Linter Demo Errors: 3Warnings: 6File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/devcompiler/lib/devc.dart // Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /// Command line tool to run the checker on a Dart program. library dev_compiler.devc; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/error.dart' as analyzer; import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisContext, ChangeSet; import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart' show Source; import 'package:logging/logging.dart' show Level, Logger, LogRecord; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf; import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as shelf; import 'package:shelf_static/shelf_static.dart' as shelf_static; import 'src/analysis_context.dart'; import 'src/checker/checker.dart'; import 'src/checker/rules.dart'; import 'src/codegen/code_generator.dart' show CodeGenerator; import 'src/codegen/html_codegen.dart'; import 'src/codegen/js_codegen.dart'; import 'src/dependency_graph.dart'; import 'src/info.dart' show AnalyzerError, CheckerResults, LibraryInfo, LibraryUnit; import 'src/options.dart'; import 'src/report.dart'; import 'src/utils.dart'; /// Sets up the type checker logger to print a span that highlights error /// messages. StreamSubscription setupLogger(Level level, printFn) { Logger.root.level = level; return Logger.root.onRecord.listen((LogRecord rec) { printFn('${}: ${rec.message}'); }); } abstract class AbstractCompiler { CompilerOptions get options; AnalysisContext get context; TypeRules get rules; Uri get entryPointUri; } /// Encapsulates the logic to do a one-off compilation or a partial compilation /// when the compiler is run as a development server. class Compiler implements AbstractCompiler { final CompilerOptions options; final AnalysisContext context; final CompilerReporter _reporter; final TypeRules rules; final CodeChecker _checker; final SourceNode _entryNode; List _libraries = []; final _generators = []; bool _hashing; bool _failure = false; factory Compiler(CompilerOptions options, {AnalysisContext context, CompilerReporter reporter}) { var strongOpts = options.strongOptions; var sourceOpts = options.sourceOptions; if (context == null) { context = createAnalysisContextWithSources(strongOpts, sourceOpts); } if (reporter == null) { reporter = options.dumpInfo ? new SummaryReporter(context, options.logLevel) : new LogReporter(context, useColors: options.useColors); } var graph = new SourceGraph(context, reporter, options); var rules = new RestrictedRules(context.typeProvider, options: options.strongOptions); var checker = new CodeChecker(rules, reporter, strongOpts); var inputFile = sourceOpts.entryPointFile; var inputUri = inputFile.startsWith('dart:') || inputFile.startsWith('package:') ? Uri.parse(inputFile) : new Uri.file(path.absolute(sourceOpts.useImplicitHtml ? SourceResolverOptions.implicitHtmlFile : inputFile)); var entryNode = graph.nodeFromUri(inputUri); return new Compiler._( options, context, reporter, rules, checker, entryNode); } Compiler._(this.options, this.context, this._reporter, this.rules, this._checker, this._entryNode) { if (outputDir != null) { _generators.add(new JSGenerator(this)); } // TODO(sigmund): refactor to support hashing of the dart output? _hashing = options.enableHashing && _generators.length == 1; } Uri get entryPointUri => _entryNode.uri; String get outputDir => options.codegenOptions.outputDir; bool _buildSource(SourceNode node) { if (node is HtmlSourceNode) { _buildHtmlFile(node); } else if (node is DartSourceNode) { _buildDartLibrary(node); } else if (node is ResourceSourceNode) { _buildResourceFile(node); } else { assert(false); // should not get a build request on PartSourceNode } // TODO(sigmund): don't always return true. Use summarization to better // determine when rebuilding is needed. return true; } void _buildHtmlFile(HtmlSourceNode node) { if (outputDir == null) return; var uri = node.source.uri; _reporter.enterHtml(uri); var output = generateEntryHtml(node, options); if (output == null) { _failure = true; return; } _reporter.leaveHtml(); var filename = path.basename(node.uri.path); String outputFile = path.join(outputDir, filename); new File(outputFile).writeAsStringSync(output); } void _buildResourceFile(ResourceSourceNode node) { // ResourceSourceNodes files that just need to be copied over to the output // location. These can be external dependencies or pieces of the // dev_compiler runtime. if (outputDir == null) return; var filepath = resourceOutputPath(node.uri, _entryNode.uri); assert(filepath != null); filepath = path.join(outputDir, filepath); var dir = path.dirname(filepath); new Directory(dir).createSync(recursive: true); new File.fromUri(node.source.uri).copySync(filepath); if (_hashing) node.cachingHash = computeHashFromFile(filepath); } bool _isEntry(DartSourceNode node) { if (_entryNode is DartSourceNode) return _entryNode == node; return (_entryNode as HtmlSourceNode).scripts.contains(node); } void _buildDartLibrary(DartSourceNode node) { var source = node.source; // TODO(sigmund): find out from analyzer team if there is a better way context.applyChanges(new ChangeSet()..changedSource(source)); var entryUnit = context.resolveCompilationUnit2(source, source); var lib = entryUnit.element.enclosingElement; if (!options.checkSdk && lib.source.uri.scheme == 'dart') return; var current =; if (current != null) { assert(current.library == lib); } else { = current = new