XSLV is a program analysis tool for XSL Transformations (XSLT).
Given an XSLT 2.0 stylesheet, S, and two schemas, Din and Dout, the XSLV tool is able to check statically that all output of S at runtime is valid according to Dout assuming that the input is valid according to Din. Additionally, XSLV produces a flow graph of S. Schemas are written in either DTD, XML Schema, or Restricted RELAX NG.
- Try the online XSLT analysis tool.
- Read the research paper: Static Validation of XSL Transformations [ abstract | PDF] (in ACM TOPLAS)
- M.Sc. theses:
- A presentation (57 slides) of the approach.
- The implementation is based on the dk.brics.schematools package.