In contrast to many other automaton/regexp packages, this package is fast, compact, and implements real, unrestricted regular operations. It uses a symbolic representation based on intervals of Unicode characters.
The full source code and documentation is available under the BSD license.
- View the online javadoc API specifications. The central classes are Automaton and RegExp.
- Download the precompiled Java archive.
- Download the Java source code.
- See also the libfa library for C.
- The package is included in the Fedora Linux distribution.
- Got questions? See the FAQ.
The latest version 1.11-8 was released September 7, 2011. (ChangeLog)
New versions are announced via freshmeat.
The dk.brics.automaton package is developed
by Anders Møller at
Aarhus University, with
contributions, suggestions and bug reports from Alexandar Bakic, Jodi Moran, Brandon Lee,
David Lutterkort, John Gibson, Alex Meyer, Daniel Lowe, Harald Zauner,
Dawid Weiss, Robert Muir, Hans-Martin Adorf, Dale Richardson, Yannick Versley, and Gustaf Lundh.