This document is also available as
- RS-05-38
Ma gorzata Biernacka and Olivier Danvy.
A Syntactic Correspondence between Context-Sensitive Calculi and
Abstract Machines.
December 2005.
iii+39 pp. Revised version of BRICS RS-05-22.
Abstract: We present a systematic construction of
environment-based abstract machines from context-sensitive calculi of
explicit substitutions, and we illustrate it with ten calculi and machines
for applicative order with an abort operation, normal order with generalized
reduction and call/cc, the lambda-mu-calculus, delimited continuations, stack
inspection, proper tail-recursion, and lazy evaluation. Most of the machines
already exist but have been obtained independently and are only indirectly
related to the corresponding calculi. All of the calculi are new and they
make it possible to directly reason about the execution of the corresponding
In connection with the functional correspondence between
evaluation functions and abstract machines initiated by Reynolds, the present
syntactic correspondence makes it possible to construct reduction-free
normalization functions out of reduction-based ones, which was an open
problem in the area of normalization by evaluation.
- RS-05-37
Gerth Stølting Brodal, Kanela Kaligosi,
Irit Katriel, and Martin Kutz.
Faster Algorithms for Computing Longest Common Increasing
December 2005.
16 pp.
Abstract: We present algorithms for finding a longest common
increasing subsequence of two or more input sequences. For two sequences of
lengths and , where , we present an algorithm with an
output-dependent expected running time of
and space, where is the length of a LCIS,
is the size of the alphabet, and is the time to sort
each input sequence.
For length- sequences we present an
algorithm running time
, which
improves the previous best bound by more than a factor for many inputs.
In both cases, our algorithms are conceptually quite simple but rely on
existing sophisticated data structures.
Finally, we introduce the
problem of longest common weakly-increasing (or non-decreasing) subsequences
(LCWIS), for which we present an time algorithm for the
3-letter alphabet case. For the extensively studied Longest Common
Subsequence problem, comparable speedups have not been achieved for small
- RS-05-36
Dariusz Biernacki, Olivier Danvy, and
Chung-chieh Shan.
On the Static and Dynamic Extents of Delimited Continuations.
December 2005.
ii+33 pp. To appear in the journal Science of Computer
Programming. Supersedes BRICS RS-05-13.
Abstract: We show that breadth-first traversal exploits the
difference between the static delimited-control operator shift (alias S) and
the dynamic delimited-control operator control (alias F). For the last 15
years, this difference has been repeatedly mentioned in the literature but it
has only been illustrated with one-line toy examples. Breadth-first traversal
fills this vacuum.
We also point out where static delimited
continuations naturally give rise to the notion of control stack whereas
dynamic delimited continuations can be made to account for a notion of
`control queue.'.
- RS-05-35
Kristian Støvring.
Extending the Extensional Lambda Calculus with Surjective
Pairing is Conservative.
November 2005.
19 pp.
Abstract: We answer Klop and de Vrijer's question whether
adding surjective-pairing axioms to the extensional lambda calculus yields a
conservative extension. The answer is positive. As a byproduct we obtain the
first ``syntactic'' proof that the extensional lambda calculus with
surjective pairing is consistent.
- RS-05-34
Henning Korsholm Rohde.
Formal Aspects of Polyvariant Specialization.
November 2005.
27 pp.
Abstract: We present the first formal correctness proof of an
offline polyvariant specialization algorithm for first-order recursive
equations. As a corollary, we show that the specialization algorithm
generates a program implementing the search phase of the Knuth-Morris- Pratt
algorithm from an inefficient but binding-time-improved string matcher.
- RS-05-33
Luca Aceto, Willem Jan Fokkink, Anna
Ingólfsdóttir, and Sumit Nain.
Bisimilarity is not Finitely Based over BPA with Interrupt.
October 2005.
