Linter Demo Errors: 0Warnings: 9File: /home/fstrocco/Dart/dart/benchmark/linter/lib/src/formatter.dart // Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library linter.src.formatter; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart'; import 'package:linter/src/linter.dart'; String getLineContents(int lineNumber, AnalysisError error) { var path = error.source.fullName; var file = new File(path); if (file.existsSync()) { var lines = file.readAsLinesSync(); var lineIndex = lineNumber - 1; if (lines.length > lineIndex) { return lines[lineIndex]; } } return null; } String pluralize(String word, int count) => "$count ${count == 1 ? '$word' : '${word}s'}"; String shorten(String fileRoot, String fullName) { if (fileRoot == null || !fullName.startsWith(fileRoot)) { return fullName; } return fullName.substring(fileRoot.length); } class DetailedReporter extends SimpleFormatter { DetailedReporter( Iterable errors, LintFilter filter, IOSink out, {int fileCount, String fileRoot, bool showStatistics: false, bool machineOutput: false, quiet: false}) : super(errors, filter, out, fileCount: fileCount, fileRoot: fileRoot, showStatistics: showStatistics, machineOutput: machineOutput, quiet: quiet); @override writeLint(AnalysisError error, {int offset, int line, int column}) { super.writeLint(error, offset: offset, column: column, line: line); if (!machineOutput) { var contents = getLineContents(line, error); out.writeln(contents); var spaces = column - 1; var arrows = max(1, min(error.length, contents.length - spaces)); var result = '${" " * spaces}${"^" * arrows}'; out.writeln(result); } } } abstract class ReportFormatter { factory ReportFormatter( Iterable errors, LintFilter filter, IOSink out, {int fileCount, String fileRoot, bool showStatistics: false, bool machineOutput: false, bool quiet: false}) => new DetailedReporter( errors, filter, out, fileCount: fileCount, fileRoot: fileRoot, showStatistics: showStatistics, machineOutput: machineOutput, quiet: quiet); write(); } /// Simple formatter suitable for subclassing. class SimpleFormatter implements ReportFormatter { final IOSink out; final Iterable errors; final LintFilter filter; int errorCount = 0; int filteredLintCount = 0; final int fileCount; final String fileRoot; final bool showStatistics; final bool machineOutput; final bool quiet; /// Cached for the purposes of statistics report formatting. int _summaryLength = 0; Map stats = {}; SimpleFormatter(this.errors, this.filter, this.out, {this.fileCount, this.fileRoot, this.showStatistics: false, this.quiet: false, this.machineOutput: false}); /// Override to influence error sorting int compare(AnalysisError error1, AnalysisError error2) { // Severity int compare = error2.errorCode.errorSeverity .compareTo(error1.errorCode.errorSeverity); if (compare != 0) { return compare; } // Path compare =, error2.source.fullName.toLowerCase()); if (compare != 0) { return compare; } // Offset return error1.offset - error2.offset; } @override write() { writeLints(); writeSummary(); if (showStatistics) { writeStatistics(); } } void writeLint(AnalysisError error, {int offset, int line, int column}) { if (machineOutput) { //INFO|LINT|constant_identifier_names|test/linter_test.dart|91|22|3|Prefer using lowerCamelCase for constant names. out ..write(error.errorCode.errorSeverity) ..write('|') ..write(error.errorCode.type) ..write('|') ..write( ..write('|') ..write(_escapePipe(error.source.fullName)) ..write('|') ..write(line) ..write('|') ..write(column) ..write('|') ..write(error.length) ..write('|') ..writeln(_escapePipe(error.message)); } else { // test/linter_test.dart 452:9 [lint] DO name types using UpperCamelCase. out ..write('${shorten(fileRoot, error.source.fullName)} ') ..write('$line:$column ') ..writeln('[${error.errorCode.type.displayName}] ${error.message}'); } } void writeLints() { errors.forEach((info) => (info.errors.toList()..sort(compare)).forEach((e) { if (filter != null && filter.filter(e)) { filteredLintCount++; } else { ++errorCount; if (!quiet) { _writeLint(e, info.lineInfo); } _recordStats(e); } })); if (!quiet) { out.writeln(); } } void writeStatistics() { var codes = stats.keys.toList()..sort(); var longest = 0; var largestCountGuess = 8; codes.forEach((c) => longest = max(longest, c.length)); var tableWidth = max(_summaryLength, longest + largestCountGuess); var pad = tableWidth - longest; var line = ''.padLeft(tableWidth, '-'); out.writeln(line); codes.forEach((c) { out ..write('${c.padRight(longest)}') ..writeln('${stats[c].toString().padLeft(pad)}'); }); out.writeln(line); } void writeSummary() { var summary = '${pluralize("file", fileCount)} analyzed, ' '${pluralize("issue", errorCount)} found' "${filteredLintCount == 0 ? '' : ' ($filteredLintCount filtered)'}."; out.writeln(summary); // Cache for output table sizing _summaryLength = summary.length; } void _recordStats(AnalysisError error) { var codeName =; stats.putIfAbsent(codeName, () => 0); stats[codeName]++; } void _writeLint(AnalysisError error, LineInfo lineInfo) { var offset = error.offset; var location = lineInfo.getLocation(offset); var line = location.lineNumber; var column = location.columnNumber; writeLint(error, offset: offset, column: column, line: line); } } String _escapePipe(String input) { var result = new StringBuffer(); for (var c in input.codeUnits) { if (c == '\\' || c == '|') { result.write('\\'); } result.writeCharCode(c); } return result.toString(); }