESS : CALL; visitNestedExpression(access.receiver, precedence, newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin); propertyNameOut(access.selector, inAccess: true); } visitNamedFunction(NamedFunction namedFunction) { functionOut(namedFunction.function,; } visitFun(Fun fun) { functionOut(fun, null); } visitArrowFun(ArrowFun fun) { localNamer.enterScope(fun); if (fun.params.length == 1) { visitNestedExpression(fun.params.single, PRIMARY, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); } else { out("("); visitCommaSeparated(fun.params, PRIMARY, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out(")"); } spaceOut(); out("=>"); if (fun.body is Expression) { spaceOut(); // Object initializers require parenthesis to disambiguate // AssignmentExpression from FunctionBody. See: // var needsParen = fun.body is ObjectInitializer; if (needsParen) out("("); visitNestedExpression(fun.body, ASSIGNMENT, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); if (needsParen) out(")"); } else { blockBody(fun.body, needsSeparation: false, needsNewline: false); } localNamer.leaveScope(); } visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) { out(node.value ? "true" : "false"); } visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) { out(node.value); } visitLiteralNumber(LiteralNumber node) { int charCode = node.value.codeUnitAt(0); if (charCode == charCodes.$MINUS && lastCharCode == charCodes.$MINUS) { out(" "); } out(node.value); } visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) { out("null"); } visitArrayInitializer(ArrayInitializer node) { out("["); indentMore(); var multiline = node.multiline; List elements = node.elements; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Expression element = elements[i]; if (element is ArrayHole) { // Note that array holes must have a trailing "," even if they are // in last position. Otherwise `[,]` (having length 1) would become // equal to `[]` (the empty array) // and [1,,] (array with 1 and a hole) would become [1,] = [1]. out(","); continue; } if (i != 0 && !multiline) spaceOut(); if (multiline) { forceLine(); indent(); } visitNestedExpression(element, ASSIGNMENT, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); // We can skip the trailing "," for the last element (since it's not // an array hole). if (i != elements.length - 1) out(","); } indentLess(); if (multiline) { lineOut(); indent(); } out("]"); } visitArrayHole(ArrayHole node) { throw "Unreachable"; } visitObjectInitializer(ObjectInitializer node) { List properties =; out("{"); indentMore(); var multiline = node.multiline; for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { out(","); if (!multiline) spaceOut(); } if (multiline) { forceLine(); indent(); } visit(properties[i]); } indentLess(); if (multiline) { lineOut(); indent(); } out("}"); } visitProperty(Property node) { propertyNameOut(; out(":"); spaceOut(); visitNestedExpression(node.value, ASSIGNMENT, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); } visitRegExpLiteral(RegExpLiteral node) { out(node.pattern); } visitTemplateString(TemplateString node) { out('`'); for (var element in node.elements) { if (element is String) { out(element); } else { out(r'${'); visit(element); out('}'); } } out('`'); } visitTaggedTemplate(TaggedTemplate node) { visit(node.tag); visit(node.template); } visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) { indent(); visit(node.classExpr); lineOut(); } visitClassExpression(ClassExpression node) { out('class '); visit(; if (node.heritage != null) { out(' extends '); visit(node.heritage); } spaceOut(); if (node.methods.isNotEmpty) { out('{'); lineOut(); indentMore(); for (var method in node.methods) { indent(); visit(method); lineOut(); } indentLess(); indent(); out('}'); } else { out('{}'); } } visitMethod(Method node) { if (node.isStatic) { out('static '); } if (node.isGetter) { out('get '); } else if (node.isSetter) { out('set '); } propertyNameOut(, inMethod: true); var fun = node.function; localNamer.enterScope(fun); out("("); if (fun.params != null) { visitCommaSeparated(fun.params, PRIMARY, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); } out(")"); // TODO(jmesserly): async modifiers if (fun.body.statements.isEmpty) { spaceOut(); out("{}"); } else { blockBody(fun.body, needsSeparation: false, needsNewline: false); } localNamer.leaveScope(); } void propertyNameOut(Expression node, {bool inMethod: false, bool inAccess: false}) { if (node is LiteralNumber) { LiteralNumber nameNumber = node; if (inAccess) out('['); out(nameNumber.value); if (inAccess) out(']'); } else { if (node is LiteralString) { if (isValidJavaScriptId(node.value)) { if (inAccess) out('.'); out(node.valueWithoutQuotes); } else { if (inMethod || inAccess) out("["); out(node.value); if (inMethod || inAccess) out("]"); } } else { // ComputedPropertyName out("["); visitNestedExpression(node, EXPRESSION, newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false); out("]"); } } } visitLiteralExpression(LiteralExpression node) { String template = node.template; List inputs = node.inputs; List parts = template.split('#'); int inputsLength = inputs == null ? 