33 pp. This paper supersedes BRICS Report RS-04-24. An extended
abstract of this paper appeared in Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer
Science, 1st Conference, CALCO 2005, Swansea, Wales, 3-6 September 2005,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3629, pp. 54-68, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
Abstract: This paper shows that bisimulation equivalence does
not afford a finite equational axiomatization over the language obtained by
enriching Bergstra and Klop's Basic Process Algebra with the interrupt
operator. Moreover, it is shown that the collection of closed equations over
this language is also not finitely based. In sharp contrast to these results,
the collection of closed equations over the language BPA enriched with the
disrupt operator is proven to be finitely based.
- RS-05-32
Anders Møller, Mads Østerby Olesen,
and Michael I. Schwartzbach.
Static Validation of XSL Transformations.
October 2005.
50 pp.
Abstract: XSL Transformations (XSLT) is a programming language
for defining transformations between XML languages. The structure of these
languages is formally described by schemas, for example using DTD, which
allows individual documents to be validated. However, existing XSLT tools
offer no static guarantees that, under the assumption that the input is valid
relative to the input schema, the output of the transformation is valid
relative to the output schema.
We present a validation technique for
XSLT based on the summary graph formalism introduced in the static analysis
of JWIG Web services. Being able to provide static guarantees, we can detect
a large class of errors in an XSLT stylesheet at the time it is written
instead of later when it has been deployed, and thereby provide benefits
similar to those of static type checkers for modern programming
Our analysis takes a pragmatic approach that focuses its
precision on the essential language features but still handles the entire
XSLT 1.0 language. We evaluate the analysis precision on a range of real
stylesheets and demonstrate how it may be useful in practice.
- RS-05-31
Christian Kirkegaard and Anders Møller.
Type Checking with XML Schema in XACT.
September 2005.
20 pp.
Abstract: We show how to extend the program analysis technique
used in the XACT system to support XML Schema as type formalism.
Moreover, we introduce optional type annotations to improve modularity of the
type checking. The resulting system supports a flexible style of programming
XML transformations and provides static guarantees of validity of the
generated XML data.
- RS-05-30
Karl Krukow.
An Operational Semantics for Trust Policies.
September 2005.
38 pp.
Abstract: In the trust-structure model of trust management,
principals specify their trusting relationships with other principals in
terms of trust policies. In their paper on trust structures, Carbone et al.
present a language for trust policies, and provide a suitable denotational
semantics. The semantics ensures that for any collection of trust policies,
there is always a unique global trust-state, compatible with all the
policies, specifying everyone's degree of trust in everyone else. However, as
the authors themselves point out, the language lacks an operational model:
the global trust-state is a well-defined mathematical object, but it is not
clear how principals can actually compute it. This becomes even more apparent
when one considers the intended application environment: vast numbers of
autonomous principals, distributed and possibly mobile. We provide a
compositional operational semantics for a language of trust policies. The
operational semantics is given in terms of a composition of I/O automata. We
prove that this semantics is faithful to its corresponding denotational
semantics, in the sense that any run of the I/O automaton ``converges to''
the denotational semantics of the policies. Furthermore, as I/O automata are
a natural model of asynchronous distributed computation, the semantics leads
to an algorithm for distributedly computing the trust-state, which is
suitable in the application environment.
- RS-05-29
Olivier Danvy and Henning Korsholm Rohde.
On Obtaining the Boyer-Moore String-Matching Algorithm by
Partial Evaluation.
September 2005.
ii+9 pp. To appear in Information Processing Letters. This
version supersedes BRICS RS-05-14.
Abstract: We present the first derivation of the search phase
of the Boyer-Moore string-matching algorithm by partial evaluation of an
inefficient string matcher. The derivation hinges on identifying the
bad-character-shift heuristic as a binding-time improvement, bounded
static variation. An inefficient string matcher incorporating this
binding-time improvement specializes into the search phase of the Horspool
algorithm, which is a simplified variant of the Boyer-Moore algorithm.
Combining the bad-character-shift binding-time improvement with our
previous results yields a new binding-time-improved string matcher that
specializes into the search phase of the Boyer-Moore algorithm.
- RS-05-28
Jirí Srba.
On Counting the Number of Consistent Genotype Assignments for
September 2005.
15 pp. To appear in FSTTCS '05.