LibraryInfo(lib, _isEntry(node)); } _reporter.enterLibrary(source.uri); _libraries.add(current); rules.currentLibraryInfo = current; var resolvedParts = .map((p) => context.resolveCompilationUnit2(p.source, source)) .toList(growable: false); var libraryUnit = new LibraryUnit(entryUnit, resolvedParts); bool failureInLib = false; for (var unit in libraryUnit.libraryThenParts) { var unitSource = unit.element.source; _reporter.enterCompilationUnit(unit); // TODO(sigmund): integrate analyzer errors with static-info (issue #6). failureInLib = logErrors(unitSource) || failureInLib; _checker.visitCompilationUnit(unit); if (_checker.failure) failureInLib = true; _reporter.leaveCompilationUnit(); } if (failureInLib) { _failure = true; if (!options.codegenOptions.forceCompile) return; } for (var cg in _generators) { var hash = cg.generateLibrary(libraryUnit, current); if (_hashing) node.cachingHash = hash; } _reporter.leaveLibrary(); } /// Log any errors encountered when resolving [source] and return whether any /// errors were found. bool logErrors(Source source) { List errors = context.getErrors(source).errors; bool failure = false; if (errors.isNotEmpty) { for (var error in errors) { var message = new AnalyzerError.from(error); if (message.level == Level.SEVERE) failure = true; _reporter.log(message); } } return failure; } CheckerResults run() { var clock = new Stopwatch()..start(); // TODO(sigmund): we are missing a couple failures here. The // dependency_graph now detects broken imports or unsupported features // like more than one script tag (see .severe messages in // dependency_graph.dart). Such failures should be reported back // here so we can mark failure=true in the CheckerResutls. rebuild(_entryNode, _buildSource); _dumpInfoIfRequested(); clock.stop(); var time = (clock.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000).toStringAsFixed(2); _log.fine('Compiled ${_libraries.length} libraries in ${time} s\n'); return new CheckerResults( _libraries, rules, _failure || options.codegenOptions.forceCompile); } void _runAgain() { var clock = new Stopwatch()..start(); _libraries = []; int changed = 0; // TODO(sigmund): propagate failures here (see TODO in run). rebuild(_entryNode, (n) { changed++; return _buildSource(n); }); clock.stop(); if (changed > 0) _dumpInfoIfRequested(); var time = (clock.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000).toStringAsFixed(2); _log.fine("Compiled ${changed} libraries in ${time} s\n"); } _dumpInfoIfRequested() { if (!options.dumpInfo || _reporter is! SummaryReporter) return; var result = (_reporter as SummaryReporter).result; if (!options.serverMode) print(summaryToString(result)); var filepath = options.serverMode ? path.join(outputDir, 'messages.json') : options.dumpInfoFile; if (filepath == null) return; new File(filepath).writeAsStringSync(JSON.encode(result.toJsonMap())); } } class CompilerServer { final Compiler compiler; final String outDir; final String host; final int port; final String _entryPath; factory CompilerServer(CompilerOptions options) { var entryPath = path.basename(options.sourceOptions.entryPointFile); var extension = path.extension(entryPath); if (extension != '.html' && !options.sourceOptions.useImplicitHtml) { print('error: devc in server mode requires an HTML or Dart entry point.'); exit(1); } // TODO(sigmund): allow running without a dir, but keep output in memory? var outDir = options.codegenOptions.outputDir; if (outDir == null) { print('error: devc in server mode also requires specifying and ' 'output location for generated code.'); exit(1); } var port = options.port; var host =; var compiler = new Compiler(options); return new CompilerServer._(compiler, outDir, host, port, entryPath); } CompilerServer._( Compiler compiler, this.outDir,, this.port, String entryPath) : this.compiler = compiler, // TODO(jmesserly): this logic is duplicated in a few places this._entryPath = compiler.options.sourceOptions.useImplicitHtml ? SourceResolverOptions.implicitHtmlFile : entryPath; Future start() async { // Create output directory if needed. shelf_static will fail otherwise. var out = new Directory(outDir); if (!await out.exists()) await out.create(recursive: true); var handler = const shelf.Pipeline() .addMiddleware(rebuildAndCache) .addHandler(shelf_static.createStaticHandler(outDir, defaultDocument: _entryPath)); await shelf.serve(handler, host, port); print('Serving $_entryPath at http://$host:$port/');; } shelf.Handler rebuildAndCache(shelf.Handler handler) => (request) { print('requested $GREEN_COLOR${request.url}$NO_COLOR'); // Trigger recompile only when requesting the HTML page. var segments = request.url.pathSegments; bool isEntryPage = segments.length == 0 || segments[0] == _entryPath; if (isEntryPage) compiler._runAgain(); // To help browsers cache resources that don't change, we serve these // resources by adding a query parameter containing their hash: // /{path-to-file.js}?____cached={hash} var hash = request.url.queryParameters['____cached']; var response = handler(request); var policy = hash != null ? 'max-age=${24 * 60 * 60}' : 'no-cache'; var headers = {'cache-control': policy}; if (hash != null) { // Note: the cache-control header should be enough, but this doesn't hurt // and can help renew the policy after it expires. headers['ETag'] = hash; } return response.change(headers: headers); }; } final _log = new Logger('dev_compiler'); final _earlyErrorResult = new CheckerResults(const [], null, true);