0 : inputs.length; if (parts.length != inputsLength + 1) { context.error('Wrong number of arguments for JS: $template'); } // Code that uses JS must take care of operator precedences, and // put parenthesis if needed. out(parts[0]); for (int i = 0; i < inputsLength; i++) { visit(inputs[i]); out(parts[i + 1]); } } visitLiteralStatement(LiteralStatement node) { outLn(node.code); } visitInterpolatedNode(InterpolatedNode node) { out('#${node.nameOrPosition}'); } visitInterpolatedExpression(InterpolatedExpression node) => visitInterpolatedNode(node); visitInterpolatedLiteral(InterpolatedLiteral node) => visitInterpolatedNode(node); visitInterpolatedParameter(InterpolatedParameter node) => visitInterpolatedNode(node); visitInterpolatedSelector(InterpolatedSelector node) => visitInterpolatedNode(node); visitInterpolatedMethod(InterpolatedMethod node) => visitInterpolatedNode(node); visitInterpolatedIdentifier(InterpolatedIdentifier node) => visitInterpolatedNode(node); visitInterpolatedStatement(InterpolatedStatement node) { outLn('#${node.nameOrPosition}'); } void visitComment(Comment node) { if (shouldCompressOutput) return; String comment = node.comment.trim(); if (comment.isEmpty) return; for (var line in comment.split('\n')) { if (comment.startsWith('//')) { outIndentLn(line.trim()); } else { outIndentLn('// ${line.trim()}'); } } } void visitCommentExpression(CommentExpression node) { if (shouldCompressOutput) return; String comment = node.comment.trim(); if (comment.isEmpty) return; if (comment.startsWith('/*')) { out(comment); } else { out('/* $comment */'); } visit(node.expression); } void visitAwait(Await node) { out("await "); visit(node.expression); } } // Collects all the var declarations in the function. We need to do this in a // separate pass because JS vars are lifted to the top of the function. class VarCollector extends BaseVisitor { bool nested; final Set vars; final Set params; VarCollector() : nested = false, vars = new Set(), params = new Set(); void forEachVar(void fn(String v)) => vars.forEach(fn); void forEachParam(void fn(String p)) => params.forEach(fn); void collectVarsInFunction(FunctionExpression fun) { if (!nested) { nested = true; if (fun.params != null) { for (var param in fun.params) { params.add(; } } fun.body.accept(this); nested = false; } } void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration declaration) { // Note that we don't bother collecting the name of the function. collectVarsInFunction(declaration.function); } void visitNamedFunction(NamedFunction namedFunction) { // Note that we don't bother collecting the name of the function. collectVarsInFunction(namedFunction.function); } void visitMethod(Method declaration) { collectVarsInFunction(declaration.function); } void visitFun(Fun fun) { collectVarsInFunction(fun); } void visitArrowFun(ArrowFun fun) { collectVarsInFunction(fun); } void visitClassExpression(ClassExpression node) { // Note that we don't bother collecting the name of the class. if (node.heritage != null) node.heritage.accept(this); for (Method method in node.methods) method.accept(this); } void visitCatch(Catch node) { declareVariable(node.declaration); node.body.accept(this); } void visitVariableInitialization(VariableInitialization node) { declareVariable(node.declaration); if (node.value != null) node.value.accept(this); } void declareVariable(Identifier decl) { if (decl.allowRename) vars.add(; } } /** * Returns true, if the given node must be wrapped into braces when used * as then-statement in an [If] that has an else branch. */ class DanglingElseVisitor extends BaseVisitor { JavaScriptPrintingContext context; DanglingElseVisitor(this.context); bool visitProgram(Program node) => false; bool visitNode(Node node) { context.error("Forgot node: $node"); return null; } bool visitBlock(Block node) => false; bool visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) => false; bool visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) => false; bool visitIf(If node) { if (!node.hasElse) return true; return node.otherwise.accept(this); } bool visitFor(For node) => node.body.accept(this); bool visitForIn(ForIn node) => node.body.accept(this); bool visitForOf(ForOf node) => node.body.accept(this); bool visitWhile(While node) => node.body.accept(this); bool visitDo(Do node) => false; bool visitContinue(Continue node) => false; bool visitBreak(Break node) => false; bool visitReturn(Return node) => false; bool visitThrow(Throw node) => false; bool visitTry(Try node) { if (node.finallyPart != null) { return node.finallyPart.accept(this); } else { return node.catchPart.accept(this); } } bool visitCatch(Catch node) => node.body.accept(this); bool visitSwitch(Switch node) => false; bool visitCase(Case node) => false; bool visitDefault(Default node) => false; bool visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) => false; bool visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) => node.body.accept(this); bool visitLiteralStatement(LiteralStatement node) => true; bool visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) => false; bool