Abstract: Consistency checking of genotype information in
pedigrees plays an important role in genetic analysis and for complex
pedigrees the computational complexity is critical. We present here a
detailed complexity analysis for the problem of counting the number of
complete consistent genotype assignments. Our main result is a polynomial
time algorithm for counting the number of complete consistent assignments for
non-looping pedigrees. We further classify pedigrees according to a number of
natural parameters like the number of generations, the number of children per
individual and the cardinality of the set of alleles. We show that even if we
assume all these parameters as bounded by reasonably small constants, the
counting problem becomes computationally hard (#P-complete) for looping
pedigrees. The border line for counting problems computable in polynomial
time (i.e. belonging to the class FP) and #P-hard problems is completed by
showing that even for general pedigrees with unlimited number of generations
and alleles but with at most one child per individual and for pedigrees with
at most two generations and two children per individual the counting problem
is in FP.
- RS-05-27
Pascal Zimmer.
A Calculus for Context-Awareness.
August 2005.
21 pp.
Abstract: In order to answer the challenge of pervasive
computing, we propose a new process calculus, whose aim is to describe
dynamic systems composed of agents able to move and react differently
depending on their location. This Context-Aware Calculus features a
hierarchical structure similar to mobile ambients, and a generic multi-agent
synchronization mechanism, inspired from the join-calculus. After general
ideas and introduction, we review the full calculus' syntax and semantics, as
well as some motivating examples, study its expressiveness, and show how the
notion of computation itself can be made context-dependent.
- RS-05-26
Henning Korsholm Rohde.
Measuring the Propagation of Information in Partial Evaluation.
August 2005.
39 pp.
Abstract: We present the first measurement-based analysis of
the information propagated by a partial evaluator. Our analysis is based on
measuring implementations of string-matching algorithms, based on the
observation that the sequence of character comparisons accurately reflects
maintained information. Notably, we can easily prove matchers to be different
and we show that they display more variety and finesse than previously
believed. As a consequence, we are able to pinpoint differences and
inaccuracies in many results previously considered equivalent.
analysis includes a framework that lets us obtain string matchers - notably
the family of Boyer-Moore algorithms - in a systematic formalism-independent
way from a few information-propagation primitives. By leveraging the existing
research in string matching, we show that the landscape of information
propagation is non-trivial in the sense that small changes in information
propagation may dramatically change the properties of the resulting string
matchers. We thus expect that this work will prove useful as a test and
feedback mechanism for information propagation in the development of advanced
program transformations, such as GPC or Supercompilation.
- RS-05-25
Dariusz Biernacki and Olivier Danvy.
A Simple Proof of a Folklore Theorem about Delimited Control.
August 2005.
ii+11 pp. To appear in Journal of Functional Programming. This
version supersedes BRICS RS-05-10.
Abstract: We formalize and prove the folklore theorem that the
static delimited-control operators shift and reset can be simulated in terms
of the dynamic delimited-control operators control and prompt. The proof is
based on small-step operational semantics.
- RS-05-24
Ma gorzata Biernacka, Dariusz
Biernacki, and Olivier Danvy.
An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in the
CPS Hierarchy.
August 2005.
iv+43 pp. To appear in the journal Logical Methods in Computer
Science. This version supersedes BRICS RS-05-11.
Abstract: We present an abstract machine and a reduction
semantics for the -calculus extended with control operators that
give access to delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy. The abstract
machine is derived from an evaluator in continuation-passing style (CPS); the
reduction semantics (i.e., a small-step operational semantics with an
explicit representation of evaluation contexts) is constructed from the
abstract machine; and the control operators are the shift and reset family.
At level of the CPS hierarchy, programs can use the control operators
shift and reset for
, the evaluator has layers
of continuations, the abstract machine has layers of control stacks,
and the reduction semantics has layers of evaluation contexts.
We also present new applications of delimited continuations in the CPS
hierarchy: finding list prefixes and normalization by evaluation for a
hierarchical language of units and products.
- RS-05-23
Karl Krukow, Mogens Nielsen, and Vladimiro
A Framework for Concrete Reputation-Systems.
July 2005.
48 pp. This is an extended version of a paper to be presented at ACM
Abstract: In a reputation-based trust-management system, agents
maintain information about the past behaviour of other agents. This
information is used to guide future trust-based decisions about interaction.
However, while trust management is a component in security decision-making,
few existing reputation-based trust-management systems aim to provide any
formal security-guarantees. We provide a mathematical framework for a class
of simple reputation-based systems. In these systems, decisions about
interaction are taken based on policies that are exact requirements on
agents' past histories. We present a basic declarative language, based on
pure-past linear temporal logic, intended for writing simple policies. While
the basic language is reasonably expressive, we extend it to encompass more
practical policies, including several known from the literature. A naturally
occurring problem becomes how to efficiently re-evaluate a policy when new
behavioural information is available. Efficient algorithms for the basic
language are presented and analyzed, and we outline algorithms for the
extended languages as well.
- RS-05-22
Ma gorzata Biernacka and Olivier Danvy.
A Syntactic Correspondence between Context-Sensitive Calculi and
Abstract Machines.
July 2005.
iv+39 pp.
Abstract: We present a systematic construction of
environment-based abstract machines from context-sensitive calculi of
explicit substitutions, and we illustrate it with a series of calculi and
machines: Krivine's machine with call/cc, the lambda-mu-calculus, delimited
continuations, i/o, stack inspection, proper tail-recursion, and lazy
evaluation. Most of the machines already exist but have been obtained
independently and are only indirectly related to the corresponding calculi.
All of the calculi are new and they make it possible to directly reason about
the execution of the corresponding machines. In connection with the
functional correspondence between evaluation functions and abstract machines
initiated by Reynolds, the present syntactic correspondence makes it possible
to construct reduction-free normalization functions out of reduction-based
ones, which was an open problem in the area of normalization by evaluation.
- RS-05-21
Philipp Gerhardy and Ulrich Kohlenbach.
General Logical Metatheorems for Functional Analysis.
July 2005.
65 pp.
Abstract: In this paper we prove general logical metatheorems
which state that for large classes of theorems and proofs in (nonlinear)
functional analysis it is possible to extract from the proofs effective
bounds which depend only on very sparse local bounds on certain parameters.
This means that the bounds are uniform for all parameters meeting these weak
local boundedness conditions. The results vastly generalize related theorems
due to the second author where the global boundedness of the underlying
metric space (resp. a convex subset of a normed space) was assumed. Our
results treat general classes of spaces such as metric, hyperbolic, CAT(0),
normed, uniformly convex and inner product spaces and classes of functions
such as nonexpansive, Hölder-Lipschitz, uniformly continuous, bounded and
weakly quasi-nonexpansive ones. We give several applications in the area of
metric fixed point theory. In particular, we show that the uniformities
observed in a number of recently found effective bounds (by proof theoretic
analysis) can be seen as instances of our general logical results.
- RS-05-20
Ivan B. Damgård, Serge Fehr, Louis
Salvail, and Christian Schaffner.
Cryptography in the Bounded Quantum Storage Model.
July 2005.
23 pp.
Abstract: We initiate the study of two-party cryptographic
primitives with unconditional security, assuming that the adversary's quantum memory is of bounded size. We show that oblivious transfer and bit
commitment can be implemented in this model using protocols where honest
parties need no quantum memory, whereas an adversarial player needs quantum
memory of size at least in order to break the protocol, where is
the number of qubits transmitted. This is in sharp contrast to the classical
bounded-memory model, where we can only tolerate adversaries with memory of
size quadratic in honest players' memory size. Our protocols are efficient,
non-interactive and can be implemented using today's technology. On the
technical side, a new entropic uncertainty relation involving min-entropy is
- RS-05-19
Luca Aceto, Willem Jan Fokkink, Anna
Ingólfsdóttir, and Bas Luttik.
Finite Equational Bases in Process Algebra: Results and Open
June 2005.
28 pp.