visitExpression(Expression node) => false; } abstract class LocalNamer { String getName(Identifier node); void enterScope(FunctionExpression node); void leaveScope(); } class IdentityNamer implements LocalNamer { String getName(Identifier node) =>; void enterScope(FunctionExpression node) {} void leaveScope() {} } class MinifyRenamer implements LocalNamer { final List> maps = []; final List parameterNumberStack = []; final List variableNumberStack = []; int parameterNumber = 0; int variableNumber = 0; void enterScope(FunctionExpression node) { var vars = new VarCollector(); node.accept(vars); maps.add(new Map()); variableNumberStack.add(variableNumber); parameterNumberStack.add(parameterNumber); vars.forEachVar(declareVariable); vars.forEachParam(declareParameter); } void leaveScope() { maps.removeLast(); variableNumber = variableNumberStack.removeLast(); parameterNumber = parameterNumberStack.removeLast(); } String getName(Identifier node) { String oldName =; // Go from inner scope to outer looking for mapping of name. for (int i = maps.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var map = maps[i]; var replacement = map[oldName]; if (replacement != null) return replacement; } return oldName; } static const LOWER_CASE_LETTERS = 26; static const LETTERS = LOWER_CASE_LETTERS; static const DIGITS = 10; static int nthLetter(int n) { return (n < LOWER_CASE_LETTERS) ? charCodes.$a + n : charCodes.$A + n - LOWER_CASE_LETTERS; } // Parameters go from a to z and variables go from z to a. This makes each // argument list and each top-of-function var declaration look similar and // helps gzip compress the file. If we have more than 26 arguments and // variables then we meet somewhere in the middle of the alphabet. After // that we give up trying to be nice to the compression algorithm and just // use the same namespace for arguments and variables, starting with A, and // moving on to a0, a1, etc. String declareVariable(String oldName) { if (avoidRenaming(oldName)) return oldName; var newName; if (variableNumber + parameterNumber < LOWER_CASE_LETTERS) { // Variables start from z and go backwards, for better gzipability. newName = getNameNumber(oldName, LOWER_CASE_LETTERS - 1 - variableNumber); } else { // After 26 variables and parameters we allocate them in the same order. newName = getNameNumber(oldName, variableNumber + parameterNumber); } variableNumber++; return newName; } String declareParameter(String oldName) { if (avoidRenaming(oldName)) return oldName; var newName; if (variableNumber + parameterNumber < LOWER_CASE_LETTERS) { newName = getNameNumber(oldName, parameterNumber); } else { newName = getNameNumber(oldName, variableNumber + parameterNumber); } parameterNumber++; return newName; } bool avoidRenaming(String oldName) { // Variables of this $form$ are used in pattern matching the message of JS // exceptions, so should not be renamed. // TODO(sra): Introduce a way for indicating in the JS text which variables // should not be renamed. return oldName.startsWith(r'$') && oldName.endsWith(r'$'); } String getNameNumber(String oldName, int n) { if (maps.isEmpty) return oldName; String newName; if (n < LETTERS) { // Start naming variables a, b, c, ..., z, A, B, C, ..., Z. newName = new String.fromCharCodes([nthLetter(n)]); } else { // Then name variables a0, a1, a2, ..., a9, b0, b1, ..., Z9, aa0, aa1, ... // For all functions with fewer than 500 locals this is just as compact // as using aa, ab, etc. but avoids clashes with keywords. n -= LETTERS; int digit = n % DIGITS; n ~/= DIGITS; int alphaChars = 1; int nameSpaceSize = LETTERS; // Find out whether we should use the 1-character namespace (size 52), the // 2-character namespace (size 52*52), etc. while (n >= nameSpaceSize) { n -= nameSpaceSize; alphaChars++; nameSpaceSize *= LETTERS; } var codes = []; for (var i = 0; i < alphaChars; i++) { nameSpaceSize ~/= LETTERS; codes.add(nthLetter((n ~/ nameSpaceSize) % LETTERS)); } codes.add(charCodes.$0 + digit); newName = new String.fromCharCodes(codes); } assert(new RegExp(r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*').hasMatch(newName)); maps.last[oldName] = newName; return newName; } } /// Like [BaseVisitor], but calls [declare] for [Identifier] declarations, and /// [visitIdentifier] otherwise. abstract class VariableDeclarationVisitor extends BaseVisitor { declare(Identifier node); visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) { for (Identifier param in node.params) declare(param); node.body.accept(this); } visitVariableInitialization(VariableInitialization node) { declare(node.declaration); if (node.value != null) node.value.accept(this); } visitCatch(Catch node) { declare(node.declaration); node.body.accept(this); } visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) { declare(; node.function.accept(this); } visitNamedFunction(NamedFunction node) { declare(; node.function.accept(this); } visitClassExpression(ClassExpression node) { declare(; if (node.heritage != null) node.heritage.accept(this); for (Method element in node.methods) element.accept(this); } }