Abstract: Van Glabbeek (1990) presented the linear
time-branching time spectrum of behavioral equivalences for finitely
branching, concrete, sequential processes. He studied these semantics in the
setting of the basic process algebra BCCSP, and tried to give finite complete
and -complete axiomatizations for them. (An axiomatization is
-complete when an equation can be derived from if, and only if,
all its closed instantiations can be derived from .) Obtaining such
axiomatizations in concurrency theory often turns out to be difficult, even
in the setting of simple languages like BCCSP. This has raised a host of open
questions that have been the subject of intensive research in recent years.
Most of these questions have been settled over BCCSP, either positively by
giving a finite complete or -complete axiomatization, or negatively
by proving that such an axiomatization does not exist. Still some open
questions remain. This paper reports on these results, and on the
state-of-the-art on axiomatizations for richer process algebras, containing
constructs like sequential and parallel composition.
- RS-05-18
Peter Bogetoft, Ivan B. Damgård,
Thomas Jakobsen, Kurt Nielsen, Jakob Pagter, and Tomas Toft.
Secure Computing, Economy, and Trust: A Generic Solution for
Secure Auctions with Real-World Applications.
June 2005.
37 pp.
Abstract: In this paper we consider the problem of constructing
secure auctions based on techniques from modern cryptography. We combine
knowledge from economics, cryptography and security engineering and develop
and implement secure auctions for practical real-world problems.
essence this paper is an overview of the research project SCET--Secure
Computing, Economy, and Trust-- which attempts to build auctions for real
applications using secure multiparty computation.
The main
contributions of this project are: A generic setup for secure evaluation of
integer arithmetic including comparisons; general double auctions expressed
by such operations; a real world double auction tailored to the complexity
and performance of the basic primitives and ; and finally evidence
that our approach is practically feasible based on experiments with
- RS-05-17
Ivan B. Damgård, Thomas B. Pedersen,
and Louis Salvail.
A Quantum Cipher with Near Optimal Key-Recycling.
May 2005.
29 pp.
Abstract: Assuming an insecure quantum channel and an
authenticated classical channel, we propose an unconditionally secure scheme
for encrypting classical messages under a shared key, where attempts to
eavesdrop the ciphertext can be detected. If no eavesdropping is detected, we
can securely re-use the entire key for encrypting new messages. If
eavesdropping is detected, we must discard a number of key bits corresponding
to the length of the message, but can re-use almost all of the rest. We show
this is essentially optimal. Thus, provided the adversary does not interfere
(too much) with the quantum channel, we can securely send an arbitrary number
of message bits, independently of the length of the initial key. Moreover,
the key-recycling mechanism only requires one-bit feedback. While ordinary
quantum key distribution with a classical one time pad could be used instead
to obtain a similar functionality, this would need more rounds of interaction
and more communication.
- RS-05-16
Dariusz Biernacki, Olivier Danvy, and
Kevin Millikin.
A Dynamic Continuation-Passing Style for Dynamic Delimited
May 2005.
ii+24 pp.
Abstract: We present a new abstract machine that accounts for
dynamic delimited continuations. We prove the correctness of this new
abstract machine with respect to a pre-existing, definitional abstract
machine. Unlike this definitional abstract machine, the new abstract machine
is in defunctionalized form, which makes it possible to state the
corresponding higher-order evaluator. This evaluator is in continuation+state
passing style and threads a trail of delimited continuations and a
meta-continuation. Since this style accounts for dynamic delimited
continuations, we refer to it as `dynamic continuation-passing style.'
We show that the new machine operates more efficiently than the definitional
one and that the notion of computation induced by the corresponding evaluator
takes the form of a monad. We also present new examples and a new simulation
of dynamic delimited continuations in terms of static ones.
- RS-05-15
Ma gorzata Biernacka and Olivier Danvy.
A Concrete Framework for Environment Machines.
May 2005.
ii+25 pp.
Abstract: We materialize the common belief that calculi with
explicit substitutions provide an intermediate step between an abstract
specification of substitution in the lambda-calculus and its concrete
implementations. To this end, we go back to Curien's original calculus of
closures (an early calculus with explicit substitutions), we extend it
minimally so that it can express one-step reduction strategies, and we
methodically derive a series of environment machines from the specification
of two one-step reduction strategies for the lambda-calculus: normal order
and applicative order. The derivation extends Danvy and Nielsen's
refocusing-based construction of abstract machines with two new steps: one
for coalescing two successive transitions into one, and one for unfolding a
closure into a term and an environment in the resulting abstract machine. The
resulting environment machines include both the idealized and the original
versions of Krivine's machine, Felleisen et al.'s CEK machine, and Leroy's
Zinc abstract machine.
- RS-05-14
Olivier Danvy and Henning Korsholm Rohde.
On Obtaining the Boyer-Moore String-Matching Algorithm by
Partial Evaluation.
April 2005.
ii+8 pp. Superseded by BRICS RS-05-29.
Abstract: We present the first derivation of the search phase
of the Boyer-Moore string-matching algorithm by partial evaluation of an
inefficient string matcher. The derivation hinges on identifying the
`bad-character-shift' heuristic as a binding-time improvement, bounded static
variation. An inefficient string matcher incorporating this binding-time
improvement specializes into the search phase of the Horspool algorithm,
which is a simplified variant of the Boyer-Moore algorithm. Combining the
bad-character-shift binding-time improvement with our previous results yields
a new binding-time-improved string matcher that specializes into the search
phase of the Boyer-Moore algorithm.
- RS-05-13
Dariusz Biernacki, Olivier Danvy, and
Chung-chieh Shan.
On the Dynamic Extent of Delimited Continuations.
April 2005.
ii+32 pp. Extended version of an article to appear in Information Processing Letters. Subsumes BRICS RS-05-2.
Abstract: We show that breadth-first traversal exploits the
difference between the static delimited-control operator `shift' (alias `S')
and the dynamic delimited-control operator `control' (alias `F'). For the
last 15 years, this difference has been repeatedly mentioned in the
literature but it has only been illustrated with one-line toy examples.
Breadth-first traversal fills this vacuum.
- RS-05-12
Ma gorzata Biernacka, Olivier Danvy,
and Kristian Støvring.
Program Extraction from Proofs of Weak Head Normalization.
April 2005.
19 pp. Extended version of an article to appear in the preliminary
proceedings of MFPS XXI, Birmingham, UK, May 2005.
Abstract: We formalize two proofs of weak head normalization
for the simply typed lambda-calculus in first-order minimal logic: one for
normal-order reduction, and one for applicative-order reduction in the object
language. Subsequently we use Kreisel's modified realizability to extract
evaluation algorithms from the proofs, following Berger; the proofs are based
on Tait-style reducibility predicates, and hence the extracted algorithms are
instances of (weak head) normalization by evaluation, as already identified
by Coquand and Dybjer.
- RS-05-11
Ma gorzata Biernacka, Dariusz
Biernacki, and Olivier Danvy.
An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in the
CPS Hierarchy.
March 2005.
iii+42 pp. A preliminary version appeared in Thielecke, editor, 4th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Continuations, CW '04 Proceedings, Association
for Computing Machinery (ACM) SIGPLAN Technical Reports CSR-04-1, 2004, pages
25-33. This version supersedes BRICS RS-04-29, but is superseded by BRICS
Abstract: We present an abstract machine and a reduction
semantics for the -calculus extended with control operators that
give access to delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy. The abstract
machine is derived from an evaluator in continuation-passing style (CPS); the
reduction semantics (i.e., a small-step operational semantics with an
explicit representation of evaluation contexts) is constructed from the
abstract machine; and the control operators are the shift and reset family.
At level of the CPS hierarchy, programs can use the control operators
shift and reset for
, the evaluator has layers
of continuations, the abstract machine has layers of control stacks,
and the reduction semantics has layers of evaluation contexts.
We also present new applications of delimited continuations in the CPS
hierarchy: finding list prefixes and normalization by evaluation for a
hierarchical language of units and products.
- RS-05-10
Dariusz Biernacki and Olivier Danvy.
A Simple Proof of a Folklore Theorem about Delimited Control.
March 2005.
ii+11 pp. Superseded by BRICS RS-05-25.
Abstract: We formalize and prove the folklore theorem that the
static delimited-control operators shift and reset can be simulated in terms
of the dynamic delimited-control operators control and prompt. The proof is
based on a small-step operational semantics that takes the form of an
abstract machine.
- RS-05-9
Gudmund Skovbjerg Frandsen and Peter Bro
Reviewing Bounds on the Circuit Size of the Hardest Functions.
March 2005.
6 pp. To appear in Information Processing Letters.
Abstract: In this paper we review the known bounds for ,
the circuit size complexity of the hardest Boolean function on input
bits. The best known bounds appear to be
However, the bounds do not seem to be explicitly
stated in the literature. We give a simple direct elementary proof of the
lower bound valid for the full binary basis, and we give an explicit proof of
the upper bound valid for the basis
- RS-05-8
Peter D. Mosses.
Exploiting Labels in Structural Operational Semantics.
February 2005.
15 pp. Appears in Fundamenta Informaticae, 60:17-31, 2004.
Abstract: Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) allows
transitions to be labelled. This is fully exploited in SOS descriptions of
concurrent systems, but usually not at all in conventional descriptions of
sequential programming languages.
This paper shows how the use of
labels can provide significantly simpler and more modular descriptions of
programming languages. However, the full power of labels is obtained only
when the set of labels is made into a category, as in the recently-proposed
MSOS variant of SOS.
- RS-05-7
Peter D. Mosses.
Modular Structural Operational Semantics.
February 2005.
46 pp. Appears in Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming,
60-61:195-228, 2004.
Abstract: Modular SOS (MSOS) is a variant of conventional
Structural Operational Semantics (SOS). Using MSOS, the transition rules for
each construct of a programming language can be given incrementally, once and
for all, and do not need reformulation when further constructs are added to
the language. MSOS thus provides an exceptionally high degree of modularity
in language descriptions, removing a shortcoming of the original SOS
After sketching the background and reviewing the main
features of SOS, the paper explains the crucial differences between SOS and
MSOS, and illustrates how MSOS descriptions are written. It also discusses
standard notions of semantic equivalence based on MSOS. An appendix shows
how the illustrative MSOS rules given in the paper would be formulated in
conventional SOS.
- RS-05-6
Karl Krukow and Andrew Twigg.
Distributed Approximation of Fixed-Points in Trust Structures.
February 2005.
41 pp.
Abstract: Recently, Carbone, Nielsen and Sassone introduced the
trust-structure framework; a semantic model for trust-management in
global-scale distributed systems. The framework is based on the notion of
trust structures; a set of ``trust-levels'' ordered by two distinct partial
orderings. In the model, a unique global trust-state is defined as the least
fixed-point of a collection of local policies assigning trust-levels to the
entities of the system. However, the framework is a purely denotational
model: it gives precise meaning to the global trust-state of a system, but
without specifying a way to compute this abstract mathematical object.
This paper complements q the denotational model of trust structures with
operational techniques. It is shown how the least fixed-point can be computed
using a simple, totally-asynchronous distributed algorithm. Two efficient
protocols for approximating the least fixed-point are provided, enabling
sound reasoning about the global trust-state without computing the exact
fixed-point. Finally, dynamic algorithms are presented for safe reuse of
information between computations, in face of dynamic trust-policy updates.
- RS-05-5
Dariusz Biernacki, Olivier Danvy, and
Kevin Millikin.
A Dynamic Continuation-Passing Style for Dynamic Delimited
Continuations (Preliminary Version).
February 2005.
ii+16 pp. Superseded by BRICS RS-05-16.
Abstract: We present a new abstract machine that accounts for
dynamic delimited continuations. We prove the correctness of this new
abstract machine with respect to a definitional abstract machine. Unlike this
definitional abstract machine, the new abstract machine is in
defunctionalized form, which makes it possible to state the corresponding
higher-order evaluator. This evaluator is in continuation+state passing
style, and threads a trail of delimited continuations and a
meta-continuation. Since this style accounts for dynamic delimited
continuations, we refer to it as `dynamic continuation-passing style.'
We illustrate that the new machine is more efficient than the definitional
one, and we show that the notion of computation induced by the corresponding
evaluator takes the form of a monad.
- RS-05-4
Andrzej Filinski and Henning Korsholm
Denotational Aspects of Untyped Normalization by Evaluation.
February 2005.
51 pp. Extended version of an article to appear in the FOSSACS 2004
special issue of RAIRO, Theoretical Informatics and Applications.
Abstract: We show that the standard normalization-by-evaluation
construction for the simply-typed
-calculus has a
natural counterpart for the untyped -calculus, with the
central type-indexed logical relation replaced by a ``recursively defined''
invariant relation, in the style of Pitts. In fact, the construction
can be seen as generalizing a computational-adequacy argument for an untyped,
call-by-name language to normalization instead of evaluation.
In the
untyped setting, not all terms have normal forms, so the normalization
function is necessarily partial. We establish its correctness in the senses
of soundness (the output term, if any, is in normal form and
-equivalent to the input term); identification
( -equivalent terms are mapped to the same result); and
completeness (the function is defined for all terms that do have
normal forms). We also show how the semantic construction enables a simple
yet formal correctness proof for the normalization algorithm, expressed as a
functional program in an ML-like call-by-value language.
Finally, we
generalize the construction to produce an infinitary variant of normal forms,
namely Böhm trees. We show that the three-part characterization of
correctness, as well as the proofs, extend naturally to this generalization.
- RS-05-3
Olivier Danvy and Mayer Goldberg.
There and Back Again.
January 2005.
iii+16 pp. Extended version of an article to appear in Fundamenta Informaticae. This version supersedes BRICS RS-02-12.
Abstract: We present a programming pattern where a recursive
function defined over a data structure traverses another data structure at
return time. The idea is that the recursive calls get us `there' by
traversing the first data structure and the returns get us `back again' while
traversing the second data structure. We name this programming pattern of
traversing a data structure at call time and another data structure at return
time ``There And Back Again'' (TABA).
The TABA pattern directly
applies to computing symbolic convolutions and to multiplying polynomials. It
also blends well with other programming patterns such as dynamic programming
and traversing a list at double speed. We illustrate TABA and dynamic
programming with Catalan numbers. We illustrate TABA and traversing a list at
double speed with palindromes and we obtain a novel solution to this
traditional exercise. Finally, through a variety of tree traversals, we show
how to apply TABA to other data structures than lists.
A TABA-based
function written in direct style makes full use of an ALGOL-like control
stack and needs no heap allocation. Conversely, in a TABA-based function
written in continuation-passing style and recursively defined over a data
structure (traversed at call time), the continuation acts as an iterator over
a second data structure (traversed at return time). In general, the TABA
pattern saves one from accumulating intermediate data structures at call
- RS-05-2
Dariusz Biernacki and Olivier Danvy.
On the Dynamic Extent of Delimited Continuations.
January 2005.
ii+30 pp.
Abstract: We show that breadth-first traversal exploits the
difference between the static delimited-control operator shift (alias S) and
the dynamic delimited-control operator control (alias F). For the last 15
years, this difference has been repeatedly mentioned in the literature but it
has only been illustrated with one-line toy examples. Breadth-first traversal
fills this vacuum.
We also point out where static delimited
continuations naturally give rise to the notion of control stack whereas
dynamic delimited continuations can be made to account for a notion of
`control queue.'.
- RS-05-1
Mayer Goldberg.
On the Recursive Enumerability of Fixed-Point Combinators.
January 2005.
7 pp. Superseedes BRICS report RS-04-25.
Abstract: We show that the set of fixed-point combinators forms
a recursively-enumerable subset of a larger set of terms we call non-standard
fixed-point combinators. These terms are observationally equivalent to
fixed-point combinators in any computable context, but the set of on-standard
fixed-point combinators is not recursively enumerable.